Dickey County Cemeteries

Here are a few cemeteries found in Dickey County:

Aurdal Lutheran Church, east of Forbes, ND
   Photograph of church from Forbes Jubilee Book
    Index of gravestones at Aurdal Cemetery
Christ Lutheran Cemetery (Albion Township), Ellendale, ND
         (some interments listed on FindAGrave website)
Ellendale City Cemetery
         (some interments listed on FindAGrave website)
Ellendale Catholic Cemetery
         (some interments listed on FindAGrave website)
         Note: 2 cemeteries with same name listed, and I do not know why
First Congregational Cemetery, Merricourt, ND
         (one interment listed on FindAGrave website)
Forbes Cemetery, just west of town          (one interment listed on FindAGrave website)
Fullerton Catholic Cemetery
Glover Cemetery          (one interment listed on FindAGrave website)
Ludden Cemetery
         (some interments listed on FindAGrave website)
Maple View Cemetery, Fullerton, ND
         (some interments listed on FindAGrave website)
Mapleview Cemetery, Ellendale, ND
         (some interments listed on FindAGrave website)
Monango City Cemetery, located west of city
         (some interments listed on FindAGrave website)
Oakes View Cemetery
         (some interments listed on FindAGrave website)
Our Saviors Lutheran Cemetery, Oakes, ND
         (some interments listed on FindAGrave website)
Peace Lutheran Cemetery, northwest of Monango and east of Merricourt
Renner Burial, south of Kulm
Roloff Burial, south of Kulm
Seventh-Day Adventist of Kulm Cemetery, south of Kulm
St. Paul's Lutheran of Kulm, ND
St. Paul's Lutheran of Monango, ND
St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, west of Forbes, in Albertha Township
        Here's a photo of the cemetery sign and another showing a view of the cemetery, both courtesy of Marge Ganser-Heibel.
Unknown Cemetery, west of Oakes

Here is a
list of the cemeteries covered in Cemeteries of North Dakota; North Half of Dickey County, Vol. 18 compiled by the Red River Genealogical Society, pub. 1987, according to what township they are found in. Many of them seem to be out in the middle of nowhere, so it's difficult to pinpoint a town.

There is no national veterans cemetery in ND. So, in 1989 the state legislature established a 35 acre veterans cemetery near Mandan.
You can read about it here: http://www.state.nd.us/vet/
Joy Fisher has obtained the record of burials for the Mandan Veterans Cemetery.
Her database, which contains 2880 burials, can be accessed by clicking below:
Scroll down to Morton County Veterans Cemetery and there will be links to the index.
Although Mandan is in Morton county, the burials represent most if not every county in ND. -Joe Zsedeny NDArchives Files Manager

If you have any cemetery listing or have recorded the markers in a Dickey County cemetery, please contact , Dickey County Coordinator, so the information can be shared with other Dickey County researchers.

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