Dickey County Publications

Most of these books are available through InterLibrary Loan from the North Dakota State Library (NDS). Have your local library order them for you. If the book is not available from the NDS, the library having the book will be noted.

 The Banner City: Monango 1985, Alexander Mitchell Library in Aberdeen available through InterLibrary Loan.

 A Century of Memories: Ellendale, ND 1882-1982 

 Granary of the Plains: Guelph, ND 1883-1983

 A History of Dickey County 1930 (re-printed in 1981 by Ellendale Centennial Jubilee Committee)

Fullerton: A Century of Community, 1887-1987

A History of Ludden and Vincitiy by F. M Folsom, Mrs. NDSU Instiute Room, no checkout.

Merricourt, N.D., 1891-1991: Small Town, Big Memories 1991, Centennial Committee

Whitestone Hill 1947 by Clair Jacobson. A history of the famous battle between the Sioux and Gen. Sully, took place in Dickey County in 1860's.

Kulm, N.D. 1892-1992 Although Kulm is located in LaMoure County, many of the people in northwest Dickey county feel they are from Kulm as it was their nearest town.

 1909 Dickey County Atlas Not available through InterLibrary Loan may be available from N.D. State Archives on microfilm.

 History of the Finish Settlement in Brown and Dickey Counties, 1881-1955 by the Savo Finish Historical Society. Available at the Alexander Mitchell Library (public) in Aberdeen, SD.

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