Some Dickey County Localities
(towns, RR stops, P.O., etc.)




Crescent Hill





Empire City














Port Emma

Saratoga Springs


Spring Hill







Yorktown Post Office

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Localities in Dickey County, North Dakota


A post office was established in Albertha in 1896.4
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In 1895 Boynton was a listed RR stop in Dickey county. 2
Boynton is located less than three miles SE of Monango, as a crow flies.3
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A post office was established in Clement in 1888.4
In 1895 Clement was a listed RR stop in Dickey county and also had a post office.2
Clement is halfway between Oakes and Fullerton, as a crow flies.3
There's mention of Clement in the 1930 Dickey County History Book.6
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Crescent Hill

In 1895 Crescent Hill was a listed RR stop in Dickey county.2
There is no listing for Crescent Hill with the USGS/GNIS as a historical locale. (This is an example of documenting nil research.)3
If you have further information, please e-mail .


Location designated by the coordinates of 463213N latitude and 0982803W longitude.9
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In 1895 Duane was a listed RR stop in Dickey county.2
Duane is located about seven miles SE of Monango and about five miles north of Ellendale.3
Duane never rated a Post Office but for over 75 years was an active shipping point five miles north of Ellendale on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad. At one time in 1920 it boasted a population of at least 19 people. The first building at the siding was known as the flat house a warehouse type of building without any grain elevation equipment. Grain was brought in either in sacks or bulk, but cars were loaded with a wheelbarrow. Later the red elevator was added, along with a house for the manager. In 1907 the first farmer cooperative elevator was built on the south end of the siding. It was powered by a 15 hp Fairbanks Morse gas engine, which, incidentally survived the final fire in 1970, attributed to arson. The first fire burned the red elevator in about 1942. Stock was bought and shipped both privately and by cooperative shippers from the stockyards every Saturday. The railroad ran a special train to Aberdeen connected to an east bound special, getting the stock to St. Paul or Chicago within 24 hours.8
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A post office was established in Eaton in 1883.4
Eaton is not listed in this 1895 source. (Note: This is an example of documented nil research)2
The survey for the village of Eaton is great because it shows who owned the lots. Eaton was founded in Port Emma Township by H. F. Eaton in 1883. The post office was discontinued by 1887. The site where Eaton once stood has been turned back into farmland.10 (Courtesy of Alison Ligman -Feb 2004)
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Ellendale is the county seat of Dickey county. Estimated population in 1994 - 1,745.3
First settlers into Dickey County in 1881 were: Dann, F. M.; Herman, E. J.; Jackson, A. S.; Wells, Herbert. They came in the fall of 1881 and spent the winter in claim shanties in what is now Ellendale. Mrs. Bishop came from Fargo who kept a hotel. Then came Thomas Shimmin and Nels Knudson. By 1882, many settlers were coming. A post office was established in Ellendale about 1882.4
The Ellendale Methodist Church Records of 1888 gives the names of those affliated.
In 1895 Ellendale had a population of 761 and was a listed RR stop in Dickey county with a post office and an express office.2
Here's a photo post card of the court house at Ellendale N. D. It was postmarked from Ellendale 1907.
Here's a photo post card of Dickey County Court House in Ellendale N. D. postmarked from Ellendale 1916.
Here's a couple more photos, probably from postcards between 1910-1920, from an unidentified album found in an antique store June 2002.
In Dec. 2007 Paul Briggs found a token in Georgetown, SC. On one side it says "Walton-Greene Land Co. Ellendale, ND." On the other side, it says "This check is good for $25.00 in exchange for LAND, one check to apply on each purchase." The token is stamped out of aluminum and is about the size of a silver dollar and about as thick as a quarter. It had a bit of corrosive build up on the hole making Paul think it was nailed to something. Here are the photos he took of the token ( photo 1 ) ( photo 2 ) If anyone has more information regarding Walton-Greene Land Co. please let Paul know.
There's mention of Ellendale in a Dickey County History book.8
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Forbes is not listed in this 1895 source. (Note: This is an example of documented nil research)2
A post office was established in Forbes in 1905.4
There's mention of Forbes in a Dickey County History book8.
Forbes celebrated it's 75th anniversary in 1980. Another source of information is Forbes - Diamond Jubilee 1905 to 1980. Here's a Name Index for the book.
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A post office was established in Fullerton in Oct 1888.4
In 1895 Fullerton had a population of 28 and was a listed RR stop in Dickey county with a post office and an express office.2
Estimated population in 1994 - 71.3
There's mention of Fullerton in the 1930 Dickey County History Book.6 Pp. 210-213
There's mention of Fullerton in another Dickey County History book8.
Be sure to check the Look-ups Page as there's at least one Fullerton source listed there.
If you have further information, please e-mail .


The Ulness post office was moved to Glover in1887.4
In 1895 Glover had a population of 26 and was a listed RR stop in Dickey county with a post office and an express office.2
Glover is located about seven miles NNE of Oakes, as a crow flies.3
Here's a photo post card from Glover N. D. showing the elevators, depot and a few houses. It was postmarked from Glover, October 1908.
There's mention of Glover in a Dickey County History book8.
Be sure to check the Look-ups Page as there's at least one Glover source listed there.
If you have further information, please e-mail .


- pronounced "Gwelf" A post office was established at Guelph in 1887.4
In 1895 Guelph had a population of 54 and was a listed RR stop in Dickey county with a post office and an express office.2
Guelph is located about five and a half miles WNW of Ludden. Variant names for this community included: Centralia, Centropolis, Coldwater, Menasha Center and Thatcherville. Guelph was suggested by the U.S. Postal Service to end the name dispute -- hometown of James Hill in Ontario, Canada. 3
Centralia was one of the names first given to what later became Guelph. (pronounced Gwelf)...other names previous to 1887 included Thatcherville, Coldwater, Thatcher, Centropolis and Centers. On March 8, 1887, it officially became Guelph, suggested by Silas R. Dales, the first Postmaster, who had emigrated from Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
There's mention of Guelph in a Dickey County History book.
Another source of information is A History of Guelph "Granary of the Plains" 1883 to 1983. Here's a Name Index for the book.
Be sure to check the Look-ups Page as there's at least one Guelph source listed there.
Also check the Maps Page as there's a map of Centralia (Guelph).
If you are interested in purchasing the Guelph Centennial history, the person to contact is Karen Waite. Her phone number is (701)783-4385.
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Hudson is not listed in this 1895 source. (Note: This is an example of documented nil research)2
Hudson was settled by people from New York.4
According to the Andreas Atlas of Dakota, pub. 1884 for the townsite of Hudson, "Early in April 1883 settlers began to come in rapidly and by the following October scarcely a claim was to be had within five miles of the river at this point. In May, 1883, the Dakota Midland platted the town of Hudson, which is located on a beautiful plateau rising by gradual ascent from the James River. The town is regularly laid out with streets one hundred feet wide and near the center a fine public park.
"The business establishements at present consist of two hotels, three stores, three real estate and loan offices, one printing office, the Hudson herald established December 4, 1883, by R. S. Busteed, one livery stable, one pump shop, one blacksmith shop and a post office."
Hudson was named from the river of the Empire State (New York) as many of the settlers were from that state.
The Dakota Midland Railroad never materialized, so the new town had no railroad. When the Northwestern went up about three miles north of Hudson, a town was located there (Oakes). Many of the people and the buildings of Hudson went to Oakes and within a few years nothing was left of Hudson but a few cellar holes to mark the location.
Be sure to check the Maps Page for the Hudson townsite.
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Keystone was on a creek (not a railroad line) east of Monango.1
Keystone was settled by people from Pennsylvania. A post office was established there in 1882.4
Keystone is not listed in this 1895 source. (Note: This is an example of documented nil research)2
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In 1886 Lorraine was located west of Ellendale. (Note: the footnote will take you to a map link. Lorraine can be found halfway between the "O" and the "T" of DAKOTA on the map)1
A post office was established at Lorraine in 1897.4
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A post office was established in Ludden (old town) in 1883.4
A post office was established in Ludden (new town), in 1886.4
Ludden is located on the east side of the James River about eight miles south of Oakes.3
Here are the Methodist Church Records for 1888.
A small book titled A History of Ludden and Vicinity7 was compiled and written by Mrs. F. M. Folsom. The best we can tell, the book was written 1894 and 1916, and it sold for $1.00 per copy. There are 75 pages. Lisa Richards of the DCHS is working on the transcription. Part One and Part Two are posted so far.
In 1895 Ludden had a population of 427 and was a listed RR stop in Dickey county with a post office and an express office.2
There's mention of Ludden in a Dickey County History book8.
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Merricourt, established in 1883, was settled by people from Michigan. A post office was established in Merricourt in 1883.4
In 1895 Merricourt had a population of 26 and was a listed RR stop in Dickey county with a post office.2
The town of Merricourt is at the east side of a low ridge of hills that run through the northwestern section of Dickey County. Merricourt came into existence in 1891 when the Soo Railroad extended their line. Evidently this was the end of the line for a few years. A number of years before the coming of the railroad, several families from Michigan and other eastern states had homesteaded in this area and were receiving their mail by stage coach at a farm located northwest of Merricourt. This station was known as Merricourt, taking its name from the large township which had been surveyed some years before. The railroad was built into Mr. Webb’s property. He plated the townsite and was soon selling lots. The new town of Merricourt was soon growing with several stores, a bank, lumber yard, hotel, cheese factory, and of course grain elevators. The brick elevator which was built in 1908 is still a landmark in our town. Merricourt had a depot soon after the railroad arrived. It was the shipping point for livestock from a large area until trucks were used for shipping purposes.8
There's also mention of Merricourt in a Dickey County History book8.
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In 1895 Monango had a population of 304 and was a listed RR stop in Dickey county with a post office and an express office.2
Here's a postcard photo of the Monango Merchants State Bank about 1910. The postcard is postmarked 6 Sep 1912. Courtesy of Barbara Nundahl. Monango High School had its first reunion in 1973 celebrating all alumni from 1924-1973.5 (Foot note will link you to the index and actual images of the MHS Alumni Directory printed for the occasion.)
There's mention of Monango in a Dickey County History book8.
Here's photos of the Monango Centennial 1986.
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Norway is not listed in this 1895 source. (Note: This is an example of documented nil research)2
If you have further information, please e-mail .


On September 29, 1886, Oakes became a station on the Northwestern Railroad. It got its name from the Vice President of the Northern Railroad,
Thomas F. Oakes.
A post office was established in Oakes in Sept. 1886.4
In 1895 Oakes had a population of 379 and was a listed RR stop in Dickey county with a post office and an express office.2
Here's a picture of Oakes taken about 1906.
Here's an undated postcard of the steam laundry in Oakes. This is the back of the same postcard. Courtesy of Crystal Allen.
Here's an undated picture of transplanting a tree in downtown Oakes. Courtesy of Crystal Allen.
Here's a link to the list of graduates from Oakes High School 1893-1930.
Here's a link to the Dickey County Churches page. Scroll down to Oakes as several are listed with varying info.
Be sure to check the Look-ups Page as there's at least one Oakes source listed there.
If you have further information, please e-mail .


A post office was established at Pierson in 1898.4
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Port Emma

Port Emma was founded by J. W. Bush from Canada. A post office was founded at Port Emma in 1882.4
In 1895 Port Emma was a listed RR stop in Dickey county.2
Port Emma was located on the west side of the James River across from Ludden.3
Here's a photo of the H. F. Eaton farm in Port Emma (about 1905) when he sold it.
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Saratoga Springs

Location designated by the coordinates of 463317N latitude and 0982947W longitude.9
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A post office was established at Silverleaf in 1887.4
In 1895 Silverleaf was a listed RR stop in Dickey county with a post ofice and an express office.2
Silverleaf (or Silver Leaf Station) is located about seven miles east of Ellendale, as a crow flies.3
There's mention of Silver Leaf in the 1930 Dickey County History Book.6
Here's a tidbit from the Dickey County Leader dated December 15th 1938: "Silverleaf Postoffice to be abandoned Jan. 1. The postoffice at Silverleaf will be abandoned the first of the year, according to official notification received this week by J. B. DuRand, postmaster here. Mail hitherto addressed to Silverleaf patrons will be consigned to Route 2 Ellendale, Mr. DuRand said."
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Spring Hill

Spring Hill was located about four to five miles NW of Forbes.3
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A post office was established at Ticeville in 1883.4
In 1886 Ticeville is found on the railroad line south of Ludden at the state line. (Note: the footnote will take you to a map link.)1
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A post office was established at Ulness in 1884. The post office was moved to Glover in1887.4
In 1886 Ulness was located east of the railroad line between Glover and Oakes. (Note: the footnote will take you to a map link.)1
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Weston is listed as an historical locale about two and a half miles south of the halfway point on an imaginary line between Ellendale and Ludden.3
A post office was established at Weston 1883.4
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Wirch is not listed in this 1895 source. (Note: This is an example of documented nil research)2
A post office was established at Wirch in 1900.4
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Wolf is not listed in this 1895 source. (Note: This is an example of documented nil research)2
A post office was established at Wolf in 1910.4
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A post office was established at Wright about 1884; Jesse Wright ran it and his father was carrier.4
Wright is not listed in this 1895 source. (Note: This is an example of documented nil research)2
If you have further information, please e-mail .

Yorktown Post Office (formerly Empire City)

Yorktown was settled by people from New York.4
In 1886, Yorktown is found about halfway between Monango and Oakes not on a railroad line nor near any water. (Note: footnote will take you to a map link.)1
[Note from Mary Ann Kunrath, President of DCHS to researcher Madeline Carey - 4/2005]-
"Here is what I have found on Empire City, Dickey County. YORKTOWN: During the summer of 1882 Rev. G. S. White, Rev. Robt. Hogaboom and William Gilbert, advance leaders of a colony of government land seekers from Central New York became the first settlers between the Maple and James rivers in this county. The colony arrived in April 1883, and filed on unsurveyed land which, when the county was organized in June of that year, proved to be in township
131-61. The townsite selected was on the SW1/4 of Sec. 17. They named it Empire City for their home state known as “The Empire State” (New York). The U.S. government donated the townsite and gave a lot to any one who would erect a building on it. The name Empire City was rejected by the Postal Dept. for the post office and the name Yorktown was selected by the New York settlers, which was submitted and accepted. The township was also named Yorktown. Rev. G. S. White’s sons George A. and E.F., under the firm name of White Bros., opened up a store and George was appointed post master June 11, 1883 of the post office established in it. The Soo Line built through that area and established a station three miles or so west at Fullerton. The Yorktown post office was discontinued May 15, 1905 and Empire City gradually became a ghost town.
I had never heard of Empire City, but you were right. There was such a place and it was located only a few miles west of where I now live."
The Yorktown post office may have closed, but the school was still there in 1924-1925. Yorktown School Memorabilia. If you have further information, please e-mail .

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Dickey Co., NDGenWeb Coordinator

Source Citations for Localities in Dickey County, North Dakota

1. Official Railroad Map of Dakota issued by the RR commissioners Nov. 1st 1886.
2. Pam Rietsch's transcription of the Index to the 1895 U.S. Atlas @ (May 2002)
3. Geographic Names Information Service (GNIS) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), a division of the U.S. Department of the Interior. Here's a link to their query page.
4. Cemeteries of North Dakota, North Half Dickey County, Volume 18, compiled by the Red River Valley Genealogy Society, pub. 1987
5. MHS Alumni Directory First Reunion 1924-1973. This is a small 4 1/2" by 5 1/2" booklet with a mustard yellow cover and 26 pages. This source lists the teachers, students and members of the reunion committee. To view Index, click here. Contributed by Char Kibbie whose mother and three uncles were graduated from MHS. Char has a copy in her possession. (May 2002)
6. A History of DICKEY COUNTY North Dakota written and published by the Dickey County Historical Society in the year 1930. Pg. 73
7. A History of Ludden and Vicinity7 compiled and written by Mrs. F. M. Folsom. The best we can tell, the book was written 1894 and 1916, and it sold for $1.00 per copy. There are 75 pages. Copy in possession of DCHS. (May 2002)
8. A Century of Memories, Ellendale North Dakota 1882-1982, "Communities in Dickey County North Dakota." Published by Trinity Print 'n Press Ellendale, North Dakota 58436, May 1982.
9. United States Geological Survey (USGS) GNIS database of populated places
10. Granary of the Plains, 1883-1983, Guelph, North Dakota, published 1983 by the Guelph Centennial Committee, printed by Trinity Press, Ellendale, ND 58436. Page 113.


An excerpt from A History of Dickey County by the Dickey County Hostorical Society, Ellendale, ND. The Society , 1930. Pp.210-213.
… The first school house in this district was a one room building one and one-half miles east of where Fullerton now stands. The teacher was Miss Marie Herbert of Michigan; the pupils were: Robert and Allan Gregory [,] Stewart, Sidney, and Estelle Parke, Mary Birdsell, Jessie Lehman, Ray and Charlie Porter. Only two of these pupils reside in this vicinity at present; Robert Gregory and Jessie Lehman – now Mrs. R.D. Johnson. The Teacher Miss Marie Herbert became the wife of Benjamin Porter, August 1890 and passed away June 22, 1917.
      Maple Township, was at first called or rather was, a part of Porter Township, which was named for the Porter brothers, Benjamin, Oscar, and Charles who were early settlers. In 1913 on petition, the township was divided; the north half 132-62 retaining the name of Porter; the south half given the name of Maple in honor of the Maple River that runs through it from the northwest to the southeast. The village of Fullerton was plotted on land belonging to Mr. E. F. Sweet and named Fullerton in honor of his father-in-law, Mr. Fuller. The “Soo” railroad was offered free right of way through the town site if they would locate a town on Mr. Sweet's land on Section fifteen which offer was accepted and the railroad was completed through here in September, 1887. In a short time a depot was erected and Charles G. Howard of Emmetsburg, Iowa, with his wife and daughter, Bessie arrived to take charge as the first agent. Trains only ran once a week, Sunday afternoons.
      The first store was a large building erected by Mr. E.F. Sweet and occupied by George F. Bartlett, who kept a general line of merchandise also a millinery department in charge of Mrs. Bartlett. They had a baby daughter, Immogene, and the family occupied the very nice seven-room apartment over the store. Mr. Bartlett was also the first post-master; taking the place of Benjamin Porter who received the appointment but refused to qualify. The postoffice was located in his store. A building was erected on the east side of main street for a boarding and lodging house, and this was first conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Paxton from Ellendale.
      The village school house, a two story building was erected in the summer of 1889 and at the dedication the address was given by Joseph Devine, at the time County Superintendent of schools for LaMoure County and the music was by Mr. and Mrs. James Barrett. Mrs. Fuller, mother of Mrs. E.F. Sweet[,] donated $1,000 toward the expense of the building. The upper room was seated with chairs and used for church and Sunday School, entertainments and socials; while the lower room was used for school. Professor Sorick of Michigan was the first teacher in this building.
      The first Church Society organized in Fullerton was the Presbyterian, by Rev. E.E. Saunders of Fargo in March, 1889. The first minister was Rev. Sangree. A Presbyterian Sunday School was organized at the same time in the house of G.F. Bartlett. L.H. Getman was elected an elder in the church, also Superintendent of the Sunday School.
      The first hotel the “Carrol House” so named in honor of Mr. Sweet's eldest son Carrol, was erected by Mr. Sweet in 1889 and is a three story structure. The first landlord was L. Getman.
      F.W. Teichmann had the first blacksmith shop in Fullerton moving here from Yorktown where he had since 1884. Mr. Teichmann was married December 11, 1888, to Miss Emma J. Wells of Yorktown and they went immediately into their new house – the first residence built in Fullerton. Mr. Teichmann passed away September 14th, 1922, but this is still the home of Mrs. Teichmann.
      The first rural mail delivery in the county was established at Fullerton December 1st, 1902 – making a twenty-five mile circuit through the Porter, Wright and Yorktown Townships. It was mainly through the efforts of F.O. Alin that this route was established. Thomas Parke was the first carrier. Route No. 2 was established May 1st, 1905. Frank Van Middlesworth was the first carrier. The first lumber yard was owned by the Sawyer and Arnold Lumber Company and Harry Doney was the first agent. The first elevator was the Atlantic – now the Farmer's elevator – Mr. Coffee was agent.
      The Union Church was erected in Fullerton during the summer of 1907. The Committee for soliciting funds were Messrs. G.M. Gamber, Thomas Parke, B.S. Kingley, E.S. Thomas, Benjamin Porter, J.A. Dawe and E. J.M. Wippich, people of all denominations contributed and it was to be used by any religious organization, by each paying a small sum for the up-keep. The two lots on which it stands were donated by Mr. E.F. Sweet. The Church was dedicated August 1907. Among the speakers were Bishop Cammeron Mann and Rev. Cowan, Episcopal Rector here at that time; Rev. C.M. Haas, Presbyterian Church at Monango; and Rev. C.W. Samuelson, Lutheran Church at Oakes.
      Two Newspapers – the Fullerton Farmer, edited by J.S. Jensen about the year 1905 and continued a few years by the Fullerton Independent established by R.O. Knowles April 1st, 1915, were sold to other papers of the County.
      The first Livery and Feed Stable in Fullerton was put up on Lot 5 Block seven by H.M. Gibson in the spring of 1889, and was well patronized, the “livery” being one horse and buggy.
      The first band was organized by James Barret, an arrival in '89 from London, England. Members were: H.J. Oberman, Ike Bachtel, H.M. Gibson, Frank and Anderson Beaver, F.W. Teichmann, Bert Armstrong, George F. Bartlett, Samuel Edward and Ray Porter and C.G. Howard.
      Fullerton was incorporated as a village in March 1908.

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