Welcome to Grand Forks County

 Grand Forks County North Dakota

Grand Forks 1880

 My name is Bob Jenkins and I am the Grand Forks County Coordinator.

 We have many genealogical resources available here.

We would appreciate any contributions you would like to  make to this  site.    

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 Platmaps 1893

A note regarding East Grand Forks

Researchers should note that East Grand Forks is a separate city from Grand Forks.  EGF is in Polk County Minnesota, across the border (Red River of the North) from Grand Forks ND.  Polk County MNGenWeb.  EGF has never had a hospital and until the mid-1960s did not have a cemetery (Resurrection). If you believe a birth/death/burial was "in East Grand Forks" before the 1960's, you should try North Dakota Vital Records

    ~ thank you to Jon Raymond for suggesting this tip

 Visit neighboring counties by clicking their link below
 Walsh  Griggs   Steele  Traill  Polk County Minn

                    State Coordinator:  Linda Ziemann
     Assistant State Coordinator:
 Linda K. Lewis

 Thanks to Lori Bush and Tom J. Williams for their many years of generous devotion to this county site.

©  NDGenWeb        This site last update: