Mr. ... met with what might have been a very serious
accident last Monday morning shortly after going to the
hay field to rake hay. The horses became unmanageable
and in some way throwed [sic] him from the seat to the
ground between the rake and horses where he was dragged
for a distance of a mile at least and one of the horses
administering a kick every few steps but thru some
supreme power as it would seem the horses were stopped
before any thing more serious happened than several bad
gashes and a badly bruised body. He was found in the
field a little later in a half conscious condition by
Malcolm Gillis who with the aid of Mr. Cale brought him
down to Dr. Shortridge for repairs. At last reports the
patient was convalescing as well as could be expected.
He was fortunate to escape a sudden and painful death in
such an experience.
Some of the dirtiest petty thieving ever practiced is
going on thru the country at present. People hauling
goods and lumber from Mandan to the country south of
here [i.e., Dogtooth] are guilty of stopping along the
way and stealing bundles of oats and grain from the
fields for feed. Each man may think that this little
helping is only a small amount and won't be missed but
if they'd stop to consider the act is repeated several
times a day or rather at night it means a great deal to
the farmer.
Below from the "Flasher Hustler" September 14,
J. J. Dorman went to Mandan Wednesday. Mr. Charles
Arndt of Clark County, Wisconsin, moved his family
this week onto a homestead six miles south of town.
Charles Packard is hauling out lumber preparatory to
building an addition to his house. Charles Packard
is hauling out lumber preparatory to building an
addition to his house. Mr. Leach spent Sunday with
his father and sisters on their claim south of town.
Below from the Flasher Hustler September 21,
Mrs. R. R. Pearce of Dogtooth, accompanied by her
sister, Mrs. Council, were Flasher visitors
yesterday. Mrs. J. W. Bristow was an uptown
passenger on Monday's stage enroute to the capital
city for a short stay. T. Drown returned Tuesday
evening from the eastern part of the state where he
has been engaged in the harvest fields. Several of
the young people gathered at the Charles Arndt house
Saturday evening to give that family a royal welcome
to their new home.
Below from the "Flasher Hustler" October 12,
Neil Gillis wishes to announce that he will sell
at public auction on Wednesday, Oct. 17, 1906,
at one o'clock, at his ranch nine miles
southwest of here [Flasher] his buildings,
machinery, and in fact all his personal
property. Mr. Gillis is an old time rancher in
this county and it is with regret that his
friends and neighbors see him pulling out and
starting anew. He expects to move with his
family to Washington, where he has recently
purchased land and will go into the fruit
raising industry. William Wade was in town the
first of the week on his return from Chicago,
where he had marketed his fat cattle. C. F.
Hotzel was transacting business at Mandan
Wednesday. William L. Chapin was in from his
ranch today transacting business. Ben Kilrane
was in town Sunday enroute to his ranch on the
Cannon Ball. I. E. Mathena and family have
returned for the winter having spent the past
three months in the eastern part of the state.