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Items from the FlasherHustler (1906)

Below from the "Flasher Hustler" January 11, 1907:

FIRE DESTROYS A HOME. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Eidsmoe met with quite a loss Sunday evening, when their house and its entire contents were destroyed by fire. They had been spending the evening with one of their neighbors, and had left a lamp burning low in their house. The curtains were left down and they had no knowledge of anything being wrong until upon their return they found it all ablaze. It was impossible to save a single thing from the building. It is supposed that the fire was caused by the explosion of the lamp as the fire seemed to be all over the room. Mr. Eidsmoe and his wife have only been here a few months and had built a neat little frame cottage. There was no insurance on the building or its contents and the loss is felt very keenly by them. They have the sympathy of the people in their trouble. It would be a great help to Mr. and Mrs. Eidsmoe if the neighbors hauling grain to Mandan and coming home with empty wagons would bring out volunteer loads of lumber even if it was hauled no further than Flasher, it would save that gentleman a great deal of labor and expense and give him a chance to get started once more, ready for spring work. Any one willing to do anything for Mr. Eidsmoe can leave word at the Hustler office.

Sam Bickford received the sad intelligence on Tuesday of the death of his father, which occurred at the family home, near Buffalo, N.Y. The news was quite a shock to Sam, while he knew his father to be in poor health, it was not considered quite so serious. Mr. Bickford has the sympathy of a large circle of friends in this community.

Below from the �Flasher Hustler� May 10, 1907:

Mrs. R. R. Pearce, of Dogtooth, was called to her home in Frazee, Minnesota, last Wednesday by a telegram which brought word that her brother had suffered a relapse and was in a serious condition. Later word was received that the young man had passed away, before his sister could reach his bedside. Mrs. Pearce has the sympathy of a host of friends in her sorrow.

We understand that Grandpa Wing failed to make final proof on his homestead while at the land office. This is a great surprise for everyone, for it was supposed that no one stood better to show than this gentleman. The trouble was that Mr. Wing was not residing on his homestead at the expiration of the first six months or for some time after. Owing to the strict methods adopted by the homestead laws Mr. Wing will have to live on his homestead another year before making final proof. We regret the circumstances very much for it has cost the gentleman a great deal of unnecessary expense, which might have been avoided, had we know how particular the department were in performing their duties.

Below from the "Flasher Hustler" October 16, 1907:

J. B. Long [or Lang] and wife, of Corey, Idaho, arrived here last Sunday and will make their home with their daughter, Mrs. J. E. Mathena. The prairie fire of the last week did much damage south of the Dogtooth Hills. Mr. J. Leach lost his barn, horses and farm machinery. Sam Brooks lost his barn and hay, while several different parties are reported as having lost their unthreshed grain stacks.

Below from the �Flasher Hustler� April 10, 1908:

THREE BUTTE. They had an enjoyable entertainment at Mr. Bratton's March 29th. The school house was not large enough to accommodate the people at the literary last night. Alfred Johnson thought that spring had come last Monday and started to work with his straw hat on. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp were at Flasher last Friday after a load of supplies. J. A. Irby was transacting business on Thursday. Mrs. George Gifford and son have been visiting Mrs. J. H. Brown for a few days.

Below from the �Flasher Hustler� July 10, 1908:

GREEN VALLEY. Messrs. Woolsey , VanSickle, Will Upham, Mont Upham, also Nesmith and Timm went to the Missouri River last week after posts. But on account of the river being so high and mosquitoes being so bad they couldn't get a very big load. Harrison Upham and Inez Williams were callers at Pearce last week.

Below from the �Flasher Hustler� August 14, 1908:

ESTHER DOINGS. Harrison Snyder is finishing his house on his claim this week. Will Kimball, Ed Cummings, Harry Fite, George Boll and John Fleming started Monday for Goodrich, N.D., to work in the harvest fields. Lowell Bodie is cutting his large field of oats and flax.. George Kimball and daughter, Josephine, were Sunday callers at the home of H. J. Johnson.

Below from the �Flasher Hustler� August 21, 1908:

GREEN VALLEY. G. Van Sickle is working for Mr. Wolf. Algie Bratton was a visitor at B. F. Williams last Sunday evening. Mrs. A. L. Pearce and baby were callers at Mrs. Moore's last Saturday afternoon. J. P. Lange expects to start threshing next Wednesday. He will be very busy all the fall. A disastrous wind and hail storm did considerable damage at the home of Mr. Nesmith, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rud, Ed Bostetter and Walter Nesmith left last week for Jamestown, where they went to harvest. Wesley Crane is sick so the doctor says. It is quick consumption. Mr. Crane has clerked for Mr. Murphy for nearly a year, and he will be missed very much.

Below from the �Flasher Hustler� September 18, 1908:

Mr. and Mrs. Simonson and daughter, and Mrs. Aldrich, of Driscoll, Burleigh County, flew into town Friday night in Mr. Simonson's big touring car. They spent Sunday with Mrs. Simonson's brother and sister, Oliver and Nora Jesme.

Below from the �Flasher Hustler� October 16, 1908:

The prairie fire of last week did much damage south of the Dogtooth Hills. Mr. J. Leach lost his barn, horses and farm machinery. Sam Brooks lost his barn and hay, while several different parties are reported as having lost their unthreshed grain stacks.

GREEN VALLEY. Charles Carlson has a new granary nearly completed. Sunday school meets at William Moore's next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Timm were visiting at VanSickles last Sunday. Every one is busy digging potatoes and vegetables for winter. Leslie and Pearl Van Sickle were callers at the sub last Monday. Bertha Carlson was a visitor at G. Van Sickle's last Thursday afternoon. Mr. McCarty, from Binford, N. Dak., is moving on his homestead near Pearce. Mrs. McGee and two daughters, from near Wade, visited at the Williams' home last Friday night. The Nesmith boys and Ed Bostedder returned from their trip north, as they completed their work there. Mrs. Mont Upham went home to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray, near Mandan to spend a couple of weeks.


graciously contributed by 

Douglas Stayner