Items from the Mandan Pioneer (1903-1904, 1910)

Generously Contributed by Douglas Stayner

Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" March 13, 1903:

NOTES FROM WADE.  Dan Leahy met with quite a serious accident last week. While riding horseback, rounding up cattle, his horse became frightened, stumbled and fell, hurting one of Leahy's legs so badly that he is laid up for a few days.  Frank G. Killeran, who nearly went blind from fighting fire during the big prairie fire of last January, has been on the sick list for the past two weeks.  His eyesight has returned and he is somewhat better than he was a few days ago.  Nearly everyone has been feeding cattle since the cold weather of February commenced.  But since the warm sunny days came back they refuse to eat hay and have taken to the range again.  Water has been very scarce, and many cattle have suffered for the want of it this winter.  William Ogle has been feeding a couple of hundred head of cattle at the Pat Malloy ranch but has taken his cattle home again, having fed out.... John Locke has bought a section of land from the railroad company and is going to build a residence this coming summer.  some say there is to be a woman in it. Wolves have been keeping up their reputation as rustlers pretty well this winter.  Last week they killed a cow of Joe Chesrown and one for Pete Ferguson.  We are looking for the return of Mr. Mansteller, who has been back to visit his old home in Pennsylvania.  He lives here along, but we are in hopes he will not come back the way he went.  Clarence Marks, mail carrier from Howe to Wade, is expecting to leave for the gold fields of the Yukon early this spring.  Range horses have not done as well as usual this winter.  Water has been scarce, and the grass does not seem to be as good as formerly.  Mr. George Chalmers, who is in charge of the Arnson ranch, reports having lost quite a few yearlings from black leg.  Oliver Olson has hired to Charles Locke for one year.  Oliver is a whole crew in the hay field.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" March 27, 1903:
Following are the names of some of the settlers on the Wm. H. Brown tract, who have arrived in the past week and are moving to and building on their lands: Benjamin F. Parrot and family, Orillia, Iowa; G. W. Cox, Orillia, Iowa; J. J. Strain, Mondamin, Iowa; C. O. Rutherford, wife and daughter, Delta, Iowa; Charles Aunger, wife and two children, Cedar Falls, Iowa; Thomas Parsons, Edgewood, Iowa; John Walls, wife and family, Galoa, Illinois; Theodore Zoon, wife and child, Kiel, Wisconsin; E. T. Wiley and family, Sioux City, Iowa; J. L. Lang, Orillia, Iowa; Peder Seerup, Orillia, Iowa; C. H. Taskett, Orillia, Iowa; Hans Thompson, Galesburg, Illinois; W. H. Kelley, Commerce, Iowa; J. W. Howard and family, Sioux City, Iowa; William J. Smittle (or Smith), wife and children, Grand Junction, Iowa; Olaf G. Olson, Sioux Rapids, Iowa; Adoph Pierson, Galesburg, Illinois; George W. Parse and family, Churdan, Illinois; Thomas Toyne and family, Churdan, Illinois.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" April 3, 1903:
Many ranchmen are contemplating moving to the southwestern portion of the state and others are figuring on locating in Montana.  The recent land movement has made it almost impossible for those who do not own land here to run a very large bunch of cattle.  Hettinger County is attracting many.  It will be well for those who locate in these new fields to provide against a similar occurrence by purchasing enough land to insure them against being "crowded out" again.  They can secure land in that neighborhood at a reasonable figure and have a good country from which to select and should profit by their experience here.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" April 17, 1903:
WADE NOTES.  The boys are organizing a baseball team to play the Flasher ball nine on the fourth of July.  We expect to put up a strong nine.  James McGillie was down from Mandan and bought a stallion of Mr. A. P. McGee.   Mr. Pat Malloy has returned from Mandan, where he went to file on land.  While in Mandan he found out that he was a subject of King Edward.  Mr. Malloy came to this country when he was 17 years old, served in the U.S. regular army ten years, and fought Indians in Texas and Arizona under Lawton and McKinzie.  He has voted since 1881, has spent thirty-two years of an eventful life in the United States, but not until the 3rd last had he any rights as an American citizen, and not until two years will be a full citizen of this grand and glorious country. Mr. Riley of Jamestown is here for a few days.  He expects to work in the shops at Mandan during the coming summer.  Mrs. Wade is back at the Wade ranch again, and expects to remain during the summer months.  Mr. Ferguson has gone to Mandan after two blooded white faces from the Massingham ranch.  The white faced cattle are getting very fashionable, and when shipped to Chicago, seem to bring a little more money  than the regular breeds.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" May 22, 1903:
John Locke has gone to Prescott, Canada, to visit his mother, whom he has not seen for thirty-eight years.  Mr. Locke came to Sibey Island just below old Fort Lincoln thirty-five years ago.  A Mr. Par and a Mr. Pollock, of Emmons County, have just driven in a herd of cattle numbering more than 500 head.  They are on their way to South Dakota.  Mr. Purdy of Winnipeg is in this locality buying horses.  Mrs. Hinckley has recovered from her sickness so far as to be considered out of all danger.  Mr. George Loudner has gone to South Dakota to be treated by the great healer.  The Circle C round up wagon in  charge of Mr. Smith Briener and Co., with rep's from nearly all  the horse ranches in North Dakota, was here this week.  Turkey Track Bill was with it and is representing the Diamond F Ranch.  Mr. Carver came in from Campbell County and brought in a hundred more steers.  The Carver boys are good fellows, and every one likes to see such people.  There was a party and a dance at the Melvin ranch last Friday evening and every one reports a good time.  Frank Chesrown is on his way to Emmons County with a hundred head of steers.  George Chalmers came in this week with 500 head of steers which belong to a man by the name of Peck.  They will summer at the Chalmer ranch.  Fred Nicholson has taken charge of the Mansteller ranch.  Mr. Mansteller has never recovered from his accident and says he will let some one else do the riding for a while.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" May 29, 1903:
WADE NOTES.  Mr. Gilberth, of Zion City, Illinois, has been in this community for the last few days looking over the country with the view of locating several families.  Mr. Gilberth was a resident of South Dakota several years and is acquainted with the stock business in all its branches.  He has bought the three sections of land on Six Mile Creek, known as the Killeran Ranch.  Mr. Marks made a trip to Mandan this week to bring down two white faced bulls, bought of J. S. Green by Sam Parks and William V. Wade.  We had a splendid shower here last week, and the country has got a new look.  It was getting rather dry.  Mr. Killeran made a trip to Mandan this week, he is hauling lumber for his new house.  Our teacher, Mr. Lathrope, went hunting last Saturday.  He head there were a couple of men up on  Cedar Creek who could play checkers and he went looking for them.  We heard the battle was hard, and well fought, but Lathrope wears the belt.  Planting has not fully commenced in this neighborhood but the nice rain we had last week will encourage the farmers, and we look for a good large crop acreage this spring.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" July 3, 1903:
Mr. Green, of Plainview, Nebraska, has been spending a few days in Flasher visiting his friend, Charles Hotzel.  Before returning he filed on a homestead and bought land adjoining on which he expects to start a sheep ranch.  Mr. and Mrs. Boyer, of Hartford City, Indiana, were the guests of Miss Hazel Elders on Thursday.  They were very much surprised in the country, and invested in a half section of land just south of town and have bought a few lots in town, where they expect to go into business.  Ed McArthur and Gus Weinreich have returned from a trip south and west where they have been looking up a location for their stock ranch.  Flasher will celebrate the fourth of July in rip roaring style, all reports to the contrary not withstanding.  A large crowd will be here and an entertaining program has been prepared.  They mayor and city council are having the streets and alleys properly cleaned and private families will assist the hotel keepers in taking care of the guests.  Mr. and Mrs. Mackie have gone to Minneapolis to spend the fourth with old friends and relatives.  The ice cream social to have been give the 26th in the hall has been postponed to July 14, when the new organ will be tried and accepted.  Mr. Fryslie of Chicago has moved out on his claim this week and is building some very nice buildings.  His family will be here in a short time.  Our schools have closed for the summer vacation.  This is the close of the first term of school at Flasher.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" September 4, 1903:
HIGHLIGHTS FROM FLASHER.  August 31, 1903.  Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Rines left this week for their future home at Portland, Indiana.  Although Mrs. Rines had been with us only a few months she had won many friends who wish them a long and happy life.  Ralph and Phillip Schlosser, of Sioux Falls, S.D., spent Sunday with their cousin, Miss Helen Berrier.  Miss Mabel Flasher has had a neat little cottage built on her land just west of town and spent a portion of last week looking after her interests and getting improvements made.  F. W. Copenhaver is building a nice new stone house on his homestead.  J. W. Howard has been spending a few days at home with his family the past week.  Dr. A. A. Rowland has gone back to Iowa on a visit to her son and his family.  Ed McArthur and Peter Jensen started out last week to work with a threshing crew in the eastern part of the state.  Mr. Elders and his daughter Hazel have moved out on their homestead just west of here.  Mrs. W. F. Berrier has gone to Minneapolis to visit friends and buy the winter stock of goods for the Berrier Mercantile Co.  Mr. Woodward has started to build a house on his homestead.  His family will be with him soon.  Mr. Hodge arrived last week with his wife and father from Green Co...
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" January 22, 1904:
WADE NOTES.  Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Twigg gave a party one evening last week in honor of the marriage of their daughter, Lilly, to Mr. Miller.  Lilly has been raised to womanhood in this community, and her many friends gathered at the home of her parents and showed their friendship and good wishes in many ways. Dancing commenced early and continued until 12 o'clock,  when everybody was called to the dining room where a bountiful supper awaited them.  After supper dancing was resumed, and was kept up until day light.  The McLaughlin, Goodiron string band furnished the music.  After wishing the young married couple much happiness and good fortune, the party left for their homes.  Some had come twenty-five and thirty miles and all will remember the jolly good time they had at Lilly's wedding party.  It is reported that wolf hunter Lukeheart has broken his leg, and is now laid up at the Waldrons' ranch on Cedar Creek.  Charles Locke was down from his ranch on Cedar Creek one day this week.  He reports cattle doing well on the range.  Miss Henrietta TenBroek, who has been teaching in Emmons County, is spending her vacation with her parents at the forks of Cedar Creek.  George Chalmers passed through here one day last week, on his way to South Dakota, where he goes to spend a few days with an old friend.  Dan Collum is spending a few days at the Wade ranch.  He is giving music lessons on the violin.  He has several pupils in the community.  The next dance to take place in this neighborhood will be given at Mr. A. P. McGee's.  No date has been fixed yet for the occurrence.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" February 5, 1904:
WADE NOTES.  Alexander Chalmers passed up  the river one day this week, with a bunch of horses, which he had purchased at the Stevenson ranch.  R. E. Mansteller spent a day or two at the Wade ranch this week.  He says he has put his cattle out to be wintered, and he is taking it easy.  Wade Richardson is stopping at the Mansteller ranch for the present.     Ed Grogan has got out nearly 1,000 ash posts, for William V. Wade, who intends to fence a pasture next spring.  A pleasant surprise party called on R. C. Dance Friday evening.  Every one carried a basket, well filled with good things.  Mr. Chapin and Dan Cullom played the violin, and the young folks enjoyed themselves until the wee hours next morning.  Mr. Dance sang two songs as no one else can sing them, which were highly appreciated by all present.  Mr. Charles Rogers left this place nearly three weeks ago.  He said he would return inside of one week.  Nothing has been heard of him since he left.  We are in hopes nothing serious has befallen him.  Our school will last four months longer.  Mills Lillian Brainerd, of Sioux City, Iowa, will teach.  R. W. Kelly, who has been stopping at Mr. TenBroeks, has accepted a position with the Great Northern R. R. Co. at Minot, and left for that place by the last stage.  We are happy to learn that the mail service between Mandan and Stevenson is to be improved.  Letters have been two weeks getting from Mandan to the Wade P.O. several times this winter.  Mr. Chapin, our new postmaster, sent over $50.00 to the post office at Fargo for the last quarter.  This was in excess of his cancellation, pretty good for a post office away out in the woods.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" March 4, 1904:
Mr. Ferguson has just returned from a visit to the Ogle ranch near Coffin Butte.  He reports lots of snow up there.  He saw Mr. Lorin, who is spending his first winter on a ranch, and says he is getting lots of experience in ranching.  Wade Richardson took a bunch of Mr. Melvin's cattle up Cedar Creek last week.  The cattle will be wintered out at the old Melvin ranch.  Frank Chesrown is hauling material from the Missouri River to build corrals at his ranch on Cedar Creek.  There will be a dance at the Malloy ranch March 17th and the young people of this community look forward to a good time.  Postmaster Chapin was out looking for a man to herd sheep on day this week.  His old herder, Clarence Rank, having gone back to St. Paul to see his mother. 
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" April 1, 1904:
NEW SETTLERS ARRIVING.  During the last few days many new settlers have arrived in this city, with household goods, machinery, stock, etc., and are preparing to locate on land which they have purchased in the vicinity of Flasher.  Many more are expected in a few days and construction work will be commenced immediately in the building line, so as to be ready for spring seeding.  Among those who arrived lately are the following: Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Cotner and two sons, of Assumption, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Patsack, of Plainview, Nebraska, with three car loads of movables; Alvin O. Merriam, of Chicago, Illinois; John Corte and son, of Woonsocket, South Dakota; Manford E. Wilson, Samuel B. Day, James Wilson and David C. Nighsouger, of Sparland, Illinois; Samuel B. Gouchner, of Annawan, Illinois; Samuel F. Wilcox, of Des Moines, Iowa; Macomas A. Parsons, of Jacksonburg, West Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Roffensberger and children, of South Bend, Indiana.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" June 3, 1904:
WADE NOTES.  Quite a few settlers have moved from Emmons County into this locality this spring.  Frank Chesrown brought a herd of cattle from his Emmons County ranch to his ranch on Cedar Creek one day this week.  Mr. William Caldwell, one of the Emmons County commissioners, is here looking up a location for a ranch.  He has brought his cattle and horses here, and says he is going to make a home among us if possible. Mr. James Stewart, of Dale, Emmons County, came up the river one day last week.  He had three wagons, good teams, household goods, and farming utensils, and said he expects to locate in this county.  Mr. Stewart came to Emmons County not many years ago.  And as he tells it himself, did not bring any great amount of wealth with him.  The first winter on his ranch he hauled all his fire wood on a hand sled for he had no team.  But it was not long until he had a yoke of oxen and a few cows.  With his ox team he put in a crop, and after harvest hauled his wheat 60 miles to Eureka.  All this just a few years ago.  Mr. Stewart now owns a large, well cultivated farm at Dale, has lots of good horses, a nice herd of cattle, and his neighbors say, "has money in the bank."  He comes this side of the "Big Muddy" that he may have more room for his cattle.  What Mr. Stewart has done, any man of the same 'get up' can do here in North Dakota. George Mentz, who has cattle interests, as he says, "both dead and alive" all over Morton County, put in Sunday at the Wade ranch.  He was on his way to Grand River.  Samuel Cummins of Emmons County is now located at the old ranch once owned by John Locke on the Cannon Ball River, below the forks.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" June 24, 1904:
WADE NOTES.  Wade, N. Dak.  Mr. and Mrs. Aunger of Hotel de Flasher spent a couple of days at the Wade ranch last week.  Mr. Aunger bought the horse Rob Roy of George Pitts.  The Chesrown brothers are dipping cattle these days.  They can dip about 250 head per day with their Nebraska cage clipping operations, and no danger of accident or drowning.  The county dipping tank, which is being put on the Cannon Ball River near the old Black Hill crossing, is well under way.  Charles Locke has the contract to build the corral and shute of the tank.  Mr. Chapin has a crew of men shearing sheep these days.  Mr. Dance made a trip to Mandan this week.  Mr. Allen, foreman for the company holding the lease for grazing lands on the Standing Rock Reservation, was looking after the company's interests in this locality this week.  Mr. TenBroek is getting the grove ready for the fourth of July celebrations.  Mr. TenBroek owns the nicest grove in Morton County; and every one around here is looking forward to a good time on Indepence day.  This would be a fine opportunity for some of our county nominees to get acquainted with the voters of this neck of the woods.  The heavy rains which have fallen during the last two weeks have made a good hay crop a certainty all over this county.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" July 22, 1904:
WADE NOTES. The cattle men have nearly all shipped their cattle the second time, and many have commenced haying.  The outlook for hay was never better than now, if we can call wild oats good grass to make hay from.  Some say this kind of grass does not hurt cattle in any manner.  But it is death to sheep.  Frank Chesrown dipped over 1,000 head of cattle at his private tank.  Sam Parks dipped about the same number at his tank, and the private tank owned by Hodgkins Shrader and Co. will dip about 2,400.  The first accident to happen at any of the tanks happened at the county tank, located at Charles Thompson's on the Cannon Ball.  While Thomas Twigg was dipping his cattle a large steer was drowned by too many cattle crowding into the tank at once.  Dr. Cary, who has been sent by the government to enlighten the people of the scab infested regions of this part of North Dakota, superintended the dipping at the Parks and Hodgins Co. tanks.  He is a nice man, and seems to thoroughly the business which everyone here is now engaged in.  George Loudner, who served  more than five years in the volunteer service during and after the rebellion, who took part in more than twenty battles, was a prisoner in Libbey prison, is now building on his claim near the Wade post office.  He says the government is good to those who have served it well.  He was born the other side of the ocean, and can appreciate a country like ours.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" August 12, 1904:
E F Leonard, of Normal, Illinois, arrived here yesterday with his family.  They have secured some land within two or three miles of Flasher in this county.  They are going to build on their homestead at once.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" August 19, 1904:
WADE NOTES.  Mr. Fred Clark, who hails from North Abington, Massachusetts, is looking this country over.  He thinks he will like it well enough to stop here a while.  Haying is going on at all the ranches and everyone is going to get all the hay they can and be ready for the hard winter, which some say follows a big crop of wild oats.  William Colville has bought a ranch on Cedar Creek, just above the Sam Parks ranch, and intends to move there this fall.  Mr. Colville is one of  the Emmons County commissioners.  Thomas McCrory is now located with a hay crew at the old Dan Leahy ranch.  Mr. and Mrs. John McCrory were visiting at the Wade ranch one day last week.  Mr. McCrory was looking up his interests which extend from Emmons County to Grand River in South Dakota.  Cattle are looking fine for this time of the year, and the ranchmen are all asking the question, will the union men let us ship cattle his fall?  Sam Cummins is fixing up a blacksmith shop at the old John Locke place.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" September 16, 1904:
WADE NOTES.  Ferguson and Chesrown shipped a few cars of cattle last week.  They were the first and all the cattle that have left here for market this fall.  Most everyone are holding back for better reports from Chicago.  Haying is nearly finished.  There has been more hay put up this year in this community than was ever put up in one year before.  Jack McLaughlin passed through here one day this week on his way home from the Lemmon round-up.  He says that there will be no more cattle shipped to Chicago from the big pasture until the market becomes more certain.    Mr. Fleming, who left his neighborhood more than one year ago with his brother, Ben Fleming, has returned and is now looking up a location for a ranch.  He says this is a good enough place for anyone.  William Ogle was  at the Ferguson ranch this week.  John McCrory stopped over one night at the Wade ranch.  He was on his way to the Grand River.  He reports good crops on the east side of the Missouri.  Mrs. Wade and Mamie left this week for Mandan, where Miss Mamie will attend school.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" November 18, 1904:
FLASHER NEWS.  From the Hustler.  A. S. Jewell, of Logan, Iowa, has been looking after his interests here this week and making a few improvements on his homestead.  J. M. Copenhaven wishes to announce to the public that he is prepared to serve any and all who may need coal at $1.00 and $1.50 per ton.  Bart Russell and family have quit the McArthur ranch and moved to Rochester, Minnesota, where Mr. Russell has work in a barber shop.  C. W. Ranum, of Dane County, Wisconsin, was out this week looking after his homestead and trying to located his family and brother on desirable homesteads.  Threshing is nearly a thing of the past for this season and the farmer seems to be wearing a smile of contentment, which speaks well for the country.  B. H. Kilrane and William McGregor were up from the Cannon Ball the first of the week.  C. S. Aunger and Thomas Passon drove out to their homesteads in Hettinger Co. Thursday.  W. Danberry reports a wonderful crop of oats. He had in only a few acres but they yielded 120 bushels to the acre.  Guy Whiteman returned to his home Tuesday.  He has spent the summer working for Mr. Bahm near New Salem.  Mrs. A. Nultemeier and children returned Sunday from a six weeks visit among old friends at Aberdeen and Groton, S.D.  Owen Dennis , Jesse Pulley and Elmer Shields, three of our most popular young bachelors, have been improving their homesteads .. Young people traveling in the neighborhood of the Whiteman school house met at the home of S. G. Russell last Friday evening for the purpose of organizing a literary society.  It contains several of the young people who were active members in the Flasher Literary Society last winter, which is only natural, for it is much nearer their homes.
Below from the "Mandan Pioneer" December 16, 1904:
WADE NOTES.  Mrs. Clark gave a dance Friday evening in her new home, which is one of the nicest on the Cannon Ball.  George Chalmers is going to start a general store at the Janesburg post office.  Fred Nicholson, who is now in the employ of Walter Parkin on his ranch in Hettinger County, is visiting friends in this locality.  Guy Farnsworth, of Flasher, has hired to William Chapin, and will take charge of Chapin's herd of sheep in a few days.  Ed McArthur was in this neighborhood looking for lost stock one day last week.  An old bachelor who has a claim not far from this place sent a couple of carpenters to his claim shanty to make some repairs.  In removing the floor they found seven full grown pole cats, which had evidently taken up winter quarters there and refused to vacate.  He says he has cats to give away.  James Waldron stopped overnight while on his way to Emmons County to meet his wife, who went to South Dakota not long since to be doctored.  Mrs. Waldron's friends will be pleased to learn that she is returning much improved in health.  Mr. James Harrison, who once lived at old Fort Rice, is here.  While residing on a claim on the Missouri River he lived and voted in both South Dakota and Nebraska, and after being moved around by the pranky old river from one state to the other for five or six years, he was finally robbed of his claim entirely, it having all disappeared under the waters of the old muddy.  He has been granted the right to take another claim, and is now in this neighborhood looking up a good place to put in a patch of potatoes, watermelons and such.  Prairie chickens were never more plentiful here than now, and their favorite feed, the buffalo berry, is very plentiful. Hundreds of bushels of that fruit are still on the bushes along the Cannon Ball River.


Below from the February 4, 1910, "Mandan Pioneer":
"J. Reynolds passed away at his home Friday.  Mr. Reynolds has only been sick a short time with quick consumption.  He was a highly respected man and one which the community is sorry to lose.  The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad hour of bereavement."  [Newspaper articles of the time show that this  is Jacob W. Reynolds, born in January 1859, husband of Ella N. Reynolds, Jacob and Ella having been residents of Moorhead, Minnesota, in 1900.]