1916-1917 Carson Press news items, including designation of Carson as the county seat.
I have transcribed portions of articles while trying to maintain the original spelling and punctuation. Beth Rau, November 2004.
1916 September
Fred Heine of St. James, Minnesota, commenced the erection of a dwelling house on his farm 2 miles southwest of town� and will be occupied by a son.
Lee Halliday and family moved into town the first of the week and are now located in the dwelling recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Vern Lonie.
Mathias and Hill, of the Cannon Ball country, sold to R. E. Peterson a bunch of very fine cattle.
Tilden Everson arrived Tuesday evening from DeSota, Wisconsin, to become a resident of Carson. Mr. Emerson is one of the three teachers employed to teach in our public schools, the other two being Mrs. Glenn Lonie and Miss Johnson.
A very pleasant surprise party was held Monday evening at the Altman home in honor of Virgil Helms who departed Tuesday morning for Fargo where he will attend business college. Those present were the Misses Ida Lane, Brinda Partridge, Bertha and Anna Iverson, Florence Littlefield, Rose Pathmann and Hazel Altman. Waldo and Johnson Lane, Dewey Nelson, M. S. McDowall, Ardth Jones and Russell Altman.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Noland and sister, Miss Cora Beauchamp, of Inkster, North Dakota, arrived Tuesday evening to make Carson their home. Mr. Nolan is the manager of the McCaul Densmore mill.
Miss Hazel Altman and Miss Brinda Partridge commenced their schools which they have been engaged to teach in the Roosevelt district.
A head-on automobile collision occurred at Raleigh last Sunday when a Ford and a Dodge ran into each other. Neither car had lights and were going at about a 20-mile clip. Both cars were telescoped and the combined efforts of four horses were required to separate the machines. Besides a good shaking up, none of the occupants were seriously injured.
Mrs. Fred Erickson, of Seattle, Washington, who has been with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Anderson, in company with her mother, Mrs. Caroline Anderson, departed for Minneapolis, where they will visit relatives.
Vernon Lane autoed Mrs. Hallenberg to Mandan Tuesday to meet her mother, Mrs. Marsh, and Mr. Hallenberg, who accompanied them home today.
Oliver Grostefon, of Bloomfield, Montana, and Miss Hazel Rock, of Leith, were married today at the home of the bride�s mother. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. M. Humphrey. The happy couple will reside in Montana.
M. M. Hayden, J. G. Patterson and J. D. Sheep of Brisbane, were here this morning circulating a petition for a bridge across the Cannon Ball river where the township line road leading south of the Joe McCullough farm touches its banks. A bridge at this point will be a great accommodation to Brisbane, Leith and Carson.
1916 October
H. Hallenberg received a carload of the 1917 model Ford cars. There are many improvements and they have the resemblance of a real automobile.
Fred Heine has just completed a new residence on his farm southwest of Carson. He retuned to St. James, Minnesota, where he has large farming interests.
A handkerchief donated by Mrs. Woodrow Wilson will be offered to the highest bidder at the Presbyterian Ladies Aid Fair this fall. This society has been planning on the annual supper and fancy work sale. The Ladies Aid have already been offered $5.00 for the kerchief.
A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kane, of Brisbane, Tuesday evening.
Ed. Bjorum purchased a Ford car of Ed. Honey.
Henry Diehl purchased a new Overland car this week.
Robert Beck and Wm. Chesrown are grading up the road northeast of town past the Henry Steigman and Henry Keierleber farms.
1916 November
The Northern Pacific have a crew of men engaged this week, laying the side track to the mill.
Vernon Lane accompanied by T. E. Johnson, Miss Olga Johnson and Mrs. S. C. Lane autoed to Steve Meyers near Hebron Sunday where Miss Olga remained to attend to her school duties.
At the election on Tuesday the Grant county division carried. In spite of the past that the advocates of Washington and Lincoln county division worked hard to block out any other division, Grant county rolled up all but an unanimous vote.
W. P. Lawton will this coming week commence the erection of a dwelling house on his farm east of town.
The students and faculty of the University of North Dakota joined in a national campaign for the relief of students and their comrades in the prison camps of the warring nations in Europe. Nearly $1500.00 has already been subscribed at the University.
LeRoy Parson, of Courtnay, N. D., was a visitor at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Nelson.
A. E. Peterson, of Harvey, N. D., one of the early settlers of Carson, arrived Wednesday for a visit with home folks.
Frank Mott, an old time resident of Carson and vicinity, arrived Wednesday from Des Moines, Ia., on business. Frank says our old friend and citizen, C. L. Mott, wishes to be remembered to his many friends here.
A. A. Anderson, proprietor of Hotel Carson, will soon commence the erection of an annex to the hotel which will greatly increase its accommodations.
A literary program will be given by the children of the Carl School No. 1, December 2nd. One of the interesting topics will be a debate by the eighth graders, viz: Josephine Leaf and Erick Kreft vs Burdette Tibbets and Hattie Kreft. The subject is Resolved �That Men Suffer Most During War Time.�
The citizens of Carson secured a special train Wednesday and with a large delegation of men and women representing Grant county, and each one a real live booster, invaded Bismarck and went before Governor Hanna asking for Carson to be designated as the temporary county seat of Grant county.
November 30, 1916
Carson Designated County Seat
Governor L. B. Hanna on the 24th of November named as commissioners for Grant county, Jno. B. Thompson, of Almont, William B. Wade, of Wade, and Thomas E. McDowall of Carson. Thomas E. McDowall was named chairman of the board. They then appointed the following officers for the county:
R. D. Berry: Auditor. I. N. Steen of Mandan: States Attorney. Sheriff � Don Stevenson, of the Cannon Ball country. Treasurer � J. C. Patterson of Brisbane. Clerk of Court � J. J. Ryan of Leith. County Judge � M. C. Rausch, of New Leipzig. Register of Deeds � P. P. Schloser [sic], of New Leipzig. Superintendent of Schools � Miss Mina Aasved, of Almont postoffice. Corner [sic] � L. L. Dahl, of Elgin. The official papers appointed were The Carson Press, Shields Enterprise and Elgin Times.
1916 December
County Auditor Robert Berry went to Mandan Wednesday morning on official business.
From the New Leipzig Sentinel: P. P. Schlosser was in the city last evening and left again this morning for Carson, county seat of Grant. Pete expects to move his family to that city in the near future.
In the commissioners proceedings appeared this item: �It was moved and seconded that until further notice, the building known as the L. M. Hamery building located at Carson, N. D., be designated as the official quarters of Grant county. All members voted aye.� The building is now occupied by the Carson Cafe.
Mr. Geo. Leitch departed for the Twin cities Wednesday morning where she will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Maxwell, who were former residents here.
Miss Dorothy Schnecker, of Bismarck, has been appointed deputy register of deeds. Miss Schnecker is a North Dakota product, born and raised in Bismarck, and is a competent stenographer and is experienced in clerical work, having been employed up to the present time in the Secretary of State�s office.
Chas. Brown and family, who reside near Brisbane, were snow bound at the Fred Houchins home the first of the week, where they were spending Christmas.
The services which were to mark the observance of Christmas at Brisbane were omitted on account of fire. An elaborate program had been arranged for, in the school house, and some of the children who were to take part in the entertainment were dressed in Eskimo fashion using cotton to represent snow. Previous to the commencement of the exercises, Lula Hone, while at play with school friends, accidentally came in contact with the lights on the tree, igniting the cotton, which was showered over, seriously burning her. In attempting to put out the fire, Everett Jacobs and Clifford Fleming received painful burns. Dr. R. H. Leavitt was called and treated the suffers, and reports that they are getting along nicely, which the many friends of these little people will be glad to learn.
1917 January
Guy McAndrews has just completed a fine residence on his farm southwest of Carson, which is a dandy.
Ed. Broadhead arrived in Carson Tuesday for a short visit with friends. Ed did not come alone this time. He recently was married and Mrs. Broadhead accompanied him and received congratulations from Ed�s many friends.
The German Congregational church, which is now located one mile and a quarter northwest of Carson, will be moved to Carson. A lot has been purchased in the west part of town and the removal of the church building will soon occur. The citizens of this place will welcome the new congregation to our little city.
Two Grant county boys won prizes in the state pork producing contest for school children. The boys are Glenn and Keith Emch, of Leith, and have been awarded $15 and $10 respectively, having won fourth and fifth prizes.
Mrs. G. A. Berg has been appointed deputy county superintendent of schools. Mrs. Berg is familiar with the work and will be a valuable acquisition to the office.
Miss Cassie Urell, of Shields, arrived Tuesday for a visit with her father, Deputy Sheriff M. E. Urell. Miss Urell is teaching school in the vicinity of Porcupine agency.
Geo. D. Graham, of Heart river, who operates the only cigar factory in Grant county, was in town Monday evening calling on local dealers and left a good supply of cigars.
The farmers north of Heil have a daily rural route running to their farms now.
1917 February
H. F. Altman and a gang of carpenters are making rapid progress on the new Carson Press building.
Will Brown and Walter Howardton, two of Leith�s farmers, were in Carson Wednesday, and took back a load of hard coal. They did not contemplate such a cold winter and ran out of coal.
The latest news that we have been able to learn from Washington is that the United States has severed its relations with Germany, and that Friday President Wilson appeared before Congress and delivered a message which resulted in his sending an ultimatum to Germany, saying that if they sank any American ships or interfered with our commerce, war would be declared.
Miss Ida Lane returned from Valley City Tuesday where she has been attending Normal. Miss Ida will leave Monday for Bismarck, where she will attend business college.
County Surveyor A. D. LaDue was in from Leith today, and qualified for office.
The members of the Carson band are now holding weekly practice meetings under the leadership of Joe Lawfer� The members are: C. D. Johnson, Ernest Stith, Elmer Johnson, C. J. Enders, Vern and Waldo Lane, Walter Brown, Glen Lonie, J. W. Nolan, Geo. Olson, H. Pochapen, Chas. Pathmann, Homer Johnson, Russell Altman, A. A. Anderson, P. W. Peterson, M. S. McDowall and J. C. Bell.
Schlosser and McTavish have purchased the pool hall business from Nelson and Lonie.
Old timers in these parts say that this is one of the severest winters that has been experienced here in years.
The largest single bank deposit that was very probably ever made in Grant county was made this week by County Treasurer Patterson, for the county. The amount was $21,355.11. The larger part of this money goes to the state and for school purposes.
1917 March
The Otterstrom brothers commenced the erection of their opera house today.
S. C. Lane moved into his new real estate office this morning.
Simon Pederson of Leith was here Tuesday renewing acquaintances. Mr. Pederson is one of the old timers in this part of Grant county.
Mr. Albin Peterson and Miss Laura McCraith of this place sprang a surprise on their many friends and were recently married. They are comfortably located at Harvey, N. D., where Albin is in the garage business and is doing well.
Brisbane notes: Little Lula Hone, who was seriously burned at Christmas time, will be soon be able to be out again.
When Mrs. Gottlief Bossler tripped and fell, the upper part of her right ear was completely cut off by the sharp edge of a door.
1917 April
This issue of The Press was printed in our new building, erected and provided with plenty of room and light.
The new meat market is now open and is one of the neatest and up-to-date shops in the county. Mr. Dubs, the proprietor, is to be congratulated.
A Washington dispatch says that one of the first things that President Wilson will urge upon Congress at its extra session is the passage of a law for universal military training.
The second battalion of the North Dakota National Guard was ordered into service Monday by Secretary of War Baker.
Bribane Items: Miss Sandlin, who has been teaching east of town, closed a successful term of school on Friday of last week.
Henry Altman is remodeling the Farmers Elevator at Brisbane. Waldo Lane is assisting him.
The Carson State Bank opened its doors for business Monday. This building is well finished and the fixtures are up-to-date.
Chas. Pathmann will start the erection of a dwelling house in the west part of town the first of the week, on the lot east of the S. C. Lane residence. Chris Rustad will do the carpenter work.
Brisbane Items: Miss Savage and Miss Palmer, teachers in the Thain Consolidated school, visited in the Axlen home Sunday.
Dr. Lorenzen of Elgin was here today and leased a section of school land. The Doctor has shipped in some pure bred Herefords and will engage in stock raising.
Immediately after the November elections when this new county materialized, Dr. Lorenzen was called at the home of Chester Jones, where the first boy was born in Grant county. The Doctor induced Mr. and Mrs. Jones to name the young man Grant, after which he placed $25.00 to the young man�s credit in the Elgin State Bank.