Articles from the Carson Press (1908)

Here are 1908 articles from the "Carson Press":

Below from the �Carson Press� May 14, 1908:

ESTHER. The Kimball Brothers are now at work with their steam plow. They have a good outfit and expect to do some work. One day last week a crowd of about 20 gathered at the home of the Kimball Brothers to see them commence work with their plow. Lawther & Shields pronounced it the best steam breaker in this part of the country. Good luck to the Kimball Brothers. Mrs. E. Lord [Elizabeth Lord, of Mantorville, Minnesota] has set out some apple trees on her homestead, which is a good beginning to an orchard.

Below from the �Carson Press� May 21, 1908:

ESTHER. George Boll is digging a cellar for A. A. Culver, who is getting ready to build a house on his homestead. Miss Emma Peterson closed a very successful term of school on Friday, May 15, in the McCullough District, with a fine program of recitations and songs, after which, assisted by Miss Helma Nyman, she treated the scholars and visitors to light refreshments of coffee, cakes, candy and peanuts. Everyone had a fine time and went home hoping to have Miss Peterson in the school room again next fall. She has won the love of the pupils and the high esteem of the people in the short time she has been in this vicinity. She will return at once to her claim near Janesburg, accompanied by Miss Nyman.

STEBBINS. Miss Mattie Parrish has recovered from her illness and is living on her homestead near Stebbins. William Owens, accompanied by landseekers, called at Stebbins last Friday. Messrs. Albert Dale left for South Dakota last week, expecting to stay about 4 months. The farmers around here are going to try their hands at raising strawberries this summer.

Below from the �Carson Press� June 4, 1908:

STEBBINS. Mrs. John Rathfoot, a niece of Mrs. G. W. Bright, arrived on the stage Saturday night. She expects to visit here for some time. Miss Lillian Bright has been doing a rushing business the past week in the millinery line. Some of our bachelors around here are trying their hands at making light bread, and sending out samples of same. The writer had the pleasure of partaking of some of this and can vouch for its quality. Now, girls, this is leap year.

Below from the �Carson Press� June 11, 1908:

STEBBINS. A party of neighbors gathered at Stebbins Sunday afternoon, where they were treated with ice cream and cake. Although the weather was a little cool, the ice cream was all taken care of. Those present were Mesdames G. Bright and John Rathfoot, Misses Lillian Bright and Mattie Parrish, Messrs. Floyd Radeke, Clyde Ford and Jack Gunning and Master Hugh McKean. G. H. Stebbins, accompanied by his brother, C. L. Stebbins, who has a claim within five miles of Lemmon, returned home this morning.

ESTHER. Earnest Saunders dined at Esther on Wednesday. He was hunting a stray horse. The voters of McCullough school district held an election last Tuesday at Martin Jacobson's to elect new officers. John Vetter was elected treasurer and Mr. Jacobson director.

Below from the �Carson Press� June 25, 1908:

STEBBINS. Mr. Juber and his brother-in-law, Mr. Miller, made a trip to Bismarck Tuesday, returning Saturday. F. A. Wood made a trip to Morristown Saturday to meet his father-in-law, Mr. Nathan Jennings, who will visit here for some time.

Below from the �Carson Press� July 2, 1908:

ESTHER. Several from Esther attended the Stebbins Union S. S. on Sunday at Mrs. F. Wood's home near Stebbins. A few of the neighbors surprised Mrs. Lord on Saturday evening by gathering at her home and welcoming her to our midst. A fine lunch was served at 10 o'clock. John Anderson's house is now nearly completed so hurry up girls. John Vetter is building an addition to his stone barn. Last Saturday afternoon Mrs. Shupe entertained a few friends at her home, the occasion being her birthday. The guests brought her a few tokens of remembrance. The dining table was decorated with the state flower. All had a very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Culver entertained the Shane and Kimball families to dinner Sunday. Max Shane furnished some fine music with his Edison phonograph. An exceedingly pleasant day was spent, even if the wind did blow.

Below from the �Carson Press� July 16, 1908:

STEBBINS. While here on Sunday, Mrs. Wheeler took a number of pictures around this neighborhood, including a picture of the Sunday school. U. S. Land Commissioner H. L. Simmons has made arrangements for office room at Stebbins. He will take proof, hear contests and transact general and office business. Those wishing to prove up will do well to see him.

ESTHER. Miss Josephine Kimball attended the Stebbins Union S. S. on Sunday at Stebbins. About twenty neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. John Anderson and surprised him on Saturday evening. Mr. Shane furnished some fine music with his gramophone and Fred Parades and Mr. Jacobson also gave some fine music on their violin. The ladies served lunch at midnight and every one went home feeling they had spent a pleasant evening. Mrs. Lizzie Cole expects to go to Flasher to stay for some time at the home of Mrs. Berrier. Fred Paradee has been helping August Linner dig a well on his claim.

Below from the �Carson Press� August 27, 1908:

ESTHER. Mr. Cleve Mead, of Fargo, N.D., is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. George Kimball. He is looking over Morton County land with a view of locating here. Mr. and Mrs. Limoges, of Vermillion, S.D., are visiting their sons, John and George, in this vicinity. Earnest Shane made a trip to Bismarck recently. Mrs. Elizabeth Lord, Miss Thomas, Mrs. Miles and daughter, Grace, Josephine and Maurice Kimball visited at Mr. Hintz on Sunday afternoon and were treated to watermelon. Mrs. Alice Williams and husband, of Dogtooth, visited at the home of John Vetter on Sunday. A. D. Shupe has been cutting for all the farmers in the neighborhood with his new Acme binder. He must have cut something like 1800 acres.

Below from the �Carson Press� September 3, 1908:

ESTHER. Mr. George Kimball had a large loss on Friday when his barn burned to the ground, losing one horse, several harness, wagon and a number of other things. Four horses were got out of the burning building, two of which were badly burned and in a very serious condition. The loss is estimated at about $200. The origin of the fire is unknown as it started while the family were eating dinner. The contents of the house were saved by hard labor. The buildings were on his brother Will's place and he moved at once to their homestead. About 13 of the neighbors gathered at their new home on Monday and laid the walls for a sod barn, which is greatly appreciated by Mr. Kimball.

Below from the �Carson Press� October 15, 1908:

George Boll is home again from fall's work, and rumor says he is contemplating buying household goods to a greater extent than bachelors usually need. How is it, George? Mrs. A. A. Culver, who has been very sick for the past two weeks, is slowly improving and expects to leave on Wednesday for Mantorville, Minnesota, to spend winter with her daughter. She will be accompanied by her husband and also her nurse, Miss Thomas [Sarah Thomas, later wife of August Linner], of Esther. The Misses Kearn of S.D. are now building on their claims near Esther.

Below from the �Carson Press� October 22, 1908:

ESTHER. Mr. Joseph Heintz and Albenus Heintz took flax to Almont last Tuesday. Mr. E. A. Cummings has very recently bought a team wagon and various other things to begin farming in the spring. Mr. John Vetter and Gus Mahler spent Friday evening with with Mr. Albenus Heintz and family. We expect to hear the hum of Louis Boll's bean thresher when it dries off as his long looked for extras have just come. Listen, the wedding bells are soon to ring in the neighborhood. Mrs. Albenus Heintz's father and mother have just arrived from Russia, and expect to make this their future home. Who says it never rains in this part of North Dakota? Roy Hawkins is home for a few days. He expects to return to Strain the first of the week but will be back soon to spend the winter on his claim. Friends of Mrs. Soaper will be grieved to learn that Mrs. Archibald has just received a letter from Miss Soaper in Idaho, stating that her mother died the ninth of this month of typhoid fever.

Below from the �Carson Press� November 26, 1908:

STEBBINS. In writing up our last week's items we forgot to mention the birthday party held at P. W. Smith's. The occasion being in honor of Leo Smith's 15th birthday. As the weather was stormy the attendance was not large but those present were amply repaid for going as they had a very enjoyable time. George Bright, who has been working with the Bosworth threshing crew, is home again. There was a dance at Charles Roberts last Tuesday eve and a good time was reported. Erik and Segar Bergseth, who had been helping G. H. Stebbins the past few weeks, left Thursday for Minneapolis. From there Segar will proceed to Norway. He expects to return in the spring accompanied by his mother and sister as he has a claim out here. On Thursday night a large party of young people gathered at E. H. Koch's place to have a skating party. The ice having all disappeared outdoor games were indulged in until a late hour, when they were served with a delicious supper. All reported a most enjoyable time.

Below from the "Carson Press" December 24, 1908:

STEBBINS. Sadie Chalmers spent Sunday evening with the Geer family. Watson Stebbins was a caller in the "Penny Press" district Monday. John Mock of Flasher has taken possession of his claim and built a shanty on same. James Geer and son, Freeman, made several trips to Morristown the past week. Freeman Geer and Goldie Juber were out cutter riding one evening the past week. Goldie Juber entertained Rila Moore at a slumber party at her home Wednesday evening. Ernest Yanke and Ira Albrecht left for their home in Illinois last Monday. Call again, boys. Word has been received that Mrs. William Harrison's father was dead when they reached Fedora, S. Dak. P. W. Smith and daughter, Irene, left for Mandan Tuesday morning, where Irene took the train for the eastern part of the state where she intends to spend the winter.

Below from the �Carson Press� December 31, 1908:

STEBBINS. Willie and Dagny Alver were pleasant callers at Stebbins last Sunday. Santa Claus brought a great bluster with him Christmas eve. He paused long enough at G. W. Bright's to tear away part of their roof and during the evening took time to break a few window lights for F. C. Swartz. Ed Mooney passed through here en route for Janesburg Monday. Ella C. Smith spent Sunday at Mr. Thomas Garry's and Monday at Mr. Mooney's, and reports a fine time. School began Monday morning at the Robert's place, Mr. Yule being in charge.