A rather peculiar accident happened the other day to one of GAINER MOORE's horses. Two of them were near his well and one kicked at the other. The one kicked at jumped down the well tail end first out of the way. The well was nine feet deep and four in diameter, so it was a rather tight fit. Neighbors were called in and after working several hours pulled the horse out. The horse was unhurt - we haven't tried the water yet.
I am glad to note the generous manner in which the people of the neighborhood are treating Mr. LAWTON, who unfortunately, started the prairie fire a short time ago which inflicted such loss to his neighbors. This spirit of forbearance is to be commended on the part of th esufferers, and will do mujch to make others follow the golden rule - to do to others as you would be done by. I have known Mr. LAWTON for a long time and am fully convinced of his uprightness, and integrity of character. H. BJORUM
Insurance agents are scouring the country again this spring. Look out for them farmers: show them the road.
Quite a sensation was caused in our neighborhood the other day. One of our neighbors THORVALD MORTENSON was reported missing. He had last been seen in the company of some ladies and was going in the direction of Mandan. The bachelor ladies of our neighborhood (and some of the others) were going about with very long faces - then he came back and alone.
Leap Year Invitations
Come girls now is your time
For our boys follow in rhyme
'Tis leabr year, so use your voice,
brick the name and make your choice
Nineteen eight, sure leabr year's come.
Get your slates, come ladies run.
Of our boys, I'll write a few.
Hobring they'll look good to you.
GEO KEERL is fine and dandy
at cooking too he's mighty handy.
"Sbroke for" you say, with frowning face.
He didn't tell me he was out of the race.
CHRIST brETERSON works at any old trade,
He'd just suit some brretty old maid.
He might be hard to wax and get.
But he's worth your while you bet.
WILL KIMBALL six feet tall
Ask himi for an evening's call
He's an innocent boy, Will (is I guess)
But give him a chance and he'll say "yes"
JOHN BELL's name is also here.
He has a smile no girl should fear.
One of the fairest in our band
Sbreak to him for heart and hand
ED MCVAY has he been caught
As a result of being much sought
He's not the man to raise a strife.
But habrbry would he be with a good wife.
WILL brETERSON drives his bronies.
Said to be fast ubron the track.
Get him to drive and let you ride
And ask him if he would like a bride.
ELMER CARTER dresses well.
But Elmer is no city swell.
'Til time, fair maid, to lay your brlan,
For Elmer is a handsome man.
CHARLIE LINDER, short and witty,
Has no girl and it's a brity;
A fair young damsel should look his way,
And he'd soon ask to name the day.
FOREST MAXWELL is every day the same,
And the girl who gets his name
Will live in clover ???? skies.
Who is working to win the brrize?
But that he'd like to make a mash;
You should give him time to think,
Tibr him with a lover's wink.
HIRAM GOFF is old enough,
He is also ubr to snuff;
It will surely be worh your while
If you can only make him smile.
GUS JOHNSON, tall and straight
Has a smile no girl should hate.
Give him a wink and hear him sigh.
He'll stay with you, until you die.
MACK MCDOWELL, one of our best.
Is in the bunch with all the rest.
If you do not hurt his brride
He'd chance with you to abide.
The LAWTON Brothers, also others,
Would stick to you like brothers;
So there's a chance for maidens fair,
With minds made ubr to mate, and brair.
HARRY FITE I am almost slighted.
He'd surely make a girl delighted;
Harry is due to make her win
And in laughing too he'd join in.
To those not young and hearts not tender
I write for you a bold defender.
A word to the wise may be a brlenty -
Look out for the girls under twenty.
JOE MCCULLOUGH is good and wise
He's ubr in years and will always rise.
I tell you girls, I'd like to be fair,
So admit he lokes a rocking chair.
You get the chari and brlace it right
Then ask him in on a Sunday night.
He's not much stuck on show or style;
You'll get him I think in a little while.
JOHN BONDHUS is hard to beat,
Wears good clothes, is always neat.
Sbrends his time in youth for cash.
Has not the time nor will to mash.
IRVING MCCARTY he is quite young,
But from Cubrid's dart is free.
So sbreak the word both soft and low
I don't think he can withstand the blow.
ED brETERSON - it is too late.
He has gone and met his fate;
We all feel sorry and brity him
But it serves him right dog gonn his skin.
Take note of the girls of sweet sixteen
Folling the boys that are overly green;
But careful to brlan a right good catch
And mamma to helbr them make the match.
Get wise and brretty and sure get busy,
And unto the works make young girls dizzy.
Remember the day that's sad and to late;
This is the year Nineteen Eight.
OLE VAAGSETH made a pleasant call at GROWHOLDS last Sunday. ...
Our valley is located in the south western part of Morton Co. close to the Cannon Ball river and about 65 miles S.W. of Mandan.
Railroad and telephone is all the talk among the farmers now days. ...
Emmigrants have begun to flock in. About twelve loads of Susins and their household goods passed through our vicinity, going toward the Russians settlement, south of Dogtooth.
Mrs. HOWARD, a 70-year old lady, all alone arrived last Tuesday to take up her residence on a homestead south of Carson. Ain't that pluck!
A Pointed Love Letter
A Wyoming paper printed the following love note, which one of its reporters picked up on the street:
"Dear H.: I seen you in Church Sunday and I laffed at you, but you nover laffed bak, why not. I would like to now. I still luve you and if you tirn me down for HIGH PICKETS I will hog-tie him and bete his face up mean, so you better laff at me when I laff at you. You are my hart's desyre but you can't make no dam fule out of me. Yures ferevir, J.M."
C.S. VAUDYKE has nearly got his pasture fenced fixed. When fixed, it will be a good thing for him - and the rest of us.
About twenty-five Morton county school mams took the teachers' examination in Almont last Friday and Saturday. The county superintendent evidently did not know that there were so many bachelors in Almont or he probably would have held the examination elsewhere.
DR. SHORTRIDGE called at this place Friday. We understand the County Board of Health has instructed him to make thorough fumigation of all houses where there has been a case of diphtheria.
Attorney J.E. CAMPBELL, who has recently returned from a trip through southern Morton county says: "The southern part of this county is settling up rapidly, and with a very intelligent class of settlers. I was down at CARSON last week and found that a very pretty and substantial little village. It has a good hotel kept by Mr. CARTER, the pioneer of the place: a fine new store building, with a Sunday school hall over-head. They have just started a creamery and a newspaper, the Carson Press. The first issue furnished the cottagers and farmers of the surrounding country with the very cream of journalism. Then the complexion of the country is improving (?) because I saw at least five democrats down there. I believe the country and the people are getting better all the time. All the peoplel I met there were satisfied, contented and happy." [The question mark in the above was put there by the editor. Quite naturally Attorney Jim has no question about the democrats improving the country.]
LEIPZIG has a roller mill of about fifty barrels capacity, owned by MICHELSON BROS., a creamery owned by MARTIN HEINTZ. It has two general stores, the one owned by the Farmers' Commercial Co., and the other by O.F. BEHRENFELD & Co., who are handling everything one might need on the farm from a paper of pins to a self-binder. There is also a good blacksmith shop, hotel and a livery and feed barfn, a meat market and a refreshment stand. The post-office is in charge of Mr. SHADDUCK.
The ALMONT creamery opened for business Wednesday morning.
Cold Water is the Best of Drinks
"Cold water is the best of drinks,"
The temperance poet sings,
But who am I that I should have
The very best of things?
Let magnates revel at the pump,
And peers enjoy cold tea -
Beer, whiskey, or even wine,
Is good enough for me.
The Carson Press said something about a woman 70 years old having the pluck to take up residence on her claim. We have a woman [MRS NETTIE ROBERTS] in the vicinity of Stebbins who has even mjore pluck or nerve which ever you may call it. She had the misfortune to have runaway and got all her ribs broken on theleft side her back broken, one toe broken, and was paralyzed from hips down. She only stayed in the hospital two months and returned home with paralyzed bowels and had to be cauterized twice a day. She had bed sores aqbout the size of goose eggs which ran to the back bone. She was unable to turn or lift herself with no nurse or doctor. She boarded the switch at Bismarck and was carried to and from the backs at Mandan, then put into a buggy and driven sixty-five miles toher homestead, knowing all the care she would get was what MR. ROBERTS and his ten-year old daughter could give her. Mr. Roberts is a brother-in-law to the young widow, having married her sister. Of course his being a veterinaryh surgeon and understanding how to treat sores was a great help, but they got no outside help. Talk about pluck! She has some. She has suffreednow for eight months in whjich time she has never walked a step. She has begun to slowly improve. She was given up by five doctors and made her will while at Bismarck. She called a priest and was christened by FATHER HENRY at the age of 22 years. This was something unheard of before, FATHER HENRY said. A person with all relations Prrtestants and at that age to turn a Catolic, was somethikng new. Mrs. Nettiei Roberts said: "I was preparing to die but did not think I would die." A neighbor said he didnot think \there was another man in Morton county who would take a sister-in-law and care for her as Mr. Roberts takes care of Mrs. Roberts.
A Word from Mrs Roberts
I am the woman whom you all heard so much about. I must say I am getting better. I can creep on all fours like a babe, but I am very lonely and wish my neighbors would come in and see me. Some of the busybodies said I didn't seem to like anyone to come in and see me. This is a sad mistake. I wish all to come. It is a pleasure to me to see you come - big and little - even if you can't help me. We enjoyed a visit from MR. COOK, a man from Michigan, who is intending to bring his family out to stay with me for a while. NETTIE ROBERTS
OLE WAAGSETH had the misfortune to have a fine colt badly injured on the barb wire.
Two loads of emmigrants passed through our country Wednesday with farm impliments and house goods, enrout to the sothern part of the country. ...
It is reported that the Milwaukee will run a branch line up through Dogtooth. We all hope the good news is true.
The following from Christiana will be read with interest by all Scandinavian-Americans:
The Climate's influence on Emigrants From Northern Europe and Especially Norwegians in America" is the title of a treatise by Dr. S. Carlsen of Spring Grove, Minn., in the last issue of "Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening."
After quoting an Irish physician's statements concerning the fact that the Irish and likewise other races from Northern Europe in general, cannot well endure the climate in America on account of the abundance of sunshine in that country, Dr. Carlsen takes up the situation among the Norwegians as a race.
The Norwegian invasion in America, says the doctor, is going steadily westward and northward, to Northern North Dakota, into Washington, and over the line into Canada. He says that a newspaper recently stated that the Norwegians, even as far south as Southern Minnesota are degenerating, and as a proof of this he pointed out that in the insane asylums are a large number of Norsemen.
Whatever the cause may be, whether sunshine, light or other conditions, Dr., Carlsen says that the climate does not have the best influence on Norsemen in America. In defense of this statement he states that the second and third generation are not as strong as the old pioneers who came directly from Norway. The descendents are not as healthy as their pioneer parents, to which their weak physique and poor teeth will testify, says the doctor.
The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company are preparing to build a railroad thru this country, from McLaughlin S. Dak. They are coming to within three miles of Carson, then turning westward to New England, running alongside the N.P. for about 50 miles. Surveyors are at work south of Carson and the work is being rushed.
O. WAAGSTEDT is getting stone and other material on the ground to build a basement of a barn 24 by 48.
Farmers in these parts are hunting in vain for hired help. They seem very scarce this year.
Several people from all over the country assembled here last Sunday expecting to see the steel gang work laying the steel, but much to their disappointment, the track laying outfit was not in operation as the men refused to work on Sunday. The work was resumed again on Monday morning and reached here early Tuesday. Nothing can change the spirit of this country as much as the railroad. People have waited for years for this great event and now are glad to realize their hopes. Elevators and lumber yards will be built up as soon as the material can be laid down, which will be very sooe.
The Northern Pacific has issued a schedule of fares for the new south line of the "Western Dakota Railway. The towns mentioned in the schedule are twenty in number and trains will from from Mandan through the following stations: Jennie, Schmidt, Gwyther, Junction, Cannon Ball, Carrigan, Yates, Nosodak, Flasher, Solen, Parkin, Gall, Lark, Carson, Lawther, Shenley, Birdsell, Thirty Mile and Mott.,
The latest authentic report in regard to the steel on the Milwaukee is that they reached Dogtooth Saturday night.
Mr. ROBINSON has a large force working on his new store. He will have charge of the postoffice. It is the hope of Brisbane that he will soon be able to start up.