Morton County, ND
Mandan, ND - County Seat




 Morton County NDGenWeb is a free genealogical site about the history of the county. We hope you find helpful clues for your research of ancestors and relatives of  Morton county.

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Morton County Courthouse -- Mandan, ND

* * * North Dakota Veteran's Cemetery located 4606 Hwy 1806, Mandan, ND

Morton County Coordinator: Linda Ziemann 

**Much thanks is due to Morton Co. former Coordinator, Norma Hass, for all of her due diligence in creating topics and submitting history to Morton County.**

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To the North: Mercer Co. and Oliver Co.

To the East: Burleigh Co. and Emmons Co.

To the West: Stark Co.

To the South: Grant Co. and Sioux Co.


Morton County was created by the 1872-1873 territorial legislature. Morton County was named for Oliver P. Morton, Governor of Indiana during the civil war and a U. S. Senator from Indiana at the time the county was established. 

"Morton county extended from the eighth standard parallel on the south to the tenth standard parallel on the north, and from the twelfth guide meridian on the west to the Missouri river on the east." ~Collections of the State Historical Society of North Dakota, Volume 5, page 185 

The government was organized March 23, 1878, but the 1879 legislature attached the eastern portion of Morton County to Burleigh County. This effectively nullified the organization of the Morton County government. The 1881 legislature returned the detached portion to Morton County and the government was reorganized on February 18th of that year. The County seat was originally in Lincoln 1878-1879, and it was moved to Mandan in 1881.


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 Morton Co. Archives



NDGenWeb State Coordinator: Linda Ziemann 

*last update 1/2/2025

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