Rolette County


Fargo Forum, 1910 Jan 08

Hotel Man Died
J. B. Truax of Wethope, proprietor of the Truax hotel, died at his home there last Saturday morning, aged about 65 years. He has been troubled with Brights disease for several years and at last succumbed to it at about 65 years of age. He has long resided in this and Rolette counties and all the old timers will regret his decease. Because of the loss of leg in early life he was greatly handicapped, but he did well the last few years and left considerable property for his wife and daughters. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon.

Fargo Forum, 1910 Jan 29

St. John.
St. John, N. D., Jan 27. – To The Forum: Mr. and Mrs. H. M Reynolds of Rolla were St. John visitors last Sunday.
Pres. Egland, of the Rolette County bank was attending to business in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John McManus attended the Yeoman's lodge at Rolla, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Bolstad were Rolla visitors last week.
C. R. Lyman and daughter Ethel returned from Fargo Saturday evening, where they attended the Grain Growers' convention. Mr. Lyman reports a very interesting convention and large crowd which speaks for itself.
Some loc-lifed cur succeeded at last in burning up the building belonging to C. R. Lyman. This makes the fourth attempt and it was a success. Without the assistance of numerous hands, the entire east side of town would have burned, as cordwood was piled within a few feet of the building.
On Monday evening the St. John's Ladies' Embroidery club gave a party at the home of Father Gauthier in honor of his niece Miss Leonie, the occasion being her birthday. The gentlemen were also invited and a very pleasant evening was spent playing cards, after which delicious refreshments were served.

Evening Times, 1910 Feb 19

Rolette Record: Miss M. Maybelle Wood, who has been in a hospital in Grand Forks, returned last week and on Friday she left her home in Vermont, accompanied by Dr. Nordbye. Miss Wood is very seriously ill, suffering from paralysis and a complication of other diseases. Since she came here and assumed the duties of matron and nurse at the hospital she has made many friends who sympathize with her in her misfortune and hope for her recovery.

Bottineau Courant, 1910 Mar 04

Mack Rose, who is alleged to have been dispensing liquid refreshment at Overly contrary to law, was arrested by Sheriff N. H. McKinnon Wednesday on a warrant sworn out in county court. He was conducting the business in Rolette county, about 200 feet from the county line.

Bottineau Courant, 1910 Mar 11

Mrs. E. L. McCutcheon went to Rolette Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. D. J. McLennan.

Fargo Forum, 1910 Apr 09

Rolette, N.D., April – Because thtey found that John Gottbreht was only in Rolette county visiting his son, William Gottreht, the board of insanity commissioners refused to commit him to the North Dakota asylum, but instead have ordered him sent to Kansas. The elder Gottbreht developed signs of insanity after being here some little time and was taken into custody. He owns considerable property in Kansas.

Evening Times, 1910 Apr 25

Devils Lake, N.D., April 25. – Mrs. Nelson Pasonault died at her home in this city following a year's illness of Bright's disease. Mrs. Pasonault and her husband had resided in Rolette county since 1887, moving to Devils Lake only last August. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.

Bismarck Daily Tribune, 1910 May 20

Grand Forks, May 19. – Jake Harris, aged 28 years, adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Johnson of Rolette, N. D., met death this afternoon at 4 o'oclock when his foot slipped and a piano fell upon him, crushing his head and body. He was hurried to the hospital, but lived only an hour.

Evening Times, 1910 May 28

Rolla, N. D., May 28. – A bad accident occurred the latter part of the week in Oxford township in which Fritz Ebel came near losing his life. Mr. Ebel was digging a well and was down thirty-two feet when a heavy bucket, weighing forty pounds, which they were using, fell on him, striking him on the back, breaking two ribs and forcing the broken end of one of them through one of his kidneys. It was thought for a time that there was no chance for him, but during the past two days he has been steadily impro9ving and hopes are now entertained of his recover.

Evening Times, 1910 Jun 04

Mrs. Roy Carlyle of Powers Lake arrived last evening from Crookston where she has been visiting and spent the night as the guest of her borther's family, Mr. and Mrs. George Wong of Fourth avenue. This morning she left for Rolette where she will visit a few days before going home and was accompanied by her two little brothers, Masters Theodore and Milford Wong, who will make their home with her.

Bismarck Daily Tribune, 1910 Jun 05

John O'Neil, doing five years for burglary, committed in Rolette county, and whose sentence would have expired in a few days, was pardoned.

Evening Times, 1910 Jun 16

A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlop of Maryville, Rolette county, on Tuesday when their youngest daughter, Grace C., was united in marriage to Clifford D. Earl of Enterprize, Man.. Rev. Z. James of Rolette officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Adda Earl, while John M. Dunlop assisted the groom. The bride has resided in Rolette county since early childhood and has a large circle of acquaintances whose best wishes follow her to her new home. The groom was a resident of Rolla for two years and is well known as a young man of sterling qualities. The wedding was a quiet affair only the immediate relatives and old neighbors being present. The guests from a distance being the parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. James Earl of Enterprize, and W. A. Dunlop of Deering, brother of the bride. Immediately after the ceremony the guests sat down to a sumptuous repast after which the young couple left for Killarney, amid a shower of rice and old shoes. After a short honeymoon on the shores of beautiful Lake Killarney they will be at home to their friends at Enterprize.

Evening Times, 1910 Jun 18

Rolla, N.D., June 18. – Sheriff Taylor went to Winnipeg and returned to Rolla with John Byrnes in custody. The arrest was made on a warrant charging him with rape, the girl in the case being Gertie Cameron, 16 years old, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cameron of Hutchinson. Mr. Byrnes returned without extradition papers, claiming he is innocent. The warrant was issued by Justice of the Peace C. R. Lyman, and the preliminary hearing has been set for next Thursday, June 23, at St. John.

Evening Times, 1910 Jun 28

Miss Myrtle Weaver of Rolette was married Saturday evening to George Giles of the Giles Bros. real estate firm of Rolette, the Rev. J. T. L. Coates performing the ceremony. They will at once take up their home in Rolette.

Fargo Forum, 1910 Jul 18

Miss Ella Johnson surprised her friends in Rolette by the announcement of her marriage to Olaf H. Olson. The wedding occurred at Rugby, her brother, Carl and Miss Clara Thompson attending as witnesses. The party drove from Rolette to Omemee to take the train for Rugby. After the wedding ceremony they all proceeded to Chautaugua. The bride and groom returned to Churchs Ferry for a day and then to their home at Leeds where the groom is engaged in the papering and painting business.

Evening Times, 1910 Jul 30

Rolette, N. D., July 30. – S. B. Law, residing near this city, was almost instantly killed in an automobile accident, being caught under his machine when it turned turtle into a ditch. His back and chest were crushed by the terrific force of the machine when it struck him after making a complete turn in the air.

Law was accompanied by a stranger whom he had picked up on the road, and he escapted with only a few bruises, although he was cought under the machine also.

Fargo Forum, 1910 Jul 30

S. B. Law, who resided on the Jonas Deeter farm, about five miles southwest of Rolette, was killed early Friday morning near Fonda, … The unfortunate man was about forty-five years of age and leaves a wife and five or six children. He came to Rolette county about three years ago from South Dakota, to which state the body was taken for burial.

Fargo Forum, 1910 Aug 11

Victor Frawley and Miss Mabel Haugen went over from Rolette and were married in Rolla, Saturday evening. Mr. Frawley is the eldest son of J. A. Frawley, of The Overly Tribune, and has been working in The Rolette Examiner office. Miss Haugen is a niece of O. J. Selthun and has been making her home at Rolette since early in the spring. The young couple expect to live in Rolla for the present, Mr.Frawley having secured a job in Red Goulden's pool room.

Evening Times, 1910 Aug 20

Rolla, N. D., Aug. 20. – Charged with shooting with intent to kill, Jack Dawson is being held in the Rolette county jail upon the complaint of John Lee. In an altercation near this place Lee was shot through the leg and he claims that Dawson fired the revolver resulting in the injury. The hearing will be held August 31. Lee is a farmer residing near Overly, Bottineau county, and the quarrel was only over some trivial matter. [Details in Fargo Forum 1910 Aug 23]

Evening Times, 1910 Aug 23

A. Bernstein, a former Grand Forks tailor, has opened a shop at Rolette, and his family will move there soon.

Evening Times, 1910 Aug 30

Herman Soranson Will Be Taken Home
… Monday evening John Soranson Rud, the man's brother, arrived from Rolette county, and it was agreed that he should take him back to his home, where he will receive proper treatment, which appears to be all the unfortunate man needs, and they will return this evening. …

Fargo Forum, 1910 Sep 01

Devils Lake, N. D., Sept. 1. – A distressing accident occurred at Fish lake, near Rolla, by which two well known society young people of Rolla lost their lives by drowning in the lake.

T. A. Kyle, a prominent young business man of Rolla, and Miss Kathryn Brackett, deputy register of deeds of Rolette county, were the victims. … Mr. Kyle was about 30 years of age and was the eldest son of Mrs. A. J. Kyle. He was the manager of the Kyle Hardware Co., succeeding his father who died a few years ago, and had resided at Rolla since he was a young boy. The family is one of the oldest in that section of the state.

Miss Brackett's home was at Pine City, Minn., and her body was shipped to that place for burial yesterday, the remains passing through Devils Lake on the Brandon train.

Fargo Forum, 1910 Sep 14

Ole Johnson of Rolette was united in marriage last week with Miss Clara Mellum at the hom e of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mellum, of Bertha. The ceremony was witnessed by a few relatives and friends, and after congratulations were extended a dinner was served to the assembled guests. Mr. Johnson is one of Rolette's best known citizens and his bride is well known in that village and in her home neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will be at home in Rolette next month.

Bottineau Courant, 1910 Nov 18

D. J. McLennan of Rolette, son-in-law of E. L. McCutcheon former manager of the Imperial lumber yard, was elected state's attorney of Rolette county. He was the democratic nominee.

Turtle Star, 1912 Oct

George Wray, a transient thresher at Mylo, was brought to the hospital last week with typhoid fever which later developed into pneumonia from which he died Sunday. He was 60 years of age and not strong enough to resist the attack. His relatives at Alexandria, Minn., were notified, but as no answer was received the remains were buried here by Undertaker Murphy.

Contributed 06 Feb 2022 by Linda H.

Initial extractions 07 Oct 2019 by Norma Hass from Chronicling America website.

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This page was last updated 09/24/2024