Source: Sargent County newspaper, October 31, 1935. Submitted by Jerry McQuay Pierre, SD (Nov 2004) csk

After invocation by Rev. W. A. Ebertz, all sat down to a banquet dinner in the basement of the Congregational church. After this, president Nels Peterson gave a short address of welcome and turned the meeting over to E. W. Brown as toastmaster. Dr. H. W. Emanuel was called and told of some of his early experiences as doctor in the early 80's. F. W. Vail, then spoke at length on old times and also read extracts from an early paper he has in his possession which caused much merriment. John Dyste then told of the moving of their store building from Rutland to Forman with oxen. Mrs. W. E. Dada told of some of her early experiences and observation. Mr. Dada was next called on and told of his wheat buying in those days and also of some Indian experiences. Nels Dyste then spoke of the early times and Nels is always interesting. Mrs. Dale told of their arrival and some of the happenings and Mr. Dale added to them with a few remarks. Richard McCarten was then called and those who are in the habit of attending these banquets know the judge is always good and adds much to the meeting. Louis Steimke then made his apologies for being absent so many times and added some stories of old. O. A. Stockstad next told of some of his struggles as a barefoot boy in the wild and wooly west. Nels Lunneborg spoke sparingly with apologies of not being a public speaker, Nels would rather listen than talk at these meetings. Archie Robbins then told of the early arrival of the Robbins at the little town down where Chancy Warner now lives, known by various names such as Grab All, Linton and the End of the Track. Hans Watman told of his arrival in the country just in time to vote in the big county seat fight between Milnor and Forman, and some exciting experiences he and Pete Matson went through as a result. Hans Johnson apologized for being absent last year and promised better attendance in the future. John Bloomdale amused the crowd by giving some exciting experiences with Edd Guy's greyhounds, and we who were somewhat acquainted with Edd and his hounds doubt if the old man himself could have told it any better. Others giving short talks were J. B. Johnson, Ben Girmsrud, Theo. Rye, Ole Lyngved and others. The secretary was then called upon to read the list of old settlers who have passed to the great beyond since our banquet last years, as follows. Harry Forman, Mrs. Harry Forman, S. A. Sweetman, Alex Erickson, Mrs. Nels Peterson, C. C. Nundahl, Mrs. Peter Hanson, Olai Evenson, Olaf Melroe, Mrs. Haline, Mrs. Oscar G. Olson, Mrs. Gust Pearson, C. T. Nelson, Axel Marcuson, Dr. W. W. King, H. O. Gardner, Ole J. Johnson, Bert Holding, Henry Ulve, Mrs. Nels Arntzen, Wm. Farley, John Thomas, Micheal Berg, John Carlin, Nels Anderson, Mrs. Weber, D. J. Prinderville, Hattie Leach, J. T. McGraw. Following are the name of those present and date of arrival in county: Nels Petterson, 1882; E. W. Brown, 1882; C. E. Dale and Mrs. C. E. Dale, 1889; Mrs. Ella M. Weeks, 1910; F. W. Vail, 1885; Mrs. Frank Robbins, 1912; Dr, H. W. Emanuel, 1886; N. H. Dyste, 1885; Hans A. Westman, 1884; Nels Lunneborg, 1882; Richard McCarten, 1882; Claud Sterner, 1882; F. W. Butler, 1882; John Bowser, Mrs. John Bowser, 1886; O. A. Stockstad, 1883; M. A. Robbins, 1882; Lars Johnson, 1882; Mrs. O. B. Hellen, 1882; E. C. Enge, 1886; Mrs. E. C. Enge, 1884; O. C. Anderson, 1891; Mrs. Julia C. Anderson, 1887; Mrs. Jolin Peterson, 1887; Mrs. B. O. Anderson, 1898; B. O. Anderson, 1893; Otto Rye, 1882; B. A. Grimsrud, 1883; A. A. Stockstad, 1883; Theodore Rye, 1882; Mrs. John Prindeville, 1886; John Prindeville, 1886, Mrs. John Bloomdale, 1887; John Bloomdale, 1891; Nels. J. Jacobson, 1887; Simon Peterson, 1892; John B. Johnson, 1881; Even N. Dyste, 1887; Louis Steimke, 1884; Dave Nickeson, 1888; Helma Land Christianson, 1884; Caroline Land O'Dell, 1884; Hans Johnson, 1882; Laura Johnson, 1892; J. H. Dyste, 1885; Mrs. R. Lavik, 1892; W. E. Dada, 1882; Mrs. W. E. Dada, 1884; F. L. Robbins, 1883. F. L. Robbins, Secy

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