Source: Sargent County Teller newspaper, October 30, 1941. Submitted by Jerry McQuay Pierre, SD (Nov 2004) csk
OLD SETTLERS' BANQUET, THURS., WELL ATTENDED The meeting was called to order by president. Devotional by Archie Robbins, followed by banquet dinner. After the dinner Secretary Robbins, on request, read the names of pioneers who have passed on during the year. Old settlers who have passed away during 1941: Mrs. Josie Jensen, Milnor, N. D., wife of Andrew Jensen Mrs. Haaken Halvorson, DeLamere. Mrs. C. W. Warner, wife of C. W. Warner, Milnor. Mrs. John Nordstrom, Shuman twp., wife of John Nordstrom. Mrs. Magnus Peterson, Milnor, wife of Magnus Peterson. Ole Ringdahl, Milnor. Gilbert Anderson, DeLamere. Mrs. M. A. Robbins, Milnor. Nels H. Dyste, Forman. Edward Isakson, Forman. Andrew A. Wahlund, Cogswell August Beccue, Gwinner. Frank Argersinger, Forman. John Ek, Gwinner. Geo. Scoville, Forman. Robert Hurly, Forman pioneer. Sam Thompson, Forman. J. A. Shannon, Cogswell. Gwendolyn Millrooney, Havana. Ole Syverson, Havana. Mrs. R. Sampson, Geneseo. Mr. Peter Lauridson, Milnor. President Ed. Enge appointed attorney Bowen as toastmaster, who in turn called on members to give their experience of early life here. F. W. Vail told of chicken hunting; W. E. Dada about deer and rabbit hunting and Mrs. Flora Baker talked on different early experiences. A. W. Johnson told the meeting the reason why we in the United States should be thankful. Allan Saunders begged to be excused. Mrs. Baker read extracts from the old Kandiotts Herald published by Jay Whitely. Supt. Kraig gave and entertaining talk. Nels Luneborg told why he came to Dakota and President Enge told of the reason why he came to this country. At the business meeting a collection was taken to pay expenses, advertising and other small expenses. Mr. Enge asked to be relieved as president and A. W. Johnson was chosen by the meeting. On motion all the officers were re-elected. Members present at this banquet were: Mrs. A. W. Jonhson, 1898 Mr. Ivar Petterson, 1887 E. C. Enge, 1886 Mrs. E. C. Enge, 1884 C. R. Wheeler, 1888 Myron A. Robbins, 1883 Otto Kastner, 1898 A. M. Thomspon, 1909 S. M. Thompson, 1894 S. M. Thorfinnson, 1933 Paul Kraig, 1909 Tyler O'Neil, 1909 A. E. Saunders, 1884 W. B. Wyckoff, 1897 R. W. Safstrom, 1902 Geo. Dawsonn, 1883 Jas. Mulrooney, Havana, 1887 F. Vail, 1885 Price Boatman, 1902 H. H. Larson, 1904 Mrs. B. Larson, 1904 Mrs. T. Mollerop, 1904 Flora E. Baker, 1887 E. W. Bowen, 1882 L. W. Bowen (no date) A. W. Johnson, 1881 Otto Rye, 1882 W. E. Dada, 1882 Mrs. W. E. Dada, 1884 Theo. O. Rye, 1882 C. A. Walloch, 1903 Mrs. G. A. Walloch, 1889 Nels J. Jacobson, 1886 Olga Olson, 1899 Mrs. William Austin, 1907 Mrs. B. E. Johnson, 1903 Mrs. L. R. Kerling, 1923 Mrs. Rose Safstrom, 1928 Helen G. Lyken, 1889 Alma Daniels, 1932 Mrs. C. A. Schulz, 1917 Mrs. Marie Sannes, 1886 Mrs. Agnes Ulve, 1880 Mrs. A. Leslie, 1887 J. H. Dyste, 1887 Nels Lunnaberg, 1882 F. L. Robbins, 1882 Mrs. F. L. Robbins, 1912 Mrs. Ovar Petterson, 1887 F. L. Robbins, Sec'yReturn to Sargent County Pioneers and Old Settlers
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