List of Obituaries and Death Notices 1920-1940
Compiled and submitted by Jerry McQuay Pierre, SD (Nov 2004) csk
This list is an aid for your research. The names listed below were found in the Sargent County Teller that was published by the towns of Milnor and Forman. The DeLamere Mistletoe was published as a part of the Milnor newspaper. If you don’t see a name, it does not mean that there was none, as I may have overlooked it or it was published in another Sargent county newspaper. The articles associated with the names are either obituaries, notices, or articles relating to the person's death. Some articles are lengthy and some are very short notices. Some of the articles are of people who died elsewhere, but had a notice printed in the paper. -Jerry
You can click to go to Sargent County Newspapers to find the microfilm number by using the paper name and date found in the list below. The microfilm reels can be ordered from the North Dakota State Archives through a library participating in the interlibrary loan program. A fee may be charged depending on the library. You may also check with the North Dakota State Archives as they may look up the article for a fee.
Abrahamson, Elizabeth...........Nov. 11, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Abrahamson, Lewis ..............Apr. 12, 1924........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Adams, H. K.........................Jan. 3, 1924............DeLamere Mistletoe
Alfson, Emma........................Feb. 2, 1939..........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Allen, D. E. ...........................Feb. 25, 1925........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Allen, Mary.....................Jul. 6, 1933.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Anderson, Albert................May 16, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Anderson, Bernice Beger.........Jun. 6, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Anderson, Carl Albin............Nov. 28, 1929......DeLamere Mistletoe
Anderson, Clara.................Dec. 25, 1924......DeLamere Mistletoe
Anderson, Ethel.................Apr. 6, 1939.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Anderson, Gustav Hilbert........Mar. 4, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Anderson, John Melvin...........Oct. 13, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Anderson, Martin................Jan. 3, 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Anderson, Mrs. Martin...........May 10, 1928.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Anderson, Mr. S. O..............Jun. 19, 1930......DeLamere Mistletoe
Anderson, Nels..................Nov. 8, 1923.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Anderson, Olof..................Jul. 18, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Anderson, O. C. ................Dec. 22, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Anderson, Petra.................Feb. 25, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Anderson, Sander Arnold.........Oct. 17, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Argersinger, Clarence...........Dec. 8, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Arneson, Glenice Maxine.........Mar. 5, 1931.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Arnold, G. W....................Jul. 29, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ashley, Jay H...................Jan. 18, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Austad, Martin..................Oct. 25, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Backlund, Peter.................Dec. 13, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Backma, Mrs. Fred...............May 8, 1930........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Backstrom,Peter.................Jan. 7, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bakken, Amanda..................Apr. 30, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Baldwin, George A...............Feb. 20, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bale, Geo. W....................Feb. 10, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Beccue, Helene Louise...........Feb. 12, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Beckstrom, Carl.................Feb. 6, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Beitland, John .................Jan. 4, 1923.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bengtson, John..................Dec. 29, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bennett, Barbara................Jun. 15, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bennett, Frank..................Feb. 7, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Benrud, Anna....................Aug. 20, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Benson, Oley ...................Sep. 21, 1922......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Benson, Peter...................Aug. 5, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bentson, Andrew.................Apr. 11, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Benzel, William.................Apr. 23, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bergemann, Herbert Henry........Dec. 23, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Berger, Anton P.................Dec. 16, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Berger, Marie Julia.............Aug. 12, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bergsto, John Mrs...............Dec. 21, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bergstrom, Elmer Melvin.........Dec. 5, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Berg, Annie M. .................Jul. 30, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Berg, Mrs. N. C.................Jan. 27, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Berven, Earl....................Apr. 24, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Berven, Mrs Olaf................Jun. 12, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Berven, Olaf....................Aug. 27, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Betting, Emma ..................Sep.3, 1925........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Betting, Mrs. Henry.............Sep. 23, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bieterfeld, Louis...............Feb. 12, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Biever, Jacob...................Jul. 2, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Blakemore, Robert B.............Oct. 19, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Blew, Lucy A. ..................Oct. 7, 1920.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Blew, Ottis O...................Nov. 3, 1932.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bleyhl, Alex....................Jun. 17, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bleyhl, Minnie..................Nov. 19, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bleyhl, Roy Edward..............May 1, 1930........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bliss, Chas M. .................Dec. 7, 1922.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Bliss, Clarence Uba ............Nov. 4, 1920.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bliss, Mrs. C. N................May 8, 1930........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Blythe, Mary....................May 31. 1928.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Blythe, Will....................Mar. 10, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Blytne, Mrs. William............Nov. 4, 1926.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Boatman, Inez Zelna.............Oct. 24, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Boatman, John G.................Feb. 11, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Boatman, Mrs. C. H..............Dec. 18, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bopp, Lyle......................Jan. 3, 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Borg, H. H. Mrs.................Nov. 3, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Botten, Alfred H................Mar. 28, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bowman, Edward .................Mar. 8, 1923.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bowser, John Mrs................Mar. 10, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bowser, W. H....................Mar. 11, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Brandt, Ida.....................Jan. 13, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Brekke, John....................Jul. 29, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Britt, Mrs. Sophrana............Jan. 12, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Brolin, Andrew..................Dec. 17, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Brolin, Signe...................Aug. 16,1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Brown, DeEtta Harriet...........Dec. 17, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Brown, Ellsworth C..............Sep. 23, 1926......DeLamere Mistletoe
Brown, Philander Newton.........Dec. 11, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Brumfield, Harry Mrs............Aug. 16, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Brumfield, Vernon...............Mar. 8, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Brunsvold, Karine...............Mar. 1, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Buchen, C. F....................Jul. 10, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bucher, Ethel...................Dec. 26, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Buck, Charles...................Feb. 21, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Buck, Geo. H....................Jul. 23, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Burgeson, Mrs. John.............Feb. 28, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Burgeson, Mrs. Ole..............Apr. 11, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Burgeson, Ole...................Dec. 2, 1926.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bussman, Ruth...................Dec. 23, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Bye, Henry......................Feb. 23, 1933......DeLamere Mistletoe
Campbell, Charlie...............Aug. 12, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Campbell, Mrs. Chas. ...........Jun. 1, 1922.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Carlblom, Albin Rudolph.........Jul. 20, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlblom, Iver..................Apr. 4, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlblom, Joh Fredrick..........Jun. 23, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlblom, Malhilda..............Apr. 20, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlson Annie...................Apr. 17, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlson, Arnold Carol...........Sep. 12, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlson, Gust...................Dec. 24, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlson, Jaenette...............Mar. 28, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlson, Jens...................Apr. 1, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlson, Karenus................Apr. 12, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlson, Mrs. Carl J............Oct. 6, 1932.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlson, Mrs. Jens..............Nov. 19, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlson, Stina..................Jan. 13, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Carlson, William Julius.........Sep. 15, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Christensen, Louis J............Jan. 10, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Christiansen, Peter.............Feb. 15, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Clarens, Leo....................Sep. 24, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Colen, Charles W................Dec. 4, 1923.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Cole, Mrs. A. J.................Oct. 20, 1932......DeLamere Mistletoe
Cooper, Chas. H.................May 12, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Cross, D. A.....................Oct. 12, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Cue, Glen.......................Jan. 29, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Cummings, Thomas................Nov. 6, 1924.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Curtiss, Marie Marquette........Aug. 11, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Dahl, Irene May.................May 30, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Dakin, Lee......................Mar. 23, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
De Moulin, Charles Eugene.......Feb. 17, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Decker, Emma....................Jul. 16, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Decker, Max.....................Jun. 7, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Devitt, Michael F...............May 30, 1926.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Devlin, John F. ................Aug. 27, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Dietzler, Elise.................Jun. 29, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Donaldson, Ivan.................Feb. 24, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Doty, S. B. Rev.................Aug. 22, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Dowling, Isaac .................Nov. 16, 1922......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Dowling, Mrs. Isaac.............Feb. 23, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Doyle, Mrs. F, M,...............Dec. 26, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Dungey, Albert E................Apr. 13, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Dungey, Caroline................Oct. 13, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Dye, Maurice Eugene.............Mar. 17, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Dyste, Nels H...................Dec. 5, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Eastman, Mrs. A. W..............Nov. 22, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Eckelbarger, Frank..............Feb. 26, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Edman, Ellen....................Oct. 29, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Edman, Julin....................Jan. 14, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Edman, Oscar....................Feb. 26, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Eggen, Jonetha..................May 22, 1924.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Eiben, John H...................Jul. 14, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Eiben, Mrs. John................Jun. 22, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Eiben, Theresa..................Jun. 29, 1933......DeLamere Mistletoe
Ellingson, Miss Gladys..........Feb. 3, 1927.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Elliott, Arthor.................May 30, 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Emanual, Hamilton Worth Dr......Jan. 6, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Emanuel, Eloise Crouse..........Mar. 20, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Englerth, Ophelia Wilke.........Dec. 5, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Engstrom, Ole...................Mar. 7, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Engst, Mary Rossa...............Dec. 22, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Enquist, Larice Larae...........Mar. 21, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Erickson, Alex .................Nov. 5, 1925.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Erickson, Ellick................Aug. 22, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Erickson, Hans O................Sep. 9, 1926.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Erickson, Hans..................Nov. 17, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Erickson, Ingeborg..............Sep. 26, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Espeland, Elmer O...............Jan. 26, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Espeland, Frank A..............Nov. 21 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Espeland, George O. ...........Sep. 18, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Espeland, Kenneth...............Nov.27, 1924.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Espeland, Mrs. Elmer ...........Feb. 13, 1923......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Espeland, Peter O...............Jan. 10, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Espeland, Roland Kenneth........Jul. 26, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Evangeline, Stella..............Apr. 17, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Evenson, Olai...................Jul. 11, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Everson, Claus..................Feb. 6, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fadness, Knute..................Jun. 28, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fadness, Martha.................Sep. 12, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fangerud, Mrs. R................Jun. 13, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fangsrud, Matilda...............Jan. 25, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fedge, Mrs. A. A. .............Nov. 13, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fedje, Andre A. ................Mar. 17, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fedje, Jens A...................Dec. 30, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ferguson, Geo. W................May 3, 1929........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ferguson, Mabel Estella.........Aug. 9, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fir, Bertha Marie...............Dec. 24, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fjelstad, Even M................Mar. 26, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fladby, O. A. ..................Jul. 30, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Flados, John....................Dec. 29, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Flamer, Mrs. Geo................Apr. 4, 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Flynn, John.....................Jun. 18, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Foley, Henry P..................Nov. 19, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Foley, Thomas P.................Jul. 14, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fons, Domicella.................Jan. 11, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Foran, Alma Belle...............Aug. 12, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Foster, Alice...................Sep. 12, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Foster, George R................Dec. 15, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Frana, Frank....................Oct. 19, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Freeberg, Tilda.................Dec. 23, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fricke, Anna Witt...............May 26, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fricke, Leva....................Oct. 30, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Friskop, Mrs E. B. (twins)......Dec. 1, 1921.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Friskop, Mrs. A. A..............Jul. 8, 1926.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Friskop, Mrs. Nels..............May 8, 1924........DeLamere Mistletoe
Friskop, Nels...................Jun. 2, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Fyles, Roy V. ..................Jul. 4, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gabrielson, Valborg Mrs.........Mar. 9, 1939.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gainor, Charles.................May 10, 1928.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gainor, Mary Josephine..........Nov. 3, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gallagher, Mrs. F...............Aug. 25, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gertson, Mrs. F. W..............Nov. 17, 1921......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gelinske, Lon...................Oct. 24, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Gilbertson, B. M................Apr. 28, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Girard, A. A. Mrs...............Feb. 10, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Goltz, Henry J..................Jan. 11, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Goolsby, John W.................Sep. 10, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Granlund, Caroline..............Sep. 26, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Granlund, Raynond...............Mar. 27, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Greene, Christine...............Jan. 3, 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Greene, Torger N................Jul. 24, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Green, Thorvald.................May 17, 1928.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gregussen, Mrs. G...............Nov. 17, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gregusson, Gustad Emelius Rev...Dec. 24, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Griggs, Elias W.................Aug. 9, 1927.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Griggs, Fred Mrs................Aug. 2, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Grimsrud, C. M. Mrs.............Jun. 7, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Grimsrud, Selma Bertha..........Feb. 27, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gronlie, John C.................Feb. 12, 1931......DeLamere Mistletoe
Gronlie, Oscar..................Apr. 17, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gronlie, Richard................Feb. 5, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Grue, Severt....................Jul. 11, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Gunderson, Gunder...............Feb. 5, 1931.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gunderson, Ole..................Jun. 16, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gustafson, Oscar................Aug. 4, 1931.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Gustafson,, Mrs. Oscar..........Feb. 18, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Haas, Chas. ....................Apr. 12, 1923......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hagedorn, Eba Edd...............May 17, 1928.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hagness, Mrs. Ragnhild..........Nov. 11, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hall, Hans......................Apr. 11, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Hall, Thorvald..................Feb. 22, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Halmrast, Beatrice..............Apr. 19, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Halmrast, Gilbert...............Jun. 9, 1932.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Halmrast, Mrs. B. C. ...........Jun. 12, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Halvorson, Dick.................Sep. 1,1927........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Halvorson, Frederick............May 3, 1929........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Halvorson, Haakon...............Apr. 15, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Halvorson, Hannah...............Feb. 25, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Halvorson, Miss Helen...........Jan. 8, 1931.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Halvorson, Mrs. Ole.............Dec. 31, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Halvorson, Nettie...............Nov. 8, 1923.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Halvorson, Ole..................Feb. 21, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Handley, Earnest................Jul. 29, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hankonson, Frank August ........Aug. 26, 1920......DeLamere Mistletoe
Hansen, Mrs. Erik...............Sep. 1, 1932.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Hansen, Ole.....................Nov. 28, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hansen, Ragne Ida Lottie........Mar. 25, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hanson, H. H....................Nov. 2, 1933.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hanson, Mollie..................Jul. 4, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hanson, Mrs. Hans H.............Jan. 24, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hanson, Peter...................Mar. 18, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hanson, Susie...................Mar. 23, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hari, Emma Sophia...............Jul. 30, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Harrigton, Jim .................Aug. 3, 1922.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hart, Floyd.....................May 19, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Harvey, Mr. & Mrs. James B......Jan. 3, 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Haugen, Ole K...................Feb. 12, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Haugen,James....................Oct. 18, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Haugland, Ole...................Aug. 7, 1924.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Heath, Myrtle...................Feb. 10, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Heckel, Woodrow B...............Aug. 26, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hegle, Florian..................Feb. 8, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Helgeson, Andrew................Jul. 3, 1924.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Helgeson, Andrew................Jul. 3, 1924.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Helgeson, Grace.................Sep. 12, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hellen, Carmen Lester...........Feb. 7, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hellen, Sam B. .................Jul. 26, 1923......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Helmer, Mary....................Sep. 15, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hemanson, Clara Marie...........Apr.10, 1924.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Henderson, Rilla................Jul. 16, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hendrickson, John B.............Mar. 24, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hendrickson, John...............Nov. 1, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hermanson, Thor.................Apr. 1, 1926.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Herman, John....................Jan. 10, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Herman, Julia Amanda............Jun. 20, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Herreid, Mrs. Bert..............Sep. 25, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Herring, Mrs. John .............Mar. 24, 1923......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hershey, Alice Mayhart..........Dec. 24, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hickey, John....................Feb. 29, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Higgelke, August................Aug. 20, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hillestad, Thomas...............Jun. 22,1933.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hillstrom, Chas.................Dec. 27, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hillstrom, Evander..............Apr. 7, 1927.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hoffman, John ..................May 25,1922........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hoganson, Albert................May 30, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hohnaus, George H...............Oct. 3, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Holding, Albert.................Jul. 11, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Holding, Mrs. Randolph..........Sep. 8,1927........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Holm, Leroy Ryd.................Jul. 18, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Homer, George...................Jun. 8, 1933.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Homer, Miss Dora................Mar. 10, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Homer, Thelma...................Nov. 11, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hooge, John.....................Dec. 24, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Huckell, William Jay............Dec. 10, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Huckel, Albert..................Sep. 5, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Hughes, Rev. J. C. .............Aug. 7, 1924.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Hultman, John...................Aug. 30, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Intelhouse, Guri................Jun. 11, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Intlehouse, Lavus...............Aug. 26, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Isakson, Carl ..................Apr. 6, 1922.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Isakson, Edward.................Dec. 19, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Isakson, Ray baby..............Mar. 28, 1929......DeLamere Mistletoe
Iverson, Anna...................Feb. 22, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Jackson, Jane...................Nov. 24, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Jacobson, Alexander.............May 26, 1932.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Jacobson, Christopher Andrew....Oct. 24, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Jacobs, Mortimer................Nov. 10, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Jaer, Mr. & Mrs. E. H. .........Jan. 11, 1923......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Jagodzinski,John................Feb. 16, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Jakin, Sarah....................Feb. 13, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
James, Amos Henry...............Jul. 6, 1939.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Jensen, Halvard.................Oct. 20, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Jenson, Sivert..................Sep. 23, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnes, David J.................Jul. 16, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Albert C...............Dec. 9, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Alice Verona...........May 17, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Alice .................Jan. 18, 1923......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Arbutus................May 19, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, August.................Jun. 29, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Axel...................Oct. 19, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, B. B. son..............Sep. 21, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Caroline...............Feb. 18, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Charles................May 27, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Christine B............Aug. 15,1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Christine..............Aug. 16, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Emil...................Jun. 8, 1933.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Gunnar.................Feb. 22, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Henry Christian .......Jul. 16, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, John B.................Dec. 2, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Livy...................Sep. 6, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Lloyd..................May 7, 1931........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Marie Bakke............Jun. 11, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Mathea.................Sep. 25, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Mr O. B................Aug. 14, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Mrs Nels...............Dec. 9, 1926.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Mrs. R. P..............Sep. 10, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Roy Francis............Jul. 24, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Seven Peter............Dec. 29, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Sophie.................Jul. 5, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnson, Veron..................Mar. 2, 1939.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Johnston, Benjamin S............Jul. 13, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Jordan, C. A. Mrs...............Mar. 25, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Jorgensen, Hans.................Sep. 5, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Jorgenson, J. C.................Sep. 12, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Jorgenson, Mrs. J. C............Jul. 22, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Jorgenson, Ole B................Apr. 7, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Josewski, Bertha Ida............Mar. 18, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Josewski, Emil..................Mar. 10, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Josewski, Rudolph...............Feb. 13, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Kadoun, James ..................Mar. 30,1922.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Kast, John......................Dec. 5, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Kelstad, Gertie.................Jan. 26, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Kempel, Emanuel.................Jul 17, 1930.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Kenoyer, Clinton................Oct. 19, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ketcheson, J. H.................Mar. 5, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ketcheson, Nancy................Feb. 3, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ketcheson, Royal Albert.........May 18, 1933.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
King, Marie.....................Jul. 29, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
King, William Walter Dr.........Oct. 10, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Kjoe, John L....................Dec. 8, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Klinkhammer, George.............Jul. 26, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Klinkhammer, Paul...............Jun. 29, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Kloster, Edwin G................Mar. 8, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Klos, Lars......................Aug. 22, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Knetchem, Fred D................Jul. 24, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Kolstad, T. T...................Dec. 18, 1924......DeLamere Mistletoe
Krafka, Frank Mr. & Mrs.........Jul. 30, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Kuehn, June Elaine..............Nov. 22, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Kvarness, Peter.................Apr. 7, 1932.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Kvarnes, Carl...................Feb. 20, 1930......DeLamere Mistletoe
Lambert, Calvin.................Nov. 15, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Landgren, Nels..................Dec. 3, 1924.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Larson, Carl ...................Aug. 3, 1922.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Larson, Helen...................Jul. 1, 1926.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Larson, Mollie..................Mar. 13, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Larson, Olavis..................Oct. 4, 1928.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Larson. Enga....................Mar. 30, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Lavik, Antonette................Dec. 12, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Lavik, Rev. R...................Apr. 7, 1927.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Layton, Raymond.................Sep. 14, 1933......DeLamere Mistletoe
Lee, Norman.....................Sep. 2, 1926.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Leinan, Louis E.................Jan. 3, 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Lekang, Mrs. Alfheld............Feb. 25, 1932......DeLamere Mistletoe
Lindgrew, Andrew................Dec. 14, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Lindval, Frank..................May 30, 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Litchfield, Mildred.............Feb. 11, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Litchfield, R. R................Apr. 22, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Litchfield, Zola Bernice........Feb. 14, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Lokken, Mrs. Sigri .............Jan. 27, 1921......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Lokken, Swen....................Oct. 2, 1930.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Long, Charles A.................Dec. 7, 1933.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Loomer, James...................Dec. 23, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Lundeen, Carl Mrs...............Nov. 18, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Lunstad, John P.................Jan. 4, 1939.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Lutz, Rex.......................Nov. 7, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Lyle, Thos......................Sep. 17, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Lyngved, Ole....................May 7, 1936........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Macheel, Vera...................Aug. 9, 1923.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Maczkowicz, John Mrs............Sep. 12, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Maltby, J. H....................Mar. 30, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Markeseth, Roger Allen..........Apr. 11, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Marquette, Frank................Jan, 31, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Marquette, Mrs. Wm..............Jul. 17, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Martinson, Edgar................Feb. 10, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Martinson, Harold...............Oct. 26, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Martinson, Helene Christine.....May 1, 1930........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Martinson, Mrs. Guri............Feb. 2, 1933.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Martin, Giles ..................Oct. 8, 1925.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Mason, Alexander................Jan. 22, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mather, Benjamin I..............Jul. 16, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mattson, Emil...................Sep. 21, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mattson, Petter.................Jun. 2, 1927.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mattso, Emma....................Apr. 9, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mayes, Etta.....................Aug. 26, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
McBride, George S...............Feb. 7, 1924.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
McBride, James H................Jul. 16, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
McCarten, James ................Apr. 12, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
McCarten, Richard Mrs...........Feb. 24, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
McCarten, Richard...............Dec. 8, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
McCauley, Elmer ................Nov. 11, 1920......Milnor Sargent County Teller
McFarland, William Joseph.......Aug. 5, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
McFarland, William..............Jul. 29, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
McKenzie, Alex .................Jun. 29, 1922......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mckenzie, Mrs. J. D. ...........May 26, 1922.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
McPhail, Mrs. James ............Nov. 11, 1920......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mears, Eliza Jane...............Feb. 7, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Meinhardt, Bernard..............Feb. 7, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mellem, Andrew..................Feb. 22, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mellem, Bergetta ...............Jun. 27,1922.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mellem, Mrs. Ole................Apr. 8, 1924.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mellem, Peter O.................Aug. 26, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Melroe, Marqureite Louise.......Mar. 4, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Melroe, Oluf....................Jul. 4, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Michaelson, John................Apr. 3, 1930.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Millard, Fred...................Jan. 24, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Miller, Andrew..................Apr. 16, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Miller, A. N. Mrs...............May 12, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Miller, Ella Matilda............Feb. 2, 1939.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Miller, Florence................Feb. 16, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Miller, Isaac...................Mar. 14, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Miller, Mary....................May 19, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Miller, Mrs. Floyd N............May 6, 1926........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Miller, Otto....................Apr. 30, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mohberg, Anna Lisa..............Apr. 17, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mohrmann, Annie.................Apr. 6, 1939.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mohrmann, Esther Matilda........Jun. 4, 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mohrmann, Mrs. C. M.............Dec. 22, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Molberg, John...................Feb. 18, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Moody, Chas. F..................Oct. 3, 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Morfoot, Addie..................May 15, 1930.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Morris, Tom.....................May 5, 1927........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Moxness, M. ....................Aug. 13, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mund, H. W. ....................Oct. 19, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mund, Magdelena.................Apr. 9, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Murdock, Doris Rae..............Aug. 8, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Mybre, Almar W..................May 28, 1930.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Nelson, Albin ..................Nov. 19, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Axel ...................Apr. 20, 1922......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Carl Otto ..............Sept. 27, 1923.....Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Clarence baby...........Sep. 12, 1929......DeLamere Mistletoe
Nelson, C. T....................Oct. 11, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Edith Malinda...........May 30, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Karolian................Jan. 16, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Karolius................Dec. 21, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Magnus..................Jan. 28, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Martin Konrad...........Aug. 15, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Martin K................Aug. 8, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Martin Mrs..............Aug. 8, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Mrs. Christine..........Apr. 19, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Mrs. J. C...............Mar. 25, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Mrs. N. D...............Apr. 16, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Oleanna Emilie..........Jan. 23, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Oscar...................Jul. 23, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nelson, Raymond ................Mar. 15, 1923......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nessa, Thorvald Emil............Apr. 15, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Neuber, Mrs. Andrew ............Dec. 30, 1921......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Newman, Frances.................Feb. 5, 1925.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Newman, J. A. ..................Nov. 27, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nickells, Clinton G.............Apr. 20, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nicolai, Hubert.................Jun. 16, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nicolai, Raymond Hubert.........Mar. 27, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nolan, Jim......................Aug. 8, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Nordstrom, Adolph...............Jan. 25, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nordstrom, Mrs. C. W. ..........May 15, 1924.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nordstrom, Ole..................Oct. 20, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Norem, Mrs. John................Jul. 4, 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Normington, Francis Viletta ....Jun. 7, 1923.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Norwood, C. W. .................May 10, 1923.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Norwood, Mrs. Audie.............Sep. 13, 1923......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nossum, John J..................Mar. 6, 1930.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nummedahl, Knute................Dec.15, 1927.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Nyland, Andrew .................Dec. 14, 1922......Milnor Sargent County Teller
O'Donnell, J. J.................May 20, 1926.......DeLamere Mistletoe
O'Farrell, James ...............Jun. 15, 1922......Milnor Sargent County Teller
O'Neil, Cora Lee................Dec. 19, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Oberg, Anna Mary................Dec. 23, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Oberg, Gunner...................May 5, 1938........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Odegard, Hans Mrs...............Aug. 19, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Odegard, Hans Paulson...........Feb. 20, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Odegard, Joanne.................Feb.27, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Odegard, Kari...................Jul. 5, 1928.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Odegard, Ole....................Jun. 30, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Olegard, Ole....................May 7, 1931........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Olina, Rosenwater...............Mar. 15, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Olsen, Serine...................Aug. 22, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Olson, Anna Miss................May 28, 1931.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Olson, Clara Marie..............May 9, 1929........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Olson, Geo......................Mar. 29, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Olson, Gunhild..................Mar. 9, 1933.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Olson, Jorgine..................Jan. 18, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Olson, Martin...................May 14, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Olson, Mats Mr. & Mrs...........Feb. 18, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Olson, Oviver A.................Jun 21, 1928.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Orr, Bruce......................Jan. 2, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Oslund, Louis H.................Oct. 29, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Osterlund, Anna ................Oct. 1, 1925.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Ostern, Donna Lee...............Aug. 18, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Owens, Johnnie..................Jan. 13, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Palmer, Lois Winnifred..........Dec. 20, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Patzkowski, Robert .............Oct. 1, 1925.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Payne, Alonzo Walter............May 4, 1933........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Payne, Mrs C. V.................Mar. 10, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Payne, Mrs. A. W................Dec. 1, 1921.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Payne, Mrs. A. W................Jan. 5, 1928.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Payne, William Harris...........Jul. 8, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Payno, Louie....................Jul. 9, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Pearson, Earnest................Feb. 10, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Pedersen, Jens .................May 4, 1922........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Pedersen, Marie.................Jun. 23, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Pederson, Paul..................Mar. 5, 1931.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Pedorsen, Gusi..................Apr. 24, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Pennington, Henry Kimball.......Jul. 23, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Perry, Mrs. M. J................Oct. 12, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Peterson, Conrad................Nov. 9, 1933.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Peterson, Elias H...............Nov. 3, 1927.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Peterson, Gilmen (Daughter).....Apr. 30, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Peterson, Ralph.................Sep. 20, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Petterson, Nils.................Oct. 21, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Petterson, Selma Natalia........Jul. 25, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Pezalla, Florian M..............Apr. 11, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Phelps, Edith Bell .............Jul. 16, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Phelps, John, R.................Dec. 28, 1939......Forman Sargent County Teller
Phelps, Thomas W................Jan. 10, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Pick, William...................Jul. 11, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Pool, John......................Jun. 2, 1927.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Poston, Mrs. H. N. .............Oct. 30, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Poulter, John...................Mar. 20, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Poulter, Mrs. Tom...............Mar. 10, 1932......DeLamere Mistletoe
Prescott, Mrs. J. A.............Jul. 19, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Quam, Jens J....................Mar. 23, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Quinn, Thos. J..................Mar. 25, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Radcliff, Russel................Sep. 16, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ranes, George J.................Sep. 11, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ranes, Gudrun...................Sep. 6, 1923.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ranes, Paul B...................May 26, 1932.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Raymaker, Frank.................Apr. 13, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Reall, Lenora...................Dec. 3, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Rehak, Charles..................Jul. 4, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Rehborg, Celesta Alvina.........Dec. 29, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Rehborg, William................Jun. 17, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Rehborg, Wm. H. Jr..............Feb. 16, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Rice, E. N......................Sep. 1, 1932.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ringdahl, John..................Mar. 30, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ringdahl, Lars .................Oct. 8, 1925.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ringdahl, Metta.................May 31, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Roan, Rev. T. T.................Oct. 19, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Robbins, Lutecia................Oct. 22, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Robbins, Myron A................Jan. 29, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Roberts, Harriet Cutting........Feb. 18, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Rodlund, Dan....................Jun. 16, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Rodlund, George.................Feb. 22, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Rodlund, Mamie Thornbergh.......Nov. 26, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Rogers, Frank ..................Feb. 22, 1923......DeLamere Mistletoe
Rolston, E. T. Mrs..............Jul. 29, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ronning, B. A. Mrs..............Jun. 28, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ronning, Fred...................Aug. 13, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Rosenow, Olive Mathilda.........Oct. 15, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Rosenwater, Albert O............Jul. 1, 1926.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Rose, Clarence .................Jan. 5, 1922.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ross, Albert....................Feb. 13, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ross, Jane......................Jun. 14, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ross, Johanna ..................Mar. 15, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Rothstein, Mrs. Frances ........Sep. 24, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Rud, Louis Gordon...............May 30, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Rydholm, J. Gust................Nov. 20, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Saewert, Kurt...................Jan. 19, 1933......DeLamere Mistletoe
Sampson, Julia..................Sep. 26, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Sanderson, Robert A.............Oct. 19, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Sasse, Wallace..................Aug. 25, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Scharff,Rose....................Apr. 24, 1924......DeLamere Mistletoe
Schneoberger, Lottie Isabel.....Jul 15. 1926.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Schonhoff, Mary.................Apri. 24, 1930.....Milnor Sargent County Teller
Schumaker, Anna.................Apr. 7, 1927.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Schumaker, Chas. H..............Dec. 12, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Schutt, Fred....................Jun. 14, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Schutt, John F..................Feb. 16, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Seltveit, Mrs. C. G.............Oct. 27, 1927......DeLamere Mistletoe
Shank, Charles S................Nov. 19, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Shank, Miss Clara...............Apr. 18, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Shumaker, Mrs. C. H.............Mar. 31, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Silvernail, John Mrs............Jul. 1, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Sinclair, Robert G..............Mar. 28, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Siverson, Elizabeth Jane Rush...May 22, 1924.......DeLamere Mistletoe
Skeffington, Peter..............Feb. 21, 1924......DeLamere Mistletoe
Slaby, Lawrence.................May 9, 1940........Forman Sargent County Teller
Slegers, Adrian.................Oct. 9, 1930.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Smedsrud, Mrs. Casper...........Apr. 23, 1931......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Smith, Andrew William...........Oct. 20, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Smith, Mary Margaret............Sep. 26, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Smith, Mrs. James...............Jun. 1, 1933.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Smith, Sarah Gertrude...........Feb. 23, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Solberg, Clayton Marvin.........Sep. 6, 1928.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Solberg, Katherine..............Jul. 7, 1932.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Solberg, Lorine.................Jan. 31, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Solie, Olaves H.................Mar. 5, 1931.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Sours, Russel...................Feb.13, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Spande, Sherman.................Feb. 24, 1938.....Milnor Sargent County Teller
Spicer, James E.................Aug. 22, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Stalter, Beverly Franklin.......Aug. 22, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Standley, Jefferson.............Aug. 12, 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Stanley, L. A...................Mar. 16, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Stanley, Mrs. Jefferson.........Apr. 17, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Steffenson, Severt..............Nov. 17, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Steinback, Maude................Aug. 20, 1931......DeLamere Mistletoe
Stencil, Rose...................Mar. 14, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
2Stephens, James F...............Feb. 15, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Stevens, Jean...................Aug. 29, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Stibal, John ...................Jan. 12, 1923......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Stockstad, Mabel Albertina......Apr. 30, 1939......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Stockstad, Mrs. John............Apr. 5, 1928.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Storhaug, Alvin.................Jan. 3, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Storhaug, Hanna.................Nov. 1, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Strandberg, Erick...............Mar. 21, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Strandberg, Peter Alfred .......Jan. 20, 1921......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Strand, Mrs. William............Jul. 19, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Strickland, G. I................Jan. 30, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Stuhr, Carl.....................Sep. 24, 1931......DeLamere Mistletoe
Sullivan, E. T..................Apr. 30, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Summerfeld, Louis T.............Jan. 23, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Sundquist, John J...............Apr. 26, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Swanson, Donald.................May 19, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Swanson, Eilene.................May 19, 1938.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Swanson, Henry..................Aug. 4, 1931.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Swanson, John Mrs...............Mar. 28, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Swanson, Mrs. John A............Dec. 27, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Sweetman, S. A. ................Feb. 7, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Syverson, Ole...................Apr. 4, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Taggart, Andrew.................Jan. 11, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Taylor, Jerome..................Mar. 26, 1936......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Thomas, Joseph F................Nov. 24, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Thomas, Phyllis.................Aug. 9, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Thomas, Robert Jesse............Aug. 12, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Thompson, Ephriam Mrs...........Sep. 6, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Thorne, Anna....................Oct. 8, 1931.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Thorne, Charles Henry...........Feb. 11, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Thornton, Walter Edwin..........Mar. 9, 1939.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Thorson, Knute..................Sep. 25, 1927......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Thorson, Reinhart T.............Feb. 10, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Thorson, Thora Mrs..............Oct. 29, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Thorstenson, Peter..............May 19, 1932.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Tisdel, Albert..................Apr. 10, 1930......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Tisdel, Lars ...................Sept. 27, 1922.....Milnor Sargent County Teller
Tisdel, Miss Olga...............Nov. 25, 1926......DeLamere Mistletoe
Totenhagen, Alvis...............Aug. 5, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Trangarud, Arne.................Mar. 22, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Trangsrud, Mrs. B. A............Dec. 20, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Tveraaen, Emil..................Sep. 14, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Tyler, Anton....................Jul. 24, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Ulve, Henry.....................Jul. 11, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Unander, Neva...................May 3, 1934........Milnor Sargent County Teller
Vail, David L...................Oct. 4, 1934.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
VanAernam, Geo. R...............Jun. 6, 1940.......Forman Sargent County Teller
Waldera, John...................Dec. 28, 1939......Forman Sargent County Teller
Warner, Alton Emanuel...........Jan. 19, 1933......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Warner, D. L....................Sep. 5, 1935.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Warner, Keith Howard............Feb. 6, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Warriner, D. L. Mrs.............Jun. 23, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Weeks, Claude W................Mar. 15, 1928......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Weeks, Opal.....................Jun. 19, 1924......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Weeks, W. C.....................Jan. 12, 1922......Milnor Sargent County Teller
White, Andrew...................Jan. 17, 1929......Milnor Sargent County Teller
White, Mrs. A. H. ..............Mar. 1, 1923.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Whitinger, W. H. ...............Nov. 18, 1920......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Wichoren, Miss Gertrude.........May 5, 1932........DeLamere Mistletoe
Wicklund, J. L..................Mar. 2, 1922.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Wicklund, Richard...............Jun. 4, 1936.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Wikizer, Maynard................Jan. 3. 1929.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Willard, Charles................Jun. 13, 1935......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Willey, Tracy...................Nov. 18, 1937......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Williams, Selmer Oliver.........Dec. 6, 1928.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Wilm, Fred......................Jul. 22. 1926......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Wilson, Lydia...................Jun. 1, 1933.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Wilson, Thomas .................Feb. 8, 1923.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Wiper, Thomas L.................Feb. 29, 1940......Forman Sargent County Teller
Wisnewski, John.................Mar. 4, 1937.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Wisnewski, Viola................Jun. 30, 1938......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Woodbeck, William...............Dec. 1, 1927.......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Wray, Frank A. .................Jul. 16, 1925......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Wunn, Charles Henry.............Aug. 25, 1932......Milnor Sargent County Teller
Wyum, Henry Edward..............Jul. 19, 1934......Milnor Sargent County Teller
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