Ward County NDGenWeb is a free genealogical site about the history of the county.
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County Coordinator: Norma Hass normahass01@gmail.com
Created 14 April 1885 from Stevens (historical), Wynn (historical), and Renville Counties. The county seat was Burlingtion, but moved to Minot in 1888. The county boundries changed significantly over the years; maps and details can be found in Collections of the State Historical Society of North Dakota, published in 1923.
Ward county was created in 1885 out of the northern part of Stevens county, the southern row of five townships in Renville county, and one township at the southwestern corner of Wynn county. Ward county extended from the line between townships 157 and 158 to the line between townships 152 and 153, and from the line between ranges 81 and 82 to the twelfth guide meridian. The question of the division of Stevens county was to be submitted to a vote of the electors of Stevens county and of the territory affected. At the election held on April 14, 1885, the vote of fifty-six was unanimous for the creation of Ward county."
Collections of the State Historical Society of North Dakota, 1923, page 210
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