Golden Valley County

Births, Marriages and Deaths 1907





Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January  10th, 1907

Burkey -    The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. DeJaegher died Saturday and was buried Sunday at the Catholic church.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January  10th, 1907

     Robert Wand, who has a claim near Burkey and who has recently built him a house thereon, left Wednesday for Oshkosh, Wis.  Tis said he will return in the near future with a bride.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January  10th, 1907

     Miss Anna Olson, recent arrival from Norway, and Victor Olson, carpenter and builder for many years at this place, were wed at the home of relatives in Minneapolis last week.  The young couple will make their home in this village.  Their friends here extend every best wish for a happy and prosperous wedded life.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January  17th, 1907

     That her husband, Louis Dingfeldt, sought to sell or lease her, so he "could get another woman" is alleged by Lizzle Dingleldt, aged twenty-five years, in divorce proceedings in Milwaukee.  She was granted a decree by Judge Halsey upon testimony in support of her statement.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January  24th, 1907

     We are in receipt of the wedding announcement of Miss Clara B. Hulvy, of Broadway, Va., to Samuel D. Whitmer of Beach, at Harrisonburg on Jan. 3rd, by Rev. A. W. Brooking.  Mr. Whitmer is one of our enterprising farmers, residing a few miles north of town.  We wish the young couple much joy, and welcome the bride as a new neighbor.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January  24th, 1907

Wibaux (from the Pioneer) -  A bright baby boy arrived to cheer the home and brighten the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mullendore last Saturday morning.  The mother and child are both well and Mr. Mullendore is the proudest man in town.  



Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January  24th, 1907

Wibaux (from the Pioneer) -  Geo. C. Jensen, vice president of the W. A. Orgain Co., and Miss Flora B. B. Newlon, of Fairview, Montana, a sister of Mrs. Frank Cannon, were quietly married at the home of Hon. and Mrs. F. P. Leiper at Glendive on Saturday last.  


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January  31st, 1907

     A young Hungarian by the name of Anton Weisman was found dead on the north fork of Cedar Creek Jan. 14.  The young man was a sheep herder and had been working for Martin Siem for two years and nine months.  He went out with the sheep that morning but when evening came the sheep came home without their shepherd boy.  One of the boys suspecting that all was not right went out to look for the rest of the sheep and found the young man dead, with a Winchester lying in his left hand.  The bullet went in his mouth and blew out two of his teeth.  The rest of his teeth and his lips were powder burnt, the bullet coming out through the top of his head.  The coroner's jury laid the cause to accidental shooting.  The deceased was 24 years old and single.  His parents live in the old country.  An uncle of the deceased took charge of the body. - Medora Herald


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January  31st, 1907

      Judge Hall of Eddy county has issued a license to two Indians who desire to get married on the American plan.  Their names were Seven Phawastena and Miss Hawastewin.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January  31st, 1907

Brubaker - Ferris Nuptials

     Medora people were greatly surprised last Friday, when Miss Carrie Ferris of Medora and Mr. W. A. Brubaker of Terry, Mont., announced their marriage.  The happy event took place at Fargo, North Dakota, September the eight, but through a rather childish fancy of theirs, preferred keeping it a secret until the day stated above when they returned from Fargo after spending a few days there buying furniture and other household goods.  Carrie is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ferris and was 18 years old last birthday.  She has grown from girlhood to womanhood in Medora and is greatly beloved by many warm friends for her charm of manner and loving disposition and numbers her friends by her acquaintances.  Mr. Brubaber is the prominent cashier of the Terry State Bank of Terry, Montana, and has been since it started and was one time station agent for the Northern Pacific at this point.  Mr. Brubaker intends building a handsome residence at Terry.  In the mean time they will start housekeeping in a suit of rooms as soon as the furniture can be placed in position.  The young people were the recipients of many beautiful and  valuable presents.  They are prominent socially and have scores of warm friends who extend congratulations and wish them every happiness in their lives to come. 

Medora Herald


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January  31st, 1907

Death Of Freddie Near

     The sad news came over wire Monday morning from Minneapolis of the death of Freddie Charles Near, aged three years, six months, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Near, of Beach.  He was taken to Minneapolis a week ago for medical treatment and died Sunday evening at 8'clock, at the Nicolett Hotel.  The little fellow was sick about two weeks and the physicians pronounced the cause of his death to be spinal meningitis.  The remains were taken to Hurlay, South Dakota, the former home of the parents, for interment and the funeral was held Tuesday, Rev. Slocum, of that city officiating.  The bereaved parents and brothers have the heart felt sympathy of all Beach, in this their hour of deep sorrow.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January  31st, 1907

     Oliver M. Cockrum, special agent of the land office department for the districts of Bismarck and Dickinson, died suddenly at his home in Bismarck Sunday afternoon.
     Mr. Cockrum was very well known in this city.  He has been stationed in North Dakota since 1904 and one of the governments most trusted agents.  He had charge of many important investigations and was very successful in his work.  He was about 40 years of age and leaves a wife and one son.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 7th, 1907

     Thomas Caney, formerly of Ellendale was murdered at Peever, S. D.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 7th, 19087

Dickinson (from The Post) -  Lour Randall and Maud Williams were married in Glendive on Tuesday and will make their home in this city.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 7th, 1907

     John Berger, aged 84 years, died at the home of his son, at Burkey, last Sunday.  Funeral was held Tuesday, Rev. Father Dignam officiating.  Deceased is formerly of New Ulm, Minn., and has resided here about two years.  He is survived by relatives and children at that place, and wife and son at Burkey.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 14th, 1907

Burkey -  Rev. Father Digman came from Dickinson to conduct the funeral service of John Berger last Tuesday.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 14th, 1907

Personals and Brevities of News at Sentinel Butte

     A new baby boy at the home of Johnnie Gilbertson will be enrolled on the next census.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 14th, 1907

      A number of the neighbors tendered Mrs. Peter Russ a surprise party last Thursday evening in honor of the 26th anniversary of her  birth day.  The evening was very enjoyably spent in parlor games, singing and progressive cinch; C. H. Letson winning first prize and Mrs. Russ the booby.  Refreshments were served.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 21st, 1907

     Mrs. V. Wicka is in receipt of a telegram from Dodge, Wis., of the death of her aged father, yesterday morning.  Interment to be made tomorrow.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 28th, 1907

Gives Friends Birthday Party

     Mr. and Mrs. John Guy and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hershberger and family spent the day Monday, with Mrs. Griffity; the occasion being Mrs. Hersberger's birthday.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 28th, 1907

Tells Son To Kill Father
Tragedy at Page, N.D., Grows Out of Long-Standing Family Quarrel

Fargo, N.D., Feb. 20 -

     Fred Cramer, a painter of Page, this county, was shot and killed by his sixteen year old son, Arthur, who says he acted under instructions from his mother who admits that she told the boy to shoot.
    Mrs. Cramer and the boy are in the local jail awaiting trial, which will probably occur Feb. 26.
    The family relations of Mr. and Mrs. Cramer had been strained for a long time, and recently Mrs. Cramer and the boys resided on the second floor and Cramer on the first floor of their home.
    The night of the tragedy, she and her son insist, Cramer came home angry and threatened to invade the second floor and attack Mrs. Cramer, and he was coming up stairs to their apartments when he was shot.  Mrs. Cramer says she would have shot him, but was too nervous to hold the revolver, and ordered her son to fire on the father.  The boy obeyed only too well and the one shot was fatal.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 7th, 1907

Bridegroom of Seventy

     With a step as sprightly as a young man just of age, Christopher O. Clark, aged seventy years, stepped into the county court at Grand Forks and asked for a license to wed Harriet Sutclife, aged sixty-two, and the marriage later was solemnized at Larimore.  Mrs. Sutcliffe has lived at Larimore for years.  Mr. Clark came here recently from Iowa, and in Mrs. Sutcliffe met a sweetheart of years ago.  Both have homes at Larimore and both have grown children.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 7th, 1907

     David Lindsay, a former resident of Lakota, was accidentally killed while hunting in Canada.  


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 7th, 1907

     Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Heine of Ellendale celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 14th, 1907

     The baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kettner, aged two days, died Saturday afternoon.  Interment was made yesterday, Rev. Thorp officiating.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 21st, 1907

     Mr. Notch, a bachelor who recently had a claim near H. Shultebine's, died in the New Munich (sic) recently with cancer of the shoulder.  His brother is here looking after his interests and taking care of his grain while it is being threshed.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 21st, 1907

     News was received here from St. Cloud, Minn., containing the death of Mrs. Berger, wife of the late John Berger who died at Burkey a few weeks ago and Mrs. Berger died one week later than her husband.  Mr. and Mrs. Berger were parents of Henry Berger who resides on the homestead near this place.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 21st, 1907

     A surprise party was tendered Miss Jennie Dunlap last Tuesday evening in honor of the 17th anniversary of her birth.  Games and concluded a few hours very pleasantly.  Refreshments were served.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 21st, 1907

     Thos. Kirkpatrick, residing ten miles south, was a visitor Monday.  He stated that he just threshed and notwithstanding the fact that his grain stood in stacks all winter, frozen straw and waste, his wheat yielded 32 bushels, oats 47 and flax 14.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 28th, 1907

     It seems that when Chas. Kramer went east last fall he got married.  This much we have learned but no more except that he went back and brought the lady out.  Since he got here he has stayed so close home (strange to relate) that we have had no chance to interview him so have not learned the lady's former name or any other particulars, therefore our readers will have to be content with the bare fact that Charley is married and living on his claim south of here that he hasn't time to come to town.  The Republic extends best wishes and congratulations. - Republican.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 28th, 1907

     The infant child of Antou Kovsh died Tuesday.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 28th, 1907

     Will Woodhull and wife are the happy parents of a son, born last week Wednesday.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 4th, 1907

      Mr. and Mrs. Ed Egan's baby was baptized in church Tuesday.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 4th, 1907

     Miss Maud Richardson, aged 18 years, of Warrens, Wis., sister of Mrs. L. L. Roberts, residing north of town, died at the home of her parents Saturday, March 13, of typhoid fever.  Besides the parents, two brothers and three sisters survive.  David P. Gillettee, also of Warrens, Wis., a cousin of Mrs. Roberts, died March 26, of typhoid fever.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 4th, 1907

Steel -Jackson Nuptials

     Last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Waldo near Wibaux, occurred the marriage of Chas. A. Steel and Gertrude Jackson.  It was just four o'clock when Rev. Alex Douglas, of the Congregational church, in his impressive way said the words which united for life this young couple.
    The groom came and settled near here last year on a homestead where he has a cozy home in which they will go to housekeeping at once.  The bride came last year and has been teaching at Fallon.
    This wedding is the outcome of a love that sprang up years ago when they were children back in South Dakota.  Both young people are favorably well known here for their pleasing manner and true friendship and they begin life together with the best wishes of their many friends.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 11th, 1907

Alcohol Was Responsible

     Elling Peterson, who lived near Fort Ransom, was found dead, and his injuries were at first supposed to have been due to a fall from a wagon, but all investigation disclosed the fact that acute alcoholism was responsible.  He had secured a large quantity of alcohol and became badly intoxicated.  While in this condition he fell from the rig in which he was riding.  His brother, Ole Peterson of Seattle, was notified.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 11th, 1907

     Joe Chatten and wife are the happy parents of a baby boy, born Tuesday, April 9, '07.  Everyone was treated to a cigar yesterday.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 18th, 1907

Lovesick:  Kills Self
North Dakota Youth Takes Life Because Suit is Scorned

     Crazed because his love is scorned by a young woman of Forde township, Nason country, Harold Peterson, twenty-three years old, set a bullet into his head and died in a few minutes.  Peterson had been attentive to a young woman of the neighborhood and she had not reciprocated his affection.  The authorities at Lakota were notified of the suicide and an inquest was held.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 18th, 1907

     Editor Shear now enjoys the very zenith of a man's earthly bliss; a little girl arrived Sunday.  Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Shear.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 18th, 1907

     A baby girl came to brighten the home of Will Welsh last week.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 25th, 1907

     Mrs. Kettner, mother of A. H. Kettner, died at her home at Pine Island, Minn., this morning and Mr. Kettner will depart for that place this evening to be in attendance at the funeral.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 25th, 1907

     Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich, residing five miles north of Beach, are happy parents of a baby girl, born Sunday.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 25th, 1907

Two Boys Asphyxiated

Glen Ullin News:  Two young men, George and Michael Earhardt, 16 and 21 years old respectively, met death in a well last week, Tuesday, being overcome by gas.  The young men were digging a well on their father's farm in southeastern Hertinger county.  They had got down to a depth of about sixty feet when they struck rock.  To remove this they put in a charge of dynamite.  The charge failed to explode and after waiting a reasonable length of time, George went down into the hole, being lowered by the use of a rope in the hands of his brother.  He had no sooner reached the bottom than he called to his brother to pull him up.  Unfortunately the boy had not fastened the rope around his body, depending upon his strength to raise and lower himself.  He clung to the rope however, until within a few feet of the top, when his strength gave out and he fell to the bottom.  He was still conscious and called for help.  In his anxiety to save George, Michael then lowered himself into the well, but the gas fumes were so strong that he too, was overcome.  The father of the boys was present but was unable to assist them and both were dead when taken from the well a few minutes later.
    The family located in Hettinger country about a year ago and are almost total strangers to the people of this community.  The remains were brought to St. Joseph cemetery ten miles south of Glen Ullin where the interment was made.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 25th, 1907

     One of the infant twin boys of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kuharski died Saturday.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 2nd, 1907

     The aged mother of Mrs. Rimer, recently died in the Union Depot at St. Paul.  She was on her way from here to her home at Mountain Lake, Minn.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 9th, 1907

Mrs. Karl Kettner

     Mrs. Carl Kettner died at her home in this village Friday afternoon.  For several months past she has been suffering from paralysis and during most of the time was confined to her bed.  Death came as a relief from her long suffering.
    Caroline Meunke was born in Germany April 18, 1843, where she lived with her parents until 1866 when she came to this country, settling in Reeseville, Wis.  On January 31, 1867 she was united in marriage to Carl Kettner and to them were born ten children, nine of whom are sill living:  Adolph, Herman, Carl, Fred, Robert, Mrs. Many Manthei, Mrs. Augusta Schattschneider, Mrs. J. Grossbach and Miss Caroline. 
     In 1872 they came to Minnesota settling on their farm northeast of this village where they have since resided until about a year ago when they moved to town.
     The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the German Lutheran church at Poplar Grove, Rev. Gehm officiating. - Pine Island (Minn.) Record


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 9th, 1907

     The baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Wojohn was christened in the U. L. church Sunday morning by Rev. C. S. Thorp.  He was named Henry Alfred.  Henry Boldhaupt and Mrs. Fleet were sponsors.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 16th, 1907

      Mrs. Chas. Knoke received a telegram last evening bearing the sad news of the death of her son, Frank Knoke of Prat, N.D.  She departed for that place this morning accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Karl Olson.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 23rd, 1907

      The sudden demise of Mr. P. McQuillen the first of the week was a shock to his many friends.  Mr. McMullen (sic) was bound for his ranch about twenty miles north west of Sentinel Butte when the loaded wagon upset, whereby fatal injuries were received.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 23rd, 1907

Death of Peter McQuillin

Mon., May 20 - Peter McQuillan, a rancher 25 miles north of here, was seriously injured internally Friday evening, and died this morning in the hospital at Dickinson.  He was returning to his ranch from Wibaux with a load of machinery which tipped over on him pinning him to the ground.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 30th, 1907

     Another fatal accident occurred on the Northern Pacific tracks near Glendive Tuesday afternoon, resulting in the death of Casper Olson, west section foreman at Hoyt.  Mr. Olson had been to the city with members of his crew to get his pay check cashed.  He was returning to Hoyt on a hand car accompanied by Ben Neshen, Gilbert Laster and Mrs. Louis Sorenson, who with her husband, keeps the section house at Hoyt.  The handcar was being propelled at a fair rate of speed between Colgate and Hoyt when a freight appeared around a sharp curve, coming at a good speed toward the city.  Neshen and Laster jumped, after an ineffectual attempt to lift the handcar from the track, and Mrs. Sorenson also reached a place of safety.  Mr. Olson, however, seemed to fear disaster to the freight.  Anyway he lost his life while trying to remove the handcar.  His back was toward the engine and he was in a stooping posture when he was struck in the head and instantly killed - Review 


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 30th, 1907

     Lucy Virna Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campbell, of Beach, N.D., aged one year seven months and seven days, died Sunday, May 26, 1907.  A funeral service was held at the Congregational church, Tuesday forenoon, conducted by Rev. Douglas.  Interment in Beach cemetery.  The bereaved parents have the heart felt sympathy of all Beach.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 30th, 1907

Born - to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McCoy, on Tuesday, May 28, '07, a son.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 6th, 1907

Body Found In Cistern
Woman is Believed Accidentally to Have Fallen Into Well

     The body of Mrs. Wallin, who disappeared last November and efforts to locate whom have proved unavailing, has been found in a cistern in the rear of the Merchants hotel at Lidgerwood.
     Mrs. Wallin was the wife of a farmer living ten miles south of there and had been in Minneapolis for medical treatment.  She suddenly developed mental trouble and was placed on a train and sent home.  Just as the train reached Lidgerwood the woman sprang from it and ran.  There was a blizzard raging at the time, and it was supposed that the unfortunate woman had wandered out on the prairie and had perished.  Search for her body has continued, but without result, until a hired girl at the hotel found the body.
     It is believed that the woman was going to the hotel to seek shelter from the storm and in the darkness fell into the cistern and was drowned.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 6th, 1907

Child Cremated

Devils Lake, N.D., June 2 - The boarding house of Alexander Currie caught fire, presumably from a defective flue in the kitchen.  Eddy Currie, the four-year-son of Currie was burned to death.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 13th, 1907

     The daily Janesville, Wisconsin Gazette of May 30th came to our desk last week.  Glancing through it we noted a lengthy written account of a celebration tendered Miles M. Tullar in honor of his ninety-first anniversary of his birthday by the Evansville (sic) Old Settlers Club.  Submitted therewith was presented a halftone likeness of the aged gentleman.  He is a father of F. M. Tullar, of Beach and we take pleasure in quoting the synopsis of the writing "On Tuesday, May 29, Mrs. L. A. Taggart entertained the Old Settlers Club and a number of relatives and friends at her home on main street in honor of the ninety-first birthday anniversary of her father, Mr. Miles M. Tullar.  At one o'clock an elaborate dinner was served:  covers being laid for thirty.  The afternoon hours were pleasantly spent in visiting.  Mr. Tullar is one of the pioneer settlers and has lived near or in Evansville for about sixty-five years.  He is enjoying excellent health and until recently it has been his custom to walk to his farm, a distance of two and one-half miles, and is daily seen upon our streets.  The event was greatly enjoyed by all present and the memory of it will always be a pleasure to those in attendance."


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 13th, 1907

Love Causes Suicide
Veterinary Surgeon, Made Mad by Disappointment, Kills Self

     His mind unbalanced over an unfortunate love affair, F. W. Weston, a veterinary surgeon of Dickinson, committed suicide by taking aconite.  He was thirty years old and formerly lived in Kansas City, Kan., where his parents reside.  He came to Dickinson two years ago as federal inspector of live stock.  About a year ago he fell in love, and the unsuccessful termination of his suit unbalanced his mind.  He spent some time in a private retreat and was supposed to have fully recovered, but his actions this spring indicated a return of the malady.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 13th, 1907

Brophy (sic) - Beeler Nuptials

From The Pioneer -  On Wednesday afternoon, May 29, at the resident of Judge J. R. Brophy, a quiet wedding took place.  The contracting parties were Al Hutchins (sic) and Mable Beeler, both from Elkhorn, S.D., but late of Beaver Valley, and who intend to make Dawson county their future home.  The marriage ceremony was preformed by Judge Brophy, attended by a few select friends of the bride and groom.  The bridesmaid was Mrs. George Beeler, while George Beeler acted as best man.  The bride, although very young in years is conceded to be the belle of Beaver Valley.  The groom is a prosperous young farmer with a very bright future before him.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 13th, 1907

     B. H. Moulton and wife are the happy parents of a daughter, born Monday.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 13th, 1907

       Agent F. D. Cooper, wired the boys at the depot from Bismarck, that he is daddy of a 7 1/2 pound boy, born Monday.  Mrs. Cooper was dangerously ill, but is now getting along nicely.  This is pleasing news.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 20th, 1907

      A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kitchen on Friday evening, June 14th.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 20th, 1907

 The Death Of Fred Pickering

     The sad death of Freddie Pickering occurred at noon on the 15th inst. at the home of his mother in Wibaux.
      The funeral was held from the Episcopal church of which he was a member at 3 p.m. on Sunday the 16th, Rev. Douglas officiating.  The deceased was only nineteen years, one month and ten days of age and has suffered very patiently for a number of months past with diabetes until death came as the end of his probably incurable affliction.
      The sincere sympathy of the entire community goes out to the grief stricken family in their bereavement and especially the mother whose favorite son has passed over the divide and into the great beyond from which none return.
    The services at the church were simple, appropriate and very impressive and were attended by a host of friends that more than filled the church and had come to pay their last respects to one of Wibaux's most popular sons.
      He was a kindly, generous young man who could claim all who knew him as friends and his passing leaves the touch of sadness on us all.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 27th, 1907

Sentinel Butte -  Mr. and Mrs. Olson, residing temporarily at Mr. H. Franzen's, have their domestic joys increased by the birth of a son the night of the 23rd.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 27th, 1907

     Will Welch received a message from his home in Wisconsin bearing the sad news of his sister's death and left for that place on Wednesday morning. - Pioneer


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 4th, 1907

The Republican - Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith are the proud and happy parents of a ten pound boy, born on Monday, June 24.  The mother and baby are doing well.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 4th, 1907

     Charles Borth and Miss Eva Davis were united in holy bonds of matrimony, at Dickinson, last Wednesday, June 26, '07.  Mr. and Mrs. Borth are numbered with the first settlers in the valley and congratulations are extended by a wide circle of acquaintances, with whom they are popular.  The young couple are happy at home on their farm near town.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 4th, 1907

     Cashier John Keohane and wife are the happy parents of a son, born Friday, June 28, 1907. 


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 11th, 1907

 Wed At Hurley South Dak.

     Lewis Odland, our genial steam plowman and thresher, residing five miles north of Beach, spent two weeks with home folks at Hurley S.D., and was wed to Miss Lillie Hannum, one of Hurley's most estimable young ladies and daughter of Geo. Hannum, a well-to-do retired farmer, Saturday June 29th, in the presence of a large wedding party.  Mr. and Mrs. Odland arrived in Beach today and are guests at the home of F.E. Near.  They will be at home on their large farm after tomorrow.  We gladly welcome the young bride as our neighbor, and extend congratulations to Mr. Odland.
     May their ship glide smoothly o'er the sea of life and may they be successfully piloted through all the storms they may encounter.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 11th, 1907

     The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jud. Paxton died suddenly Friday before a doctor could be summoned.  The sympathy of the town is with these good people in their sorrow and bereavement.  Rev. Alex Douglas conducted the funeral services the following day at three o'clock.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 11th, 1907

     Otto Schug, of Fessenden, who was at Beach last January and filed on a claim near Burkey, and intended to make his home here later, was run down and instantly killed by a Soo passenger train near Fressenden.  The young man was crossing the track with a team and wagon, and both horses were also killed and the wagon demolished.  The train was late and had orders to make up time and was running at about seventy miles an hour at the time of the accident.  The body of the young man was thrown sixty-seven feet and rolled twenty-eight further, while one of the horses was thrown 112 feet and the other ninety-one feet.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 18th, 1907

From the Daily Northwester of Oskosh, Wis., we quote the following account of the wedding of a niece of J. E. Read, of this village:  "A pretty wedding took place at eleven o'clock this morning, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Anna M. Brown, 28 Walnut street, this city, the contracting parties being, Mr. Otto R. Mierswa of Chicago and Miss Elizabeth E. Brown of this city.  After the ceremony and congratulations the party sat down to a wedding dinner.  The rooms were tastefully decorated with cut flowers and smilax, and the bride was the recipient of a number of beautiful and useful wedding gifts.  The groom is well known in this city, having formerly been the manager of the Guenther drug store in this city for a number of years, and the bride is a young lady of charming personality.  The newly married couple left on the one o'clock train for Chicago, where the groom is engaged as a pharmacutical (sic) salesman.  They will make their home at the corner of Kenmore and Wilson Avenues, Chicago.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 25th, 1907

Drowned At Burkey

     Muns Munson, a young man 24 years of age was drowned on Sunday in Bullion Creek twenty miles south of Beach.  The body was shipped east to Kenyon, Minn. last evening for burial.  Undertaker Davis of the L. A. Davis & Son's Furniture (sic) Store at Dickinson prepared the remains for shipment.  (Transcriber's Note:  see article "Cloud Burst at Burkey" July 25th, 1907)


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 25th, 1907

Alpha -  We were informed of the marriage of Mr. Mozure, but failed to learn any of the particulars.  We extend congratulations and join their many friends in wishing that their future may be a happy and prosperous one.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 25th, 1907

Cloud Burst at Burkley

      A terrific rain accompanied by hail passed thru this section of the country Saturday evening destroying the crops and gardens.  It seemed to follow Bullion Creek and at one time the water was 15 feet deep.  Several of the farmers lost everything.  A homesteader was drowned while trying to cross the draw east of here. (Transcriber's Note:  see article "Drowned at Burkey" July 25th, 1907)


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 25th, 1907

     Chas. Heijsman spent the past few weeks in Iowa.  Wednesday July 10, '07, he was wed to Miss Anna Kesl of Elboron, Iowa.  Mr. and Mrs. Heijsman arrived in Beach Saturday morning and are home on their stock farm five miles south of Beach.  We extend congratulations and wish the young couple a happy wedded life.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 1st, 1907

Roy Chappell Married

    Roy B. Chappell and Marion Gallegher were married last Saturday at the home of the bride's parents in Glendive,  Rev. Pauwelyn officiating. 
    The young couple are well known throughout Dawson county, the groom being the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Chappell of this place, and the bride a daughter of a well known Glendive family.
     Mr. Chappell is employed as assistant cashier in the Exchange Bank of Glendive and has a bright future. - Pioneer


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 8th, 1907

     The remains of John Sutherland, the sheep herder whom the Pioneer made mention of as having disappeared last week, were found last Friday by one of Geo. Gerry's herders.  The body was in a washout which contained about eight feet of water, and from all appearances the man had drowned, but of course what the circumstances surrounding the drowning were no man can say; altho many theories have been advanced, the most probable of which seems to be that the horse, while drinking, had stepped over the edge of the cut and thus precipitated both himself and rider into the water.  In this case the theory is also advanced that the man might have been hurt from the fall and rendered unable to get out. - Pioneer


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 15th, 1907

Wibaux - from the Pioneer - As we go to press we learn that Mrs. A. G. Parson's mother, Mrs. Foster, died of paralysis at 11 o'clock Wednesday night at the home of her daughter.  The funeral will be held from Mr. Parson's residence at 10 o'clock, Friday, August 9.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 15th, 1907

     Chas. Evans and Mrs. Zena Zink had decided to be married in a short time, but on Monday Judge Paxton came down from Sentinel Butte on official business on No. 8 intending to return on No. 5.  In the meantime it was suggested to Mr. Evans that the presence of the judge afforded an excellent opportunity to be married at once.  Acting on the suggestion Mr. Evans went to the hotel kitchen, where his intended had been officiating as cook for a few weeks and pleaded in his most persuasive style for an immediate marriage saying:  "Come on Honey let's get married right away, the judge is here and I can't wait any longer no how."  The bride to be said "alright" and the judge and friends were summoned at once.  There was no time to don conventional black or white silk with bride's roses as the judge momentarily expected his train, so the bride appeared with such hurried changes in apparel as she was able to make and the groom in his shirt sleeves with his trousers tucked in his spurred cowboy boots.  When the judge propounded to him the question - "Do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?" the groom replied with great unction - "you bet your life."


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 15th, 1907

      Henry Peterson and Miss Hansen, both of Medora, were married on Sunday, Aug. 4, by Judge van der Las in Dickinson.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 15th, 1907

      The funeral of Mrs. Johnson of DeMores was held in the schoolhouse Tuesday afternoon.  Deceased was the mother of Mrs. Frank Davidson and Mr. Charley Johnson of DeMores; Mrs. Johnson came from Sweden last September to reside with her son and daughter.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 15th, 1907

      The wedding of Miss Harriet Lake to Roy N. Hayes will take place at the home of the bride next Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 15th, 1907

      The death of Mrs. Frank Davidson's mother, Mrs. Johnston, occurred Sunday night.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 22nd, 1907

      A quiet wedding took place at the home of George Lake Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when Miss Harriet Lake was united in marriage to Mr. Roy Hayes in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends.  The Reverend Alexander Douglas officiated.  After the ceremony a delicious supper was served after which the young couple went to their home west of town.  The Chronicle joins their many friends in extending them hearty congratulations.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 22nd, 1907

      Mrs. Ferney, the mother of Mrs. Odiorne, of Alpha, died at the home of her son with whom she lived at Alpha, last Saturday, of heart trouble.  The remains were shipped to her former home at Lawler, Iowa. - Republican


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 22nd, 1907

      The nine year old son of T. Kirkpatrick was bitten by a rattle snake Monday.  He is reported as improving nicely.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 29th, 1907

     Mrs. R. Pickering has had a large family monument erected on her lot in the cemetery, and a foot stone has also be placed at the foot of each grave.  The monument is a beautiful one and very large and imposing looking; weighing over five tons.  It is a nice tribute to her dead husband and four children.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 29th, 1907

Peter Christen Killed

      We learn of a double tragedy occurring at South Heart Tuesday afternoon.  Peter Christen of Sparta, Wis., who was well known to many Beach residents met his death there at about 2 p.m.  He was returning on a freight from Dickinson where he had been to close up a land deal.  An engine was sent after a couple of cars that were moving down the track and it is thot (sic) that he was standing on the platform of the caboose and, being unable to see the approaching engine, was not prepared for the bump the cars received when the coupling was attempted.  He was thrown off the platform beneath the wheels of the cattle car and at least one pair of trucks passed over his breast, death being instantaneous.
      F. M. Teal, head brakeman on the above mentioned freight, was thrown from the top of a car to the ground and seriously injured.  He has been taken to a hospital at Brainerd.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 29th, 1907

     Some of  Miss Elsie Jordan's friends gave her a very pleasant surprise party Monday evening in honor of the seventeenth anniversary of her birth day.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 5th, 1907

Sentinel Butte - from the Republican - Hal Corkery and Marie Guelf, both of Medora, were married last week.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 5th, 1907

     The eleven months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burgess died in Dickinson Tuesday.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 12th, 1907

     George H. Purchase and wife received a telegram from Jamestown, Saturday that the death of Mrs. Purchase's mother was expected at any moment.  They departed on No 6, Saturday evening, for that city.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 12th, 1907

     A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fox in this village, Sunday, Sept. 8, '07.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 19th, 1907

Death of Mrs. Dearborn

    Mrs. A. T. Dearborn died at 6 a.m. at the family residence on South Second Avenue after an illness of thirteen weeks.  Some two years ago deceased underwent an operation for a cancerous growth on the stomach which operation was successfully performed, but it is the opinion of the physicians that in some manner this growth had returned and ultimately caused her death.  For the past four months the deceased has been suffering from paralysia and rheumatism.
     Deceased was born 63 years ago in Virginia and came to this state some 18 years ago.  The members of the family left to mourn the loss are the following:  Truman, in Arayo, Minn., Mrs. Purchase, of Beach, this state; Mrs. L. Moore, city; Mrs. Gaskill, city; Mrs. Cornwell, city; Mrs. Lasho, Wyoming.  All of the family except Mrs. Lasho will be present at the funeral which will take place tomorrow at 2 o'clock from the Methodist Church.  - Jamestown Daily Capital


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 19th, 1907

     John Douthit received a message on Thursday morning bearing the sad news of the death of his sister, Mrs. Townsend, of Townsend, Mont., and left on the same evening for that place.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 26th, 1907

      Edgar Jackson and Miss Gertrude Crossman of Burkey were united in the holy bonds of matrimony today at Medora.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 3rd, 1907

     Sudden word was received from Dickinson Monday afternoon of the death of Frank Thompson.  Mr. Thompson was the trusted assistant at the A. L. Martin store and his untimely decease is mourned by his many friends in the county.  Mr. Thompson left for Dickinson early Monday morning to undergo an operation which was not expected to result seriously (sic) and a telegram that afternoon conveyed the sad tidings to his Sentinel Butte friends.  Messrs Martin and Stoddard left at once for Dickinson to take charge of the remains.  The words of the poet are these:  "Seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come."


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 3rd, 1907

      H. H. Schultz and wife are the happy parents of a son born Sunday, Sept. 29, 1907.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 3rd, 1907

      Dr. Museus reports the birth of a son, Sunday, to C. J. Strum and wife residing south of town.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 3rd, 1907

     Born to O. O. Bast and wife, a daughter, Tuesday Morning, October 1, 1907.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 3rd, 1907

     A daughter arrived Tuesday, October 1, to cheer the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brown, northeast of Beach.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 17th, 1907

Wed In St. Paul

      We hear indirectly of the marriage of Miss Joanna McCarthy to Mr. Henry Sunders, in St. Paul, Minn., Tuesday, Oct. 15, 1907.  Both bride and groom are well known and highly respected by the people of this vicinity; the groom being one of the substantial business men in our little town and the bride having been one of the teachers of the county.  Mr. and Mrs. Sunders are expected home tomorrow; their many friends will be glad of the opportunity to extend a hearty welcome and congratulations.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 17th, 1907

     Richard VanHorn, a pioneer resident of Beach and a well known rancher, died at his ranch home near Wibaux last Friday, after a long siege of illness caused by injuries sustained from being thrown from a horse.  The deceased was 33 years old and is survived by his wife and two brothers, C. T. and F. VanHorn.  The funeral services were held Sunday, Rev. Douglas officiating.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 17th, 1907

     Mr. and Mrs. Hosea Cate of Carlyle are the happy parents of a son born Sunday, Oct.13, '07.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 17th, 1907

     Miss Maud Brown, an estimable and well known young lady of Beach, N.D., and John Laughtan, a plumber by trade of Glendive, Mont., were untied in the holy bonds of matrimony last Wednesday, Oct 9, '07, at the home of Dave McCullom in Glendive.  Only near relatives and intimate friends assembled with their many presents to extend best wishes to the happy couple and partake of the sumptuous wedding dinner prepared.  Mr. and Mrs. Laughtan are now at home in Glendive.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 17th, 1907

Murder On The Milwaukee
Railroad Contractor Killed and Employee Wounded

     On Monday evening word was received at Beach of a shooting affray at Beaver in the south end of the county on the new Milwaukee line.  From details we have received, it appears as tho one Sam Vanscuyver, a bartender in a tent saloon, shot and killed A. T. Guilliland, a contractor, on Sunday evening about 9 o'clock p.m.   States Attorney Keohane, Justice Gardner, Dr. Melvin and deputy sheriff Rouse hurried to the scene and found the dead man lying in a pool of blood with the top of his head blown off.  An inquest was held over the body and the coroner's jury found that the man met his death by means of a revolver shot by one Sam Vanscuyver.
     Vanscuyver was arrested by deputy sheriff Rouse and brot to Beach for a preliminary examination.  The defendant was represented by Atty. Crawford and the examination was postponed to the 24th inst.
     Rumor has it that this shooting was done in self defense, altho it is hard to ascertain the exact facts as carousing and shooting appeared to be quite prevalent in the railroad camps south.  One John Gass was also shot in the leg by deceased, A. T. Guilliland, some hours prior to the fatal shooting scrape.  Mr. Gass was attended by Dr. Melvin and later taken to the Dickinson hospital for repairs.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 24th, 1907

Gunder Syer (sic) Killed

      Beach and vicinity were shocked last Saturday evening, Oct. 19, 1907, when the sad news came from the Odland Bros.' threshing rig, at work west of town, that Gunder Syre was killed while attempting to couple the separator to the engine.  In some way he missed his calculations and was crushed between the two large machines, death being instantaneous.  The body was brought to town and Undertaker Davis, of Dickinson, was summoned to prepare it for shipment to Hurley, S.D., his former home.  Deceased was a young man of twenty-five years of age who came to Beach last March and located on a homestead.  During his short stay here he made many acquaintances and friends especially among the young people and was held in the highest esteem by all.  He is survived by a brother, Hans Syre (sic), residing south of town, and parents and relatives in and about Hurley, S.D.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 31st, 1907

Vanschuyver, Murderer of Gilliland Discharged

     The preliminary examination of Sam VanSchuyver, to determine whether or not the killing of A. T. Gilliland at Beaver of the Milwaukee line, on the 13th inst. was felonious, was held at Medora last Saturday afternoon and evening.
     Theodore Hannaford, who was the only eye witness of the homicide, testified in behalf of the State, while a half dozen parties, including the defendant, testified in his behalf.  The jist of the testimony in behalf of the defendant was that the deceased had assaulted and beaten up several parties just prior to the time he entered the tent, where he met his death, and was a man of desperate character.  Altho the story as to how the homicide occurred was not shaken, his testimony was to a large extend discredited by the testimony of several, that he had been engaged with the deceased in assaulting several parties and promiscuously shooting things up just prior to the fatal affray.
     Justice N. D. Nichols, before whom the examination was held, considered the evidence offered against the accused of too uncertain a character to justify him in holding VanSchuyver to answer in the district court to a charge of murder, and therefore discharged him.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 31st, 1907

     Born to B. M. Horney and wife last Thursday, Oct. 24, a son.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, November 7th, 1907

Death Of John Current

     Seldom has death caused a greater shock to this community than in the case of Attorney John R. Current, stricken down in the full flush of his vigorous manhood.
     He was as strong and healthy as a man could wish on August first.  Three days later he was confined to his bed with an attack of typhoid fever.  In about four weeks he was able to leave his bed and resume his working the office.  On September 18, he was obliged to take to his bed again with a second attack of the fever, which seemed bound to claim its victim.  Encouraging reports continued to be received from time to time.  On Thursday his condition, while critical, was somewhat improved and it was the opinion that he would continue to gain.  He breathed his last at about 5:30 o'clock on Friday morning.
     His genial good nature, pleasing personality and affability made him very popular in this city where his presence will be sorely missed.
     On Friday evening L. R. Baird accompanied the body east to Sleepy Eye, where the interment took place.  The Masonic lodge, of which Mr. Current was a member, marched from the hospital to the station incident upon the transferal of the remains.
     Besides his mother, he is survived by two brothers and five sisters, living in Sleepy Eye and New Elm, Minn., and a brother, Dr. Earl Current, who is on the medical staff of the Minneapolis City hospital. - Post


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, November 7th, 1907

     Dr. Museus reports the birth of a son on Nov. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm Abernethy, residing east of town.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, November 7th, 1907

     Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Near, Monday, Nov. 4, a son.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, November 14th, 1907

      Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Waldo, residing eight miles northwest of Beach, are the happy parents of a baby girl born Tuesday, Nov. 12, '07.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, November 21st, 1907

     Dr. Kitchen reports the birth of a girl at the home of Norman Runyon south of Sentinel Butte on last Sunday.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, November 28th, 1907

Holloway - Larson Nuptials

     Albert E. Halloway (sic), of Beach, and Miss Stena Larson, of South Dakota, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of the brides brother, J. P. Larson, in this village Saturday, Nov. 23, '07 in the presence of relatives and intimate friends.  Immediately after the ceremony the young couple departed for their home south west of Beach.  The Chronicle joins in extending best wishes for a happy and prosperous wedded life.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, November 28th, 1907

Death Of Edward P. Tucker

     Edward P. Tucker who resided on a farm three miles north of Beach, died at the Glendive hospital last Friday evening, Nov. 22, 1907 after an illness of only a few days caused by a complication of inflammatory rheumatism and erysipelas.  The remains were shipped to the town of Irving, Wis., near his former home, for interment in the Catholic cemetery.
     Mr. Tucker was an honest industrious farmer and leaves his family in comfortable circumstances.  He was born in Melrose, Wis., thirty-nine years ago.  He is survived by his wife and two children, of Beach, his parents and two brothers at Black River Falls, Wis., one brother in Duluth, three sisters in Minnesota, one in Montana, one in Melrose, Wis. and a host of friends and relatives in Melrose and this Valley.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, November 28th, 1907

     Mrs. J. O. Brophy, who for twenty-five years resided near Wibaux, died at the home of her son, Thomas, last week Tuesday, of heart failure, at the advanced age of seventy-three years.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, November 28th, 1907

     Miss Catherin (sic) Rush and Freemont D. Scott were wed in the parlor of the State Line Hotel yesterday noon.  They departed directly after the ceremony for Miles City where they will reside.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 12th, 1907

Burkey News -  John Zimmer and wife are the proud parents of a little son who came to their home Saturday evening.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 19th, 1907

B. F. Livermore Committed Suicide This Morning

      Just as we go to press with the last page of our paper the shocking news comes to us that B. F. Livermore had cut his throat with a razor about 5 o'clock this morning in an out building at his north side home.
     Mr. Livermore was well liked and a prominent business man of the town being president of the Farmers Elevator, one of the directors in the Farmers bank and town supervisor.  He was an active member of the Congregational church and of the M. W. of A.  The deceased is survived by a wife and six children. (transcribers note:  see article of December 26th, 1907).


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 19th, 1907

Dickinson Press Chronicles - On Monday evening, Dec. 9th at 9:45 after a short but painful illness of three hours, Verna Anderson, daughter of Mrs. Anderson Collis, died at her home thirteen miles south of Medora.  She had an attack of hemorrhage of the brain from the effects of which she died before medical aid arrived.  It was a severe blow to the family because she was in such splendid health and it all came so unexpectedly that the mother and her two surviving sisters, with a brother, are prostrated with grief.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 19th, 1907

      Mr. Victor Peterson and bride (formerly Miss Lucille Knautz) returned Friday from their wedding trip, and a large mob followed them to the home of Robert Anaerson (sic) with the usual chivalry.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 26, 1907

     Roy Livermore, of Buffalo, N. D., who was here to attend the funeral of his father, returned home today.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 26th, 1907

      A. E. Welsh and wife are the proud parents of a son, born Dec. 16, '07.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 26th, 1907

Resolution Adopted
By The Beach Camp M. W. Of A.
In Memory Of Our Departed Neighbor B. F.

Livermore -  Whereas: - Death has for the first time entered our camp and severed the first link of our fraternal chain by removing to realms eternal our beloved brother and neighbor, B. F. Livermore.  Resolved:  That by his untimely death this camp has lost a true, loyal neighbor, a man whose integrity was beyond question, a friend in whom a trust was never betrayed.  Resolved:  That we the members of Beach Camp No. 11,152 M. W. of A. do extend to his wife and children our deepest sympathy, and while they mourn the loss of a loving, faithful and ever solicitous husband and father, we mourn the loss of a helping neighbor, and be it further Resolved:  That our charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family, to the local paper for publication and be spread upon the minutes of our camp.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 26th, 1907

Death of Baby Seybold

     The three months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Seybo (sic), of Sentinel Butte, died last Sunday morning at the home of A. B. Kellogg in this village, after a long siege of illness.  Interment was made Monday at the Beach cemetery, Reverend Alexander Douglas of the Congregational church officiating. 
      There will be no preaching service next Sunday, Sunday school as usual at 2:30.  Christian endeavor in the evening at 7:30.  Preaching services a week from Sunday in the evening.  All are welcome.


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 26th, 1907

B. F. Livermore

     Last Friday morning, Dec. 20, 1907, the Reaper of Death took from our midst one of our fellow townsmen, B. F. Livermore, aged 47 years and 10 months. 
     Deceased immigrated with his family from Ayr, N.D., a little over a year ago.  Having retired from farming himself, he bought land and started his two sons in farming.  He and his wife and four children resided in town and he engaged in the coal business.  Last fall he was one of the organizers of the Farmers Elevator and was elected manager.  He was a kind husband and neighbor, active in church work and was a member in good standing of the orders of Modern Woodmen and Workmen.
     Funeral services were conducted last Sunday by the Woodmen and Royal Neighbors Reverend Douglas officiating.  Interment was made in the Beach cemetery.  The bereaved wife and children have the sincere sympathy of the entire community.  (transcribers note:  see article of December 19th 1907)


Golden Valley Chronicle, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 26th, 1907

Wedding Bells and Christmas Bells

      A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Dr. W. H. Melvin on Christmas day, when W. H. Minions, of Osnabrock, N.D., and Miss Lula Coldwell, of Beach, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. Alex Douglas.  Only relatives and a few intimate friends were present.  The bride was attired in blue silk and the groom wore the conventional black.  After the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served, after which the bride and groom departed for the east to be gone a short time.   On their return they will make their future home on the bride's farm eight miles south of Beach.  The bride is a sister of Mrs. Dr. W. H. Melvin and is a young lady who merit's the respect and kind wishes of all.  The Chronicle extends hearty congratulations.

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