Golden Valley
County NDGenWeb is a free genealogical site about the history
of the county. We hope you find helpful clues for your research of
ancestors and relatives of Golden Valley county.
Are you familiar with the area? Do you have a family tree connection to the area? Volunteers are always needed! Please consider contributing your pieces of Golden Valley County family history. Corrections, updates, and additions to this site are always welcome. If you are interested in helping, please contact the any of the Coordinators.
County Coordinator: YOU? Golden Valley County NDGenWeb is AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION.
Temporary County Coordinator: Rebecca Maloney
Acting State Coordinator: Linda Ziemann
Golden Valley was created from the western portion of Billings County by a
favorable vote at the November 10, 1912 general election, although litigation
delayed its official designation as a county until November 11, 1912. The name
was probably chosen for the favorable image it projected although a Golden
Valley Land and Cattle Co is known to have been a major land owner here in the
early 1900's. Golden Valley County was established 11 Nov 1912 when voters chose
to secede from Billings County. The name was after the fields of grass and wheat
in the area.
County Seat: Beach
Area 1008 square miles.
population -- 1,924
Golden Valley County NDGenWeb Copyright
Design by Templates in Time
This page was last updated 12/04/2024