The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May
8th, 1908
Obituary James C. Smith was born at Iowa City,
IA., August 21, 1876. Died at his claim six miles west of Beach, April 26,
1908, and was therefore 31 years of age at the time of death. About ten
years ago Mr. Smith was united in marriage to Miss Annie Palmer of London,
England, at Iowa City, the fruit of this union being two girls, one seven
years of age, while the other is only a few months old. They came to the
Golden Valley a year ago last October and settled on a claim six miles west
of this village. He was a man of sterling character and during his residence
here had builded (sic) for himself an enviable reputation for honesty,
industry and sobriety. He was a member of the local lodge of Modern Woodman
and that organization had charge of the funeral, which was held at the Beach
school house on Thursday, April 30, at eleven a.m., Rev. Douglas preaching
the sermon. Interment was made at the cemetery south of town. Mr. Smith
was sick but a short time and in his early taking away the wife, fatherless
children and members of his family have the sympathy of this community.
Besides his immediate family he leaves two brothers and eight sisters. One
brother, Lewis C. Smith, was here to attend the funeral and will remain
until such time as is necessary to put the affairs of the deceased in
running order. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 8th, 1908
Card of Thanks We take this means of expressing our thanks and
deep appreciation to the neighbors, and friends, members of the Modern
Woodman and Royal Neighbors for the many acts of kindness and assistance
during the late illness and death of our husband and brother. Also for the
beautiful floral offerings at the funeral. Mrs. J C. Smith Lewis C.
Smith The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 8th, 1908
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brown who live ten miles north of Beach, are the
proud parents of a nice baby girl, which came to their home on last Sunday,
May 2. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 8th, 1908
On May 3, a boy was born to Mr. And Mrs. Elben Bartle who reside eleven
miles northeast of this village. The little stranger was of regulation size
and weight. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 15th, 1908
Miss Lydia Rinke and Mr. W. Holland, both of Beach, were married in
Medora by Judge Paxton on Tuesday afternoon May 12. The young couple came
down on the morning train intending to be married quietly and slip away
without being known but they were found out and number of their friends
gathered to witness the ceremony and afterwards went with them to the train
where they were showered with rice and good wishes. They left on the evening
train for their new home south of Beach were they will reside in future on
the farm of the groom. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 15th, 1908
James Calvin, Dead
The funeral of James M. Calvin of the
W-Bar ranch, located on Beaver Creek some thirteen miles north of Wibaux,
was held at Miles City last Sunday and was largely attended. Two weeks
ago Mr. Calvin had the misfortune to have saddle horse fall on him while
attempting to lead a colt to water and while his hips were crushed and
dislocated, no bones were broken. An attack of constipation set in and was
followed by an attack of peritonitis which caused his death. Mr. Calvin
was a native of Pennsylvania but came west a number of years ago, locating
at Miles City, Mont., where he and two of his brothers established the
Calvin Investment Company. He was the official head of this enterprise for a
number of years and still retains an interest, but four years ago went to
the W-Bar ranch, where he has since lived. He leaves as an immediate family
a wife and three children, besides a mother and three brothers. His mother
was here at time of death having come out for a visit. In the untimely death
of a son, husband and brother they have the sympathy of the community.
Mr. Calving enjoyed a wide and very favorable acquaintance in this part of
the country and was a man in whom people had the greatest confidence. Of a
strictly moral nature and upright character he made friends with all with
whom he came in contact and will be greatly missed in the circle in which he
was leading a spirit. He was a member of the order of Elks and was buried
under the auspices of that society. May his ashes rest in peace. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 22nd, 1908
The Last Sleep. ----- Death of An Old Resident of the
Golden Valley - Funeral Tomorrow.
After a short illness Mrs. H. J.
Blodgett, of the Lone Tree township, passed to that borne from which no
traveler returns on Thursday, May 21, 1908, at 7:30 o'clock a.m. Mrs.
Abbie Howarth was born in Alexandria, Jefferson county, N.Y., March 6, 1839,
and was therefore 69 years of age at the time of death. She was left an
orphan when only four years of age and was cared for by a half sister for
nine years, her home being on wheat is known as Thousand Island Park, in the
St. Lawrence river. She was married to H. J. Blodgett on March 20, 1961, at
Three Mile Bay, N.Y., and in 1865 they went to Paw Paw, Mich., living there
until 1868 when they moved to Freeborn county, Minnesota. They lived in
Freeborn and Faribault counties, Minnesota, until 1903, when they came to
the Golden Valley and took up their present claim in the Lone Tree township.
Besides her husband she leaves five living children, three girls and two
boys: Mrs. Albria Purday, Wells, Minn; Mrs. Nellie Kinnie, Prescott, Wis;
Mrs. Hattie Johnson, whom lives on a claim near her parents; as does also
one son, Ivory S. Blodgett; and James G. Blodgett, Kolls, S.D. While yet
a girl Mrs. Blodgett joined the Methodist Episcopal church in her native
town and since coming here has attended meetings held at the school house in
the Lone Tree district. She has led an exemplary christian life and her
friends and acquaintances mourn with her relatives at her death. The funeral
will be held tomorrow from the opera house in this city at 1 o'clock p.m. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 22nd, 1908
Miss Anna Knutson and Jacob Harland were united in Marriage at
Underwood, N.D., last Sunday evening. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 22nd, 1908
Mr. and Mrs. Bartle are the happy parents of a baby boy. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 22nd, 1908
Mr. and Mrs. Brettin are the proud parents of a baby boy. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 29th, 1908
Funeral of Mrs. Blodgett.
Last Saturday afternoon, May
23, occurred the last sad rites of laying away the remains of Mrs. H. J.
Blodgett, in the cemetery at Beach. The beautiful tributes paid the deceased
by Rev. Douglas testifies to the love and esteem the departed one held in
the hearts of relatives and friends. The remains were accompanied to the
grave by a large concourse of sorrowing friends, where they were laid at
rest by the gentle hands of a number of the Beach Lodge of A. F. & A. M.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 29th, 1908
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kellog and daughters were called to Sentinel
Butte last Sunday to attend the funeral of the year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Gilbertson which occurred at that place Friday. The boy was the only
son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbertson and his death is a severe blow to the
parents, who have the sympathy of their host of friends in their
bereavement, John Gilbertson is a step son of Mr. Kellog's. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 29th, 1908
Alpha Abstracts Mr. and Mrs. Barnett are the proud parents
of a fine baby girl. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 29th, 1908
Burkey Boosters A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hunck
on May 24.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 5th, 1908
Young People Wed --------- Charles Foley of Medora
Marries Well Known Montana Girl A very pretty wedding occurred last night
at the home of Miss Martha Buchanan, the parties being Sadie, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchanan, and Charles R. Foley, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
W. Foley of Medora, N. D. Only members of the immediate families and a few
intimate friends attended the ceremony which was solemnized by Rev. Fritsch
of the Congregational church. The bride is one of the most popular of the
younger set of Billings while the groom, a brother of Mrs. W. T. Denniston,
is well known here having visited in Billings. Several times during the last
two years. Mr. and Mrs. Foley left on delayed No. 4 over the Northern
Pacific last night for Medora, N.D., where Mr. Foley has stock interests and
where the couple will make their future home - Billings Daily Gazette The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 5th, 1908
Pleasant Valley Voices<
A bright baby boy was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, June 1. Mother and baby are doing nicely. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 12th, 1908
Rattle Snake Claims Victim - - - Poison Spread Rapidly
and Death Follows Eight Hours Later - - - Suffers Untold Agony - -
- Attempted to Pull Snake Out of Hole After Tromping on His Body - - -
J. J. Barley, who was making his home with his son, Elgie William
Barley, six miles north of Sentinel Butte, received a snake bite Tuesday
about noon from the effects of which he died about 8 o'clock in the evening.
Mr. Barley and his son were crossing a field when they saw a rattle snake
and the old gentlemen managed to catch him just as he was trying to enter a
hold in the ground. After tromping on the snake he took his knife and cut
off the rattles, then drove the knife through the snake and pulled him from
the hole. As the head of the snake was withdrawn he turned and fastened his
fangs in the hand of his opponent. The wound was immediately cut open with
the idea of reducing the poison by a free flow of blood and a little later a
strap was put about the wrist. Dr. Museus was sent for, arriving at the bed
side of Mr. Barley about 4:30, but he was then in a moribund condition with
absolutely no pulse at all. Everything possible was done for him but to no
avail and Mr. Barley passed to the great beyond at about 8 o'clock, or
something like eight hours after the accident. From the condition in
which Dr. Museus found the patient he is of the opinion that Mr. Barley had
a weak heart to start with which assisted in his rapid taking away. Mr.
Barley was 57 years of age and leaves as an immediate family four grown
children, only one of whom lives in this part of the country, and with whom
he was making his home at time of death.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 19th, 1908
Dry Creek Crumbs
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Rick, June 9. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 26th, 1908
Local Happenings The infant baby of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Brown was buried in the Beach cemetery Thursday afternoon. The little one
was born Saturday but only lived a few hours. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 26th, 1908
Local Happenings A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. G.
D. Lovell Thursday night.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 26th, 1908
Geo. Kasper is the name of the blacksmith who was found dead in his
own blacksmith shop at Marmarth last week. As near as can be learned he went
to his shop about 9 o'clock in the evening and as he did not open the place
for business next day, friends investigated and found him dead on the floor.
At the coroner's inquest it was decided that death was due to heart failure.
Letters revealed the fact that he expected to be married in a short time. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 26th, 1908
Last Friday we laid to rest, in the Sentinel Butte Cemetery one of our
kind friends and neighbors Mr. J. J. Barley. Mr. Barley was well like by
every one who knew him. His funeral was largely attended and his son, Elgie
Barley has the deepest sympathy of the entire community. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 4th, 1908
Pretty Home Wedding - - - Popular Young Couple of Beach
Happily Married Last Tuesday Morning - - - A pretty home wedding
occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H W. Peek last Tuesday morning, at
which time their daughter, Miss K. Julia Peek, pronounced the words which
made her the wife of Emerys Lloyd. This long looked for event occurred on
the morning of June 30, at 8 o'clock in the presence of only those of the
bride's family who were able to be there. The morning was one of North
Dakota's best, clear and cool, the air was fragrant with the perfume of wild
flowers. The bride was dressed in white Persian lawn which was afterwards
changed for a grey shadow striped traveling suit trimmed in satin and hand
made lace, with hat and gloves to match. The groom wore the conventional
black and traveled in a brown business suit. After the ceremony a dainty
wedding breakfast was served. The young couple left on the morning train for
Oshkosh, Wis, the home of the groom's parents. Mrs. Lloyd has been a
successful teacher for several years in South Dakota and Missouri, coming
here two years ago to take up a homestead. Mr. Lloyd has charge of the Chase
Lumber Company's elevator at this place and commands the respect of the
entire community for the manner in which he has conducted himself while
here. Both of these people are deservedly popular and their many friends
join The Advance in wishing them health, happiness and prosperity through
life's journey. On returning from their visit in Wisconsin they will
begin housekeeping in rooms in E. E. Mikkelson's residence and will be at
home to friends after August 1. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 3rd , 1908
Smith-Thompson - - - Popular Young Couple Married at
Verndale, Minn., Last Sunday - - - At the home of the bride's parents
in Verndale, Minn., last Sunday occurred the wedding of L. G. Smith of this
city to Miss Sophrona Thompson of that place, Rev. Green of the Methodist
church performing the ceremony. Paul Smith, brother of the groom, acted
as best man, while Miss Anna Thompson, a sister of the bride served as
bride's maid. The bride was attired in white organdie and carried bride's
roses. The ceremony was witnessed by the intimate young friends of the
bride and she is one of the first of the grand children to break the circle
of single blessedness. The happy couple returned to Beach Tuesday evening
and at once began house keeping in rooms over Dickinson & Power's store,
adjacent to the rooms occupied by Dr. Smith as an office. Dr. Smith
located in Beach about the time the editor of The Advance began to get busy
with his first issue and since then has made many friends among the people
of the Golden Valley. In a professional way he has had a ripe experience for
so young a man and no doubt will be given his share of the patronage of the
people here. The friends of the happy couple here extend them a hearty
welcome and best wishes for a happy and prosperous future. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 3rd , 1908
A telegram received by M. D. Sarver, Monday evening, conveyed the
sad intelligence that his father had died at Seattle, Wash., during Sunday
evening. Only recently Mr. Sarver visited his father, who was considered as
on the mend when he left him to return east. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 10th , 1908
Popular Couple Wed - - - George F Oech and Miss Ines
Logan Are Made One at Glendive, Montana - - - The friends of George F.
Oech and Miss Inez Logan were a little suspicious when they saw them leave
Beach last Sunday evening on the west bound train and when they returned
Wednesday evening and Mr. Oech immediately began to pass cigars among his
friends the suspicion was confirmed. This popular young couple were married
at the home of Rev. P. Purhans at Glendive last Monday. Mr. Oech came to
the Golden Valley something like two years ago and took a claim, which he
has managed in such a way as to secure the title of one of the best and most
prosperous farmers of the Valley. He is popular with his acquaintances and
is one of our substantial men. Miss Logan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
E. D. Logan and has been a resident of Beach during the past year. She is an
accomplished young lady and has a host of friends. Congratulations are
extended. The happy couple will make his claim their home and will be at
home to friends after August 1. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 10th, 1908
Married At Dickinson - - - Recent Comers From Chicago
Get Married and go to Housekeeping on Claim - - - Leslie Kirst and
Miss Nina Lawrey were married at Dickinson on Saturday, June 27, by the Rev.
Wellington J. Brown. Their former home was in Chicago, but some three months
ago Mr. Kirst came to the Golden Valley and filed on a claim eleven miles
north of Beach. He believed a 160 acre tract of land in this section would
support two people just as easy as it would one and immediately set to work
to get the above result. They will make their home at the claim.
Congratulations are extended together with best wishes for their future
prosperity. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 24th, 1908
Maanum-Overlid - - - Young Couple Married in Beach and
Return to Former Home in Minnesota
Last Monday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E Hoverson occurred the marriage of Olaf Maanum to Miss Anna
Overlid, Rev. Charles S. Thorp of Glendive officiating. After the
ceremony, which took place before only the immediate friends of the
contracting parties, a wedding supper was served and congratulations were
extended. Mr. Maanum is a brother of Theodore Maanum, bookeeper at the
Golden Valley State Bank, and recently came to Beach where he had accepted
employment in the Gilt Edge Harness shop. His stay here was cut short by the
request of his parents who desired that he return home and care for the
farm, so on Tuesday morning he and his bride started for Hancock, Minnesota.
He is a steady, industrious young man and will make a good citizen in any
community. Miss Overlid is a resident of Hancock, Minn., but for several
weeks has been the guest of friends in this city. Their friends here extend
congratulations. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 24th, 1908
A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Zable Sunday evening. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 7th, 1908
Obituary - - - Miles Morgan Tuller, Father of Frank M.
of this City, Dies in Wisconsin - - - The following notice of the
death of Miles Morgan Tullar is taken from the Evansville, (Wisconsin)
Review of the issue of July 23: Miles Morgan Tullar quietly passed away
Friday evening, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Laura Taggart, aged 92
years. Mr. Tullar was one of the Pioneer settlers of Evansville, coming
here in 1844, with a young wife, and after a brief stop, purchased a farm a
few miles southwest of the city and followed the avocation \of farming till
old age necessitated a rest from his labors. He was a man widely known and
respected by a large circle of friends. Although quiet and unassuming in
disposition, there was a vein of humor which would crop out in his
conversation with personal friends which made him a pleasant companion.
Nothwithstanding his age, his mental faculties were keen and his activity as
light as many men of half his age. His jaunts to where he enjoyed the
meetings with old-time friends, were of daily occurrence and his absence
will be missed by many. His final sickness was short, and he was ready for
the summons to come and meet his life-companion, who proceeded him only a
few short years ago. M. M. Tullar was born in Cayuga county, N.Y., May
23, 1816. In January 1842, he was united in marriage to Miss Lusbe Ann
Gallop, who was a faithful and loving companion for 58 years when she was
called to her home beyond. To this union thirteen children were born, ten of
whom are living and are: John M., Walter D., Fred, Earl and Mrs. Laura
Taggart all of this city, Mrs. Emma Layton and Elmer of Eugene, Ore., Frank
M. of Beach, N.D., Mrs. Carrie Grove of LeMars, Ia., Miles of Lennox, S.
Dak. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at his late home and
were largely attended. The Rev. D. Grabill officiating. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 7th, 1908
Monday morning a girl baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sprague of
the 'Do Drop In' farm in the Lame Steer district. All concerned are doing
nicely. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 21st, 1908
Was It Murder - - - A Little Gun Play at Marmarth
Furnished an Exciting Time Monday Evening - - - Only One Dead - - -
Claim is Made That Revolver was Accidentally Discharged - Conflicting
Evidence - - - Last Monday night at Marmarth a little gun play was had
as a result of which a person who went by the name of Blanche Marshall but
whose real name is supposed to be Mrs. Margaret Welcher, was fatally shot,
dying almost immediately after receiving the wound. Both were inmates of a
bagnio. Evidence before the corner's jury was considerably conflicting.
It was claimed by the defendant and her friends that the revolver was
discharged accidently, but whether this is the case will probably remain for
determination at the preliminary hearing. Henry Feldhousen, corner, John
Keohane, state's attorney and G. D. Lovell were those from Beach who were
present at the corner's inquest. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 21st, 1908
Dr. Museus was called to Medora the latter part of the week and left
a nice baby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Britt.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 21st, 1908
A nice baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Smith in this
city last Saturday morning which his little brother immediately name 'Mose'.
Dr. L. G. Smith was the attending physician. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 21st, 1908
Left on the Door Step - - - A. J. Schuler's Family
Increased by One Last Week While They Were Absent - - - Finds A Good
Home - - - Little Waif Will Be Treated as One of Their Own Family
Until of Age - - - When A. J. Schuler arrived home last Friday evening
after an absence of several days, he found a strange face among the children
and upon inquiry found that a baby girl had been left on the door step of
his home on Wednesday morning. Both Mr. and Mrs. Schuler were away at the
time, Mr. Schuler being on a canvassing trip while his wife was on a visit
to relatives in Cavalavier county, this state. The cries of a child were
heard by the housekeeper, Mrs. Mary Frank, after she had retired and upon
investigation she found a little bundle on the doorstep, in the folds of
which was a baby girl and the following letter: My Dear Friends; - I
come to your door for shelter, so please take me in and be good to me, for I
am a homeless child, and I ask you to keep me as your own child. And I shall
be good to you when I grow up. And God bless you for your kindness. I am
a Roman Catholic child and I am baptized in the Catholic church and my name
is Alma. Please call my last name after your own family. I was born on the
29th day of September, 1907. But for God's sake don't cast me out. For my
sake be good to me and call me you own, or if you are not Catholic please
hand me to some good catholic, for I want to be raised as a Roman Catholic
child. God bless you. Mr. Schuler lives on the Joe Morris place southeast
of town and whether or not the person who left the child knew him and his
wife personally, there is no way of knowing, for no trace of the child's
parentage has been discovered. It is rather frail but at this writing is
doing nicely. While Mr. and Mrs. Schuler have four children of their own
they have found a place in their hearts and home for the little stranger and
unless someone can prove a rightful ownership it will be cared for as one of
their own family. While, perhaps, there is little excuse for criticizing
the parents of the child, it would seem a blessing that the girl has found a
home with Mr. and Mrs. Schuler rather than to have shared the life and moral
atmosphere of a mother who would leave her own flesh and blood to the care
of strangers. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 28th, 1908
Big Event At Yates - - - Two People, Prominent in Wibaux
Social Circles, Steal a March on Friends - - - The poet Burns has it
that "The best laid plans of mice and men Gang aft agley." (sic) Sadly it is
true that such is frequently the case. Once in a while, however, they work
all right, as is seen in the event of last Thursday evening. So skillfully
did Prof. Baird and Miss Bessie M. Barnes lay their marriage plans that for
once Wibaux was caught napping. She was startled next morning to read the
marriage announcement of her beloved principal and his assistant. The news
came like a thunder bolt out of a clear sky. It almost took away the
people's breath. They rubbed their eyes and pinched themselves to see if
they were awake, exclaiming: "Is it possible? Can it be true?" The
weather man must have had something to do in helping the naughty professor
and his blooming bride, for he brewed a big storm for the occasion. Just at
the time when the preacher was pronouncing the solemn words that made them
man and wife, the storm was at its height, thus helping to cover the whole
scheme. But if the storm was raging wildly without, all was quiet and
peaceful within the modest dwelling of Prof. Baird's at Yates. Hither had
come a few guests, seemingly to do honor to Mr. Williams and his Kentucky
bride, but in reality to witness the union of Mr. Baird and Miss Barnes.
Promptly at 8 o'clock Rev. Alex Douglas tied the knot that made them happy.
After the marriage the invited guests sat down to a sumptuous feast smuggles
in from Wibaux and Beach for the joyous occasion. The rest of the evening
was spent in pleasant pastime and conversation. The bride, Miss Bessie M.
Barnes, is well known and highly respected in Wibaux, where she has taught
the village urchins for the past five years. During her residence there she
has won a host of warm friends and established for herself a fine reputation
as an instructor. She is an earnest christian and actively engaged in the
work of the Sunday school in the Congregational church. At present she is
teacher of the boys' class and assistant superintendent. She was tastefully
gowned in white silk batiste for the occasion. Her sister, Miss Lena Barnes,
acted as bride's maid. The groom, Frank P. Baird, came to Wibaux two
years ago to take charge of the public schools. He soon won the affection
and good will of people and students by his fine scholarly attainments and
gentlemanly deportment. Through his able administration he has brought the
school to a state of efficiency that makes it second to none in this part of
the country. He likewise is active in christian work and at present is
superintendent in the Congregational Sunday school. For the past summer he
has been assisting President Kinney and Cashier Fischer in the First
National Bank. Mrs. Samuel Stambaugh acted as best man. Their many
friends extend to the happy couple hearty congratulations and wish them long
life and prosperity. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 28th, 1908
He is Married Now - - - Monday at Glendive occurred the
wedding of Jules H. Kusske to Miss Anna Rataezyke, both of Beach. They
returned to this city Tuesday morning and will go to house keeping at once
on Mr. Kusske's farm in the Beaver Creek district south of town. Mr.
Kusske is one of the prominent and progressive farmers of the Valley and has
a large acquaintance. The friends of the happy couple extend congratulations
and best wishes in which The Advance most heartly joins. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 4th, 1908
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zimmer are the proud parents a-of a 7 pound boy. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 4th, 1908
The stork called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Koehane last
Monday and left a nice baby girl. All are doing nicely. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 4th, 1908
C. M. Wiley, who came here to attend the funeral of his father, who
recently died at Carlyle, Mont., departed for his home at Spirit Lake, Iowa,
last Friday. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 4th, 1908
Richard O. Odeen from Beach, North Dakota, and Miss Regina Hoganson
were joined in marriage at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Randline
Hoganson, in the second ward, this city, Saturday last, at 11:30 a.m. Only
near relatives were in attendance. A wedding dinner was served. Mr. Odeen
had a land claim in Dakota but recently sold it. Whether they will go west
to reside or remain here we are not informed. Badger State Banner. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 11th, 1908
Henry Sunders Dead - - - Passed Away Tuesday Afternoon
After a Brief Illness of Heart Failure - - - Henry Sunders passed
peacefully away Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 p.m., of heart failure. Had he
lived until the following day he would have been 71 years of age. Mr.
Sunders was married to Mary Elizabeth Klingemier at Geswold, Hannover,
Germany, when 28 years of age and shortly afterward came to this country,
settling in Cincinnatti, Ohio. From there he went to Covington, Kentucky,
then to Freeport, Minn., and three years ago came to Beach, N.D. Six
children blessed this union, three of which are still living, as follows:
Ben of Freeport, Minn., Frank of Cottage Grove, Minn., and Henry of this
city, a member of the firm of Russ & Sunders. Mr. Sunders enjoyed his
usual health until a short time before dinner on Tuesday, when he complained
of feeling badly and asked his wife to remain with him. Funeral was held
yesterday morning from the Catholic church of this place. His wife and
children have the sympathy of the community in their irrepairable loss. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 11th, 1908
Born on Monday, Sept. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Jones, a fine boy. Dr.
Museus was attending physician. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 11th, 1908
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson are the happy parents of a baby boy who arrived
last Monday Aug. 31st. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 11th, 1908
The wedding bells were happily ringing last Wednesday, when Mr. Fred
Johnson and Miss Flora Vetch were united in the holy bonds of wedlock at the
Catholic church in Burkey. They have the good wishes of their many friends
and may their lives be long and prosperous. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 15th, 1908
Walker - Smith - - - Golden Valley Couple Married at
Dickinson, Tuesday Evening, September 15 - - - Tuesday evening at 7
o'clock at the home of the Rev. W. J. Brown, occurred the marriage of E. L.
Walker to Miss Martha A. Smith, both of Beach. The bride wore as a wedding
gown a rich brown dress and carried roses. The happy couple returned to
Beach on No. 3 Wednesday evening and went immediately to the home of the
bride some fourteen miles southeast of this city. Mr. Walker has been a
resident of the Valley about six years and owns a fine farm just half a mile
from the homestead of his wife's, where they will reside for the present. He
has gone through the pioneer days of homesteading and knows what the word
means to its full extent. He is endowed with those qualities which have won
not only success but the admiration of his friends and neighbors. Miss
Smith came to the Valley about four years ago and also knows something of
homestead life, having lived on a homestead during that time. The friends of
the couple extend to them best wishes for a long and prosperous life. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 18th, 1908
Obituary - - - Henry Clay Wiley was born at Weston,
Vermont, December 4, 1844. His father was a merchant. He received a common
school education. In 1866 he went to Iowa and located at Masonville,
Delaware county, and was for a time employed in his cousin's store at that
place. In 1868 he was married to Lucretia F. Martin, who survives him. Later
be bought land and was engaged in farming in Delaware and Buchanan counties
for more than twenty years. In 1891 he removed to Dickinson county and
bought a 600 acre farm near Spirit Lake. In 1895 he disposed of this farm
and went to Curlew, Palo Alto county, where he engaged in the mercantile
business. In 1901 he was appointed postmaster, which office he held for
seven years. In the spring of 1908 he went to Carlyle, Mont., and prepared
to make improvements on a homestead he had taken there. His health has been
failing for some time. As the season advanced he became weaker and on
Tuesday, August 18, he passed away. Besides his widow he leaves five
sons: Edwin, Clay and Ewen of Carlyle, Clarence of Spirit Lake, Iowa, and
Pliny at Caldwell, Idaho. Mr. Wiley's true character and his kindly
disposition toward his fellow men made him a highly respected citizen in the
communities in which he lived. He saw only the merits of others and treated
them on their merits. He served in offices of trust and responsibility
always with honesty and efficiency. The funeral services were held from the
home near Carlyle and were conducted by Rev. Alexander Douglas. Interment
was made at the Wibaux cemetery. Many friends mourn the loss of a man whose
influence for good will still remain. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 18th, 1908
Born, Monday, September 14, to Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Fleet, a girl weighing
eleven pounds. Both are doing nicely. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 25th, 1908
A little child of Mr. And Mrs. Harvey's died Sunday after a brief
illness. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 25th, 1908
Mr. And Mrs. H. W. Peek celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their
wedded life Wednesday by giving a dinner to their immediate relatives in
this vicinity. Congratulations are extended the worthy couple and best
wishes for a continuation of the joys which have been experienced in the
past. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 2nd, 1908
Birthday Party - - - Last Thursday evening Miss Evelyn
Reichenecker celebrated her twelfth birthday. Her father had provided neatly
printed invitations which were sent to some fifteen of her playmates, in
accordance with which they gathered at her home and spent the time from 5 to
8 o'clock p.m. in games suitable to the occasion. Refreshments were served
and all joined in wishing their little hostess many happy returns of the
anniversary of her birth. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 2nd, 1908
C. W. Hobbs Succumbs - - - Typhoid Fever Claimed Him as
Victim on Tuesday Afternoon of This Week - - - C. W. Hobbs, who has
been suffering from typhoid fever for several weeks, was claimed as a victim
of the disease Tuesday afternoon at 4:15. Mr. Hobbs came to the Golden
Valley and filed on a claim about fourteen miles northeast of this city a
year ago the 20th day of last October, after which he returned to his home
at Rineville, Kentucky, and stayed until spring, when he moved his wife and
child to the claim, where they have since lived. He was about forty years of
age at time of death. Since coming here he has been prosperous and had won
for himself a reputation for honesty, industry and sobriety. His wife is
not a strong woman and the death of her husband will be a hard blow. To her
is extended sincere sympathy. The funeral services were held from the
home yesterday, Rev. Douglas officiating. Interment was made temporarily on
the home place, but it is the plan now to take the remains during December
back to his old home in Rineville, Kentucky. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 2nd, 1908
To The Great Beyond - - - Mrs. Harve Robinson of Sentinel
Butte, Passed Away Last Saturday - - - The many friends of Mrs. Harve
Robinson of Sentinel Butte were indeed surprised last Saturday evening to
learn that at 4:30 in the afternoon she passed to the great beyond. The
immediate cause of death was not learned, but was the result of some
complications caused or aggravated by the birth of her child two weeks
previous. Mrs. Robinson was born in North Dakota and at the time of death
was about twenty-eight years of age. A large portion of her life has been
spent in Billings county, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gilberts, having
lived at Sentinel Butte for many years. She had a large acquaintance in this
vicinity and by her genial disposition and kindly nature had many friends
and was admired by all who knew her. Besides her husband she leaves three
children, the youngest of which is only an infant. The deepest sympathy
is extended to her relatives in their deep sorrow. Funeral was held Sunday,
Rev. Douglas officiating and interment was made in the Sentinel Butte
cemetery. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 2nd, 1908
A fine boy weighing ten pounds called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Walker on Wednesday morning demanding food and raiment. Both mother and
child are doing nicely while J. E. wears an unusually pleased expression.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 2nd, 1908
The thirteen month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, who live two
miles east of Sentinel Butte, died last Sunday. The funeral services were
held Tuesday, Rev. Douglas officiating and interment being made at Sentinel
Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey have the sympathy of the community. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 16th, 1908
A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sunders, Monday. Congratulations
are extended. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 16th, 1908
A sad event took place last Saturday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Woodhull when their youngest child, who recently came to cheer their home,
took her flight for that home where there are no tears or no parting. The
funeral services were conducted at the home of Mr. Oscar Holmquist on
Tuesday, by the Rev. Alex. Douglas. The bereaved parents have the heartfelt
sympathy of their many friends in their affliction. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 16th, 1908
David McCann wears a smile that won't come off - one of those broad,
good natured smiles. It's a girl, born Friday, the 9th. Both mother and
daughter doing nicely. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 23rd , 1908
Cupid After The Young - - - Young Man From Carlyle Married
Tuesday to a Lady From the Badger State - - - They Fooled the Foolers
- - - Popular Young Couple of Williams Married at Dickinson Day Before
Yesterday - - - During the past week four of the popular young people
living southwest of town joined hands for better or for worse during the
remainder of life's journey. Late Monday evening E. W. Clocksin, Miss Elsie
Cocksin and Miss Bea Brown left Carlyle for Beach, trusting that the
lateness of the hour would protect them from too many personal questions.
Tuesday morning they took the train for Belfield, where Mr. Clocksin and
Miss Brown were quietly married. They returned to Beach the same evening and
Wednesday morning went to Carlyle, where they will live temporarily with A.
Clocksin and family. Mr. Clocksin has been a resident of Carlyle for some
months and not long since went into the well drilling business. He is a
young man of ability, energetic, honest and a hustler and very deservedly
popular among those who know him best. His wife, formerly Miss Bea Brown of
Boardman, Wis., we know little about but join with others in extending to
her a cordial welcome to the Golden Valley, together with congratulations
and best wishes for a long and happy life in the golden west. Mr. Clocksin
has a homestead on the Dakota side of the line and as soon as buildings can
be erected will make that the permanent home. - - - The Wednesday
evening train brought back from Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Schouboe, who
that day had joined hands and repeated the solemn words that made them one.
As they were guests at the hotel the night before an inkling of what was to
happen was mistrusted by their friends and as a charivari party at the hotel
at the proper house would be hardly proper, the disturbers had to content
themselves with fixing up their room as best they could with hastily
gathered material. The dinner bell was attached to about the center of the
bed spring on the under side, and alarm clocks were stationed at different
parts of the room and set for different times for operation, while a fire
extinguisher was placed in the bed. The couple, however, were suspicious and
discovered the several articles, except the clocks, before retiring, and Mr.
Schouboe was heard to emphatically declare that 'curfew shall not ring
tonight. L. B. Schouboe is one of the prosperous young farmers of the
Williams district, a person of sterling character and worth and a good
citizen. He recently suffered a great misfortune in having his new house, to
which he had intended taking his bride, burn up one night during his
absence, together with some of his personal property, but he is made of the
material that does not acknowledge defeat and plans as then arranged were
carried out. Miss Hazel Liles also lives in the Williams district and is a
young lady of ability with many accomplishments and much personal charm. The
Advance joins with their host of friends in congratulations and best wishes
for a long, happy and prosperous wedded life. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 23rd , 1908
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Larson of the Lame Steer district, on
Thursday, October 15, a son. All doing nicely. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, October 30th, 1908
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lette Stepp, Oct. 24, a fine baby boy. Mother and
child doing nicely. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, November 13th, 1908
Beeler - Accart - - - On November 6, in Beach, the ceremony
was performed by Rev. J. A. Vanden Heuvel, that made Frank A. Beeler of
Beach and Miss Julia Accart of Wibaux, husband and wife. Mr. Beeler has a
claim southwest of Beach and is one of the prosperous young men of that
locality. Congratulations and best wishes are extended. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, November 20th, 1908
Mrs. H. C. Jensen has received word that a baby girl had arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Burnett of Lumbard, Mont., last Saturday. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, November 20th, 1908
Frank Fakler, who was married to Miss Mary Mason on October 13, at
Jamestown, returned Monday from their wedding visit to relatives at Winona,
Minn., and other points and immediately went to housekeeping on his claim,
about six miles south of town. Both parties are well known in this vicinity
and congratulations are extended. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, Nov ember 27th, 1908
The funeral of Mrs. Aslek, wife of the hotel proprietor at Belfield, was
held Wednesday afternoon, she having died at Rochester, Minn., where she had
went for treatment. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 4th, 1908
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gore were in Beach Wednesday on their way home
after a visit to Glendive, where the Rev. Burhane performed the ceremony
which made them man and wife. Mrs. Gore was formerly Miss Abbie Burkey and
both she and her husband have lived in the Carlyle district for a number of
years where they are highly spoken of. Best wishes and congratulations are
extended. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 4th, 1908
News was received last Saturday that Hugh Tucker of Black River Falls,
Wis., and father of Ed Tucker who took claim north of Beach, had passed away
after quite a long illness. He is known to many of the Wisconsin people in
the Golden Valley. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 4th, 1908
The wedding of Willis Bahm and Miss Maggie Tetley occurred at the home
of the bride's parents on Thursday, November 26, at 4 o'clock in the
afternoon. Rev. Douglas speaking the words which made them man and wife. At
5 o'clock a wedding supper was served, after which, to the inspiring music
provided by the Billings County Orchestra, the enjoyment of the dance was
indulged until nearly morning. A very enjoyable time was had by those
present, who joined in wishing the happy couple a life filled with happiness
and contentment. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 4th, 1908
A young stranger came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Freer at an
early hour Tuesday morning and demanded food and raiment. It is a fine,
healthy little boy and Ed says he is as welcome as the flowers in May. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 4th, 1908
Francis L. Trotter, who has been an inmate of the hospital for the
insane at Jamestown for about two years, died at that institution a few days
ago. At the time his illness came upon him it was hoped that his trouble
would yield to treatment at the hospital but it seems that this was not to
be. Mrs. Trotter has the sympathy of all in her bereavement. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 11th, 1908
Obituary - - - Mrs. William Bond's Sudden Death Startled
the Community Last Sunday - - - On Sunday last, friends of Mrs.
William Bond were shocked to learn of her sad and untimely death which
occurred about nine o'clock in the forenoon. Saturday evening she retired
apparently as well as usual, having endured very poor health during the past
few months. At two o'clock Sunday morning she awoke her husband, saying she
felt ill, and soon began to talk irrationally. Doctor Museus was called at
once but she was in convulsions before his arrival and never regained
consciousness. Drs. McNabb and Smith were called and the three doctors
held a consultation, but gave the loving relatives and friends no hope. All
that was in their power was done to save her life, but that treacherous
disease dropsy had so undermined her health that medical aid seemed
impossible, and death released her from her suffering. Her infant child, a
daughter, also died. Rachel Howard was born in Pike county, Kentucky, and
moved with her parents to Todd county, Minnesota, at the age of eleven
years. She was married to William Bond, March 26, 1893, coming at once to
North Dakota where they have resided almost continually since. She leaves to
mourn her death, besides the broken hearted husband, a daughter Pearl, just
entering womanhood and a son Loyd aged twelve years of Beach, a father, one
brother and four sisters residing in the state of Washington, a sister at
Kalispel, Montana, a sister at Shaffer, N.D., and a sister at Westhope, N.D.
It was not possible for any of her folks to be present at the funeral, but a
sister of Mr. Bond, Mrs. Loren Severson of Courtenay, N.D., arrived Monday
evening. By her death a happy home is nearly broken up. She was a loving
wife and a faithful and patient mother. She possessed an unusually amiable
disposition, always taking an optimistic view of life and always enjoying a
hearty laugh. To know her was to love her and her friends were numerous. The
funeral was held from the school house, at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon,
the Rev. Alex Douglas, pastor of the Congregational church officiating. The
remains were interred in the Beach cemetery. The floral offerings of
roses by the school children was beautiful and expressed the deep sympathy
felt for their classmates and the family in their heavy and sudden
bereavement. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 11th , 1908
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunlap, November 5, a son. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 11th, 1908
The stork made a call at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Ed Hoverson's
Wednesday afternoon and left a nice little baby girl. All are getting along
nicely. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 11th, 1908
Fred Randash of the Burkey neighborhood, is the proud father of a
bouncing baby boy, which arrived Tuesday, December 15. Dr. Museus was in
attendance and all are doing nicely. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 11th, 1908
J. D. Ulfers was called to Forreston, Ill., last Saturday by a telegram
which announced the sudden death of his father. Old age was supposed to have
been the cause of death as he was well along in years. The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 18th, 1908
Mr. And Mrs. F. J. Snow returned from Beach after attending the funeral
of Mrs. W. A. Bond and infant which occurred Wednesday .The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, December 25th, 1908
Married At Dickinson - - - Popular Young Couple From Beach
Steal a March on Friends by Keeping Secret - - - The many friends of
E. E. Prehn and Miss Jessie Kellogg were considerably surprised Wednesday
evening when they stepped off the train at Beach as man and wife, having
been married at Dickinson the day before. Both of these people are popular
here, and congratulations and best wishes are extended, for a happy, long
and useful life.