Golden Valley County

Births, Marriages and Deaths 1911

The Beach Advance


The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 6th, 1911

A little daughter came the 29th of December to gladden the home of L. A. Cran and wife.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 6th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fulton rejoiced over the arrival of a baby girl on Christmas day.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 6th, 1911

A card just received from Iowa brings the sad intelligence of the death of Justin, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Walker, at Meriden, in that state, on Friday evening, the 30th ult. The many friends of the family will share in the general grief at the untimely death of their boy.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 6th, 1911

A little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson on New Year's day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reichert in this city.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 6th, 1911

Mrs. Bert Sprague has returned home from a two months' absence, having been called to Michigan some time ago by the death of her father. The children, who accompanied her east, returned with her.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 6th, 1911

A. J. Knutson returned home on Thursday morning from a two weeks' trip to Parker, S.D., where he was called by his father's recent death. Mr. Knutson visited Coal Harbor, N.D., on his trip home.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 6th, 1911

Davidson - Hegseth
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The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davidson on the ranch ten miles northeast of here was the scene of a very pretty wedding at high noon on Tuesday, January 3rd in which their daughter Miss Hildur was presented in marriage to Mr. Ole Hegseth, a prosperous farmer residing four miles north of Sentinel Butte. Rev. C. S. Thorpe of Glendive performed the ceremony.
Only the relatives and immediate friends of the contracting parties were present, but these agree that the occasion was a most delightful one. The home was tastefully decorated for the occasion, handsome gifts bespoke the popularity of the young couple; and a sumptuous wedding dinner served by Mrs. Davison contributed to make the day long remembered.
Mr. Hegseth has just built a comfortable new home on his farm, where he and Mrs. Hegseth will shortly be at home to their friends. They left after the ceremony, for a short wedding trip to eastern points, upon which the best wishes of their many friends will accompany them.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 13th, 1911

Lawrence Williams of Jamestown, who died within the past week, is said to have worked in this vicinity during a part of the past year - part of the time on a switch engine and part of the time running a plowing engine for E. Brown. The young man was a veteran of Co. H of the North Dakota regiment in the Philippines. He had been married just three days at the time of his death. He was a personal friend of George Purchase of this place, who speaks of him as a most exemplary young man.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 13th, 1911

Because of limited time before going to press, The Advance was regretfully obliged to omit a nicely written contributed article on the Davidson-Hegseth wedding on January 3rd. An account published last week gave this wedding as having occurred on New Year's Day - apparently an error. Friends having news articles of this or other kinds will confer a favor if they can submit them for current week's publication, with such details as may be required.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 20th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Seeger are the parents of a little daughter, born Saturday, Jan 14.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 20th, 1911

A daughter is reported to have arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Everett, near Carlyle, on the 15th inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 20th, 1911

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Callander, of Trotters, at the home of friends in this city on Saturday. Mother and child are reported doing well.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 27th, 1911

Hogan - Bloom Marriage
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Jack Bloom, a familiar figure about town for some time past, left town a few days ago, for Underwood, where a report has it that he was to be married on Tuesday of the present week to a Miss Agnes Hogan. Mr. Bloom has some farming interests near Carlyle, where the couple will doubtless return in the spring to look after their property. Mr. Bloom has been engaged with the Hub restaurant during the winter months, where he established a rather genial reputation for himself as the original conversational food juggler. He has a wide circle of friends who will congratulate him upon his good fortune in a matrimonial way, if reports prove well founded as to the plans believed to have been consummated Tuesday.
Later information advises us that the marriage occurred at Bismarck at noon Tuesday. Mrs. Madison of this city, an aunt of the bride, was present to witness the ceremony.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 27th, 1911

Editor Young, formerly of this city, reports the arrival of a bouncing baby daughter at his home in Park River, where he is engaged in making The Republican shine for the benefit of its large circle of readers.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 27th, 1911

A son was born on the 25th inst. to Mr. and Mrs. H. Bares of Five Points.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 27th, 1911

A report from Dickinson states that a young man named George Dobson, aged eighteen or there-abouts, was found in his bed unconscious and apparently mortally wounded by a pistol shot inflicted by his own hand. The young man was employed as a driver, by the Dickinson laundry.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 27th, 1911

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Odman last Saturday, January 21, a fine baby girl, but at this writing the mother is not very well.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, January 27th, 1911

Mute Dragged From Train, Died At Sentinel Butte
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A Sentinel Butte dispatch of last week tells of a sad death which occurred there when William Trotter, a deaf and dumb man from Minnesota, died at the Butte hotel. The circumstances surrounding his death were rather peculiar, to say the least. The first that was seen of him was on Friday night when he was put off No. 6 in a semi- conscious condition and was at first supposed, by the depot force, to be under the influence of liquor. He was totally unable to control his limbs or even move them and was dragged into the depot, where, as stated above, he was supposed to be 'dead drunk.' Further investigation proved, however, that the man had not been drinking at all and Doctor Curtis was then called and the unfortunate man moved to a room in the Butte hotel where, in spite of all that could be done for him, he died early next morning. Doctor Curtis, Druggist Hemstad and Arthur Englund of the depot force, stayed up with him all night and did what they could to save his life but to no avail. It was a case of heart failure, according to the doctor, who had examined the man twice previously, and very little could be done for him when he had reached the stage that he was in when the doctor was called. The man was put on the train at Wibaux and an effort is being made to ascertain what happened to him there, who put him on the train etc., but at this writing nothing further has developed. Deceased had relatives in Watertown, Minn., and an effort was made to communicate with them but as nothing was heard the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery here.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 3rd, 1911

George Lake, one of the bonanza farmers of the southern townships, writes local friends from St. Paul that he will return home within a few days, bringing with him his bride, formerly Miss Ethel Krug, who was teacher in the Hede district. Mr. and Mrs. Lake will be greeted with sincere congratulations and best wishes. Each has a large circle of friends in the neighborhood of their future home, and their return to begin housekeeping on the farm will be welcomed as a distinct gain to the community in which they are located.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 3rd, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dickinson are the parents of a fine baby boy, born on January 28th. Mr. Dickinson, as a member of the school board, claims some distinction over City Alderman Stensrud, who honors as a 1911 parent date only from the 31st of January.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 10th, 1911

January. Freeman - Hockert Wedding
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The marriage of Miss Mary L. Freeman to Mr. J. S. Hockert occurred at St. John's Catholic church in this city at 8:30 a.m., on Tuesday, February 7th, Rev. Father Wolpers officiating. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Magdalene Freeman and Mr. Fred Hockert, as bridesmaid and best man. The wedding was performed in the presence of only a few intimate friends of the contracting couple. Mr. Hockert is an employee of Overstad & Hoverson, and will establish his home in Beach. Both of the young people are highly respected and have the congratulations and best wishes of all their acquaintances.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 10th, 1911

January. H. A. Bury received a message Saturday night, telling of the death of Mrs. Bury's brother's little boy at Wilmot, S.D., where they have been visiting.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 10th, 1911

January. A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fulton, Monday January 30th.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 10th, 1911

January. Everett Lester, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred French, four miles west of this post office died on February 3rd, and burial was made at the cemetery at Beach Sunday. The child was born January 5th, and had never been strong. His death is believed to have been due to heart failure. Mr. and Mrs. French have universal sympathy in their bereavement.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 10th, 1911

January. Elwood Curl was called to Defiance, Iowa, Sunday night by a telegram announcing the serious illness of his father, Mr. M. L. Curl, who will be well remembered here, having visited in this vicinity on more than one occasion. Since Elwood's leaving here for the bedside, announcement has been made that his father's death occurred before he reached there. He will have the heartfelt sympathy of all his acquaintances.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 10th, 1911

S. J. Epler who left here last week on account of the illness of his father, returned on Sunday. His father died on Thursday afternoon and was buried Friday.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 10th, 1911

Unofficial announcement is made of the approaching marriage of Miss Goldie Sadie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Boyer, to Mr. John C. Crouse, which will take place at an early date, probably some time during the coming month.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 10th, 1911

Geo. Lake returned home from the Twin Cities the fore part of the week, bringing with him his bride of a few days, as announced by The Advance last week. Their marriage occurred at St. Paul on February 3rd.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 17th, 1911

Popular Girl Dead
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Serious Nature of Her Illness Was Not Generally Known - Funeral Wednesday
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Miss Isabelle Josephine Thompson is dead - her death having occurred at an early hour Saturday morning, February 11th, following a short illness from what appeared to be nervous exhaustion. A physician had been in attendance upon the case for only about ten days. Consultations were held as the gravity of her condition became apparent, but a steady, painless decline marked her closing days, baffling all the medical skill that could be brought to bear upon it.
Miss Thompson was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reier Thompson of this city. Of an affectionate and cheerful disposition, she was a popular favorite among her large circle of acquaintances. She was an active member and worked in the Lutheran church of this city, from whose house of worship the funeral services were conducted on Wednesday afternoon in the presence of a large concourse of people. Rev. C. S. Thorpe came down from Glendive to officiate at the services. Interment was made in the Lutheran cemetery.
Miss Thompson was born in Jackson County, Wis., twenty-seven years ago the 16th of last September. She was one of eight children, being survived by both parents and the following brothers and sisters: Messrs. H. R., A. R., and R. B. Thompson of Taylor, Wis., C. L. Thompson of Grafton, N.D., and Mesdames A. Anderson and J. O. Knutson, both of Blair, Wisconsin. All were present at the funeral and will remain over for a few days to comfort the bereaved parents.
Miss Thompson's death will be recognized as a social loss to the entire community. The esteem in which she was held was attested by floral offerings in the greatest profusion.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 17th, 1911

Well Known Farmer Has Passed Beyond
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On Saturday evening, the 11th inst., occurred the death of Mr. John Malling, a well-known farmer residing near Rocky Butte. His death was due to acute oedema of the lungs, super induced by Brights disease.
Mr. Malling had been a resident of this section for about two or three years. He is survived by his wife and mother, there being no children living, as nearly as can be learned by The Advance. The remains were prepared for burial by Undertaker Meeker of Overstad & Hoverson's and were shipped to the Twin Cities for interment.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 17th, 1911

Wm. Timmer was called back to his old home by the sad news of his father's death.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 17th, 1911

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hank Tims, February 7th, a fine baby girl, all doing nicely.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 17th, 1911

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Wardall last Friday morning.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 17th, 1911

In the course of a conversation regarding his recent trip to Claremore, Oklahoma, on account of his brother's recent death, J. D. Halstead informed an Advance representative the other day regarding the cause of death, which was neuralgia of the heart. No previous information had been transmitted here regarding the ailment from which Mr. Halstead died. The deceased, Mr. Robert N. Halstead, had been a pioneer resident here, and the community was greatly shocked when the news was sent here that he had passed away on January 24th. Had he survived a few days longer he would have been sixty years of age. Fred Halstead of this place and Mrs. L. M. Robertson of Claremore are the only surviving heirs.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 24th, 1911

First To Wed In New Church
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Pastor Bennett of the M. E. church christened the new edifice with its first wedding last evening, notwithstanding the structure is not formally completed and open for engagements of the more pretentious sort. The applicants for matrimonial honors were Herman Minchow, a farmer residing several miles south of here on the Montana side of the line, and Miss Anna Doring, who has been his housekeeper for some time.
Mr. Minchow was recently burned out of his home on the farm, but is willing to take a chance on better luck next time, and is making preparations for basis, in which the friends of the housekeeping on a permanent contracting parties will wish them all possible happiness and success. (Note - this last paragraph is transcribed exactly as printed in the newspaper)
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 24th, 1911

Ferdinand Koch recently stole a march, on his acquaintances here, went to St. Cloud and married him a wife. He returned last Saturday. Hearty congratulations.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 24th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. L. White returned Wednesday from Minnesota, where they attended the funeral of Mrs. White's father, who died before their arrival.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 24th, 1911

Simon Horn last week had the unusual experience of hearing the sad news of his own death, which some one had wired to Beach from Taylor, Wis., with request for further particulars. The telegram was turned over to Mr. Horn for reply, but as he has been unable to arrange the necessary 'particulars' yet he hardly knows how to respond. He believes, in view of his present good health, that the report may be said to have been somewhat exaggerated.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 24th, 1911

Local physicians report the following births during the past few days: to Mr. and Mrs. Barthel at Burkey, a boy on February 15th; to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Germain, south of Carlyle, on the 17th, a girl; to Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson of Beach, on the 23rd a boy.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 24th, 1911

L. E. Curl returned home this week from his sojourn at Defiance, Iowa, where he was recently called by the announcement of his father's fatal illness, from pneumonia. The senior Mr. Curl was well known in the Golden Valley, having been out here on one or more occasions as the guest of his son. He was but sixty-five years of age at the time of his death, and had been enjoying apparently good health until taken with the severe cold which culminated rapidly in his last illness.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, February 24th, 1911

County Superintendent and Mrs. Kitchen are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on Monday 13th. Both the mother and baby are getting along very nicely.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 3rd, 1911

Young Claim Holder Died After Attending Dance
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After dancing nearly all night, and returning afoot three or four miles Tuesday morning - part of the time running to keep up with his companions - Ray Williams, a young claim-holder north of town died suddenly at the shack of the Meyers boys, his neighbors, with whom he had come back from the entertainment. Consternation reigned in the household when it became known that Williams was dead. He had accompanied the boys on their way home, intending to walk the remainder of the distance to his claim on the 'strip,' but complained of some fatigue, and asked to lie down till breakfast was ready. When called he made no response, and life was found to be extinct.
Dr. Museus was called and pronounced the man's death to be due to heart failure. Acting Coronor Bond was sent for, however and went out Wednesday, accompanied by Dr. Smith, and on holding a formal inquest, the finding was practically substantiated.
His parents are said to reside at Akeley, Minn., and were notified by wire. His mother and a sister have since arrived to look after the remains. The deceased was a single man about 35 years old, and had no local relatives except a sister, Mrs. Smyth, who resides in the same neighborhood.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 3rd, 1911

That broad smile Charlie Weed is wearing is occasioned by the arrival of a new boy Friday morning.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 3rd, 1911

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Haukaas on the 27th ult.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 3rd, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roller have returned to Beach from Yates, where Mr. Roller operated a livery barn for several months past. Since their return here, Mrs. Roller has presented his husband with a baby daughter, born March 1.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 3rd, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sprague have placed February 28 down in the family record book as the birthday of their youngest son and heir, who came to gladden their home on Tuesday morning. When seen by The Advance representative, Mr. Sprague was carrying home a package of bonbons, which a thoughtful local dealer had sent up for the young man's delectation - and to get him started with the right ideas of where to buy confections. Will says he thinks it's all right, as the boy will very soon be large enough to enjoy them, but it is suspected that this is one case where the young man gets buncoed out of the sweetmeats.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 3rd, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sprague living twenty miles north are the parents of an infant born March 1st.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 3rd, 1911

Mrs. Andrew Bonney Robbins of Robbinsdale announces the engagement of her daughter, Esther, to William Wright Scott of Marmarth, N.D., formerly of Fargo. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride's mother in Robbinsdale, Minn., the latter part of April.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 3rd, 1911

Clyde Hiland received word the first of the week of the death of his sister at Perry, Iowa, and left at once for that place.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 3rd, 1911

Mother Dies From Burns
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Tragedy Separates Young Married Couple
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Mrs. Edgar Drum, Daughter of Local Family, Died As Result of Burns
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Messages received by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Philpott of this city yesterday morning and afternoon brought, successively, the news of the very serious burning of their daughter Mrs. Grace Drum, at Creston, Iowa, and of her death from the burns.
The sad significance of this news becomes the more real when it is understood that Mrs. Drum is the mother of a baby daughter born as late as the closing days of February, and that her husband, Mr. Edgar Drum, had but just left her bedside at his parents' home at Creston and proceeded to his claim thirty miles north of here to build a home for the wife and child who were soon to follow him. At the time of the receipt of the messages here, he was too far away to be reached by immediate information of the disaster which had wrecked his plans.
The details of the tragedy were not fully set forth in the messages received by Mr. and Mrs. Philpott, and in their grief at the loss which has overtaken them it has been impossible to learn much of the facts surrounding the awful accident. The supposition is that the burns were sustained from an explosion or an other unforeseen accident with a gasoline lamp which it is believed was being used in her bedroom. Mrs. Drum's parents are residents in Woodhull's Addition to Beach, and the young people are understood also to have lived here prior to their departure for Iowa some time ago to spend the winter. The young mother was but twenty-two years of age - just embarking upon the experiences of life and full of hope for the future. Mrs. Philpott left last evening for Creston to bring back the motherless baby to its distressed father, who will have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 10th, 1911

Card of Thanks I wish to thank the friends who extended many kindnesses to Mr. Malling during his illness and to myself at the time of and following his death. Very Sincerely, Mrs. John Malling
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 10th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rodsand, who live near the ice plant, have the sympathy of their neighbors in the loss of their little son Russell, aged two years and twenty-two days, on Wednesday of this week. The little fellow died of pneumonia. The funeral will occur Saturday at the residence, Rev. C. S. Thorpe officiating.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 10th, 1911

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morris on Sunday the 5th inst. Chief Morris is smiling pleasantly, but keeps still and 'saws wood,' and the old offenders who try to put anything past him on the strength of his good nature will not want to count too much on his liking for girls.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 10th, 1911

Peter Beito of New England, a former valued attache of The Advance office - and now a rising young real estate man - came up from New England Sunday and very properly had celebrated here on the home grounds the marriage of himself and Miss Thea Annette Hoverson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hoverson, who are also formerly of this city, and are now residing at New England. The wedding was solemnized at the Lutheran church by Pastor Thorpe in the presence of mutual friends of the contracting parties.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 10th, 1911

Body Picked Up In Pieces
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Butte Miner Deliberately Drops Twenty-one Hundred Feet
Thomas Hendrickson, twenty-six years of age, a miner, chose a method for committing suicide that is unparallel in the history of the Butte camp, for he apparently deliberately leaped 2,100 feet into the bowels of the earth to his death, a distance equal to leaping off the top of a building 105 stories in height. Hendrickson's body was picked up in pieces, pulpy and unrecognizable. He first removed his coat and hat, hanging them on a nail. He then crawled under the guard rail and jumped into the parrot shaft. Friends can attribute no motive for the deed.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 10th, 1911

Aged Montana Pioneer Dies
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P. H. Poindester Passes Away on Ranch Near Dillon
P. H. Poindexter, aged ninety years, a veteran live stock magnate and the oldest pioneer of Southern Montana, was found dead in bed at his ranch home near Dillon. Mr. Poindexter drove overland to Montana and in 1856 organized the Poindexter and Orr Live Stock company, which today is the largest company of its kind in Montana. Its holdings embrace 20,000 acres and its cattle numbers thousands of head.
Mr. Poindexter was affiliated with a large number of orders and was prominent in state Masonic circles, being former high priest of the grand lodge.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 10th, 1911

Found Frozen In His Shack
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Homesteader Discovered After Being Missed Three Weeks
After being missed for about three weeks the body of Frank Rouchett was found frozen, still in his homestead shack nine miles north of Powers Lake. His disappearance did not cause alarm for he was a bachelor who mingled but little with his neighbors and the discovery was accidental. Two boys were passing the house and looked in the window, seeing the man lying in bed and his clothes on. They rapped on the door and meeting with no response, they went in only to find him dead.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 10th, 1911

Clyde Hiland got back Saturday night from Iowa where he was called by the death of his sister.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 10th, 1911

Ferdinand Koch and bride were the recipients of a lively charivari on their arrival home from St. Cloud last week. On the following night Ferd gave the boys a good time all around, and called it square.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 10th, 1911

Mother Died From Burns
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Tragedy Separates Young Married Couple
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Mrs. Edgar Drum, Daughter of Local Family, Died As Result of Burns
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Messages received by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Philpott of this city yesterday morning and afternoon brought, successively, the news of the very serious burning of their daughter Mrs. Grace Drum, at Creston, Iowa, and of her death from the burns. The sad significance of this news becomes the more real when it is understood that Mrs. Drum is the mother of a baby daughter born as late as the closing days of February, and that her husband, Mr. Edgar Drum had but just left her bedside at his parents' home at Creston and proceeded to his claim thirty miles north of here to build a home for the wife and child who were soon to follow him. At the time of the receipt of the messages here, he was too far away to be reached by immediate information of the disaster which had wrecked his plans. The details of the tragedy were not fully set forth in the messages received by Mr. and Mrs. Philpott, and in their grief at the loss which has overtaken them it has been impossible to learn much of the facts surrounding the awful accident. The supposition is that the burns were sustained from an explosion or an other unforeseen accident with a gasoline lamp which it is believed was being used in her bedroom. Mrs. Drum's parents are residents in Woodhull's Addition to Beach, and the young people are understood also to have lived here prior to their departure for Iowa some time ago to spend the winter. The young mother was but twenty-two years of age - just embarking upon the experiences of life and full of hope for the future. Mrs. Philpott left last evening for Creston to bring back the motherless baby to its distressed father, who will have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 17th, 1911

A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Rourke at their home on the farm on the 16th inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 17th, 1911

Twin daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards near Trotters last week Wednesday.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 17th, 1911

An infant child is reported to have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown at their home several miles north of Beach on the 13th inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 17th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peterson of the Woodhull Addition are the parents of a little son born March 9th.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 17th, 1911

The stork visited the home of C. H. Howard March 15th, and left a fine baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Howard think she is the finest little lady in town. Mother and daughter are doing finely.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 17th, 1911

A birthday surprise party was worked off on Wm. A. Bond last evening, resulting in much mutual pleasure to Mr. and Mrs. Bond and to their guests of the evening.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 17th, 1911

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Vinquist, residing a few miles north of the Elliott ranch, on Sunday evening, the 12th inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 17th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards are the proud parents of a pair of twin girls born March 8th. Frank is wearing a double smile nowadays.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 17th, 1911

Death Of Infant Twins Of Mr. And Mrs. Gallus
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The infant twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gallus died suddenly on Sunday and Monday, the 12th and 13th inst., at the family home on the farm several miles northeast of town. The little ones, known as Agnes and Agatha, were first-born children, aged only six months, and their loss is a great blow to Mr. and Mrs. Gallus. The burial took place in the Catholic cemetery in this city, following suitable funeral services conducted at the church by Father Wolpers.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 24th, 1911

The marriage of Miss Alvina Hestler to Mr. Archie F. Slater, both of Carlyle, took place at one o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, at the home of Briley Douglas, Rev. W. C. Adams of the United Brethren church officiating. The young people will have the best wishes of their wide circle of friends, accompanying them in their matrimonial career.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 24th, 1911

Gunder Twedt, a prosperous bachelor farmer living near Saddle Butte, left in February for his former home and returned Saturday evening accompanied by a bride with her two young children by a former marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Twedt will be at home to their friends on the farm. The Advance joins with others in extending congratulations and best wishes.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 24th, 1911

On Sunday, March 12th, the stork visited the home of J. Vanquist and left a nice baby girl. Mother and child are doing well. This is the first arrival of a girl baby in Eagle Valley and we all welcome the little Miss.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 24th, 1911

One of the pleasant happenings of the week, was a pleasant surprise on Mr. and Mrs. John Runk, the occasion being their wedding anniversary. About thirty of the relatives and neighbors gathered in, and a very enjoyable time was had by all, until a late hour, Thursday evening.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 24th, 1911

A very pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of B. Douglas of Carlyle, on March 22nd. The contracting parties were Miss Alvina Hessler and Mr. A. F. Slater. Rev. Adams officiated. The bride was becomingly attired in gray silk. A bountiful dinner was enjoyed by all at D. E. McCann's after which the happy pair went to the home of Mrs. F. E. Brown, an aunt of the groom's, where a jolly evening was spent. From there they went to their home at Lone Tree Ranch where they will be at home to their many friends. Miss Hessler is a sister of Mrs. D. E. McCann and while she has resided in this vicinity but a short time she has made many warm friends. The groom is well and favorably known all over the neighborhood, he being one of the first settlers in this part of the valley. The best wishes of the entire neighborhood are extended.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 24th, 1911

A fine baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Irons, of Alpha, at Des Moines, Iowa, March 7th. We will soon expect to see Mr. and Mrs. Irons back in our neighborhood again.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 24th, 1911

A birthday surprise dinner was given by Mrs. E. Johnson for Arthur Johnson and little Arnold Odman, last Sunday. A sumptuous dinner was served, and two fine birthday cakes, with burning candles for each, were on a full laid table.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 24th, 1911

Young Son Of Mr. And Mrs. J. R. Waters Is Dead
- - - - - George F. Waters, the fifteen year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Waters of this city, died at the Bismarck hospital at three o'clock on Wednesday morning, from an afflection of the heart caused by rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Waters and the boy's sister, Angeline, were all with him at the time of his death. George has been a constant sufferer for the past year and a half or upward, and the family has spared no pains to procure relief for him from the ailments that have brought about his death. Mr. and Mrs. Waters have taken the body to Montezuma, Iowa, for interment, having left from Bismarck Thursday. They will have the heartfelt sympathy of all.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 24th, 1911

Died From Shot Wound
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Mark Baughman Victim Of Fatal Gun Accident
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Young Man Lived South of Williams - Death from Shock and Loss of Blood
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While taking down his coat from the rafters of a room in the family home south of Williams, Sunday morning, Mark Baughman, a lad of seventeen, accidentally knocked down a shot gun, which was discharged through his ankle, producing injuries which two days later caused his death.
The young man was a member of a family of several children of Mr. and Mrs. David Baughman, to whom his death is a great blow. His mother was with him in the home at the time of the accident, and did her best to stanch the flow of blood, but with only partial success. An amputation, performed Monday, failed to save the boy's life, as the shock of the accident was too great to be overcome. He died on Tuesday, and was buried, with simple rites, on the family premises.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 31st, 1911

Frank Rilea, a farmer who resided north of town, died at his home on Tuesday evening of last week. The body was laid to rest in the Severson cemetery. His father is here from New Virginia, Iowa, and will stay for some time with another son who also resides north of town.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 31st, 1911

Mr. Ira Long was over at Yates Sunday and conducted funeral services for Rev. Bennett over the remains of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Courter, who died aged only three days.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 31st, 1911

Earl Runk was the recipient of a very pleasant surprise, Sunday evening, by being reminded that it was his birthday. Quite a number of the relatives gathered in with a sumptuous spread, and enjoyed a good time, wishing Earl many more happy birthdays.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 31st, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Conklin rejoice over the arrival of a little girl at their home Thursday morning, and Alfred wears his new title with becoming dignity.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, March 31st, 1911

Sentinel Butte Banker Weds Former Beach Girl
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The Bismarck Tribune gives the following account of a pretty wedding which took place in that city, the contracting parties being the present cashier of the Interstate Bank at Sentinel Butte, (a brother of the post (sic) Foley), and Miss Jessie Forsyth, formerly a resident of Beach. Both are well known and popular young people.
Wednesday evening at six o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents in Bismarck, Miss Jessie B. Forsyth was united in marriage to R. K. Foley of Sentinel Butte. Rev. N. E. Ellsworth, rector of the St. George's Episcopal church of Bismarck, officiated and used the beautiful ring service of that church. The father of the bride gave her away.
The bride wore a white satin gown covered with chiffon and carried a bridal bouquet of carnations and ferns. The groom was attired in the conventional black. The service was performed under the archway in the parlor which was handsomely decorated with ferns and smilax. At the close of the ceremony an elaborate six course wedding dinner was served, the tables being ornamented by carnations and ferns.
Wednesday evening the happy couple departed on No. 5 for a short wedding trip to Billings and other Montana points, and will be at home at Sentinel Butte after April 15.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 7th, 1911

Dead Man Found In Snow Death came very suddenly to Peter Ericson, forty-three years old, while he was making his way across the prairie eight and a half miles from Perth. His dead body was found in the snow by passersby about forty-eight hours after life had departed. Erickson had evidently suffered a stroke of heart failure from overexertion and had laid down to rest when death came to him.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 7th, 1911

Mrs. Geo. H. Purchase was called to Jamestown last night by the death of her father, Mr. A. T. Dearborn, a pioneer resident of that community and an aged veteran of the civil war.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 7th, 1911

From The Herald: H. L. Rilea and Alice Purcell both of Beach, sued out a license and were married by Judge Paxton Wednesday.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 7th, 1911

Naomi Kirkpatrick is employed at J. L. Denton's.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 7th, 1911

Miss Naomi Kirkpatrick visited the homefolks over Sunday.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 7th, 1911

A party was given by Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Hogoboom last Tuesday evening, it being their fiftieth anniversary. Four tables were arranged for playing different games. Mr. O. Swan was the champion crokinole player of the evening, and received a fine prize, also Mrs. Swan was the winner at the flinch table, and received a beautiful cake plate. Messrs. Bury and Swan took the booby prizes. At midnight a dainty luncheon was served, followed by ice cream and cake. All present had a very enjoyable time, and went home early in the morning feeling that Mr. and Mrs. Hogoboom were royal entertainers.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 14th, 1911

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmitz on their farm about ten miles south of town on Saturday, the 8th inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 14th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Art Prouty of Carlyle are parents of a baby boy born Friday morning, at the home of the former's brother Bert in Beach.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 14th, 1911

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Larson of Lame Steer neighborhood Thursday.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 14th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Carlson are the parents of a fine baby boy, born April 10.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 14th, 1911

Mrs. Geo. Purchase, who was called to Jamestown by her father's illness, reports his death to have occurred before her arrival there.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 14th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Linger are the happy parents of a bright baby girl, born to them on the 12th inst. The Advance extends congratulations upon the arrival of the little lady, who is in every sense 'number one,' and will doubtless add materially to household sunshine of this popular young couple. The baby will be christened Maryon Ernestine.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 14th, 1911

Aged Lady Dies At Home South Of Sentinel Butte
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Mrs. Sarah Weed, a resident of the Oldis neighborhood south of Sentinel Butte passed away at her home on Monday, after an attack of pneumonia, from which she had been ill only about a week.
Mrs. Weed is the mother by adoption, of Mr. Chas. Weed, a farmer of that vicinity, and had a brother, Mr. Farout, who made his home with her upon a claim on which she filed last summer. She is also understood to have been the aunt of Mr. Runk, who also resides in that neighborhood.
The remains of the deceased lady were brought to Beach on Wednesday, and suitable funeral services held at the Methodist church by Rev. W. G. Bennett, after which the body was shipped to Lewisville, Indiana, for interment.
Mrs. Weed, formerly Sarah Farout, was born near Laurel, Indiana, on December 23, 1849, being at the time of her death aged sixty-one years, three months, eighteen days. She was married on November 9, 1882, to Mr. T. J. Weed, who departed life on November 17, 1908. Besides Chas. Weed and her brother who was living with her, she leaves one other brother and a sister, together with numerous nephews and nieces.
The deceased was a most devout Christian lady and a member of the Methodist church since girlhood. She was fearless in her exemplification of Christian duty, patient in suffering, and helpful in times of need. The beauty of her character was well shown in her resignation to the end as she saw it approaching.
The remains, which were sent east for interment, will be laid beside those of her husband in the old home cemetery.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 14th, 1911

Jordan - Stiehl Nuptials
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A very beautiful wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Jordan last Wednesday when two of the most worthy young people of the community were joined together in christian wedlock. Rev. Charles M. Good pastor of the Congregational church pronounced the ceremony and joined together Miss Elsie Jordan and Mr. Clarence J. Stiehl as husband and wife. Both of the families of this young couple are well known in the community about Beach and belong to the earliest settlers of the valley. They represent industry, frugality and piety. Only the families of the young couple, including Mr. Carl Bratton, were present.
Just at the noon hour Miss Mary Jordan, sister of the bride, played the wedding march from Lohengren when the bride and groom accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Johnson, as groomsman and brides-maid respectively presented themselves at the altar. Afterwards all participated heartily in the bountiful repast. Mr. and Mrs. Stiehl will make their new home on the farm of the Rev. A. Douglas a few miles northeast of the city of Beach. All their friends join in congratulating the young couple and wish them a long a happy life.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 14th, 1911

From The Herald:
Edwin C. Franklin and Georgia Orr obtained a marriage license Thursday. They live at Trotter post office.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 14th, 1911

Gullickson - Allen
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Rev. W. G. Bennett went to Wibaux on Saturday, the 8th inst., and performed the marriage of Miss Tilla B. Gullickson of this place to Mr. Houston Allen. Mr. Allen is a resident of Montana, and in company with his bride will make his residence on the homestead about fifty miles north of Glendive. Miss Gullickson is very favorably known in Beach, where she has been for the past year a partner of C. J. Eide, in the Square Deal hotel and bakery.
The marriage was performed at the Pickering hotel in the presence of chosen witnesses, including the bride's sister, Miss Louise Gullickson. The contracting parties are highly spoken of, and will have the best wishes of the community.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 21st, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. S. A. D. Myers of Elk Creek vicinity are reported to be the parents of a daughter born yesterday, the 20th inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 21st, 1911

Harriet Towning and E. R. Hilman, both from Trotters, secured a license and were married by Judge Paxton Thursday night.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 21st, 1911

This neighborhood was very much shocked recently to learn the sad news of the death of Margaret Lee at her home in Milaca county, Minn. She was a bright and sprightly young girl of about fifteen years of age, who moved with her parents to Minnesota about a year ago. We learn also that Mr. and Mrs. Lee have been quite ill, the cause of which we have been unable to learn.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 21st, 1911

On Tuesday, at the Catholic church here Hubert Bartle and Miss Annie Simons were united in marriage. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion and was filled by the many friends of both parties. We extend hearty congratulations, and wish them many years of wedded bliss.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 28th, 1911

April fifteenth Mr. and Mrs. Ira Burkey became the proud parents of a baby daughter. For a time both mother and child were critically ill, but at present are much improved in health.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 28th, 1911

Several Births This Week
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Births are reported this week in the homes of several Golden Valley citizens, among which are the following:
To Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCaskey, fourteen miles north of Beach, on April 21st, a daughter.
To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Noble, Beach, on the 25th inst., a son.
To Mr. and Mrs. John Mingle, twelve miles northwest of town, on April 23rd, a son.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 28th, 1911

Beach Boy Weds At Black River Falls
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The Badger Banner of Black River Falls, Wisconsin, last week contained the following notice of the marriage of a prominent young farmer, of this place: 'Geo. Holven of Beach N.D., and Miss Alice Woof of Albion, were joined in marriage at the Lutheran parsonage Tuesday afternoon, this week, Rev. H. Engh officiating.
'The groom is one of the very prosperous farmers of a prosperous section, mentioned elsewhere in this issue, and the bride is a daughter of Fred Woof. Both possess the elements of good citizenship and enterprise, and will have the well- wishes of everybody here in their western field of action.
'George has recently bought his father's farm, near Beach, and the latter has moved to the city. So George is now one of the metropolitan farmers of that metropolitan section.'
The bride is said to be a sister of Edward Woof of this vicinity.
The Advance joins in extending congratulations to the young couple.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 28th, 1911

Rev. Father Otto Wolpers on Tuesday performed the marriage of William Uelman and Miss Daisy Piesik, both of this city. The marriage occurred at the church at 9:30 a.m. Miss Piesik is a sister of B. T. Piesik, the local land man, with whom Mr. Uelman has been associated for some time past, until leaving this spring to take active charge of his own farming property a few miles north of town. Both the young people have a wide circle of friends, and are the recipients of congratulations from all.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 28th, 1911

Joe - Carlisle Nuptials Performed Wednesday Eve
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The marriage of Miss Florence A. Joy and Mr. Lawrence W. Carlisle of this city was performed by Rev. Chas. M. Good at his library on Wednesday evening. The young couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith, and are embarking upon their marital career accompanied by the best wishes of many friends.
Mr. Carlisle is wire chief of the Golden Valley Telephone Company, and his accomplished wife has also been an attache of the company, having been employed as night operator at the central office here.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle have a homestead near Wills Creek, Montana, about thirty- five miles southwest of here, and departed Monday to establish their home on the farm.
The bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Joy, reside in the same locality, having recently moved to this section from Boston. Mr. Carlisle will continue his relations with the telephone company, giving the work such time as may be needed between the active seasons on the farm.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 28th, 1911

Frank Demsey and Belle Underwood were quietly married at the home of the latter's brother, in Sentinel Butte, last Sunday, Rev. John Orchard performing the ceremony that made them man and wife.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 28th, 1911

Frank Demsey and May Bell Underwood, both of Sentianel Butte, were granted a license Saturday and were married Sunday. Rev. John Orchard officiated.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, April 28th, 1911

Briefs From The Banner At Black River Falls
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Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hubert of Beach, N.D., were calling in this vicinity last Friday, being called home on account of Mr. Hubert's father's death. - Trout correspondence. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hubert, Miss Clara Hubert and William Hubert returned to their home at Beach, N.D., on Monday night. Julius will remain here a few days to help settle his father's affairs.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 5th, 1911

Tuesday noon at Robbinsdale, Minn., occurred the wedding of W. W. Scott and Miss Esther Robbins of that place. Miss Robbins is well known in Minneapolis society and the event is one of interest to a large number of North Dakota people where the bridegroom is known, as well as in Minnesota the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Scott left on a trip through the west and will later make their home at Marmarth.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 5th, 1911

Peter Rhinholdt has taken to himself a partner for life. The boys gave him an old- time charivari Saturday night. Every one reported a good time and we all wish you success and happiness 'Pete.'
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 5th, 1911

Mrs. Art Prouty who for the past three weeks has been staying in Beach, returned home Friday bringing with her a fine baby boy. Art says he will have to buy more land now.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 5th, 1911

Popular Butte Couple Wed
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At 8:30 o'clock on Wednesday evening, Rev. Willis G. Bennett of this city performed the marriage of Miss Lillian Anastasia Currier and Mr. Edward Gilbert of Sentinel Butte, at the Butte Hotel at that place. The marriage was performed in the presence of a few relatives and near friends of the bride and groom. Mr. Gilbet is an insurance man of our neighboring town, and is the son of Mrs. H. Gilbert of this city, and brother of Mesdames (sic) Otto Stensrud and Chris. Howard. The couple will have the best wishes of all, and The Advance joins in extending best wishes.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 5th, 1911

Holven - Thompson
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Popular Local Couple Married May 3
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About Three Score Friends and Relatives Present at Wedding
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Married, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Holven of this city, on Wednesday evening, May 3rd, Miss Minnie Ella Holven to Mr. Rudolph B. Thomposn, Rev. E. A. Vaaler of the local United Lutheran church officiating.
The foregoing brief notice insufficiently describes the very beautiful wedding service which united the destinies of two of the most popular young people of Beach. Miss Holven is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Holven, in whose spacious home the wedding occurred. Mr. Thomposn, a son of Reier Thompson, is associated with his father and brother in the lumber business here. He is a popular and business-like young man, well thought of by all.
The marrige took place in the presence of fifty or sixty of the friends and relatives of the contracting parties. The young couple were attended by Ed. Holven and Miss Amanda Reichenecker. Handsome decorations and flowers adorned the room and made the scene one of splendor as well as social happiness. The beautiful wedding march was played by Miss Cecelia Olsen; following which the marriage was solemnized in an impressive manner by Pastor Vaaler; and an excellent repast was provided for those present.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will leave for a short trip to their former homes at Blair and Black River Falls, Wisconsin, and will return so as to be at home to their friends in their handsome new home after June first.
They are being made the recipients of congratulations from one and all.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 5th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bolke of Hebron, both well known here are the parents of a bright baby boy born on the 30th of Aprill. Mrs. Bolke is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Langbein of this city, and has many local friends who will rejoice with her at the arrival of the little son to gladden her home.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 12th, 1911

P. E. Schroeder was called home to Norwalk, Wisconsin, last week by the serious illness, which has since culminated in the death, of his father, Mr. John Schroeder, an old-time resident of that locality. The deceased was about eighty-five years old at the time of his death on the 6th inst., and up to within a short time previous had enjoyed the best of health. His son from this point will return shortly to resume his business here.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 12th, 1911

Mrs. J. C. Taggart was pleasantly surprised by a small party of friends Sunday afternoon, who came laden with lunch baskets and the requisite paraphernalia for enjoying a good time. The party consisted of Messrs. and Mesdames W. H. Woodhull, C. H. Letson and M. A. Thompson, who together with the host and hostess, spent several very pleasant hours. The occasion was Mrs. Taggart's birthday. She was also congratulated upon her practical recovery from illness from which she had been suffering for some time.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 12th, 1911

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Boe on Wednesday. Mother and child doing nicely.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 12th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Scott arrived home from their short honeymoon Wednesday morning and will soon be at home to their many friends at their new home on first avenue west.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 12th, 1911

Recent Births In Beach And Vicinity
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Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barclay, five miles west of Beach, on the 7th inst., a boy.
To Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kukowski, fourteen miles northeast of town, on the same date, a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Edwards of the Woodhull Addiiton to Beach last week became the parents of a baby girl. Date of birth, May 2.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Boe of Carlyle, Wednesday, May 10, a boy.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 19th, 1911

Fred Vaughn and Almas Miller, both of Sentinel Butte, secured a license Wednesday, and were married by Justice Hesser. This was Mr. Hesser's first experience in the business of typing matrimonial knots, and he was not certain whether it would prove a good substantial tie or only a 'beau-knot,' so he excluded all but principals and witnesses from the room. He would rather have them out of the room too, but as it was almost necessary for them to be present, he conceded that point.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 19th, 1911

Paul Hede is papa to a bright young son whose birth occurred on Monday, the 15th inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 19th, 1911

Mrs. Buel Richards is expected home from Minneapolis within a short time, with the baby daughter born to her during her visit with her parents there. Local friends will congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Richards on the arrival of the little lady to share in the destinies of their home.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 19th, 1911

Mrs. W. W. Page entertained a party of ladies, Thursday, in honor of her mother Mrs. Perkins, and also the tiny tots, in honor of her daughter Loretta's third birthday. The little lady was the recipient of a number of pretty presents.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 26th, 1911

Edward Ohnstad And Miss Hilda Rocksvold Are Wed
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On Saturday afternoon, the 20th inst., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mikkelson, Rev. E. A. Vaaler said the words that united Edward Ohnstad and Miss Hilda Rocksvold as man and wife. The young couple were attended by Miss Helen Bengston and William Rocksvold, the latter being a prosperous farmer north of town, and a brother of the bride. Mr. Ohnstad is also one of the Golden Valley's younger tillers of the soil and resides about nine miles north of Beach, where he and his bride will make their future home, if The Advance is rightly informed, while building up for themselves the competence which industrious Billings county farmers have universal reason to expect. They will be accompanied on their married career by the best wishes of a host of friends, amoung whom The Advance would like to be numbered among the rest.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 26th, 1911

W. S. Porte and Mrs. Fred W. Bailey of Casselton came up on Tuesday on account of the death of little Hugh Elder, and returned in the evening with Mrs. Elder and the boy's remains, which are to be buried at Black River Falls, Wisconsin. The Casselton visitors are near relatives of the child's father and are very much distressed at the unnatural and untimely manner of the lad's death.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 26th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boyer, who reside some distance across the Montana line, are reported the parents of a fine baby girl born about the 18th inst. Mr. Boyer is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Boyer of Rocky Butte.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 26th, 1911

A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Delany on May 23rd, and George is receiving congratulations from his many friends in and about the city.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 26th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Turnquist, several miles northwest of Beach, are reported as having a baby boy in their home, born to them April 30th.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 26th, 1911

Yard Supt. Found Dead
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James L. Osborne Of Glendive Was Killed
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Was Father of Mrs. O. R. Niece of Beach - Wife Here At Time of Death
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Local Yard Superintendent James L. Osborne of the N. P. at Glendive was found dead with a fractured skull near the Northern Pacific railway tracks in the city last Friday night. Mr. Osborne was the father of Mrs. O. R. Niece of this city, and Mrs. Osborne was here as a guest of her daughter at the time of his death.
Little is known as to the nature of the accident which must have befallen the deceased. The presence of all his portable possessions, including about $80 in cash, renders the idea of foul play wholly unlikely. He was near the railway tracks when found, but no marks were found except a fracture of the skull.
The deceased was prominent and well like in his community; and the funeral services, held Wednesday under the auspices of the Masonic order, is said to have been one of the most largely attended funerals ever held at that place.
Mrs. Niece is now with her mother in Glendive and will remain with her until about the first of the week. The family comprises two unmarried children besides the surviving mother and Mrs. Niece.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 26th, 1911

Aged Man From Alpha Died At A Local Hospital
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S. S. Cottle, an aged man suffering from acute Brights disease, was brought here by automobile from Alpha a few days ago, in an unconscious condition, from which he never recovered, dying yesterday, notwithstanding the best care that could be given him. The victim is said to have been a resident of an eastern state, having come here recently. The facts regarding him have not been fully learned at this writing.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, May 26th, 1911

Child Meets Awful Death In Flames
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Fire Originating From Gasoline Stove Burns Cottage and Results in Cremation of Hugh Elder, Aged 11 years
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Frightful death in the quick flames caused by a defective or badly handled gasoline stove was the fate that met little Hugh Elder, eleven-year-old son of Mrs. J. A. Elder, at their cottage near North Hunter Street about three o'clock on Tuesday morning. The boy's death is one of the most tragic things that has ever occurred in this city.
The young lad and his mother have been residents of Beach for only five or six weeks. Mrs. Elder having come here from Black River Falls to assist in operating the new Golden Valley Hotel belonging to H. C. Callender. Their only near acquaintances here were Wm. and Ed. Ball, one of whom is understood to be a relative of Mrs. Elder's by marriage. Ed. Ball was a roomer in her house, and having been up for some purpose, lighted the gasoline stove after returning in order to warm some water. In some way the stove began to blaze up, setting fire to surrounding combustibles, and ultimately exploed, filling the entire house with flame. It is said that the child, on awaking, crawled under the bed, already surrounded with flames, and the most horrible incineration was the result.
There is a lamentable want of definiteness to the testimony adduced regarding the facts leading up to the fatality. State's Attorney Gallagher was absent from town at the time, and an inquest is said to have been held by Justice Edward Egan, with Attorney Jefferson acting for the state, and comprised two sessions, at the last of which the party directly instrumental in the accident did not appear. It is understood that there were no incriminating finds made by the coroner's jury, the evidence being insufficient to warrant them.
It is admitted by Ball that he had had three or four drinks during the previous evening, and his acquaintances say he had been on a drunk during a good deal of the time since the previous Friday. There is a general feeling that to these facts could be traced the responsibility of the tragedy. Who sold him the liquor is not known, but as he is not a type of man to whom liquor would be sold by an ordinarily 'respectable' blind pigger, it would appear that there is room for an investigation, which should have prompt attention at the state's attorney's earliest opportunity.
The cottage occupied by Mrs. Elder was the property of Henry Walters, and was insured through E. E. Noble's agency. It was entirely destroyed within a few minutes after the beginning of the conflagration.
Through the thoughtfulness of C. H. Clark and other sympathizing townsmen, a purse of about $170 was raised for the bereaved mother, who lost everything in the fire. The purse was subscribed to unanimously by those to whom the matter was presented, and Mrs. Elder expressed sincere thanks and appreciation of the prompt manner of bestowing relief upon the unfortunate out here in the western country in which she was almost a total stranger.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 2nd, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Beeler have an infant daughter, born to them of the 26th of May, on their farm a few miles west of this city.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 2nd, 1911

Mrs. S. L. Bean started for New Lisbon, Wis., on Tuesday evening, where she was called on account of the death of a beloved aunt, Mrs. Anna Robinson.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 9th, 1911

Nelson Is Married
- - - - -
City Superintendent Weds St. Paul Girl
- - - - -
Couple Believed to Have Followed Wedding With a Trip To Duluth
- - - - -
Reports current here Wednesday indicate the marriage at St. Paul on the previous evening, of Superintendent C. J. N. Nelson of this city to Miss Cecelia Olsen, who makes her home in that city, although well known here. Prof. and Mrs. Nelson are understood to have been wedded at one of the prominent St. Paul churches on Tuesday evening, and to have left a short time after for Dulth. Their ultimate summer address will be at Barron, Wisconsin.
Mrs. Nelson spent the spring and early summer months in Beach as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoverson, and has some property interests in this section. She is an accomplished young woman, and the congratulations of the community are extended alike to both the contracting parties.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 9th, 1911

A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Halstad on June second.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 9th, 1911

Word reached here the first of the week of the birth at Cheney, Wash., of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hiland.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 9th, 1911

Last week just after the Mail was on the press we received the announcement of the marriage of Miss Anna Olson of Beaver Creek, Montana, and J. F. Divine of our city, which occurred at Minneapolis Monday, May 22.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 16th, 1911

Married At Sentinel Butte - - - - - T. B. Mikkelson, of Mandan, a traveling representative of the Foot-Schulze Co., was married at Sentinel Butte on Wednesday, to Mary L. Coleman, a charming lady whom we understand to be from the east. Mr. and Mrs. Mikkelson were calling upon local customers Thursday.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 16th, 1911

Golden Valley Farmer Married At Bismarck
- - - - -
C. A. Nelson of the Nede neighborhood southwest of Beach, was married on June third, the bride being Miss Jennie Newquist of Burlington, Iowa. The wedding occurred at the Hotel McKenzie, at Brismarck, but news of the event did not gain general currency until within the past few days, when the fact was made known by neighbors of the fortunate groom.
Mr. Nelson is one of the prosperous farmers of this section, and is well known in the community. He is to be congratulated upon his wedding.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 16th, 1911

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Szudera on their farm three miles southeast of town on the 8th inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 16th, 1911

Rev. Wm. M. Zimmerman of Douglas, a former Golden Valley pastor, passed through here last week Thursday, en route to his claim near Glendive. Rev. Zimmerman was accompanied by his bride, to whom he was married a few weeks ago.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 16th, 1911

Death Of Mrs. Salzman
- - - - - -
Estimable Local Lady Died On Train
- - - - -
Was En Route To Rochester for Treatment - Body Taken To Carlock, Ill.
- - - - -
Beach was inexpressibly shocked on Sunday morning to learn of the death of Mrs. E. E. Salzman on the previous day, while en route, attended by her husband and physician, to Rochester for special treatment for an ailment from which she had been suffering for several months. Death took place just as the train was leaving Jamestown, and followed a sinking spell resulting from suffocation, due to pressure of a growth adjoining the throat. The body was removed from the train at Fargo and prepared for burial; after which Mr. Salzman accompanied the remains to Carlock, Illinois, which was the family's earlier home.
Mr. and Mrs. Salzman have been residents of Beach for about three years, and are among the universally popular people of the community. Mrs. Salzman was born Nora Del Carlock, and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Carlock of Carlyle, the latter of whom died about six months ago. She leaves, beside her bereaved husband and father, a young son Harley, aged thirteen, and three sisters and two brothers, including Mrs. W. B. Artis, and Messrs. John and Dillard Carlock of Carlyle. The remaining members of the family reside at Carlock, Illinois.
Mr. John F. Carlock, father of the deceased, and other members of the family left on Monday for Illinois to attend the funeral.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 23rd, 1911

The wedding of Miss Millie Bessey of Janesville, Wisconsin, and Vern Freeman of our city, took place at the home of the bride's parents in Heller, Wis., June 1st, but the happy couple have been so busy enjoying their honeymoon that the Mail has been unable to get any report of the social affair until their arrival here Wednesday.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 23rd, 1911

Word was received here last Saturday by Mrs. A. W. Kastien, that her mother Mrs. Mercy Halterman, of Bunker Hill, Ill, had passed to the Great Beyond that morning at 3:00 o'clock, at the age of eighty years. Some two or three weeks ago, Mrs. William Morris of this vicinity, also a daughter, went to her beside upon learning of her serious illness and was with her at time of death. The sympathy of this community is extended to the bereaved ones.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 23rd, 1911

Anton Obritschgewitsch and Ida Ott secured a marriage license Wednesday, of Judge Paxton.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 23rd, 1911

Messrs. Salzman and Carlock, and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Artis have returned from their trip to Carlock, Ill., where they performed the last sad rites of the remains of Mrs. Salzman, whose death was recorded last week.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 23rd, 1911

A daughter was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Schulz on Wednesday morning, the 21st inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 23rd, 1911

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Grunning a fine baby boy, June 12.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 23rd, 1911

Mrs. M. Hogoboom gave a little party for her sons Neil and Maurice, last Tuesday afternoon, in honor of their birthday. Many little folks were there, and all had a fine time. They were treated to ice cream and cake, and lemondade.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 30th, 1911

Mrs. Wm. Morris returned Sunday from Bunker Hill, Ill., where she attended the funeral of her mother.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 30th, 1911

Monday, Judge Paxton issued marriage licenses to Roy W. Rask of Rainy Butte and Anna Crone of DeSart. Tuesday, Arthur L. Bragstad and Anna Olstad of Sioux Falls, obtained papers. Wednesday, Chris G. Johnson and Emma Schmitz of Beach, and Arthur Rinholz and Linda Tieman of Sentinel Butte, sued for permits.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 30th, 1911

Death of Infant Child - - - - - We regret to record the death on Wednesday of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ripley, born to them on the previous evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ripley will have the sympathy of the community.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, June 30th, 1911

Popular Couple Wed - - - - - Barber - Attletweed Nuptials Tuesday - - - - - Local Banker and His Bride Now En Tour - At home In July - - - - - Tuesday afternoon witnessed the marriage of two of Beach's popular young people, Miss Clara Day Barber and Mr. Ole E. Attletweed. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Barber, in the presence of members of the family only, Rev. E. A. Vaaler officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Attletweed are amoung the city's best known and best liked young people, and a large number of their young friends had anticipated the wedding date with the wish to extend congratulations and the various other gratuitous tokens of esteem which so often accompany events of this kind. Wishing to forestall a too effusive demonstration of this kind, the young people left by automobile for Sentinel Butte, from which point they embarked on Train No. 6 the same evening for a honeymoon visit at Minneapolis and St. Paul, and at Decorah, Iowa. They will be absent about a month, after which they will be at home to their friends in this city.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 7th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Morrow returned on Sunday night from Iowa, where they had been called on account of the illness and subsequent death of the former's mother. Mr. Morrow is back at his post of duty with the First National Bank.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 7th, 1911

A ten-pound boy at Col. Wermerskirchen's, bearing date of June 28th, is the latest subject of paternal interest at the Beach Implement Company's machinery emporium. The young man will answer to the title of lieutenant, without a chance of promotion while the old man maintains the reins of family discipline.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 7th, 1911

C. L. Wilkins and Ivy Fuller, both of Badland, were married in Dickinson yesterday, at the Episcopal parsonage. Both are well known and respected residents of the Badland vicinity, and the Republican extends hearty congratulations.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 7th, 1911

Attorney Brings Bride
- - - - -
C. L. Waldron Is Home From Wedding Trip
- - - - -
Couple Will Establsih Home In New Cottage on Richards Heights
- - - - -
Attorney C. L. Waldron, who located here a few months ago, coming from Omaha, Nebraska, made a trip home a short time ago, from which he returned on the third inst. Mr. Waldron is accompanied on his return by Mrs. Waldron, to whom it is reported his marriage occurred the 16th ultimo. The Advance has not had official notice of the date and particulars, but is pleased to join with others in welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Waldron as permanent residents among us. Mr. Waldron is establishing a good legal practice here and has extensive farming property in which he is also interested. They will be at home in one of the Richards Heights cottages.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 14th, 1911

Mrs. Chas. I. Cook received word a few days ago, of the death of her foster-father, Mr. S. D. Wadsworth, at the family home at Lake Mills, Iowa. Owing to the time the news was received, it was impossible for Mrs. Cook to attend the funeral. Mr. Wadsworth was about eighty-six years of age and was apparently in the best of health almost up to the time of his death on the night of July 4th. He is survived by Mrs. Wadsworth, to whom his demise is a great blow.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 14th, 1911

A party of youngsters met with Joseph (Jr.) and David Denoyer Tuesday evening to help them celebrate the event of their twelfth birthday. A very pleasant time is reported, and the boys are wished a whole row of birthdays with the attendant blessings that should properly go with them.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 14th, 1911

Popular Young Farmer Is Married
- - - - - -
Sentinel Butte Republican: -
John G. Edlund, the popular young man who farms two or three thousand acres of land here every summer and studies law at the University of Minnesota in the winter, was married at Brookings, S.D., Thursday June 25th, to Miss Lotta Mae Throop, at the home of the bride's mother in that city. The wedding was a quiet one, only a few of the immediate friends and relatives of the happy couple being present.
Mr. Odlund, as is well known here, is one of the most extensive and successful farmers in Golden Valley, and has also been studying law at the University of Minnesota during the past two years. He is a graduate of the South Dakota State College, class of '09 and his bride is a graduate of the same school, class of '11. Mr. and Mrs. Odlund are now taking a trip over the Great Lakes in Northern Minnesota and will be at home to their friends here after August 1st. The groom has recently commenced the erection of a handsome residence on his farm a couple of miles west of town and expects to have a set of the finest farm buildings in this vicinity before winter.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 14th, 1911

L. A. Christopherson and Agnes M. Wise of Sentinel Butte, came to Medora late Monday night, routed Judge Paxton out of bed, obtained a license and were married.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 14th, 1911

No wonder John has such a broad smile. A little son came to bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams, July 8. All are doing nicely.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 14th, 1911

Double Wedding
- - - - -
Rocky Butte Service United Two Pairs
- - - - -
Reed - Middleton and Kirkpatrick - Reed Nuptials Perfomed By Rev. Good
- - - - -
The church at Rocky Butte was the scene of a pretty double wedding on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The wedding was made open for attendance by the local public, and the large number present attested the popularity of the two young couples whose fortunes were being joined.
Miss Maude May Reed and Timothy Middleton, Miss Naomi Kirkpatrick and Clark Reed were the principals in this auspicious event, and the double 'beau' knot was deftly tied by Rev. Chas. M. Good of this city. Miss Reed and her brother Clark Reed are daughter and son of Mr. George Reed, a well known farmer of that section. Mr. Middleton is the son of W. H. Middleton, and Miss Kirkpatrick is the daughter of M. H. Kirkpatrick, also of that vicinity.
The church was tastily decorated for the occasion, flowers and running cedar giving the chief display effects, with a hymeneal arch of approved pattern. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton will make their home in Rocky Butte neighborhood, on a handsome farm which Mr. Middleton has acquired from his father. Mr. and Mrs. Reed, it is understood, are planning to move onto a homestead in Montana. Mr. Reed's parents have also disposed of their property here and will shortly move west. The Advance wishes unbounded prosperity to all concerned in the happy event of Monday evening.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 21st, 1911

Twins At Home Of W. E. Brooks - One Is Dead
- - - - -
On Tuesday morning the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Brooks, on James Street just east of The Advance office, was gladdened by the birth of twin daughters. Mr. Brooks is a press-man and printer of The Advance force, and it is with regret that we have to report the death, on Thursday morning, of the smaller of the two little girls. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks will have the sympathy of the community in their loss, and the hope that the remaining child may be spared to share their home for many years.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 21st, 1911

Local Lumber Man Is Wed
- - - - - -
Wm. H. Orr, yard man and all-around hustler for the local office of the North Star Lumber Co., is among the benedicts of the past week, having repaired to Glendive on the 15th inst., in company with Miss Ellen Carson of this city, and been united in the bonds of wedlock in the most approved form. Mr. Orr is one of the well-known and enterprising young men of the community, and his firm step into domestic harness is likely to win for him the happiness which should accompany all undertakings of this nature. Miss Carson was a resident of Stephen, Minn., until employed here for the past year or more. They will probably begin housekeeping in the near future.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 21st, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Ole C. Attletweed arrived home from their wedding journey on Sunday evening, and will soon be comfortably located in their apartments over the First National Bank. Mr. Attletweed is again at his desk as cashier of the bank and is picking up delayed correspondence between acknowledgements of the congratulations which are being tendered him by his numerous friends and acquaintances.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 21st, 1911

The Advance last week overlooked to announce the marriage of F. T. Hurley of this city to Miss Isabel Cranley, which took place at Cavalier, North Dakota recently. Mr. Hurley is the well known manager of the Russell-Miller Milling Co.'s interests at this place, and Miss Cranley is known here as an accomplished young woman, the sister of Mrs. P. H. Lee.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 21st, 1911

Death Of Joseph Doubles Of Burkey
- - - - -
The death of Joseph Doubles of Burkey occurred at the family home near that place last Friday afternoon, from an affection of the kidneys. The deceased was about fifty-six years of age.
Mr. Doubles was a prosperous and highly respected resident of his community, having come there about three years ago from Wisconsin. He is survived by Mrs. Doubles, and two sons and one daughter. The last mentioned is Mrs. J. Page. The older son, Charlie, has a claim near his father's place and the younger, Thomas, resides at the family home.
Funeral services were held at the Congregational church in this city at 11 o'clock Sunday morning, and interment was made at the local cemetery.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 21st, 1911

James M. Subert of Burkey and Eva F. Sutherly of Beach obtained a license and were married by Judge Paxton, Thursday.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 21st, 1911

Maggie Wise and Lewis Christopherson were married in Medora last week, Judge Paxton tying the knot. Both the bride and groom are well known here and have a large circle of friends who will congratulated them upon this happy culmination of their courtship.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 21st, 1911

Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Hall on the 5th inst., an eleven pound boy. All are doing well.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 28th, 1911

Word received by local friends from Dr. and Mrs. MacNab at Cassopolis, Mich., announces the birth of a baby daughter to them on Tuesay, the 25th inst. The Doctor and Mrs. MacNab will have the warmest congratulations of all of their acquaintances.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 28th, 1911

Births In Golden Valley This Week
- - - - -
Following are amoung the births reported in Beach and vicinity within the past week:
To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Sadler, five miles northeast, on Saturday, the 22nd inst., a son.
To Mr. and Mrs. John J. Madison, Beach, on the 23rd inst., a son.
To Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Clyde, in Near's Second Addition, July 25th, a daughter.
To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Want, Beach, on the 21st inst., a daughter.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 28th, 1911

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Westergaard Wednesday morning, a fine baby girl.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, July 28th, 1911

Death Of Thos. King
- - - - -
Well Known Horseman Passed Away
- - - - -
Has Recently Returned From Western Canada - Exposure Hastened Death
- - - - -
At about 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 22nd, occurred the death of Thomas W. King, a horseman, who in times past was well known here as a companion and employee of J. W. Snow. Mr. King had but recently disposed of a claim which he was holding several miles north of here, and he then accompanied C. W. Elliott on a trip through western Canada. During this trip it is alleged that he suffered somewhat from exposure to rain on one or more occasions, which hastened the inroads of consumption, toward which he had some tendencies before. He was at the farm of Mrs. Snow at the time of his death, and his wife, who was his sole immediate survivor, was with him. Mr. King was fifty-two years of age. He was born at Homes, Minnesota, but lived at LaCrosse, Galesville and Merrillan, Wisconsin, before coming here. Mr. and Mrs. King were long-time friends of Mr. and Mrs. Snow, and it was at the home of the latter couple, in Merillan, that their wedding took place many years ago. It is probable that Mrs. King will remain for some time with Mrs. Snow, who now makes her home at the State Line Hotel in this city. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. G. Bennett of the local Methodist church on Monday, and interment was made in the Beach Cemetery.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 4th, 1911

Death Claims Little Daughter of E. R. Stibb
- - - - -
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Stibb, residing in Woodhull's Addition, mourn the death of their youngest daughter, Alma, on Tuesday night, August First, from tubercular meningitis. The little child was about two years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. Stibb are but recent arrivals in Beach, having come here but three months ago from Wood Lake, Minn., and the severe misfortune which has befallen them will prove particularly trying amid their unfamiliar environments. They and their one remaining daughter, a little girl of five years, will have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement.
Funeral services will be held from the house on Thursday afternoon, under Lutheran auspices. It was expected that Rev. Jacob F. M. Easig would be down from Glendive to officiate.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 4th, 1911

Card Of Thanks
The Advance is asked to express special thanks in behalf of Mrs. Thos. W. King, for kind ministrations extended to her and her deceased husband at the time of his illness, death and burial.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 4th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Burhans are reported as the proud parents of a little daughter born on August 2. 'How'd you like to be the ice man?'
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 4th, 1911

A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey on their farm a few miles from town on Sunday, July 30th.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 4th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schouboe rejoice over the arrival of a little girl at their home of Thursday, July 20th.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 4th, 1911

We hear that our old friend and neighbor Nate Porter, who has been running a bachelor's hall for a number of years, has added a new wife to his domicile. Here is our hope, Nate, for a long and happy married life.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 4th, 1911

Pastor Vaaler United Couple From DeMores
- - - - -
The marriage of Mr. Frank Johnson and Miss Anna Johnson, of DeMores, east of Sentinel Butte, was solemnized by Rev. E. A. Vaaler at his apartment at the Mikkelson residence of Saturday, the 29th inst., in the presence of Charles and Christina Johnson, relatives of the bride and groom. The young people are not connected with any of the local families in Beach, but came over to have their wedding solemnized in due form, there being no clergyman in DeMores station. Mr. Johnson is said to be interested in farming near that point.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 11th, 1911

W. H. Rose, a tonsorial artist at Birmingham's, who recently arrived here from Richardton, will make his home in a cottage belonging to Mrs. Reichenecker near the school house. Mr. Rose recently brought his bride here, a young lady who was formerly employed at a local business place for a short time and who is making many friends in the city. She left for Richardton on Wednesday evening to pay a short visit to her mother before beginning the active affairs of housekeeping.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 11th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Larsen are receiving congratulations from their numerous local friends on the birth of a bright baby boy at their home on Monday of this week.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 11th, 1911

Leo Matter and his sister Margaret on Wednesday received the news of the death of their grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Matter at Sleepy Eye, Minnesota.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 11th, 1911

Births In The Golden Valley
To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schouboe, at Williams, on July 27th, a daughter.
To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fakler, Aug. 20th, a daughter.
To Mr. and Mrs Peter Fykles, at the Ed Richardson farm, Aug. 9th, a son.
To Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Larsen, Beach, Aug. 7th, a son.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 11th, 1911

- - - - -
Special correspondent.
A most sad and tragic death occurred in this locality Saturday afternoon, Aug. 5, about 2:30, when Charles Gilbert, the nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos G. Oby, was dragged to death by a yearling colt. He accompanied Harry, his fourteen- year-old brother, out upon the prairie, a short distance from the home, to catch the colt and lead it to the barn. It being very tame and gentle, the object of their mission was soon accomplished without trouble, when Harry's attention was attracted by the presence of some birds in a nearby coulee. A long rope had been fastened about the colt's neck, and the little lad was left in charge of the animal while his brother went in search of the game. In innocent, child-like fashion, with no thought of danger, he sat upon the ground, and it is presumed, began playing with the loose end of the rope by winding it about his ankles and then removing it only to repeat the performance. Thus he whiled away the few moments of his brother's absence. Then, as the brother, returning appeared above the rim of the coulee, a few rods away, and the little fellow had the fatal coil about his legs, the older boy was horrified to see the colt start, first walking, then trotting, dragging his victim thirty or forty feet behind. Seeing the trailing rope and its human freight, the animal became frightened and started at full gallop for the barn. The little lad fought manfully to release the coils from about his ankles as he was dragged rapidly over the ground, behind the fleeing colt. He maintained a sitting posture for a considerable distance, then realizing his helplessness, he twisted his little body about, called to his brother 'Oh Harry, help me!' and sank back full length upon the ground.
A short way from the house the animal plunged through a buffalo wallow, the victim striking the abrupt bank with such force as to cause the strands of the rope to part, and then, a few moments later the little bruised and bleeding body was found by the mother and brother. There were a few faint flutterings of the heart and the little life had gone. The body was carried to the home and the neighbors notified, and a messenger was dispatched to Mr. Oby, who was on the return trip from Beach. The tragic passing of their loved one is the first great sorrow of the hitherto happy family, and is a crushing blow to the parents and surviving brother and sister. He was a child of exceptionally bright and sunny disposition, a general favorite among his comrades, and the pride and joy of the home. He was the youngest of three children.
Charles Gilvert Oby was born Aug. 25, 1901 at Randall, Minn. In the year 1910 he came with his parents, Amos G. and Alta E. Oby, to the Stuart neighborhood, where the family settled upon a homestead. Though so young he had confessed his faith and hope in a Savior's love, and was a faithful attendant at the Stuart Sunday School.
The funeral service was held at the home Sunday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, conducted by Rev. L. C. Hoppel, and the remains were interred in the cemetery at Carlyle, on Monday. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family in the great bereavement.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 11th, 1911

Justice Heath Ties Matrimonial Knot
- - - - -
Justice F. E. Heath on Tuesday evening officiated in a very pretty wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Piesik in this city, the contracting parties being Miss Anna Piesik and Mr. Charles Jandt, the latter a well-to-do farmer of this vicinity. Miss Piesik is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Piesik, and has many friends here, who will wish her much happiness in her new relation.
The young woman was handsomely gowned in white silk, and carried white roses at the wedding. She was accompanied by her sister Miss Violet Piesik, with Wm. Uelman as best man in the ceremony.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 11th, 1911

Popular Couple
- - - - -
P. Wermerskirchen And Margaret Rooney Are Wed
- - - - -
Young Elevator Man Returned On Wednesday With His Bride From The West
- - - - -
A Wednesday evening train from the west brought back to their permanent home in Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wermerskirchen, married on August first, at the home of the bride's parents in Ellensburg, Washington. The bride was Miss Margaret Rooney, an accomplished young woman of the coast town, who has numerous friends already at her new home in this city, since a visit which she made to this point some time last spring.
Mr. Wermerskirchen, who is a brother of Colonel C. J. Wermerskirchen, has been for the past year or more connected with A. H. Lytle's grain and fuel business, where he will remain for the coming year. For the present, he and Mrs. Wermerskirchen will have rooms in the Lloyd residence, where in due time they will be at home to their friends and acquaintances. The Advance joins in congratulations and best wishes.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 11th, 1911

B. T. Piesik Will Wed
- - - - -
Well Known Local Man To Become Benedict
- - - - -
Bride Is Miss Annabel Roller Of Los Angeles, Prominently Connected Here
- - - - -
The early forthcoming wedding of B. T. Piesik, manager of the Piesik Land & Loan Company, to Miss Annabel Roller of Los Angeles, Cal., is one of the announcements of the past few days. The wedding is to occur at Mr. Piesik's residence on South Grant Street in this city on Monday, August the 14th. Rev. Father Otto Wolpers of St. John's Catholic church will officiate.
The bride is well and favorably known in this section, having spent considerable time here with relatives and friends. She is a sister of Paul Roller and Mrs. Paul Gallas of this vicinity, and daughter of Mrs. Anton Risk, recently deceased. Mr. Piesik has many friends, both here and elsewhere, and will be warmly congratulated upon his early marriage to the young woman of his choice. The Advance heartily joins in these felicitations.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 18th, 1911

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Lee on Monday morning, the 14th inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 18th, 1911

From our regular correspondent - Preston
We were very much pained to hear of the death of Peey Nichols at the hospital at Miles City, where he went to have an operation for appendicitis. The interment was made at Baker, Rev. Johnson officiating. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 18th, 1911

Old Timer Gone Beyond
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Pioneer Of Medora And Bismarck
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Reported That His Corpse Was Found In Yellowstone Park
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The Bismarck Tribune, of the 13th inst., gave the following regarding an old-time character, formerly well known there and at Medora: News has reached here of the finding of the body of 'Foul-Mouth Bill Jones' in Yellowstone park. It is supposed that he became lost last winter and was frozen to death.
Where is the old timer of Bismarck or Medora of thirty years ago who does not remember 'Bill Jones?' Jones was a man of limited education, but had a ready and wonderful amount of repartee, and a warm heart. In the early seventies he was a soldier in the regular army at Fort Pembiana, from which post he deserted, and traveled up the Red river to where Fargo is now located, where he joined the surveying part of the N. P. and came over the country to Bismarck, where he lived some years. He at one time drove the mail wagon from Bismarck to Fort Stevenson. Some thirty years ago he drifted to the Little Missouri country, where he followed hunting and working on ranches. For two terms he served as sheriff of Billings county. He left there some ten years ago for the Yellowstone park, in which country he remained until his death.
To distinguish him from another 'Bill Jones,' he was called 'Foul Mouth Bill.'
May his soul rest in peace.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 18th, 1911

Wedding Set Social Pace
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Piesik Nuptials Largely Attended
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And Gave Citizens New Standards of Warm-Hearted Hospitality
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The wedding of Miss Annabel Roller to Mr. B. T. Piesik on Monday, which was announced in The Advance last week, set some new standards of hospitality, according to the reports of citizens who received invitations to this happy event and to the elaborate dinner which followed it at the Piesik home of South Grant Street.
The wedding occurred in the morning, amidst a large circle of friends and relatives of the contracting parties. Reverened Father Otto Wolpers had charge of the ceremony, and the service was performed at the conclusion of the beautiful wedding march so aptly designed for such occasions. Miss Roller was handsomely attired in the conventional white silk and veiling, and was a picture of feminine loveliness. The Advance hardly dares describe the manly appearance of the genial Barney, for fear he may suspect us of intended flattery; but just the same, the happy groom was there 'with the goods' and looked his part admirably. The home was tastily decorated with floral and other appropriate display, completing the setting for a most charming picture of nuptial felicity.
Several prominent local citizens were present by special invitation at the wedding dinner at the noon hour, and all express themselves in glowing terms regarding the bountiful repast spread before them.
A party of these contributed together in the purchase of a very nice wedding present as a token of their respect to the bride and groom, which was appreciatively received, as were also numerous others from their immediate friends and kinsmen. Mr. and Mrs. Piesik are now away on a short wedding tour, from which they will return about the first of September.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 25th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brock are the parents of a bright young son, who was born on the 23rd inst. at their farm home near Beach.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 25th, 1911

The Advance by an oversight, omitted to announce the Pickett-Van Kirk nuptials which took place at the Methodist church on Sunday morning, the 13th inst., by which Night Policeman VanKirk became a benedict, taking to himself the charming daughter of Mr. J. L. Picket of this city. Congratulations are being bestowed upon them by their entire circle of friends.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 25th, 1911

M. L. Egan and wife, six miles southwest of town, are parents of a baby daughter born to them on Sunday the 20th inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 25th, 1911

From our regular correspondent - Lame Steer Mr. and Mrs. Morgan P. Griffith are parents of a baby boy, born about the sixth of the month.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 25th, 1911

Aged Mother Of The Haigh Boys Is Dead
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Manager F. J. Fitzgerald of the Beach Land & Loan Company advises us of the receipt of an Oskosh newspaper of the 22nd inst. announcing funeral services to be held this week Thursday, for Mrs. John H. Haigh, mother of Messrs. James A., and Frank D. Haigh of this place, and John H. Haigh Jr., of Fessenden. The gentlemen were all present at the bedside of the deceased. Funeral to be held on Thursday morning, the cortege leaving Pickett at 10:15 for St. Mary's Church at Omri, Rev. Father Luby conducting the service.
There will be general sympathy with the bereaved in the loss of their beloved parent.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, August 25th, 1911

Newly Wedded Grain Man Home With Bride
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George A. McGregor, the genial but astute assistant at the Farmers' Co-operative elevator, who left early in August 'to visit his mother' but spent some of the time acquiring a bride, returned on Sunday afternoon from his Minneapolis trip, bringing the young lady with him. Mr. McGregor was married to Miss Fannie G. Morgan on the 9th inst., and is being heartily congratulated upon that fact since his return to this city and his introduction of Mrs. McGregor to his local circle of friends. The young people have begun housekeeping in a cottage two blocks east of Bert Sprague's, whither the best wishes of the townspeople will follow them.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 1st, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Whittalker announce the birth of a baby daughter at their home on Monday, August 28th.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 1st, 1911

A little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Keohane on Sunday, August 27th - and the parents are receiving congratulations.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 1st, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Parkings, residing on North Hunter Street, are parents of a baby girl, born to them on Saturday, August 26th.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 1st, 1911

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Moulton at their farm home in Lone Tree township on Wednesday of this week.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 1st, 1911

A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott of Lame Steer neighborhood on the 23rd ult., and congratulations are being bestowed upon Mr. and Mrs. Scott by their friends and neighbors.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 1st, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bower have a baby boy, born to them at an early hour yesterday.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 1st, 1911

From our regular corresondent - Williams Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sonsalla are the pleased parents of a little girl born Friday morning, Aug. 25th.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 1st, 1911

Fatal Auto Accident
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Dickinson Lady Instantly Killed
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Mrs. M. H. Lindsley Run Over While Crossing Business Street
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A terrible auto accident occurred in Dickinson last Friday night, when Mrs. M. H. Lindsley, one of the prominent ladies of that city, was run over by an automobile and instantly killed, her head being crushed. The auto was drived by Miss Peck, a 17- year-old girl, two or three other young ladies being with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsley were crossing the street near the library, Mr. Lindsley in the lead and his wife following, when the automobile was heard and seen approaching. Mrs. Lindsley appears to have become confused, backed up and started forward again, being in the path of the machine, and crushed to death a few feet from where her husband was standing. Miss Peck is frantic with grief over the occurrence. It is doubtful if any inquest will be held, as no particular blame seems to be attached to any one.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 1st, 1911

Reichenecker - Kannenberg
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The marriage of Miss Amanda Olsen Reichenecker to Mr. Frank L. Kannenberg took place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Emma Reichenecker, at six o'clock on Wednesday evening, the 30th ult., Rev. W. G. Bennett officiating. After the ceremony a sumptuous supper was served to the guests in attendance - among whom, besides the near relatives, were Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Holven, Mrs. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Thompson, and Messrs. and Mesdames Henry and Lewis Petersen.
Mr. Kannenberg is a young farmer who is meeting with the success which comes from energy and good judgment, and whose future prosperity should be assured. He is being warmly congratulated upon his good fortune in obtaining so admirable a young woman as his bride.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 8th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. John Metzgar are the parents of a baby boy born to them at a local hospital on September 3rd.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 8th, 1911

A recent report from Regent states that Miss Nina Montgomery, formerly a resident of Beach, has been married in that city to a Mr. O'Niell.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 8th, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoover are the parents of a baby girl, born Sunday-night, the 27th.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 8th, 1911

From The Herald, Medora: C. D. Copus and Augusta Anderson of Beach obtained a license and were married by Judge Paxton Saturday.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 8th, 1911

Murder At Marmarth
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States Attorney Called To Investigate
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Tom Corkery, a Former Railway Conductor, Was Victim of Fatal Shot
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Word comes from Marmarth that Tom Corkery, a one-armed sheep herder well known in that section, was the victim of a brutal murder committed between eleven and twelve o'clock Sunday night, and was found dead on the following morning in his wagon not more than a block from the principal business street. States Attorney Gallagher was called over from here to ferret out the facts in the case and has not yet returned as we go to press. From the reports current here it is gathered that a tough character named Glass has been arrested on charge of the murder, together with another man said to have been seen with him, whose name is not learned. Glass has a bullet wound through his thigh, that he did not have on the previous evening, for which no satisfactory explanation is given. The deceased was seen in the company of Glass a few hours before the shooting occurred. The victim was a well known character between fifty-five and sixty years of age, and was formerly a railroad conductor but had been compelled to leave the road owing to the loss of an arm. It is supposed that his assailants believed him to have drawn his pay just previous to the murder and that robbery was their motive. A version of the story has it that he had no money with him, and that the purpose of his assailants was foiled so far as the robbery was concerned.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 8th, 1911

Mangled Body Found
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Unknown Man Ground Beneath Engine Wheels
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Man Killed on Track Between Yates and State Line Early Tuesday Morning
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Report comes from Yates that an unknown man, of apparently middle age, was struck and instantly killed by an engine pulling a fast freight over the Northern Pacific road between the state line and Yates at an early hour Tuesday morning according to the report here, the engineer noticed that a man had been struck and crushed beneath the wheel, and reported the accident at Yates but did not stop to investigate the gruesome details of the affair before he passed. Persons driving back to the scene found the body of an unknown man, mangled beyond recognition, and bearing no marks or papers that would seem to furnish any clue to his identity.
Being on the Montana side of the line, the affair had to be reported to the coroner at Glendive, where it is said the remains were taken. The Advance has been unable to learn if more material facts have been gleaned regarding the accident, down to the present time.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 15th, 1911

Celebrating Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tousley celebrated the twentieth anniversary of their marriage on Thursday of this week, the day being marked by an afternoon at home to a number of Mrs. Tousley's friends among the ladies, and by an evening gathering, at which a number of ladies and gentlemen were present. Owing to the close proximity of The Advance's hour of going to press, it is impossible to give any detailed account of the gatherings at this time.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 15th, 1911

Custer County Couple Wedded In Automobile - - - - - Rev. W. C. Adams of this city missed a wedding on Wednesday by being out of town performing another one. The contracting parties in the wedding which he did perform were Nathan Levi Orton of Dennis, Montana, and Mrs. Nell Hurt, daughter of Mrs. Geo. Sweet of Carlyle. Both parties being from Custer county, they had secured their marriage license there, and on presenting themselves here for marriage it was found necessary for the clergyman to accompany them back into Custer county for the ceremony. Taking an automobile the party repaired to a point safely within the required boundaries, where the marriage service was conducted within the sheltering confines of the auto. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sutton, the latter a sister of the groom, accompanied the party as witnesses. The Advance joins in felicitations to Mr. and Mrs. Orton, whom it wishes a long and happy wedded life.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 15th, 1911

A baby girl is reported at Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman's, three miles southwest of town, born on the twelfth inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 15th, 1911

Mrs. Nell Hurt, daughter of Mrs. Sweet, was married this week to Levi Orton of Dennis. The couple will make their home on Mr. Orton's farm.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 15th, 1911

From The Herald, Medora: The man who was killed by a train west of Beach, is thought to be one J. McCarthy, who worked some time for H. C. Short.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 15th, 1911

Death of P. Mulligan - - - - - 'Paddy,' A Popular Booster For Beach - - - - - Well Liked Local Working Man Victim of Fatal Accident Monday Morning - - - - - All Beach mourns the death of Paddy Mulligan, which occurred late Monday afternoon as the result of injuries which must have been received at an early hour of the mourning somewhere along the railroad right of way west of town. The victim was found near the coal chutes about nine o'clock in the morning, suffering from a crushed shoulder and severe internal injuries, besides a deep scalp wound cutting clear to the bone. There is a supposition among his friends that he must have tried to board a moving train, but when found he was in too serious a condition to give any coherent account of the accident, and his death occurred at the hospital a number of hours later from the severe shock caused by the accident. Mulligan was a popular handy man about Beach, where he had been a good deal of the time for the past two years or thereabouts, assisting at the opera house, doing janitor work, posting bills, and doing whatever came to his hand. He is said to have a claim near Ekalaka, but was unable to remain on it the past year owing to drought. Besides his characteristics as a hard worker, Paddy was well liked for his generous qualities of heart, and his death is sincerely mourned by a wide circle of friends. His mother, Mrs. J. Mulligan, of Everett, Mass., has been communicated with and has sent an inquiry regarding the particulars of the accidnet. It is believed that burial will be made at the local cemetery today.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 22nd, 1911

From our regular correspondent - Preston: Wedding bells are ringing for Levi Orton and Mrs. Nellie Hurt who were married last Wednesday at Beach. We wish them success and happiness.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 22nd, 1911

A baby girl is announced at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Metcalf, born on Sunday the 17th inst.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 22nd, 1911

The Advance received word, just after going to press last week, of the death of little Anna Rebecca Abbott, daughter of J. P. Abbott residing near Smith Creek. The child's death occurred on Saturday, September 13th, at the home of Mrs. M. K. Bridges, where the family was forced to stop with her as they were attempting to bring her to Beach for treatment. The little girl was in her sixth year and is the second child lost by Mr. and Mrs. Abbott within the past year. Heart failure was the cause of her death. The sorrow of the bereaved parents is shared by two older brothers and an infant sister still living.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 22nd, 1911

A baby boy, born to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Moulton on Wednesday morning, is the cause of congratulations to this popular couple. A report has it that the young man will be christened Fred Stewart, which is unconfirmed at this office for the reason that our reporter has been unable to get his eye upon the genial and now very busy paterfamilias.
The Beach Advance, Beach, Billings Co, North Dakota, September 22nd, 1911

The Mott Pioneer announces the birth of a baby boy at the home of Rev. Alex Douglas on Tuesday of last week. Rev. Douglas was formerly pastor of the Congregational church here and is favorable remembered by many Beach friends, as is also Mrs. Douglas,


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