Golden Valley County

Births, Marriages and Deaths 1917

The Beach Advance

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 3rd, 1917

Westerheim - Mr. and Mrs. Lon Miles are the found parents of a beautiful little son born last week.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 3rd, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hoffman are the proud parents of a fine baby girl which came to their home on Friday of last week.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 10th, 1917

Forms a Life Partnership
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Another Couple of Popular Young People in Beach Are the Contracting Parties
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On Wednesday morning a bridal party wended its way to the St. John
's Catholic church in this city, where to the inspiring strains of Mendelsohn's wedding march Miss Eileen Kathrine Madison and Glenn Albert Wallace marched up the isle to meet Rev. Father Wolpers, who spoke the words which joined them in the holy bonds of wedlock. Only immediate relatives witnessed the ceremony.
The bride was attended by Miss Marguerite Wallace, while the groom was supported by Daniel Madison. The bride was attired in a most becoming gown of navy blue silk pan velvet and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Miss Wallace as bridesmaid was attired in navy blue charmeuse.
After the ceremony the party returned to the home of the bride
's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Madison, where a bountiful wedding breakfast was in waiting. The dining room was most attractively decorated in pink and white, the color scheme being followed out in the table decorations, roses and carnations being used for center pieces.
Mrs. Catherine McCarthy presided at the organ during the services at the church. Glen Wallace is too well known to the citizens of Beach to need any introduction, having grown to manhood practically in this city. Last fall he went to Joplin, Mont., where he had been engaged as grain buyer for the Equity grain company, and is made good in the position.
Mrs. Eileen Wallace has even a more extended acquaintance than her husband, having been connected in some way with one business enterprise or another for a number of years in Beach and during the past few years filling most satisfactorily the position of chief operator and bookkeeper of the local telephone exchange. By her genial disposition, courteous treatment and willingness to oblige she has made for herself a host of friends who will be sorry to lose her from their circle of acquaintances.
The many friends of the happy couple here extend to them best wishes for a long a happy life, and in which The Advance wishes to join. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace left on No. 2 today for Minneapolis, where they will spend their honeymoon, after which they will go to Joplin, Mont., to make their future home.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 10th, 1917

Young Business Man Weds
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Ceremony Performed at Mott, N.D. - Bridal Trip Will Be Taken to Minnesota
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N. F. Bartholome, one of the proprietors for The Model Clothing & Shoe Co. stores at Beach, Sentinel Butte and Belfield, and one of our most popular young business men, was untied in marriage at Mott today, to Miss Rose Bannon. None of the details of the ceremony was obtainable at the time of going to press, other than that the happy pair will go to Zapata, Minn., for a two week's honeymoon and visit with relatives.
Mr. Bartholome came to Beach, a few years ago as a clerk in the J. J. Bartley store and his efficiency and good business judgment at once placed him in the front ranks of desirable clerks, to the end that Mr. L. B. Westby, general manager of The Model stores secured his services. Later a reorganization of the company was made and Mr. Bartholome was given a place on the list of proprietors. He has won for himself an enviable reputation as a progressive, wide awake business man and a good citizen.
Miss Bannon has a large acquaintance in Beach, having been employed in the E. E. Dickinson store for some time. She is a young lady of many accomplishments and the people of Beach will extend a hearty welcome on her return here as her future home.
Friends of the happy couple extend best wishes for a life of happiness and prosperity and in this expressing of good will we trust The Advance may be included.
They will occupy the house on the north side formerly occupied by J. R. Water, which the groom has made ready for occupancy.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 10th, 1917

The birthday anniversary of Miss Hazel Ziesness and Ole Selberg was very delightfully observed on Friday evening of last week by a party given in their honor at the home of Mrs. H. . . . . .

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 10th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Taylor are the happy parents of a fine baby girl which came to their house on Monday of this week.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 10th, 1917

Robert Stiehl, of Beach, N.D. arrived last Friday to attend the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Stiehl, and to visit among relatives and old friends for a short time. Mr. Steihl, still retains his farm near Beach but has not been actively engaged in farming for the past three years. He reports all of our Beach friends as well, happy and prosperous. Last fall, Mr. Stiehl and two sons, Orin and Clarence, made a trip through a number of western states in search of a location to their liking, and while they did not find anything any more satisfactory than Beach, Mr. Stiehl states the trip was well worth while for the enjoyment and knowledge received from it. - Black River Falls (Wis.) Journal.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 10th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Egan are the proud parents of a fine baby girl which arrived at their home on Tuesday morning. Pierce made a rather hurry-up trip from Flaxville, Mont., to be able to be on the ground at the arrival of the heiress.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 10th, 1917

Beach Man Dies at Dickinson
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H. C. Larson went to Dickinson several weeks ago to secure surgical help for his ailment but his weakened condition would not permit an operation. Blood was taken from Jerney Mezek and given the patient, but only a temporary help was obtained. He passed to the great beyond some time about noon today.
Mr. Larson was about 38 years of age and came to the Golden Valley nine years ago, taking up a claim in the Lame Steer district. Some four years ago he was married to Miss Nellie Murry, who preceded him to the great beyond a little over a year ago. Only a few months ago he was married to Miss Rosa Kobel, who survives him. Mr. Larsen has a brother, J. P. Larsen, a sister, Mrs. G. O. Hemness in the Lame Steer district, Mrs. Albert Halloway in Canada, a father and mother at Canova, S. Dak., besides other relatives in South Dakota, to whom is extended the sympathy of the community in their loss.
Mr. Larson had accumulated considerable property since coming to the Golden Valley, owning two farms and a town residence. His genial disposition and big heartedness has made him many friends, who will mourn his untimely death.
Arrangements for the funeral had not been completed at the time of going to press.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 24th, 1917

Ollie -
Leander Greiner returned home Monday from Iowa where he had been for the past six weeks, having been called there at the death of his father. Mr. Greiner had to remain in Iowa until last week getting the estate settled up.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 24th, 1917

Glendale - Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wallace are the proud parents of a baby boy and Willis wearing a smile that will not soon wear off.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 24th, 1917

Through a notice in the papers we learn that L. B. Frazier, father of Mrs. Minnie Livermore of this city, died at the home of his daughter in Winona, Minnesota last week, the funeral taking place Friday.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 24th, 1917

Card of Thanks
We desire to extend our sincere thanks to all those who so kindly assisted us and showed their sympathy during the illness and after the death of our husband and father. We wish to especially thank those who contributed the beautiful floral offerings at the funeral.
Mrs. O. D. Wood
Ray C. Wood
Arthur Wood
Herman Wood
C. L. Wood

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 24th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Smith are the proud parents of a fine baby girl which came to their home on Tuesday of this week. The little girl is seven months old and was adopted at Dickinson. This is the only girl in the family and anyone who knows Sheriff Smith can easily believe that no interruption of the little lady's pleasure will be permitted. There will be one person in Beach hereafter from whom the sheriff will take orders beside the state's attorney.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 24th, 1917

Jacob Metzgar
Jacob Metzgar died at his home in this city on Monday, January 8th, of heart failure caused by illness of pleurisy and pneumonia. He had been ill about six days. The funeral services were held from the home at two o'clock, Thursday afternoon, Rev. Harding officiating, and were largely attended.
Mr. Metzger was born in Washington county, Wisconsin on August 9th, 1851. He came to Jackson county when twenty-two years of age. His first employment here was in the logging industry.
On November 17, 1874, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Staffon, and they made their home in this city for a year thereafter. They then moved to Pierce county, where they remained for about nine years. They returned to Jackson county about 1884 and Mr. Metzger engaged in farming in south Alma. About 12 years ago he retired from farming and moved to this city, where he purchased a comfortable home, and where they have since resided.
Nine children were born to them. One son, Edward, died nineteen years ago. He is survived by his widow and eight children - Mrs. Mary M. Cooper of Terry, Montana, John H. Metzger, of Beach, N. Dak., Geo. W. Metzger, of Blair, Mrs. Lucile C. Reeseman of this city, Miss Leda Metzger of Minneapolis, Mrs. Leona Durlin of Alma Center, and Mrs. Margaret Lundberg and Mrs. Olive S. Nelson of Minneapolis. He also leaves two sisters - Mrs. Christina Ballach, of Williston, N.D., and Mrs. Minnie Loomis of Missouri. - Jackson County Journal

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 24th, 1917

Wedding Bells Again
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On Wednesday evening a very quiet wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage in Wibaux. John C. Trollope, the well known son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Trollope of Beem and Miss Albert C. Amunrud, were untied in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ceremony that made them man and wife was performed by the Rev. A. L. Hurlbut of the Methodist church.
The young bride is very well known in the city of Beach, she having been a graduate of the Beach High School in the class of 1916. She lived in this city with her parents until Mr. Oscar Amunrud moved to Beem.
The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Norma Amunrud and the groom by his brother, Mr. Boyd Trollope. After the ceremony the young couple left for Miles City and other western cities. Upon their return they will go to housekeeping on the groom's ranch.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, January 31st, 1917

T. J. Power of the Power Clothing Co., returned to Beach last Thursday from Wadena, Minn., where he had been to attend the funeral of his uncle, who died suddenly at the Hot Springs and was buried at Wadena.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 7th, 1917

Westerheim -
The proudest, happiest people in our vicinity are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riley, who have a beautiful young son that was born last week, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sangen have a fine young daughter born last week.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 7th, 1917

Nick Bartholomew and wife arrived home Thursday and are now comfortably situated in their home on the north side, while the beaming face of the newly made Benedict radiates from all parts of the Model.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 7th, 1917

Wednesday Wedding Bells
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The marriage of Miss Elna Boyer and Peter Thompson of Thelen, took place at Glendive on Wednesday of this week and was something of a surprise to friends of the contracting parties. Miss Boyer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Boyer of Thelen, and is a young lady of very pleasing personality and many accomplishments. Mr. Thompson has been a resident of the valley for several years, following the trade of engineer much of the time, but has now rented the Schero farm and will stick to that line of business. The many friends the contracting parties wish them joy and prosperity in the double yoke.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 7th, 1917

The Grim Reaper Busy
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Word was received in this city on Sunday that August Erdman, who went to Dickinson last week for an operation for appendicitis, had passed away that morning. Relatives left for that city Monday to accompany the remains home, but up to this time have not returned, so that full details are not obtainable.
Mr. Erdman is a young man of about thirty year of age and for a number of years has lived with his brothers at the farm southeast of Rocky Butte, assisting in the operation of the farm. He was well spoken of by his many acquaintances. He leaves eight brothers and his father and mother, all living near Rocky Butte, to mourn his early demise.
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On Sunday morning D. R. Higby, who was making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Frank Hurst, two miles southwest of Carlyle, passed away very suddenly. He had been suffering for some time with a disease of the arteries which undoubtedly caused his death. Deceased was nearly 67 years of age. No announcement of the funeral can be made at this time, owing to the condition of the south branch road. Sympathy is extended to his bereaved ones.
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Nicholas Redmond died at the home of his niece, Mrs. John Brown, in this city, Sunday, of tuberculosis at the age of 49 years. Mr. Redmond came to Beach from Belfield some time ago to make his home with Mrs. Brown, but the rigor of the winter was too much for him in his weakened condition and he passed away as above. Mr. Redmond came to North Dakota from Iowa, settling at Belfield, where he has a number of relatives and one brother. He never was married.
The remains were shipped to Belfield, Tuesday, and were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and T. Redmond, a nephew. The funeral services were held at the Belfield Catholic church Wednesday morning, interment being made in the cemetery at that place.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 14th, 1917

Westerheim -
Clarence Magnus and his wife were called home last week, owing to the death of his mother at Colton, S.D.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 14th, 1917

Death by Fire and Axphyxiation (sic)
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Two lives Destroyed - A Baby at Wibaux and Frank C. Brown of Medora
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Sunday morning of last week the home of Ernest R. Page of Wibaux caught fire in the early morning and the family were nearly suffocated before making their escape. Mr. Page had started a fire in the stove and then went back to sleep, being awakened by smoke and intense heat. He rescued all his family with the exception of one little tot, and as he was approaching safety with it he was overcome and cannot tell how he made his escape from the building, but the child was gone. What remained of its charred body was taken from the basement after the fire.
Mr. Page was taken to Glendive to the hospital and is reported to be getting along as well as could be expected.
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Last Wednesday the partly frozen body of F. C. Brown, a homesteader near Medora, was found by neighbors lying on his bed in his cabin home. It is thought that the storm about that time and which completely covered his cabin, had stopped up his stove pipe, causing the gas to escape in the room in which he was sleeping and was the means of death. Mr. Brown is the brother of Jay Brown of Sentinel Butte.
The funeral services were held from the Congregational church at Sentinel Butte on Thursday afternoon.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 14th, 1917

Mrs. M. C. Hoff went to Bismarck last week where she will keep house for her parents, who are called to Winona, Minn., by the illness and death of her grandmother.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 14th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Boyce are the parents of a fine boy that arrived at their home on Tuesday of last week.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 14th, 1917

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hess of Sentinel Butte on Monday of this week.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 21st, 1917

On Tuesday evening of this week when Will Andrews, who lives just south of town returned from a trip to Chicago, he was surprised by a birthday party given him by his wife. The neighbors and friends of the family were invited in and games and dancing were indulged in until a late hour. A delicious luncheon was served and all present thoroughly enjoyed the event.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 21st, 1917

A fine baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lovell on Wednesday of last week, Valentine's day.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 21st, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. O'Brien of the Lame Steer district report the arrival of a fine boy at their home on Valentine's day. All concerned are getting along nicely.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 28th, 1917

Leo M. Mondrey left Monday for Chicago, where he had been called by a telegram which announced the death of his mother. We sympathize with him in his sudden and unexpected bereavement.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 28th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jandt are the parents of a fine baby boy which arrived at their home last week, Wednesday.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 28th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. Westergaard announce the arrival of a fine boy at their home on Monday of this week.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 28th, 1917

Mrs. A. T. Tjornhom left Monday for Perley, Minn., called there by the sudden death of her brother.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 28th, 1917

Silver Wedding Anniversary
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Large Number of Friends Gather at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoverson
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On Friday evening, February 16, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoverson of this city passed the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedded life and friends to the number of nearly 100 gathered at their home to assist them in properly celebrating the event. Mr. and Mrs. Hoverson were married in Pope county, Minn., near Hancock, and came to North Dakota in 1892, accepting a position in the general office of the Robertson Lumber Co., of Grafton. They were among the early settlers of the Golden Valley, coming here in 1906, taking a homestead and opening the hardware, furniture and implement business under the firm name of Overstad & Hoverson, of which he was the junior member. Later the implement business was sold, Mr. Hoverson devoting his personal attention to the furniture and hardware and which he still retains. Mr. Hoverson was also honored by being elected senator from the 39th legislative district, but refused to be a candidate for re-election. He has also served in several local positions of trust. Friday evening was spent in games, music and speeches of congratulations, supplemented by delicious refreshments. Before leaving the guests presented Mr. and Mrs. Hoverson with a beautiful silver candelabra as a token of esteem and a souvenir of the occasion. Those who attended out of town were Mr. and Mrs. George Selsvold, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Olson, and Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 28th, 1917

Scarlet Fever Claims Victim
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Ferdinand Bublitz Dies From the Disease After Only a Short Illness
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The death of Ferdinand Bublitz, which occurred Saturday, February 24, after only a short illness with scarlet fever, came as a shock to the citizens of Beach. The funeral was held in the yard at 6 o'clock that evening, Rev. Hammer officiating. The body was shipped to Brownton, Minn., interment being made in the Sumpter cemetery.
Mr. Bublitz was 30 years of age at time of death and was born in Germany. He came to Beach several years ago and was numbered among one of our good citizens. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss and to them is extended the sympathy of the community. Three of the children are now suffering from scarlet fever, but are doing nicely at the time we go to press. (Transcribers Note: please see the article on March 7th, 1917

- the paper made an error and the name of the person in this article should have read Frank Bublitz instead of Ferdinand.)

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, February 28th, 1917

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Death of James S. Drust
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James S. Drust, one of the progressive farmers of the Carlyle district, was called to his last home on Sunday, February 25, after an illness of several months. He was born in England fifty-seven years ago, and if we are rightly informed was one of the early settlers of the Carlyle territory. His body was shipped today to Bloomington, Ill, for interment. At time of going to press we were unable to learn any of the particulars, but we have heard Mr. Drust very highly spoken of as a man and citizen. His family are extended the sympathy of the community.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, March 7th, 1917

This paper was in error last week when it stated that Ferdinand Bublitz had died from scarlet fever. It should have read Frank Bublitz.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, March 7th, 1917

John Howell, Dead
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The many friends and acquaintances of John Howell, while not surprised, were pained at the news of his death, which took place at the hospital in Dickinson, Monday, March 5.
Mr. Howell was born in New York, January 19, 1853, and was therefore 64 years of age at time of death. He moved with his parents to Illinois when a baby, and in this state he was left an orphan when only a child, going to live with an aunt where he grew to manhood.
Eight years ago he came to Montana and took up a homestead west of the Beaver, near Edgehill, on which he made final proof and three years ago sold out on account of failing health. During his stay in the west he made his home much of the time with either W. A. Sprague or August Kastien. Three years ago he made a profession of religion and has quietly lived a Christian life since that time. He went to the hospital about Christmas time, but his weakened condition made death inevitable. The funeral services were held at Dickinson, J. G. Duling, pastor of the Congregational church of that city officiating. Interment was made in the Dickinson cemetery. He leaves a brother in Illinois and a son and daughter in St. Louis, but none of them were able to be present at the funeral.
A. E. Kastien and Mrs. A. W. Kastien and daughter of Beach were the only immediate friends who escorted the remains to their last resting place.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, March 7th, 1917

Married at Wibaux Monday
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On Monday a party from Golva wended their way to Wibaux, where the words were officially spoken which united the lives of Miss Sabra Wells, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wells, and Dallas Blue, son of W. L. Blue, both of Golva. The happy couple were accompanied by Ruth Blue, a sister of the groom, and Chester Meredith, who acted as bridesmaid and bridegroom.
The contacting parties are well known and very popular among the young people of the valley, all of whom unite in wishing them a live of prosperity and happiness.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, March 14th, 1917

Mr. Ben Wentland and Miss Bessie Runions were married at the home of the bride's parents near Sentinel Butte on Wednesday evening. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Stanford B. Binkley, pastor of the Congregational church of Beach. The bride was dressed in a beautiful gown of white crepe de chene and wore a bridal veil fastened with orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of roses and sweet peas.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, March 14th, 1917

A fine baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mills last Monday. We have not yet seen Bill passing around the cigars, but under the high pressure of pleasure the arrival of the young lady seemed to produce, he seemed irresponsible, so we will excuse him this time.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, April 4th, 1917

Harry W. Kastien Laid at Rest
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Paralysis of Intestines Following Operation Immediate Cause of Death
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It is with a feeling of sincere sorrow that we are called upon this week to chronicle the death of Harry Kastien, which took place at the Dickinson hospital last Thursday evening at 11:35. On the previous Saturday, Harry underwent an operation for the removal of a kidney stone and appeared to be doing nicely until Thursday, when it was deemed necessary that another operation be performed, which disclosed the fact that his bowels were paralyzed and the patient had no chance for life. His mother, father and brother Robert were at his side when the end came until the end, which came at 11:35, and Harry passed to the great beyond with a smile upon his face. His remains were brought to Beach on Friday afternoon, accompanied by the grief stricken parents, and were met at the depot by a large number of our citizens, who took this opportunity of manifesting their respect for the deceased and sympathy for the bereaved parents.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the home and was largely attended. Rev. Keniston of Bismarck, former pastor here and an especial friend of the family, preached the funeral sermon and left a most forceful, convincing and helpful message. Friends of the family and the deceased contributed a wilderness of flowers as a small token of their respect and esteem.
Harry Kastien was the son of Mayor and Mrs. A. E. Kastien, and was born in Bunker Hill, Ill., a little over twenty-one years ago. He came to Beach in July 1908, and this city has been home since that time. His warm hearted, kindly and generous nature made him many friends and it is with extreme sorrow that they learned of his demise just as the door of young manhood and usefulness in the world was being opened. For some months past he had been reading law in the offices of Keohane & Jones of this city and was preparing himself for that profession. Only a short time before his death, he passed a rigid physical examination for membership in the Woodmen of The World, became a member of that order and the local camp escorted his remains to their final resting place, consigning it to the grave with the Woodmen ceremony and saluting it with the grand honors as a final parting.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, April 11th, 1917

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown north of town last Wednesday.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, April 11th, 1917

Mrs. J. W. Brinton Passed Away
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Death Came at the Home of Her Parents in Los Angeles, California
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The citizens of this community were filled with sorrow and surprise last Friday when a telegram was received by E. Lloyd of this city, announcing the death of Mrs. J. W. Brinton, at Los Angeles, Cal., the result of blood poison following child birth. About three weeks ago Mr. Brinton was advised of the serious illness of his wife and immediately left for California, and was at her bedside when death came. Last fall Mrs. Brinton and Mrs. E. Lloyd went to Los Angeles to spend the winter with their parents, and was also with her sister during her sickness and demise. The deceased was also a sister of Mrs. F. E. Near of this city.
Mrs. Brinton came to the Golden Valley in 1906 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peak, and in 1911, we believe, was married to J. W. Brinton. Two children resulted from this union, a boy some four years of age and a girl of one month. These with her husband, parents and two sisters of the immediate family left to mourn her departure.
Mrs. Brinton was an employee of this office for several months after its institution and we learned to know her as a girl of sterling character and strong attachments. Her amiable disposition made warm friends of those with whom she formed attachments and her demise will be a source of deep regret to her many friends and acquaintances in the Golden Valley.
At time of death she was about 26 years of age and it seems doubly sad to have so young a life cut short at the time when it would seem that it held so much of promise for the future.
The funeral service was held Saturday afternoon and she was laid at rest in the cemetery at Los Angeles.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, April 18th, 1917

Elizabeth Harp, seven year old daughter of E. Harp of south of Wibaux, died at the local hospital last Thursday morning of heart trouble and dropsy. The indirect cause of her death was measles, contracted some months ago, which affected her heart and her general health. The body was shipped to Knapp, Wis., and was accompanied by the grief stricken father.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, April 18th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Power are the happy parents of a fine baby boy which arrived Tuesday morning. Had its arrival been just one day later his birthday would have been the same day of the year as his brother.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, April 18th, 1917

A fine baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Moyer on Friday of last week.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, April 18th, 1917

The Grim Reaper at Work
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Will Schermerhorn Dies Very Suddenly at His Farm Home Near Rocky Butte
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Monday morning word was received here that William Schermerhorn had gone to his eternal home. This came as a great surprise to his many friends for only a few days ago he was in our city and on Saturday last walked to Golva from his farm, a distance of about seven miles. On returning home he complained of not feeling well and went immediately to bed, dying Sunday evening.
Mr. Schermerhorn had been troubled with appendicitis for a number of years but he has put off the operation and it is thought this was the cause of his death. He was born in Eureka, Wis., on March 24, 1862, and was therefore just a little over fifty-five years of age at the time of death. He was married at Rochester, Minn., to Miss Anna Tubbs, in 1887. To this union three children were born, two boys, who died in infancy, and one girl, Marvel, who is still at home. Besides his wife and daughter, he leaves an aged father and two brothers to mourn his demise. The funeral services were held at the home Tuesday morning and were conducted by Rev. Burns of Sentinel Butte. The remains were then brought to Beach for shipment to Stewartville, Minn., for burial, and were accompanied by his wife and daughter. Mr. Schermerhorn came to the Golden Valley some eight years ago, locating in the Rocky Butte district, and has many friends who will mourn his sudden demise.
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Christ Juhnke Dies of Dropsy
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On Tuesday afternoon of this week Christ Juhnke, father of August and Ernest Juhnke, who live southwest of town, died of dropsy and heart trouble. The old gentleman was eight-five years of age and came to this country from West Prussia about thirty five years ago, locating at Morgan in the southwestern portion of Minnesota. His wife preceded him to the great beyond some eighteen years ago and after roving about for some time he came to the Golden Valley and made his home with his son August.
The funeral services will be held Thursday morning at the home, Rev. Trinklein officiating, and the body will be shipped on the noon train to Comfrey, Minn., for interment.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, April 25th, 1917

On Friday evening of last week Miss Lucile Morris entertained about twenty young ladies at her home. Trump whist with hearts trump was played, Miss Cora Paulson winning the prize, a box of candy. Miss Vera Paulson took the booby prize which proved to be a poem announcing the engagement of Miss Morris to Mr. B. M. Hansen of Reno, Nevada. The marriage will take place in California in June. The poem was read to the guests after which refreshments were served, the guests being entertained mean-while by musicians from the Bijou theatre. Later the guests departed after many expressions of congratulations and good wishes.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, April 25th, 1917

A fine baby girl was recently born to Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Dilley.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, April 25th, 1917

E. C. Knoop returned Monday from Neilsville, Wis., where he had gone to attend the funeral of his father. The old gentleman was 72 years of age and had been gradually failing for a number of months.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, April 25th, 1917

Takes Life Rather Than Be A Soldier
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Widow and 11 Children Survive John Semerad, Well-to-Do Dickinson Farmer
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Dickinson, N.D., April 19 - It is reported here that the entry of the United States into the war has caused its first death near Dickinson. John Semerad, a well-to-do farmer living about 10 miles west of here, committed suicide, Tuesday after noon, after expressing his fear that he might be called upon and act as a soldier. Mr. Semerad was about 40 years old, and left eleven children and a widow. He was the owner of a 640 acre farm and a large number of cattle and horses, and was in a good financial condition. The first report had it that Semerad took a bottle of poison and told his children that he had to die and told all goodbye, and deliberately drank the poison where the children saw him do it.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, April 25th, 1917

Will Be Married Today
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At five o'clock this afternoon Rev. Ira Hammer of the Methodist church of this city will perform the ceremony that will unite Miss Leona Stoddard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stoddard, and Irvin Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon, all of the Bonnie View district north of Beach, as husband and wife. Both of these young people are exceptionally popular and have a host of friends throughout this section. Both have been attendants in our Beach school where splendid records were made and we feel sure they are well qualified to make a success of life. We understand they have rented a farm and will go to housekeeping immediately. The best wishes and congratulations of their friends are extended, in which the Advance wishes to be included.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 2nd, 1917

Glendale -
Last Wednesday afternoon occurred the marriage of Mr. Irving Gordon and Miss Leona Stoddard, both well known young people of the neighborhood. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Hammer of Beach, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stoddard. Miss Avah Horseman acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Leslie Stoddard as best man. Only the immediate relatives of the family were present. The bride and groom are prominent among the young people of the neighborhood and possess a large number of friends. We all extend the heartiest of congratulations and wish them the greatest of happiness and prosperity in their wedded life.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 2nd, 1917

Mrs. Siversend, passed away on Monday of this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Neudeck, who lives just north of the track. The funeral was held Wednesday from the Norwegian Lutheran church.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 2nd, 1917

Murder of James Caldwell and Wife
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Caught in Act of Assaulting Domestic, Hired Man Kills Employer
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James Caldwell, wealthy land owner of Stark county, living in the vicinity of Taylor, N.D., made famous by his defense in the suit started by "J. C. R.", known as the man of mystery, together with his wife, were murdered in cold blood by their hired man, Mike Chamak, Monday, at the Caldwell farm. The man later turned the gun upon himself and is now an inmate of a hospital at Dickinson. The remains of the Caldwell's were also moved to a morgue in that city.
The substance of the story is that Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell discovered Chamack in the act of assaulting their domestic, a girl of about 14 years of age, who shot them both with a rifle, covering their bodies with straw in the barn. He then turned out the cattle and horses and later in the day asked the girl to kill him, but upon being refused placed a revolver against his breast and fired.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 9th, 1917

The lady friends of Mrs. E. E. Mikkleson assisted her in the observance of her sixtieth birthday on Tuesday of last week, and before leaving for their respective homes, presented the hostess with many beautiful gifts as mementoes of the occasion and the respect and esteem in which she is held by her friends.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 9th, 1917

A fine, big boy arrived a the home of Assessor and Mrs. Theodore Schweitzer last Saturday evening and at this writing all are getting along nicely.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 16th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald are the proud parents of a baby girl.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 16th, 1917

Married at Glendive
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The many friends of Miss Ruth A. Newell in this city were quite surprised the first of the week to hear the report that on Saturday, May 12, a marriage took place at Glendive, in which Miss Ruth A. Newell and Carl A. Huffy were the contracting parties.
The ceremony was performed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Lonbaken of Glendive, in the presence of relatives and a few friends, Rev. Whitely, pastor of the Grace M. E. church, officiating.
During the evening a delicious wedding supper was served, the dining room being made beautiful by a profusion of pink and white carnations, geraniums and ferns. The bride came with her parents to Beach in 1912 and in 1913 took up a homestead near Paxton, Mont. The winters she has spent with her people in Beach, and while here was especially active in the work of the local M. E. church, where she has made a large number of close friends.
While we know little about the groom he is reported to be one of the progressive, enterprising young men of the Paxton district, where he also owns a farm. The many friends of the bride in this city extend to the happy couple best wishes for a life of joy and prosperity, and in which the Advance wishes to join.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 16th, 1917

Grim Reaper At Work
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Three Deaths Reported During The Past Week, One a Stranger
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During the past week the grim reaper has been busy in this section and has taken three travelers to their last home.
On Friday, May 11, John P. Dooner, whose home is one mile southeast of Golva died of complications, having been a sufferer for some months. Mr. Dooner was born in Canada, of Irish parents, and came to this section of North Dakota during the early settlement of the valley. He is 65 years of age.
The funeral services were held at the Catholic church in Burkey on Monday of this week, interment being made in the cemetery at that place. He leaves a wife and eight children, all of whom are living, to mourn his departure, and to whom the sympathy of the community is extended.
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On Saturday, May 12, the death of a Mr. Wright who lives twenty-seven miles from Beach, was reported, but we have been unable to learn anything in regard to him up to the time of going to press.
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Monday morning, May 14, at the Callendar Hotel in this city, Henry Lundin died of pneumonia. The deceased was thirty-four years of age and is survived by a wife. The deceased was formerly in business at Dunn Center, N.D., but sold out last fall on account of poor health and was on his way back east from Montana, where he had been looking up a location, when taken sick and stopped here. His wife was immediately notified of his condition and came immediately to Beach remaining until the end. This body was prepared for burial and sent to Rockford, Ill., for interment, accompanied by his wife.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 23rd, 1917

A very pleasant social event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Museus last Saturday afternoon, at which time an announcement party was given in honor of Miss Hazel Ziesenis, who announced her engagement to Edward Reeve. Both of these young people are well and favorably known in Beach and the surrounding country and will be the recipients of many warm congratulations.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 23rd, 1917

Albert Hoverson, Dean
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A message from Bismarck contained the sad news shortly after ten o'clock, that Albert Hoverson had just passed away at the hospital in that city. He left Beach a week ago today for the purpose of having his tonsils removed and a slight operation on his nose, which was injured in playing basket ball. While these were minor operations and while still in the hospital, the lower part of his body became paralyzed and for two days he has been unable to talk. His sister, Lila, went to Bismarck, Tuesday, and was today followed by their uncle, Ed. Hoverson. Particulars are not obtainable as we go to press.
Albert Hoverson was an exemplary young man and his genial disposition and sterling qualities have made him a host of friends in this locality. He showed his loyalty to his country by offering his service in the navy, but was rejected on account of a weak heart. He was one of the graduating class of our high school this year and his untimely demise will be most sincerely mourned by all who knew him.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 30th, 1917

- - - - -
Henry Albert Hoverson was born in Pope county, Minn., April 27, 1896. He came to Beach with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hoverson, eight years ago, where he has since lived. He has used every means at his command to fit himself for the responsibilities of life and has won the admiration and respect of all with whom he became acquainted. He died at the Bismarck hospital as stated last week. His body was sent to Beach for the funeral, services being held on Tuesday forenoon from the Lutheran church, and were largely attended. He recently passed his final examinations as a member of the Senior Class of the Beach High School and his classmates were present in a body.
The remains were then taken to Starbuck, Minn., for interment beside the remains of his father and mother, who had preceded him to the great beyond.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 30th, 1917

Glendale -
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Roberts are the proud parents of a baby boy.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 30th, 1917

Golden Wedding At Medora
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Only a few years ago there was scarcely an old person in Billings county, while on Friday evening, the 25th instant, was celebrated the first golden wedding in this county. It was that of Edwin Burr Brewster, and Hannah Herring Brewster, who were married fifty years ago in Centerpoint, Iowa. Mr. Brewster is a civil war veteran, and like thousands of others was married shortly after the war.
The celebration was gotten up by his children and grand children, all of whom are living attended, including Mrs. J. O. Gray, husband and three children; Mrs. Eva Olmsted husband and daughter; Mrs. Rose Armstrong; and son Walter Brewster. Mrs. Brewster is a descendent of the Mayflower, and was born in Illinois, seventy years ago; his wife was born in Ohio seventy years ago. They have been residents of the Dakotas for over forty years. They came to Dickinson in 1883.
While the celebration was planned by the children and grand children, and intended as a family affair, the residents of the town concluded to have a hand in the celebration; it being the first in Medora.
Quietly a purse of gold was collected and handed to the well loved residents. The sack contained a unit of gold for each year of their married life, spent on life's stormy seas.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, May 30th, 1917

A. P. Kukowski and wife and J. D. Kukowski and wife left Sunday for Dodge, Wis., where they will be present at the marriage of their brother on Tuesday of this week.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, June 6th, 1917

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Word was received in this city the latter part of the week that Miss Marion Kucheman and William Hadley had been united in marriage and would be at home at North English, Iowa. The many friends of Miss Kucheman in Beach and vicinity will extend to her congratulations and best wishes. Miss Kucheman is a young lady of many accomplishments and her genial disposition and willingness to assist made her many close friends during her residence in this city.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, June 16th, 1917

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William R. Hawthrone was born in Fredrickson, New Brunswick, July 31, 1847. After an illness of several months he passed away at his residence in Beach, Monday, June 4, at the age of 69 years, 10 months and 3 days.
Mr. Hawthrone came to the United States when a mere boy, locating at Appleton, Wis., where he married and lived until moving to Duluth, Minn., where he remained for twenty five years and was engaged in lumber contracting. Later he moved to Jamestown, N. Dak., where he extensively engaged in farming for six years, coming to Beach in 1910, which place has since been his home. He is survived by his wife. Mr. Hawthorne joined the Masonic society while at Duluth, Minn., and by his request he was buried from the Masonic Temple in this city, the officers of Sunset Lodge No. 88, A. F. & A. M., reading the beautiful and impressive Masonic service. The entire lodge escorted his remains to their last resting place, consigning his body to the windowless place of the dead with ritualistic ceremonies.
During the service at the Temple, Miss Lund sang two beautiful solos, "Rock of Ages" and "Face to Face".
The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved wife who is left to mourn.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, June 13th, 1917

At the J. O. Ramstad home a baby boy was born Sunday morning. Mother and child are reported as doing nicely.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, June 13th, 1917

The marriage of Warren V. Bryson of Bull Run township, to Miss Gertrude A. Wagner of Rainy Butte, took place at the Lewis Rooming House in this city, Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30. Rev. J. E. Fray performed the ceremony in the presence of the parents and a sister of the bride and a brother of the groom. Mr. Bryson has a fine farm in Bull Run township and on this the happy couple will take up the battle of life in double harness. Their many friends extend to them most hearty congratulations.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, June 13th, 1917

The first of the week friends in this city learned of the death of Miss Vivs (sic) Price, which took place Monday June 3, at the hospital in Lewiston where she had been taken for treatment. The funeral was held at Harlowton, Mont., and was largely attended. Miss Price was the daughter of Mrs. W. B. Sutton. She and mother have often visited in Beach, where the young lady made many warm friends.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, June 13th, 1917

Married at Ogden
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Miss Lucile Morris left Saturday for Ogdon, Utah were she will join Mr. Hanson and enter into a life partnership. After the ceremony they will go to Lake Tahoe where the honeymoon will be spent, after which they will go to Reno, Nev., where Mr. Hanson has accepted a position in the schools for the coming year.
Mr. Hanson will be remembered by many of our citizens as instructor in the sloyd (sic) department during the school year of 1915-1916. While here he made many friends who will congratulate him on securing for his wife, a lady of the accomplishments of Miss Morris. The many friends of the bride in this city unite in extending to her sincere congratulations and best wishes for the future, and in which this paper wishes to join.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, June 20th, 1917

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The citizens of Beach will be pleased to know that on Tuesday of this week Mrs. Idell Turnman and W. M. Abernathy, accompanied by Miss Ruby Shear and Hugh Hamilton, went to Glendive on the early morning train, where at 9:30 Mrs. Turnman and W. M. Abernathy were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock at the Congregational parsonage, while Miss Shear and Mr. Hamilton acted as bridesmaid and best man for the groom. Immediately following the ceremony Mr. Hamilton was obliged to take the train as far as Beach by Miss Shear. Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy will take a short western trip for their honeymoon vacation, after which they will be at the home of the groom, north of town.
Mrs. Turnman has occupied the position as teacher in the primary department of the Lincoln school in this city during the past year attaining a splendid success. In her social life she won for herself a host of friends who will be well pleased to know that she has signed a contact that continues her residence among us.
Mr. Abernathy is recognized as one of the prosperous and progressive farmers of the Golden Valley and a man of that type of citizenship which is a credit to any community. Their host of friends united in extending to them best wishes for a life of happiness and prosperity and in which the Advance wishes to be included.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, June 27th, 1917

Hegseth-Johnson Nuptials
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A Very Pretty Church Wedding In Which a Popular Beach Girl Is the Bride
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The United Lutheran church was the scene of a very pretty wedding Wednesday morning, when Rev. A. T. Tjornhom pronounced the words that joined Miss Valborg Hegseth and Clarence Johnson in holy wedlock. The color scheme of decorations was white, pink and green. The altar ring and organ were decorated with lilies and chrysanthemums, against a back ground of creeping cedar. Bouquets of pink and white carnations were on the altar pulpit. The bridal path of white and green was guarded by ribbon streamers, held by Miss Thelma Shear and Miss Mabel Hougen. While an introduction to a vocal solo was being played by Mrs. H. H. Miller, the four ribbon bearers took their places by the altar. These were Misses Marguerite Wallace, Thora Hoverson and Grace Selsvold of Beach and Miss Helen Holmes of Minneapolis. Misses Selsvold and Hoverson wore pink satin dresses, while Misses Wallace and Holmes were gowned in white net. Each carried a bouquet of pink carnations.
Miss Pearl Cranley gave a very pleasing rendition of "Somewhere a Voice is Calling." The organist then played Mendelesohn's Wedding March, to which the bridal party, headed by Miss Alpha Holmes of Minneapolis, marched up the aisle. Miss Holmes wore a pink georgetan crepe dress, with a pink maline band and bow as head dress. She carried a bouquet of pink flowers. Mrs. Wilson of Hebron the bride's sister, as matron of honor, followed and wore a dress of gray mesailine, and a gray maline head band and bow. Her flowers were white. Little Edith Hougen came next with a basket of pink roses which she strewed before the bride. The bride entered last and was joined at the altar by the groom. She wore an elaborate gown of white lace. Her veil, fastened in cap style, was held in place by tiny pink rosebuds. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses. The groom was attended by Dr. Brandis of Hebron. The bride and groom stepped up to the altar and under a pink and white canopy spoke the marriage vows. After the ceremony Miss Cranley rendered the song, "I Love You Truly." The bride's mother, Mrs. A. O. Hegseth, wore a gown of gray silk.
The wedding party were then driven to the Hotel Callendar, where a four course wedding breakfast was served. Here again the color scheme was pink, green an white. The happy couple left on No. 2 for their honeymoon in the east, going to Minneapolis and then to various points in Minnesota.
The bride is a daughter of Mrs. A. O. Hegseth of this place, and is an exceedingly popular and accomplished young lady. She has lived here the greater part of her life and only recently returned from California where she spent the past year. The groom is a veterinary surgeon of Hebron, in which city they will make their home. The Advance wishes to join with the many friends of the bride in this section, is wishing Mr. and Mrs. Johnson a most happy and prosperous life.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, June 27th, 1917

Cabin Creek News -
Word has been received in this neighborhood of the death of Mrs. White, of the White & Wallace ranch. As yet we have not learned the particulars.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, June 27th, 1917

Last Thursday morning at the W. A. Sprague home a little girl was born. Mother and child are doing nicely.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, June 27th, 1917

A surprise party was given at the home of Albert Gustafson Friday night to celebrate his 45th birthday. A number of his North Dakota friends were over and a very enjoyable time was enjoyed. Dancing furnished the entertainment after which a lovely supper was served. His many friends wish him many happy returns of the day.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, July 4th, 1917

Mrs. C. A. Hufiy, formerly Miss Ruth Newell, returned to her home at Packston, Mont., the first of the week, after a short visit here with relatives.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, July 4th, 1917

M. P. Lovgren returned to Beach Friday, from Red Wing, Minn., where he was called to attend the funeral of his father.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, July 4th, 1917

The body of Mrs. Theresa Milne, who died at Warm Springs, Mont., arrived in Beach on No. 2 Thursday. She was 28 years of age. The funeral will be held from the Catholic church in this city of Friday, at 9 o'clock.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, July 4th, 1917

Matter-Jacobs Wedding
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A popular young couple of Golva were married at St. Mary's Catholic church, Tuesday, July 3rd, the contracting parties being Miss Florence Matter and Ralph Jacobs, both of Golva.
The bride's dress was white tuile and satin and she wore a picture hat of the same material. Miss Frances Matter and John Egan officiated as bridesmaid and best maid. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the Duncan McPhee home. Only immediate relatives were present at the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs left on No. 3 for a short trip to Miles City and other western points.
Both the bride and groom are well and favorably known in this section and their host of friends unite in wishing them the joys of life without its disappointments.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, July 4th, 1917

Former Beach Boy Marries Illinois Girl
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Will Morris, Now in Navy, Weds Miss Lydia Boettgers (sic)
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A telegram was received by Mrs. A. E. Kastien, Tuesday, announcing the marriage of William Morris, formerly of the territory southwest to Beach, and son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Morris, to Miss Lydia Roettgers, of Gillespie, Ill. The wedding took place Tuesday, July 3rd, at the bride's home. Mr. Morris is in the naval service and at present is stationed on board the United States battleship North Carolina. He has one more year to serve on his present enlistment and used the eight day furlough granted him to get married. The many friends of Mr. Morris in the vicinity will extend to him congratulations and best wishes for a happy and prosperous life in the new relation. Until Mr. Morris is discharged from the service Mrs. Morris will make her home in Gillespie.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, July 4th, 1917

Popular Couple Caught by Cupid
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Miss Josie Krug and Mr. A. Johnson Married at Wibaux
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A wedding which will be of great interest to the people of the Lame Steer district, took place last Monday at Wibaux, Mont., when Miss Josie Krug and A. Johnson signed a contract of life partnership. The bride has made her home during the past two years at the George Lake farm and by her genial, unselfish disposition has made a friend of all her acquaintances. She is a young lady of many accomplishments and the people of the Lame Steer district will regret that her future home will be on the homestead of her husband, near Smoky Butte, Mont. We are not personally acquainted with Mr. Jordan, but he is reported as being one of the progressive farmers of Smoky Butte, and a young man of good character. The many friends of the young couple will unite in wishing them all the good things of life. The Advance also wishes to extend congratulations.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, July18th, 1917

Double Wedding
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A double wedding took place at the St. Phillips church Tuesday, July 17th. Father Culuvie of that place performing the ceremony. The couple were W. M. Bruski and Miss Anna Quatle, both of St. Philips and Johs (sic) Morgen of Wibaux and Frances Bruske of St. Phillips. The young people are prosperous farmers around St. Phillips and are well known. The Advance wishes to join in wishing them a long and happy married life.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, July 18th, 1917

Death Of Carl B. Hance
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The many friends of Carl B. Hance in this section of the country were pained to learn of his death recently through T. J. Powers of the Power Clothing co., who was notified of that event.
Mr. Hance was 43 years of age and during the past month has been taking treatment at the Hunter's Hot Springs, where he died last week Wednesday. His body was shipped to Owatonna, Minn., Thursday, accompanied by his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hanson. Interment was made at Rochester, Minn.
Mr. Hance has been representative of the Clinton Falls Nursery Company for the past ten years and is personally acquainted with a large number of people in this section. During the rush season in the fall he has assisted the Power Clothing Company in this city, and in whatever position he has been placed he has made warm friends.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, July 25th, 1917

Born to Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Attleweed, a baby boy, Wednesday, July 18th. Both mother and child are doing nicely.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, July 25th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Livermore are the proud parents of a five pound baby girl, born to them on July 23rd.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, July 25th, 1917

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Morris a 10 pound baby girl. Mother and child are doing nicely.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, July 25th, 1917

Father of A. E. Kastien Dies
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Last Monday morning Mayor A. E. Kastien received a telegram telling him of the death of his father, F. W. Kastien, of Dorsey, Ill. The deceased was a man of 75 years of age at the time of his death.
F. W. Kastien was born and raised in Beilefeld, Prussia, Germany. When just a young man he came to America to live. He served in the Civil war throughout its duration and afterward up to the time of his death, lived on a farm near Dorsey, Ill. Deceased leaves to mourn his demise a widow and four sons, William of Peoria, Ill., Henry of Dorsey, A. E. and A. W. Kastien of Beach, and three daughters, Mrs. C. F. Schroeder of Glen Carbon, Ill., Mrs. Hermen Hoetter of St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. William Erleman of Hettick, Ill.
They have the sympathy of the entire community in their hour of bereavement.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 8th, 1917

Honeymoon Delayed By Fortunes of War
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Dickinson Couple Re-United After Three Years - Husband Drafted Into Russian Army
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Dickinson, N.D., Aug. 7 - On a farm near Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Papelu today are enjoying a honey moon three years delayed by the fortunes of war, years filled heart-rendering anxiety for the woman, separated from her husband three days after their marriage, when, although an American citizen, he was drafted into the Russian army.
Papelu arrived in Dickinson yesterday from an Austrian war prison to join his wife. He was freed through efforts of his attorneys here because he was an American citizen.
Papelu went to Russia from Dickinson to wed the woman of his choice. Under protest he was drafted and passed through the early campaigns in Galicia. He was captured by the Germans when the fortress of Przemysl surrendered in 1915, ate roots and grass in a German war prison, while hundreds of his comrades died around him of starvation and exhaustion and finally was sent to an Austrian prison, where he fared better.
He was finally released, paid 3 cents a day for the 17 months he was imprisoned and given safe conduct to Switzerland, coming from there direct to America. He owns a big farm near Dickinson.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 8th, 1917

Mrs. R. D. Williams returned Sunday from Helena, Mont., where she has been visiting. On her way home she stopped at Logan, Mont., to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lang. A baby boy arrived recently at the Lang home. Mr. Lang was formerly an operator at the depot.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 8th, 1917

Prominent People Wedded Sunday
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Miss Alma Attletweed and Oscar Heller, Prominent in Beach Society Wedded Sunday
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A nine o'clock wedding Sunday morning united Alma Attletweed and Oscar Heller in marriage. The wedding which was a surprise to every one, was performed at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Carrie Attletweed, by Rev. A. T. Tjornhom of the United Lutheran church of Beach. Only the relatives of the couple were present. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Attletweed were the attendants. A wedding breakfast was served immediately after the ceremony.
The bride wore a purple suit with accessories to match.
The happy couple left on No. 2 Sunday for points in Minnesota where they will visit two weeks at the home of the groom's parents and an aunt of the bride. The bride is an accomplished and popular young lady who has made Beach her home for several years. She has been deputy county auditor for the past two years. Mr. Heller is employed in the Golden Valley State Bank and is a man of sterling qualities. He recently joined the quartermasters' corps and is expecting to be called to his duties any time.
The young couple have a host of friends who join with the Advance in wishing them a long and happy wedded life.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 8th, 1917

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To all who knew him, the death of little Earl Welsh came as a shock. Always a healthy, frolic-some child, he will be remembered for his happy, lively ways. He passed away in the Glendive hospital at 9:12 Friday evening, July 27th, 1917, where he was operated on that morning for appendicitis. His parents were both at his bedside when the end came.
Earl Mengel Welsh, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Albion E. Welsh, was born April 13, 1909, at the farm home 2 1/2 miles north of Yates, where he lived his short happy life. He leaves to mourn his loss his affectionate parents and one brother, Eugene, besides a host of relative and friends. The parents with the little body were met in Beach by relatives Saturday morning and taken to the home where the last sad rites were held Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Rev. A. R. Bosworth of Beach preached a very comforting sermon on the text, "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." The choir from Brenizer sang some appropriate songs, after which a cortege of automobiles went to the last resting place in the Beach cemetery. The large attendance and the beautiful floral offerings bore witness of the love felt for this little one.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 15th, 1917

Aged Resident Passes Away
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Mrs. Margaret Harth Died at Home of Her Son in Beach, After Short Illness
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Mrs. Margaret Harth, a resident of our city for the past six years, died Sunday morning, August 12, 1917, at the home of her son, Louis.
Margaret Schuster was born in a village near Nurnberg, in the Kingdom of Bavaria, on July 25, 1844. In 1873, at the age of 29, she came to the United States, and on June 29, 1875 she was married to John Harth in St. Anthony's church in Dehner's Settlement, near Earl Park, Indiana. Shortly after their marriage, this sturdy couple moved to a farm near Ambia, Indiana, where for 35 years they pursued their career of honorable industry, they being among the early settlers of that part of Benton county. The development of the middle west may be credited in a large measure, to the efforts of the German pioneers of whom Mrs. Harth was a noble example. They brought with them to their homes in a new country the habits of thrift and industry that made, not only for their own advancement, but carved a wonderfully rich empire out of the wilderness. They brought also respect for law and order, and strong religious convictions, qualities which made them desirable acquisitions in any neighborhood, and a tower of strength in the nation.
Four children were born to Mrs. Harth, all of whom survive: John H. Harth, Mendota, Ill.; Mrs. Karl Schmidt, Caldwell, Kansas; Mrs. A. J. Foos, Golva, N.D., and Louis Hart of this city.
The funeral was held Tuesday morning, August 14, 1917, at St. John's Catholic church in this city. The sermon was delivered by Rev. Otto Wolphers and high mass was celebrated by Rev. St. J. Ciesleweicz of Wibaux, Mont., and she was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery at Beach.
"After life's fitful fever, she sleeps well."

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 15th, 1917

Birthday Party
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Thursday evening a very pleasant surprise party was tendered Paul McNeice at his home four miles southwest of Beach, the occasion being his nineteenth birthday. The evening was spent in playing games, music, etc., and at midnight a delightful lunch was served, after which an enthusiastic game was played and all departed for their respective homes, wishing Paul many happy returns of the day. The fact that Paul is a member of Company M made the occasion more interesting and his many friends sincerely hope to be able to celebrate future birthdays with him on his return with the glories of victory.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 15th, 1917

Ten Hearts That Beat as One
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Dan Cupid Busier Than a Cranberry Merchant in Beach and Vicinity - Five Weddings Celebrated
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Kimball - Kastien
Tuesday afternoon a young couple played truant on their friends, quietly going to Wibaux, where they were married in the Methodist church by Rev. Herlbert. The only people present at the wedding were the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Kastien, and Mrs. Wells.
The bride, Miss Ruth Kastien, was dressed in pink meslin with silver trimmings, with white satin slippers and a white satin picture hat. The groom, Roddy Kimball, was married in a black suit.
The young couple returned to the bride's home, twelve miles south of Beach, where a six o'clock dinner was served to the immediate family, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kastien of Beach. After a pleasant evening Mr. and Mrs. Kimball went to their new home near Ollie.
The bride is well known in Beach and vicinity, having lived here for several years and has many warm friends. Mr. Kimball, who also has lived here for several years, is a prosperous young man having a modern farm.
Of the many friends who are congratulating the young couple the Advance wishes to join.
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White - Timm
Miss Dora E. White and John A. Timm were married at the home of Will Timm on Thursday, August 9, at 11:00 o'clock by Rev. Smeltzer of Carlyle. The ceremony was witnessed only by the relatives of the couple.
Mrs. Timm, who is a popular young lady of unusual ability, has been teaching school near Beach and in Sentinel Butte for a number of years. Mr. Timm is a splendid young man who is well liked by everyone.
The popular young couple has a host of friends who join with the Advance in wishing them a most happy and prosperous life.
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Weber - Burst
Last Thursday, August 9, B. W. Burst was married to Miss Anna Weber at Senseur Center, Minn.
The bride was dressed in a white net gown with a bridal veil. The groom was dressed in the conventional black.
Although Mr. Burst has only been in Beach, where he has charge of the Western Union office for about three months, he has made many friends and we feel sure they will be a popular couple among the younger set.
The Advance wishes to join their many friends in wishing them happiness and prosperity.
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Malquist - Fritzie
Last Thursday, August 9th, Miss Amanda Malquist and Gustave Fritzie were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by the County Judge at Wibaux. Miss Ida Malquist, a sister of the bride, and F. A. Fox were the witnesses.
The bride wore a blue suit, gray hat lined with blue, and gray shoes. The groom wore a dark blue serge suit.
Both the young people are well and favorably known in Beach, the bride having made her home here for the past three years, and the groom operates a threshing rig in this territory.
The many friends of the couple wish to join hands in extending congratulations.
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Mercer - Purvis
About 11 o'clock Tuesday Rev. Herlbert of the Methodish church at Wibaux pronounced the words that made Miss Edith Mercer and Chas. Purvis man and wife. The bride wore a beautiful dress of pale blue cr'me de chine with white slippers and stockings and a white picture hat. She carried a large bouquet of American beauty and pink roses. The young man wore a dark blue suit. Miss Helen Chandler and Ralph Purvis served as witnesses.
The wedding party autoed over to Beach after the ceremony and after having pictures taken went to the home of the groom's parents, six miles south of Beach. Thursday they autoed to their home near Golva, where the young man has a fine farm. Only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present at the nuptials. The Advance extends congratulations to the happy young couple.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 15th, 1917

Suicide Was A Confidence Man
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Scattered Bogus Checks From New Orleans to Canada, Then Kills Himself in Bowman County.
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Phillip Smith, who committed suicide at the home of his brother-in-law, Ed. Hanson, southeast of Bowman on July 10th, was no cheap sport in the way of being a confidence man, and he had reasons for committing suicide other than disappointment over his wife refusing to live with him.
The real fact about Smith is that he was an all round confidence man, forger, etc., and was in such demand that there was a reward of $1000 offered for his capture. When Smith was here last spring he presented a check of $500 at one of our banks. The teller refused to cash it, unless someone he knew was good endorsed it. Ed. Hanson, a brother-in-law of Smith indorsed the check. Smith got the money, and later Mr. Hanson had to made good in the amount of $500.
In July Smith came back, and it is said told Hanson it was all a mistake and reimbursed him for the money he had paid out.
Where did Smith get the money? A letter from the New Orleans branch of the Burns Detective Agency, which has been sent out to all the banks, would seem to answer that question. The letter says:
"We are desirous of locating one, Phillip Smith, who succeeding in defrauding a member bank in this section on June 6, 1917 , by the use of bogus checks to the extend of $1750, which were honored and for which he was given ten $100 Travelers Checks, and $750 in cash. He entered a $50000 check for collection and immediately following this, he came to New Orleans, cashed all ten of the Travelers Checks and left for parts unknown."
The agency had learned of Smiths suicide, and wrote to inquire if the report was correct. They were informed that Smith was dead and buried.
The J. H. Kvalness, coroner and undertaker, had a letter from E. J. Fisk, of Edgemont, S.D., a Methodist minister, making inquiry about Smith. He states that he very foolishly endorsed a $60 check for Smith, and that he had to pay it. He does not expect to be reimbursed.
Doubtless numerous other jobs will turn up in which Smith was implicated, as he was apparently a very smooth proposition. - Bowman County Pioneer

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 22nd, 1917

Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Odenbaugh, August 16, an 8 pound girl.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 22nd, 1917

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lanberg, a baby boy, August 16.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 22nd, 1917

A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swesey last Sunday.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 22nd, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Douglas are the proud parents of a big baby boy born August 14.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 22nd, 1917

A Pair of Weddings
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Bartholomew - Jordan
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Miss Edith Bartholomew and Carl Jordan were married at the Methodist parsonage Tuesday by Rev. Hulburt. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker, who is a sister of the groom, were the chief witnesses, and the only people present at the wedding were Miss Nora Jordan, a sister of the groom and Mrs. Bartholomew, mother of the bride. The bride was beautifully gowned in white crepe de chine and had the white slippers and stockings to match. The groom wore a dark blue suit.
The bride has been here for the past four years and during that time has made many warm friends. The groom is favorably known around Beach, having lived in this vicinity for several years.
They will make their home on the groom's farm, four miles southeast of Beach. The Advance wishes to join their many friends in wishing them joy and happiness. Thurston - Horseman
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Charles Horseman has received a card from his son Gifford, announcing his marriage to Miss Matilda Thurston, last Saturday at Dunn Center, N.D., at 10:30 a.m. The young couple stole a march on their friends and so far we have been unable to learn any particulars.
Miss Thurston was a popular young lady at Dunn Center and having a good position in the post office at that place. Mr. Horseman is very well known to Beach people, having lived here for several years. He attended high school here for a time and later accepted a position with George Chrysler as plumber, by whom he is still employed. This fall he will move to his half section of land, 40 miles north of Beach, where he will make his home during the winter.
The happy young couple left for La Crosse, Wis., to visit some of the groom's relatives, and will extend their honeymoon trip to other eastern points. Beach people extend hearty good wishes to them.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 22nd, 1917

Death Claims Two
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Mr. Ebe Brown
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Ebe Brown, who has been a resident of Beach since 1883, died last Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in the Dickinson hospital, where he had been for the past six weeks. Ebe Brown was born in a little town in the southern part of Michigan where he grew to manhood and married. In 1903 he moved to Billings county and homesteaded land near Beach. He was one of the pioneers of this country and bore his share of the hardships incident to frontier life.
After proving up on his land and getting it in good running shape, he bought a bakery and restaurant in Beach which he conducted for two years, then selling the business to his son and moved back to the farm. It is here he was taken sick and for the past six months has made several trips to the Dickinson hospital. For six weeks before his death he was under the Sister's care altogether. Altho he suffered greatly he died peacefully.
There were eight children born to Mr. and Mrs. Brown, six of whom are living. Ben, Tony and John Brown, Mrs. Susie Goldsberry, Mrs. D. McCullum and Mrs. Arness all residing in this vicinity. The funeral was held in the Congregational church Monday. The sermon delivered by Rev. Bosworth. The remains were laid to rest in the Congregational cemetery.
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Mr. Peter Lewis
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Mr. Peter Lewis died in Burkey Friday, August 18th, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Wilhelm.
Mr. Lewis was born July 4th, 1836, in the town of Sugar Hill, Schuyler Co, N.Y., in 1859. To this union was born two children, Frank Lewis of Tabor, Alberta, Canada and Mrs. Wm. Wilhelm of Burkey, N.D.
Mrs. and Mrs. Lewis removed to River Falls, Wis., in 1862 where they resided until 1910, when, in company with his son, he removed to Tabor, Alberta, Can., where he resided until 1914, when in company with his wife, they came to North Dakota to visit their daughter. On account of Mr. Lewis' ill health they were unable to return home. Mr. Lewis has been in poor health since the death of his wife and grew weaker until he passed away last Friday.
Mr. Lewis was not a member of any church, but his wife was a life long member of the Congregational church. He always gave freely for all church work and was never happier than when entertaining a party of young people doing something for the poor.
The funeral was conducted by Rev. Bosworth, and he was laid to rest in the Congregational cemetery at Beach.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 29th, 1917

To whomsoever it may concern: Take notice that Elizabeth Sonsalla, by wife, having left my bed and board, that I will not be responsible for any debts that she may create in the future. Signed: Tom Sonsalla

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 29th, 1917

Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Green of Golva, a baby girl Monday, Aug. 27. Mother and child doing nicely.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 29th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Wallace are the proud parents of a baby girl born to them Friday, August 23.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 29th, 1917

Free Jap Bride in Dickinson
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Dickinson, N.D., Aug. 30. -
Dickinson is in a furor over a brand new Japanese bride who has just arrived from Nippon with her husband, Sosku Abe, local restaurant man. This is Abe's second matrimonial venture.
His first wife was an American girl whom he wed in Billings. Although an artist of unusual ability, she contracted habits which led to her celestial husband divorcing her several months ago, when he divided his property with her. Among other things there fell to her the Star Restaurant here, which, by a queer quirk of fate, was closed by the sheriff the same night Abe returned with his new bride, and as he left the train here he was confronted with the spectacle of his former wife's being carried from the building by Captain Rhoda of the Salvation army, who hopes to win her back to useful womanhood.
The new Mrs. Abe was Kikiiyo Sakurai. She was bought and paid for before she ever set eyes upon her husband-to-be, who met her at the docks in Seattle when her boat landed. All negotiations had been carried out with her parents, through the Japanese consul at Chicago.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 29th, 1917

Three Score Years Young
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The 60th Birthday of Oscar Lingk Celebrated Last Sunday in Royal Style
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The farm home of Oscar Lingk, eight miles north of Beach, was on Sunday, Aug. 26, the scene of a very happy gathering. On that date he reached the sixtieth milestone on life's journey, and to fittingly commerate the event, some 30 friends gathered to congratulate Mr. Lingk on having reached three score years. At noon a bountiful and delicious dinner was served, and the afternoon was made merry with games and music, until 6, when supper was announced, the guests departing to their several homes about seven o'clock. Each guest was given a royal welcome, and made a participant in the genuine German hospitality. The troubles of life were forgotten for the day, and all report a perfectly joyous time. All guests wished Mr. Lingk many more happy returns of the day, in which the Advance most heartily joins, with the added hope that he may, hale and hearty touch par. Prosit!!
Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Doering, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Withmore, Mrs. Davidson and son Frank, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pierzina, Mayme Pierzina, Lily Dabidson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Euehert, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brettin, Walter Kahn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Rourk, Mr. and Mrs. C. Waldah.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, August 29th, 1917

No Enoch Arden Stuff For Chris
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Chris Satre is not disposed to play the role of Enoch Arden, but when he returned to his wife in this city, whom he had left many years ago, and found that she had married another, he went before the state's attorney and swore out a warrant for the arrest of her and her husband No. 2, who have resided in Fargo for the past three years as Mr. and Mrs. Robert McPhee.
"Mr. and Mrs." Robert McPhee were arrested yesterday afternoon by Chief of Police Louis Dahlgren and Sergeant Morton Sydness at 408 Ninth street north. They are charged with adultery. Both were turned over to the sheriff and spent the night in the county jail. They will be given a preliminary hearing Monday morning. McPhee stated to the police last night that he married Mrs. Satre in good faith, having been informed that she was a widow. When placed under arrest yesterday afternoon he turned to his "wife" and said:
"Why I thought you said your former husband was dead!" He appeared overcome with surprise at the developments.
Satre appeared in Fargo early last week to locate his wife from whom he had been separated for the past six years. He had heard that she was married and when he found out where she lived with the new husband he filed a complaint with the state's attorney yesterday morning.
Mrs. Satre and PcPhee were married in Fargo three years ago. Last night the woman stated she thought her husband had been sent to prison for life and would never come back and that it would not be necessary for her to secure a divorce.
McPhee is a common laborer. Mrs. Satre has one child, a boy eight years old. Mrs. Satre was raised near Kindred, where her parents still live. She is about 35 years old. McPhee is about 42. - Fargo Courier-News

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, September 5th, 1917

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A telegram was received last Tuesday by Levi Hougen, of Co. M, from Bismarck informing him of the death of his mother, Mrs. Carrie Hougen, who has been, for some time past, a patient in the hospital at that place.
The remains arrived in Beach Wednesday, and the funeral was held Thursday from the Norwegian Lutheran church, Rev. Tjornhom, officiating. Interment was made in the local cemetery.
The deceased leaves to mourn her loss, three sons and one daughter, Levi and Oliver Hougen of this city, Nels Hougen of Ingomar, Mont., and Mrs. Albert Leeof, on Mont., all of which were present at the obsequies. The sympathy of the community is extended the children in their hour of bereavements.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, September 5th, 1917

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrant, a baby boy, Monday, Sept. 2. Mother and child doing nicely.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, September 12th, 1917

Card of Thanks
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We wish to express our most sincere thanks to all those who so kindly assisted us during the recent illness and death of our beloved mother, Mrs. Carrie Haugen.
Nels Haugen,
Oliver Haugen,
Levi Haugen,
Mrs. Albert Lee,
Mrs. F. C. Shaner

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, September 12th, 1917

Card Of Thanks
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We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the kind friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in our recent bereavement, the death of our dear sister and daughter, Miss Hazel Stout.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Stout and family.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, September 12th, 1917

Mrs. J. M. Cramer returned Tuesday from Beloit, Wis., where she went to attend the funeral of a brother-in-law.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, September 12th, 1917

Mrs. B. W. Richards and children left for St. Paul, Sunday, to attend the marriage of her sister. They expect to be gone about a week.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, September 12th, 1917

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. George Noble died Wednesday afternoon. The bereaved family are extended sympathy.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, September 12th, 1917

Dickinson -
A. Lapanski, an aged man residing in South Dickinson, committed suicide this morning by hanging himself in the basement of his son-in-law's new home, near the Heart river. The body was found hanging from a rafter by a member of the family. The deceased was between 60 and 65 years old and no reason is known for his self destruction.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, September 12th, 1917

Miss Hazel Stout Answers Last Call
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The sad death of Miss Hazel Stout occurred last Saturday morning at her home twenty-three miles southeast of Beach. Miss Stout was born in Dell Rapids, Minn., on May 14th, 1889, and was therefore a little past twenty-eight years of age at the time of death. When about thirteen years of age she suffered a severe attack of scarlet fever, since which time she has never fully regained her health. She came to this state ten years ago with her people. About a month ago she returned from Rochester, Minn., where she had went for an operation, and pneumonia resulted from the taking of a severe cold. Everything possible was done to preserve her life, but her weakened condition made it impossible to rally under the ravages of the disease.
The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Orchard of Dickinson, and interment was made in the Beach cemetery.
She leaves a father, mother, two sisters and four brothers to mourn her departure, to whom is extended the sympathy of the community.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, September 12th, 1917

Beach Couple Married In Billings
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A marriage took place at Billings, Montana, on Wednesday of this week in which two popular Beach people were the contracting parties, Miss Alma Krueger and Charles Darrington. During the ceremony they were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Heath, also formerly of this city.
Miss Krueger is a young lady of ability and for something like three years filled the position of chief in the Golden Valley Telephone company in a very satisfactory manner and more recently was bookkeeper for the Easter Montana Light and Power Co. Her cheerful disposition and genial manner made her many warm friends while here.
Mr. Darrington is also well and favorably known in Beach and vicinity, having lived here for some nine years, during which time he occupied positions which made him acquainted with people over the entire county. He was assistant chief of the local fire department and took a great deal of interest in many of the enterprises for betterment of civic conditions.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Darrington are extended the hearty congratulations of their many friends in this section of the country, in which the Advance wishes to be included.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, September 26th, 1917

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Schulte, Saturday, a baby boy.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, September 26th, 1917

Belfield -
The body of Andrew Jewell, aged 49 was found swinging from a rafter in a school house barn about 14 miles south of here. The deceased had been overseer of a crew engaged in road building during the summer. The morning he suicided he left for work as usual, and at 9 o'clock he was found he had tied a halter rope to the rafter, and when found his knees were bent and his feet touching the floor. He had deliberately rested his weight on the rope until strangulation occurred. Jewell was a native of Wisconsin, where a widow and a 17-year old son survive.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, October 3rd, 1917

A nine and a half pound son was born on Thursday, Sept. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibson, residing 7 miles north of Beach.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, October 10th, 1917

A number of the friends of Gerhart Schumacher of Five Points, gathered at his home Saturday eve in honor of his birthday. The affair was in the nature of a surprise and all had a very good time.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, October 10th, 1917

While on his way with Company M, to Charlotte, S.C., James Power received the sad news of the death of his father, Thomas Power, Sr., at Wadena, Minn. Death was due to a stroke of apoplexy (sic).

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, October 10th, 1917

On Tuesday morning of this week the body of Mrs. Curt Hooker, formerly Miss Florence Tegeman, was found in her rooms at the Davis Estate residence in this city. She committed suicide sometime during the night. Her husband was notified immediately and came to the city to the undertaking parlors of Clark & Burgess where the body was cared for. Private burial services were held Wednesday afternoon and interment took place at the Wibaux cemetery. - Wibaux Gazette.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, October 17th, 1917

Fifty-Sixth Birthday Fittingly Celebrated
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Mine Host Cooper of the Callendar Hotel Gives Royal Treat to Friends in Birthday Celebration
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On October 10, 1861, somewhere in the United States, R. N. Cooper was born, and on October 10, 1917, at Beach, North Dakota, the 56th anniversary of the event was celebrated at the Callendar Hotel. The party was given in honor of Mrs. M. E. Mosher of La Crosse, Wis., and Mrs. M. E. Vincent, both cousins of Mr. Cooper. The menu, prepared by the new Callendar chef, was elaborate and was enjoyed to the utmost by those who had been bidden to the feast. Thirty-four covers were laid. Before and after the banquet music and social chat made the evening merry, the Misses Steiner and I. H. Claggett rendering music that was both tuneful and full of pep. The only time Col. Cooper was known to "back up" was when, at 11:00 o'clock, a five-deck cake, crowned with 56 burning candles, was brought in to the tune of "Me and My Gal," and placed before him.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Lovgren, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. A___, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Waldron, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McCarthy of Wibaux, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mathison, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sherman, the Misses Steiner, Messrs I. H. Claggett, John Burke, and an even dozen traveling men.
The party was broken up at 12:30, and the guests of the evening unanimously agreed that Mr. Cooper was an ideal host.
Mr. Cooper bears his years as lightly as many men 30 years his junior, and here is hoping that three score and ten will find him still as buoyant and young as he now is.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, October 31st, 1917

On Sunday, October 29, Benj. F. Brown, living 12 miles north of Beach, entertained a few friends in celebration of his 36th birthday. The day was enlivened by games and music, with a typical North Dakota dinner as the chief attraction of the occasion. The center of the table was graced by a large birthday cake bearing 36 illuminated candles . Those present were Herman, Bert and Art Brown and families, and Frank Holmberg and family. The best of good wishes were showered upon the host on his passing the 36th milestone of life's journey.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, November 7th, 1917

Mrs. E. N. Tuller returned Wednesday from South Dakota where she was called by the sudden death of her mother.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, November 7th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hougstad are the proud parents of a baby girl born Thursday.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, November 14th, 1917

Miss Kolars Becomes Bride
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Word has been received in this city of the marriage of Miss Alice Kolars and J. L. McIllraith, at the home of the bride's parents in East Grand Fords, Minn. The bride is well known in Beach, having been a member of the High School faculty for two years. She is a graduate of the N.D. University. He has visited in Beach several times.
At home cards read Dec. 1st, Mott, N.D. The many friends of the young couple will join with The Advance in wishing them a very happy and prosperous future.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, November 14th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Beito former Beach residents, now of Opheim, Mont. are the proud parents of a baby girl.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, November 21st, 1917

Man Meets Tragic Death
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Albert Plangey, Of Near Alpha, Killed While Riding Fractious Horse
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Albert Plangey, a young ranch hand, who for the past year has been employed by Harry Funk, who resides in the Alpha country, was killed on Sunday, the 18th inst. He was riding a horse which became unmanageable. It appears that the animal reared, falling over backward, the saddle horn crushing in the breast of the young man. The sad accident occurred about 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, and he died the next morning at 6. Young Plangey had no relatives in this locality, his parents, together with three sisters and three brothers, being residents of Fort Wayne, Ind. No funeral arrangements have yet been made. The body is being held pending word from his home.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, November 28th, 1917

Brothers And Sisters
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Grandin, N.D., Nov. 27 -
Two brides and two grooms, each of whom is double related to the other, are now endeavoring to figure out their degree of relationship as a result of a double wedding at St. Thomas' church, in which Ambrose McCoy married Miss Mary McNemee, and his brother, Alrred (sic) McCoy, married her sister, Miss Harriet McNamee (sic).

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, December 5th, 1917

John Shierry, funeral director of the Overstad & Hoverson undertaking department, was in Sentinel Butte Monday attending the funeral of Harry McCloskey.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, December 5th, 1917

George Brault Passes Away
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At our (sic) o'clock Wednesday afternoon, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Clarence Noyes, of this city, occurred the death of George Brault. Mr. Brault had been suffering from kidney trouble and death came after a brief illness. The deceased had just returned from Minnesota and was residing at the Noyes home when death came.
Two daughters of the deceased, Mrs. H. O. Doering and Mrs. Clarence Noyes reside in this city. O. D. Brault, a brother, formerly of this city resides at Glendive. Mr. Brault was sixty years of age and was well known in this community. The body was shipped to La Mars, Iowa, on No. 2 today, (Thursday) where interment will be made. The remains were accompanied by H. O. Doering and Mrs. C. M. Noyes.
The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of the entire community.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, December 5th, 1917

During the past week two Golden Valley county homes have been saddened by the hand of death and two little children have been taken away. On Friday of last week, Harry McCloskey, the seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. George McCloskey of Sentinel Butte, passed peacefully away after a short illness. Funeral services were held Monday from the Catholic church at Sentinel Butte, and interment made in the cemetery in that city.
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On Monday of this week, Hilde____, the year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bares, died after a _____ illness due to bronchitis. Funeral services were held today and the body of the infant laid to rest at Burkey.
Both families have the sincere sympathy of the entire community in their hour of bereavement.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, December 12th, 1917

Mr. and Mrs. Alden Mosher arrived here from Dorieh, Wis., to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mosher's mother, Mrs. Chas. Brown.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, December 12th, 1917

Death of Mrs. W. E. Morris
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It is with sincerest regret that we chronicle the death of Mrs. W. E. Morris which occurred in this city last Saturday. The deceased had been suffering for a long time but death came as a shock to her family and many friends.
Mrs. Morris was an old resident of this valley, having come here with her husband and settling on a homestead near Edgehill, Montana, where they have resided since that time. The funeral was held from the Congregational church of this city Monday morning.
The deceased is survived by her husband, W. E. Morris, and three sons, W. E. Morris of the Steamship South Carolina, Frank H. Morris of Miles City (transcribers note: only two sons are listed), and two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Kregness of St. Phillips, and Miss Nellie Morris in the Red Cross service at Des Moines, Iowa. W. E. Morris, who has been in the Naval service for several years was here last week, called by the illness of his mother, and returned to his ship last Friday. The whole community extends the sincerest sympathy to the bereaved relatives.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, December 12th, 1917

Succumbs To Paralysis
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At her home 24 miles northeast of town, Monday, occurred the death of Mrs. Chas. Brown, well known to old residents of the Golden Valley.
Death came after a very brief illness, being taken sick early Monday morning and breathing her last at about one o'clock that afternoon, due to paralysis.
Mrs. Brown was well known and an old resident of this county, coming here in 1901 with her husband, from Traverse City, Michigan. They settled on a homestead near Sentinel Butte where they resided until about three years ago when they moved to Beach where Mr. Brown conducted a livery and feed barn. Last spring they moved to the Alden Moser farm where they have since resided.
The deceased, at the time of her demise, was 51 years of age and is survived by her husband, Charles Brown, and four children: Mrs. Alden Mosher of Dorien, Wis., Mrs. Ben Greene, Mrs. Henry Thoemke, and Frank C. Brown all of this county. Funeral services were held Thursday at Congregational church.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, December 12th, 1917

Killed In Coal Mine
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George Feldman Instantly Killed By Falling Coal While at Work in the Mine
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George Feldman, living 14 miles north of Beach was instantly killed Wednesday while engaged in mining coal. The Feldman boys had been using dynamite in blasting and after the explosion of a charge were engaged in digging out the loosened coal and earth when a large lump of coal, which had become loosened, suddenly fell, striking Mr. Feldman on the head and crushing his skull.
The deceased was a young man 24 years of age. He leaves to mourn his loss four brothers, August, E. F., Henry H., and Ed Feldman, all of whom reside near here. The remains were taken east on Thursday for burial. The Advance wishes to join in extending sympathy to the sorrowing relatives.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, December 12th, 1917

William Brandy was called to Beloit, Wis., by the death of his sister. He left Tuesday.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, December 19th, 1917

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Defiance, Ia., Dec. 12 -
Jacob Peter Muller was born in Norden, Hanover, Germany, September 3, 1841, died at his home in Defiance, December 9, 1917, aged 76 years. His parents were Peter and Jennie Muller. His father was a canal boatman and plied the rivers of Germany. He was one of a family of nine children of whom only one, Mrs. (Henry) Fluss, of Decatur, Ill., is living. Mr. Muller received his education in Germany. He was brought up to farm work and in 1866, Mr. Muller and Bernard Hulsebus came to the United States and located near Peoria, Ill. Here Mr. Muller worked out at farm labor for four years. He was married to Miss Matilda Hulsebus, August 8, 1870, at Secor, Ill. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Muller rented a farm with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hulsebus and they farmed in partnership, living in a two room house together, each family occupying a room to itself. The house was a frame building, unplastered. All the produce of the farm belonging to the two families was divided equally, even to the eggs.
Mr. and Mrs. Muller came to Iowa in the spring of 1889 and settled on the old farm in Greeley township two and a half miles southeast of Defiance. Here they labored on their own farm the next eleven years and by hard work, frugality and good management they built up one of the best farms in this part of the state. Mr. Muller was a good farmer and stock man. After thirty-five years of hard work he was able to retire from active work and came with his wife and children at home to Defiance in the spring of 1900, to spent his declining days in comparative quiet. Mr. and Mrs. Muller were the parents of nine children of whom eight are living: Peter, Jennie, Albert E., and Fannie of Defiance, Ia.; Mrs. Hannah (L. E.) Curl of Beach, N.D.; Carl and Mrs. May (D. C.) Williams, of Sioux Falls, S.D., and Mrs. Eola (S. M.) Kielley, of Le Mars, Ia., one daughter, Ella, having died at Forsyth, Ill., in 1888 in her ninth year.
His last illness lasted nearly a year. He leaves his widow, three sons, five daughters, thirty-one grandchildren and one great grandson, one sister and a host of friends. The funeral services were held from the United Evangelical church in Defiance and were conducted by the Rev. H. J. Holtzapfel, assisted by the Rev. E. B. Scoggan and a quartet composed of Messrs. Robert Wickersham and Ross Penniston and Mesdames Warren Reams and William Wheately. The body was laid to rest in the Defiance cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Curl of Glova, who were present at the last sad rites, returned home Thursday.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, December 19th, 1917

Card Of Thanks
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We wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who so kindly assisted us during the recent illness and death of our beloved son and brother, Glennie, and for the many beautiful floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Prouty and daughter.

The Beach Advance, Beach, Golden Valley Co, North Dakota, December 19th, 1917

John Harth Died Wed.
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At the home of his son, Louis Harth, in this city, Wednesday evening, occurred the death of John Harth, an old and respected resident of this city.
Mr. Harth came to Beach from Ambia, Indiana, in 1910, and for the past few years has been making his home with his son Louis Harth. He was nearly 79 years of age and has been in ill health for the past three months, and has been confined to his bed for some time. His wife preceded him in death about three months ago.
The deceased was one of our successful and substantial citizens and has spent his declining years in retirement. He leaves to mourn his death two sons and two daughters, John Harth, Louis Harth, vice president of the Beach State Bank of this city, and Mrs. Antone Foos of Golva. (transcribers note: only one daughter was listed) Funeral services will be held from the Catholic church in this city at 10:00 o'clock Friday morning.



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