Hettinger County



Note: This rough list of people born in Hettinger County, North Dakota, was compiled from various records at FamilySearch.org. Some were military registrations, some death records, obituaries, etc. In some cases, it was unclear whether the birth took place in Hettinger County ND. The person may have been born in Hettinger, Adams County; or in a state other than ND such as Mott, Iowa. Also, the surname may be a married name rather than a birth maiden name.

Albrecht, Aaron - born 24 March 1906 in New England
Alexander, Harvey Louis - born 1904 in Hettinger ND
Alverson, Anna L Segmiller - born 6 March 1905 in Regent
Auch, Charles Truman - born 4 June 1905 in Hettinger
Banning, Charles Archubold - born 27 September 1907 in Hettinger
Barbee, Clarene Arthur - born 4 May 1909 in Henninger
Barth, Raymond G - born Mott ND; spouse Mae Robinson
Barth, Mike - born 25 June 1893 in Hettinger
Bell, Ogle S - born Hettinger ND; spouse Theresa Sweeney
Bergland, Andrew Gustave - born 10 November 1909 in Hettinger
Berreth, Benjamin Louie - born 26 January 1909 in Bentley
Bertsch, Adam Herbert - born 24 April 1907 in Hettinger County
Besler, Julia L Wolff - born 29 November 1902 in Bentley, ND
Biegenzahn, Edward William - born 14 May 1909 in Hettinger
Boyle, Charles T - born 18 June 1904 in Highland
Brandner, Anton - born 11 July 1906 in Campell
Brown, Alfred Oliver Jr - born 5 September 1909 in Hettinger
Cheslo, Anthony - born 18 November 1905 in Bentry
Copeland, Almeda - born 19 May 1907 in Mott
Cottonwood, Asa - born 26 August 1902 in Cannon Ball
Curry, Neil - born Hettinger; spouse Margaret Odin Watson
Dassinger, John - born 11 September 1905 in Hettinger
Dauenhauer, Mike - born Mott; spouse Cora Ann Waddell
Dauenhauer, Christ - born 14 September 1905 in Hettinger
deWalt, Basil George - born 14 February 1908 in New England
Dohn, Asaph D - born 10 October 1903 in Hettinger
Dohn, Bertha Luithle - born 22 March 1909 in Mott; parents Frederick Luithle and Elizabeth Klein Luithle; spouse Asaph Dohn
Dolajak, Joseph C - born 14 October 1905 in Hettinger
Doll, Clemence Kasper - born 7 July 1909 in Hettinger
Doll, Christ - born 14 September 1909 in Hettinger
Dufak, Arthur - born 8 February 1909 in Highland
Ehrmantraut, Alexander S - born in Mott, father John Ehrmantraut
Ehrmantrout, Antonious Frank - born 28 September 1900 in New England
Eldred, Margaret - born Mott; spouse Randolf Lindsey
Enzi, Herbert - born 27 July 1908 in Odessa; died 17 Sep 1973
Fancher, John - born 22 August 1908 in New England; parents Walter Fancher and Effie Goodenough
Fiedler, Dan - born 14 July 1908 in Hettinger
Freer, Nick - born 1 October 1904 in Hettinger
Friedt, Rockus - born 6 August 1905 in Hettinger
Friesz, August - born 5 March 1908 in Odessa
Fuchs, Arthur W - born 16 March 1909 in Hettinger
Gartner, Carl John - born 22 June 1907 in Hettinger Co
Gartner, Adam John - born August 1908 in New England
Gates, Joseph A - born 1906 in Hettinger; spouse Charlotte Jacobson
Gayton, Arthur Alexander - born 4 January 1906 in Cannon Ball
Gilbert, Ruby - born Hettinger, ND; spouse Joseph M Carriker
Ginther, Mary Helen - born Hettinger ND; spouse Earl A Lundahl
Gion, Michael Jacob - born 11 September 1904 in Hettinger
Golden, Alfred Eldon - born 10 November 1908 in Hettinger
Graeber, Alden H - born 25 March 1908 in Regent
Grubbs, Arthur D - born 1 November 1906 in Mott
Hare, Clarence M Hamre - born 31 March 1900 in Regent
Harrison, Edgar Mahlon - born 18 August 1908 in New England
Haslebacher, Cecilia Ann - born 1905 in Motte
Hauck, Henry H - born 7 November 1905 in Burt
Hayden, Alonzo Robert - born 19 April 1908 in Mott
Heil, Ronald - born about 1911 in Hettinger
Herold, Anthony Paul - born 4 August 1906 in Hettinger
Himself, Charles Stretches - born 8 December 1900 in Cannon Ball
Hirning, Reinhardt - born 20 December 1905 in Hettinger
Hirning, Edward - born 6 May 1908 in Burt
Hirsch, Alex - born 20 December 1905 in Mott
Hoffman, Albert John - born 20 October 1906 in Hettinger
Hoisven, Cecil - born 31 July 1908 in New England
Hovland, Andy Howard - born 3 March 1909 in Hettinger
Huether, Ida - born Havelock, ND; spouse Reinhold Lippert
Jackson, Mr - born about 1911 in Regent
Jacobson, Rueben - born New England, ND; spouse Mary Inez Wilson
Johnson, Arthur Jerome - born 18 December 1909 in Liberty, Hettinger; parents Petra Johnson and Abraham Johnson
Jungers, Margaret - born 1905 in New England ND
Keck, Casper - born 7 April 1907 in Hedinger
Kelsch, Frank Joseph - born 19 July 1904 in Hettinger
Ketchum, Mildred - born Mott; spouse Earl Davis
Klander, Theodore Roosevelt - born 10 April 1902 in Bentley
Klupp, Frank - born 10 January 1907 in Hettinger
Koppinger, Anton Mathew - born 16 August 1908 in New England
Kraft, Jospeh - born 26 July 1905 in Hettinger
Krueger, Diana Aneta Christine Bieber - born 7 October 1909 in Regent; died 5 March 1992 in Elgin
Kunze, Carl Henry - born 20 July 1907 in Hettinger
Lampl, Carl John - born 19 March 1904 in Regent
Larscheid, Arthur Louis - born 1 February 1907 in Mott
Last, Thos Returns - born 24 July 1909 in Cannon Ball Township, Hettinger; parent Lucy Ireland
Leahy, Edward Daniel - born 31 March 1909 in New England
Lechner, Rev Paul H - born Havelock
Lee, Adolph Palmer - born 19 March 1907 in Regent
Lush, Hira H - born about 1900 in Alden Township
Lutz, Joseph - born 24 July 1907 in Mott
MacDonald, Alexander Morrison - born 25 December 1903 in Highland
Marthaller, Anton - born 12 June 1908 in Hettinger
Mathis, Mathew - born 29 June 1904 in Mott
Mathis, Carl - born 18 July 1906 in Hettinger
Matthews, Clark Hollis - born 25 April 1905 in New England
Mehrer, Otto - born 7 June 1905 in Hettinger County
Meininger, Frank John - born 12 February 1906 in Hettinger
Metzger, Arthur - born 11 May 1904 in Mott
Myrvik, Clarence - born 7 February 1905 in Highland
Myrvik, Arthur H - born 15 October 1906 in Highland
Myrvik, Andy O - born 10 November 1907 in Highland
Nerpel, Genevieve Halverson - born 14 August 1907 in Alden, Hettinger; parents Gilbert Halverson and Tilda Arneson Halverson
Nieder, Adam - born 22 September 1907 in Hettinger
Nilles, Clarence George - born 7 June 1907 in Burt
Norby, Jennie Sulvia - born Hettinger ND; spouse Marvin Allen Muggerud
Nordness, Clarence Emil - born 30 March 1909 in Hettinger
Olson, Leo - born 1900 in New England ND; spouse Laura Le Roux
Patrick, Gertrude Anna - born Hettinger County; spouse Carl Woodward
Paulson, Allen Emery - born 15 April 1909 in Hettinger
Peterson, Charles Lund - born 9 October 1909 in Hettinger
Pfaff, Dan - born 24 February 1901 in Hettinger
Pfaff, John J - born 14 May 1905 in Hettinger
Prestrude, Alfred Melvin - born 14 August 1908 in Hettinger
Pryor, Benjamin Franklin - born 7 May 1908 in New England
Reichert, Barbara - born 6 January 1906 in Burt, Hettinger
Reickert, Alvin - born 8 August 1908 in Hettinger
Rew, Cecil Vernon - born 31 December 1909 in New England
Ridgway, Charles Edward - born 2 November 1908 in Hettinger
Rogne, Arthur Selmer - born 29 January 1907 in Hettinger
Rokusek, Albert Oscar - born 24 July 1904 in Hettinger
Roll, Eva Mary - born 17 September 1905 in Bert
Ross, Hemming - born Hattinger; spouse Helen Helegsen
Roster, Anna - born 2 February 1909 in Mott
Roth, Bernard - born 9 January 1909 in Mott
Sand, Daniel Luther - born 24 May 1907 in New England
Schlosser, Frank P - born 25 November 1909 in Hettinger
Schmidt, Adam - born 2 May 1908 in Hettinger
Schmidt, Anthony Joseph - born 17 June 1908 in Hettinger
Schmitt, Alphons - born 28 October 1907 in Hettinger
Schutz, Arthur Johanness - born 13 January 1907 in Burt
Schutz, Frank Peter - born 19 December 1908 in New England
Schutzman, Clementine Kilwein - born 8 September 1909 in Mott; Died 14 September 2001 in Billings, Yellowstone, Montana
Senn, John E - born 4 February 1892 in Hettinger
Senn, Peter - born 7 April 1897 in Hettinger
Senn, Valentine - born 27 September 1897 in Hettinger
Senn, Frank - born 15 March 1903 in Mott
Senn, Leboreus - born 15 September 1905 in Hettinger
Senn, Adam - born 21 February 1907 in Mott
Shelltrack, Charles - born 26 December 1900 in Cannon Ball
Shern, Clarence William - born 18 July 1907 in Havelock
Siller, Casper Kasper - born 18 April 1909 in Hettinger
Sillers, Charles - born 10 September 1907 in Mott
Smith, Stella - born Hettinger; spouse Joseph Ferguson
Solberg, Arnold Christian - born 4 February 1907 in Regent
Spirit, Charlie Wise - born 22 September 1908 in Cannon Ball
Stepan, Frank - born 2 August 1909 in New England
Stern, Christ - born 28 September 1907 in Mott
Sticken, Margaret - born 1909 in Hettinger; spouse Marion Lind
Stone, Amy - born 21 June 1909 in Hettinger
Sutter, Rossetta G - born Mott; spouse Ronald Roy Paranto
Swan, Carl Jacob - born 25 February 1902 in Mott
Switzer, Ana - born 1909 in Regent ND
Tang, Alice M - born 11 March 1909 in New England; parent Louis J Tang; spouse Howard E Conrad
Tanous, Edward M - born 1907 in Hettinger
Thompson, Albert Obe - born 5 December 1901 in Cannon Ball
Thompson, Ardmore Palmer - born 2 August 1909 in Hettinger
Thress, Arthur F - born 9 April 1909 in New England
Tormaschy, Frank - born 13 November 1903 in Hettinger
Treichel, Pauline - born 1906 in Hettinger County ND
Treichel, Albert - born 8 October 1907 in Bentley
Treon, Avery Martin - born 27 July 1909 in Mott
Trzynka, Arthur John - born Regent
Twobear, George - born 29 July 1909 in Cannon Ball Township, Hettinger; parent Esther Twiggs
Urlacher, George - born 24 September 1902 in Wagendorf, Hettinger
Urlacher, Dominic - born 22 March 1909 in Hettinger
Vober, Albert Theadore - born 3 November 1908 in Hettinger
Weiss, Alvin - born 17 April 1906 in Burt
Wert, Adam Matt - born 9 October 1905 in Hettinger
Wilkes, Clarence Herman - born 8 October 1909 in Hettinger
Wilkom, Allen Alexander - born 5 September 1905 in Mott
Wilson, Loren - born Regent; spouse Katherine Osterhause
Wirtz, Rose Mary - born New England ND; spouse J F Conwell
Wolf, Anthony Jacob - born 19 September 1907 in Mott
Wolfe, Rudolph - born 23 November 1906 in Bentley
Wurtz, Mathias - born New England; spouse Elizabeth Miesmer
Zenker, Edmund John - born 27 November 1908 in Hettinger
Zentner, Frank - born 11 April 1904 in Hettinger
Zeren, Arthur Peter - born 8 June 1909 in Strehlow

Contributed 2025 Jan 05 by Norma Hass, compiled from FamilySearch.org, where more records, more information, and many record images are available.


LOGAN, Carleton Luke (born 1953) & Yvonne Helen JAHNER (born 1955) married 4 June 1977, in New England, Hettinger County ND
NOVAK, Billy Don (born 1953) & Karen Gail GABBERT (born 1954) married 6 June 1977, in Mott, Hettinger County ND
SUESS, John Alan (born 1955) & Yvonne Marie GION (born 1955) married 5 August 1977, in Regent, Hettinger County ND

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This page was last updated 01/31/2025